List of Species Treated in Reference And Used in FishBase
n = 11
Species Name Used in Reference
Allotoca catarinae (de Buen, 1942) Allotoca catarinae (p. 38 )
Aztecula sallaei (Günther, 1868) Notropis sallei (p. )
Cathorops aguadulce (Meek, 1904) Cathorops aguadulce (p. )
Eugerres mexicanus (Steindachner, 1863) Diapterus mexicanus (p. 102 )
Gila conspersa Garman, 1881 Gila conspersa (p. )
Goodea luitpoldii (Steindachner, 1894) Goodea luitpoldi (p. )
Hyporhamphus mexicanus Álvarez, 1959 Hyporhamphus mexicanus (p. )
Ictiobus labiosus (Meek, 1904) Ictiobus labiosus (p. )
Ilyodon furcidens (Jordan & Gilbert, 1882) Ilyodon furcidens (p. )
Ilyodon xantusi (Hubbs & Turner, 1939) Ilyodon xantusi (p. )
Skiffia bilineata (Bean, 1887) Skiffia bilineata (p. )
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cfm script by eagbayani, 20/06/03 ,  php script by elaxamana, 02/03/09 ,  last modified by cmilitante, 25/03/10