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List of uploaded photos online by Sofia Giakoumi

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n = 17        Sort by Species Country Picture Provider Date uploaded Active       Show picture
ID Species Date uploaded Country Locality Provider E-mail Picture
10495 Economidichthys pygmaeus 2010-07-26 Greece Louros R., 29 June 2009, 3.5cm  Sofia Giakoumi sgiakoum@ath.hcmr.gr  E.pygmaeusMale2.jpg
10428 Pelasgus thesproticus 2010-07-22 Greece Louros R., 29 June 2009, 3.8cm (top), 4cm (bottom)  Sofia Giakoumi sgiakoum@ath.hcmr.gr  P.thesproticus_a.jpg
10427 Pelasgus thesproticus 2010-07-22 Greece Louros R., 29 June 2009, 3.8cm (top), 4cm (bottom)  Sofia Giakoumi sgiakoum@ath.hcmr.gr  P.thesproticus.jpg
10426 Economidichthys pygmaeus 2010-07-22 Greece Louros R., 29 June 2009, 3.5cm  Sofia Giakoumi sgiakoum@ath.hcmr.gr  E.pygmaeusMale.jpg
10425 Economidichthys pygmaeus 2010-07-22 Greece Louros R., 29 June 2009, 3cm (top), 2.9cm (bottom)  Sofia Giakoumi sgiakoum@ath.hcmr.gr  E.pygmaeusFemales.jpg
10424 Valencia letourneuxi 2010-07-22 Greece Arachthos R., 5 July 2006, Male fish 5,56cm  Sofia Giakoumi sgiakoum@ath.hcmr.gr  V.let.Male.jpg
10423 Valencia letourneuxi 2010-07-22 Greece Louros R., 29 June 2009, Male fish 4,45cm (top), Female fish 3,4cm (bottom)  Sofia Giakoumi sgiakoum@ath.hcmr.gr  ValenciaMaleFemale.jpg
10395 Barbus balcanicus 2010-07-16 Greece Neapoli, Aliakmon R., Sept.2007, 11cm  Institute of Inland Waters, Hellenic Center for Marine Research sgiakoum@ath.hcmr.gr  B.balcanicus.jpg
10394 Alburnoides bipunctatus 2010-07-16 Greece Neapoli, Aliakmon R., Sept.2007, 11cm  Institute of Inland Waters, Hellenic Center for Marine Research sgiakoum@ath.hcmr.gr  A.bipunctatus.jpg
10392 Pseudorasbora parva 2010-07-16 Greece Neapoli, Aliakmon R., Sept.2007, 12cm  Institute of Inland Waters, Hellenic Center for Marine Research sgiakoum@ath.hcmr.gr  Ps.parva.jpg
10391 Romanogobio elimeius 2010-07-16 Greece Neapoli, Aliakmon R., Sept.2007, 7cm  Institute of Inland Waters, Hellenic Center for Marine Research sgiakoum@ath.hcmr.gr  R.elimeius.jpg
10339 Alburnus thessalicus 2010-07-14 Greece Polyfitou Art.Lake, Aliakmon R., March 2008, 9 cm  Institute of Inland Waters, Hellenic Center for Marine Research sgiakoum@ath.hcmr.gr  A.thessalicus.jpg
10338 Cyprinus carpio 2010-07-14 Greece Polyfitou Art.Lake, March 2008, 39 cm  Institute of Inland Waters, Hellenic Center for Marine Research sgiakoum@ath.hcmr.gr  C.carpio2.jpg
10337 Cyprinus carpio 2010-07-14 Greece Ilarion springs, Aliakmon R., Sept.2007, 36cm  Institute of Inland Waters, Hellenic Center for Marine Research sgiakoum@ath.hcmr.gr  C.carpio.jpg
10335 Silurus glanis 2010-07-14 Greece Karpero, Aliakmon R., Sept.2007, 51 cm  Institute of Inland Waters, Hellenic Center for Marine Research sgiakoum@ath.hcmr.gr  S.glanis.jpg