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Definition of Term

long-term potential yield
(english) The largest annual sustainable harvest in weight which could be removed from a fish stock year after year, under existing environmental conditions; formerly called Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY). (See also: fishing mortality, Fmax, growth overfishing)
rendement potentiel à long terme
(french) Récolte possible annuelle la plus grande (en poids) qui peut être supportée d'une année à l’autre par un stock de poissons, dans les conditions existantes de l'environnement; autrefois dénommé le Rendement Soutenable Maximal (RSM). (See also: fishing mortality, Fmax, growth overfishing)
captura máxima
(portuguese) A maior captura (em peso) anual e sustentada, que pode ser removida de um stock de peixe, ano após ano, nas condições ambientais existentes. Anteriormente chamada MSY (captura máxima sustentada). (See also: fishing mortality, Fmax, growth overfishing)

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