Photo(s) contributed by Alexander Dorn
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n = 26
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Scientific Name Country Locality Date taken Picture
Aphyosemion australe Apaus_m0.jpg
Dario dario Dadar_m0.jpg
Dario dario Dadar_l0.jpg
Dario dario Dadar_f0.jpg
Dario dayingensis Daday_m1.jpg
Dario dayingensis Daday_m0.jpg
Dario dayingensis Daday_f0.jpg
Dario hysginon Dahys_m0.jpg
Dario hysginon Dahys_f0.jpg
Hara jerdoni Hajer_j0.jpg
Hara jerdoni Hajer_l0.jpg
Indostomus crocodilus Incro_m0.jpg
Indostomus crocodilus Incro_u0.jpg
Indostomus paradoxus Inpar_u1.jpg
Lucania goodei Lugoo_m1.jpg
Nothobranchius eggersi Noegg_u3.jpg
Nothobranchius eggersi Noegg_u2.jpg
Nothobranchius foerschi Nofoe_u0.jpg
Nothobranchius furzeri Nofur_u3.jpg
Nothobranchius furzeri Nofur_l1.jpg
Nothobranchius furzeri Nofur_l0.jpg
Nothobranchius furzeri Nofur_e0.jpg
Nothobranchius interruptus Noint_m0.jpg
Parasphaerichthys ocellatus Paoce_u1.jpg
Poecilocharax weitzmani Powei_m0.jpg
Poecilocharax weitzmani Powei_m1.jpg
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cfm script by eagbayani, 10.May.1999 ,  php script by elaxamana, 01.June.2009 ,  last modified by elaxamana, 11:05 AM, 01.June.2009