Block, B.A., J.E. Keen, B. Castillo, H. Dewar, E.V. Freund, D.J. Marcinek, R.W. Brill and C. Farwell, 1997
Citation Block, B.A., J.E. Keen, B. Castillo, H. Dewar, E.V. Freund, D.J. Marcinek, R.W. Brill and C. Farwell, 1997. Environmental preferences of yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) at the northern extent of its range. Mar. Biol. 130(1):119-132.
Paper URL
Address Tuna Research and Conservation Center, Stanford University, Hopkins Marine Station, Oceanview Boulevard, Pacific Grove, California 93950, U.S.A.
Ref. No. 42487
Language English
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