Houghton, J.D.R., T.K. Doyle, J. Davenport and G.C. Hays, 2006
Citation Houghton, J.D.R., T.K. Doyle, J. Davenport and G.C. Hays, 2006. The ocean sunfish Mola mola: insights into distribution, abundance and behaviour in the Irish and Celtic Seas. J. Mar. Biol. Ass. U.K. 86:1237-1243.
DOI http://dx.doi.org/
Paper URL
E-mail j.d.r.houghton@swansea.ac.uk
Address Department of Biological Sciences, Institute of Environmental Sustainability, University ofWales Swansea, Singleton Park, Swansea, UK, SA2 8PP. ODepartment of Zoology, Ecology and Plant Sciences, Lee Maltings, Prospect Row, Cork, Ireland.
Ref. No. 81024
Language English
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