Strains Summary for Cyprinus carpio
 Main ref.
 Strain code
 Breeding strategy
 Size of founding stock
 Source of founding stock
 Strain code of source
 No. of broodstock
 Year of arrival
 Years of first breeding
 Availability of strain
 Collectively termed `Big-Belly' because of their high gonado-somatic index. Exported to Israel in 1970 from Hongkong and Taiwan for crossbreeding experiments with European strains. The crossbreds show heterosis under crowded pond conditions with heavy manuring, with occasional gonad malformations.
( e.g. cephalopods )
Entered by Agustin, Liza Q.
cfm script by eagbayani, 05.09.99, php script by celloran, 12.10.07, last modified by cmilitante, 04/07/12