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Definition of Term

growth overfishing
(english) A range of fishing mortality which is above the rate of Fmax and at which the loss in weight from total mortality exceeds the gain in weight due to growth. (See also: fishing mortality, Fmax, recruitment overfishing)
surexploitation de la croissance
(french) Une gamme des valeurs de mortalité due à la pêche supérieure au taux Fmax et dans laquelle la perte en poids due à la mortalité totale dépasse le gain en poids dû à la croissance. (See also: fishing mortality, Fmax, recruitment overfishing)
deplecção por sobrepesca
(portuguese) Nível de mortalidade acima da taxa de Fmax e no qual as perdas em peso pela mortalidade excede os ganhos pelo crescimento. (See also: fishing mortality, Fmax, recruitment overfishing)

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