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Gibbonsia metzi : Occurrence Records Point data |  Species Summary | FishBase |  Close
n = 216   (FB = 166, GBIF = 45, OBIS = 5)      Sort by Country Locality Year Depth Source
Country Year Collector Identifier Catalog No. Depth (m) Locality Source
no year SIO UNCAT.osteological preparation - contact Collection for more information Portal: FB.
Source: SIO
1994 GCRL 13088CALIFORNIA Portal: FB.
Source: GCRL
Can Br Columno year NOT STATEDUcluelet Portal: GBIF.
Source: NOT
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Can Br Columno year NOT STATEDMaquinna Point, Nootka Island Portal: GBIF.
Source: NOT
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Canada1909Messrs C. H. Young & W. Spreadborough NOT STATEDUcluelet Portal: FB.
Source: NOT
Canada1934 NOT STATEDMaquinna Point, Nootka Island Portal: FB.
Source: NOT
Mexicono year CAS 213243Reef just off Punta San Telmo. Portal: GBIF.
Source: CAS
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Mexicono year CAS 209494Reef just south of Cabo Colnett, ca. halfway between mouths of R. San Rafael & R. San Telmo. Portal: GBIF.
Source: CAS
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Mexicono year CAS 209495Reef just north of Rio Santo Tomas. Portal: GBIF.
Source: CAS
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Mexicono year CAS 213242About 1.25 miles north of mouth of R. San Isidro mouth; ca. 0.25 miles north of old abandoned loading pier. Portal: GBIF.
Source: CAS
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Mexicono year CAS 15054San Martin I., Hassler Cove Portal: GBIF.
Source: CAS
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Mexicono year CAS 213257Reef 4.2 miles south of Rosarito Hotel, ca. 0.8 miles north of Pta. Descanso; about midway between Aguajito & Pta. Portal: GBIF.
Source: CAS
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Mexico1945CL Hubbs & party SIO 45- 16C1.5 mi S of Arroyo Descanso Portal: FB.
Source: SIO
Mexico1945CL Hubbs SIO 45- 201.9 mi E of Punta Descanso Portal: FB.
Source: SIO
Mexico1945C Johnson & party SIO 45- 83reef N of Punta Salsipuedes Portal: FB.
Source: SIO
Mexico1945CL Hubbs & party SIO 45- 16D1.5 mi S of Arroyo Descanso Portal: FB.
Source: SIO
Mexico1945CL Hubbs & party SIO 45-201Areef 6.3 mi S of Rio Rosario Portal: FB.
Source: SIO
Mexico1945CL Hubbs & party SIO 45- 16B1.5 mi S of Arroyo Descanso Portal: FB.
Source: SIO
Mexico1945CL Hubbs & party SIO 45-203reef 4.2 mi S of Rio Rosario Portal: FB.
Source: SIO
Mexico1945CL Hubbs & party SIO 45-215Breef N of Rio Santo Tomas Portal: FB.
Source: SIO
Mexico1945CL Hubbs & party SIO 45-219Breef between Rio Santo Tomas & Punta Santo Tomas Portal: FB.
Source: SIO
Mexico1945CL Hubbs & party SIO 45-217APunta Clara, just S of Rio Santo Tomas Portal: FB.
Source: SIO
Mexico1945CL Hubbs & party SIO 45-215Areef 0.25 mi WNW of Rio Santo Tomas Portal: FB.
Source: SIO
Mexico1945CL Hubbs & party SIO 45-215Creef just N of Rio Santo Tomas Portal: FB.
Source: SIO
Mexico1945CL Hubbs & party SIO 45-219Areef between Rio Santo Tomas & Punta Santo Tomas Portal: FB.
Source: SIO
Mexico1946C Johnson & party SIO 46- 57BPunta Cabras: ca 9.5 mi N of Rio San Isidro Portal: FB.
Source: SIO
Mexico1946C Johnson & party SIO 46- 59ca 1.25 mi N of Rio San Isidro Portal: FB.
Source: SIO
Mexico1946GF Weisel & EM Kampa SIO 46- 3reef just S of Cabo Colnett Portal: FB.
Source: SIO
Mexico1946C Johnson & party SIO 46- 58point 1.25 mi S of Rio San Isidro Portal: FB.
Source: SIO
Mexico1946GF Weisel & EM Kampa SIO 46- 4Creef just off Punta San Telmo Portal: FB.
Source: SIO
Mexico1946CL Hubbs & party SIO 46-117E side of South Coronado Island Portal: FB.
Source: SIO
Mexico1946C Johnson & party SIO 46- 57APunta Cabras, ca 9.5 mi N of Rio San Isidro Portal: FB.
Source: SIO
Mexico1946GF Weisel & EM Kampa SIO 46- 4Breef just off Punta San Telmo Portal: FB.
Source: SIO
Mexico1947 23539Rosarito, mouth of Rio Santo Tomas Portal: GBIF.
Source: LACM
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Mexico1947CL Hubbs & party SIO 47-201APunta Clara, 800 yd S of Rio Santo Tomas Portal: FB.
Source: SIO
Mexico1947S Hinton & party SIO 47- 8tidepools on SE side of Middle Coronado Island Portal: FB.
Source: SIO
Mexico1947CL Hubbs & party SIO 47-205Atidepools 1400 m S of Rio Santo Tomas Portal: FB.
Source: SIO
Mexico1947CL Hubbs & party SIO 47-201CPunta Clara, 800 yd S of Rio Santo Tomas Portal: FB.
Source: SIO
Mexico1947CL Hubbs & party SIO 47-205Btidepools 1400 m N of Rio Santo Tomas Portal: FB.
Source: SIO
Mexico1947CL Hubbs & party SIO 47-204tidepools 1400 m S of Rio Santo Tomas Portal: FB.
Source: SIO
Mexico1947CL Hubbs & party SIO 47-201BPunta Clara, 800 yd S of Rio Santo Tomas Portal: FB.
Source: SIO
Mexico1947CL Hubbs & party SIO 47-203S side of Punta Clara, N of Rio Santo Tomas Portal: FB.
Source: SIO
Mexico1948TH Eaton & G Eaton SIO 48-247reef ca 5 mi N of Ensenada Portal: FB.
Source: SIO
Mexico1948CL Hubbs & party SIO 48-308reef N of mouth of Rio San Miguel Portal: FB.
Source: SIO
Mexico1948CL Hubbs & party SIO 48-315Punta Descanso, on so. part of tip Portal: FB.
Source: SIO
Mexico1948CL Hubbs & party SIO 48-309reef ca 0.5 mi N of Morro Point Light Portal: FB.
Source: SIO
Mexico1949LC Hubbs SIO 49-173APunta Clara: S of mouth of Rio Santo Tomas Portal: FB.
Source: SIO
Mexico1949CL Hubbs & party SIO 49-174Aca 400 ft SE of Punta San Isidro Portal: FB.
Source: SIO
Mexico1949CL Hubbs SIO 49-173BPunta Clara: S of mouth of Rio Santo Tomas Portal: FB.
Source: SIO
Mexico1949CL Hubbs & LC Hubbs SIO 49- 70about 0.25 mi N of Punta Camalu Portal: FB.
Source: SIO
Mexico1949CL Hubbs & party SIO 49-174Bjust SE of Punta San Isidro Portal: FB.
Source: SIO
Mexico1950CL Hubbs & party SIO 50-282point N of Punta China, S of Rio Santo Tomas Portal: FB.
Source: SIO
Mexico1950CL Hubbs & party SIO 50-279midway between Punta Calavera & Punta Cabras Portal: FB.
Source: SIO
Mexico1950A Allanson & party SIO 50-278Punta San Telmo Portal: FB.
Source: SIO
Mexico1951 48577-1Eugenia Cape, Bahia Sebastian Vizcaino Puerto Mala Arrimo, North of Village on Main Reef--outer pools Portal: GBIF.
Source: LACM
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Mexico1951C Limbaugh & party SIO 58-481Coronado Islands: Middle Coronado Island Portal: FB.
Source: SIO
Mexico1951A Allanson & party SIO 51-403Punta Baja Portal: FB.
Source: SIO
Mexico1951Walker, Ball & Kailen SIO 64-70525 mi S of Tiajuana (Halfway House) Portal: FB.
Source: SIO
Mexico1951CL Hubbs & party SIO 51- 23S side of Punta Banda (El Papalote) Portal: FB.
Source: SIO
Mexico1951C Limbaugh & D Nolan SIO 62-345kelp on E side of Middle Coronado Island Portal: FB.
Source: SIO
Mexico1951CL Hubbs & party SIO 51- 34S side of Bahia Todos Santos (N of Punta Banda) Portal: FB.
Source: SIO
Mexico1951AA Allanson & party SIO 51-401Punta Baja, reef near middle of W side Portal: FB.
Source: SIO
Mexico1951CL Hubbs & party SIO 51- 21S side of Punta Banda (El Papalote) Portal: FB.
Source: SIO
Mexico1952W Farmer & party SIO 52- 16Punta Santo Tomas Portal: FB.
Source: SIO
Mexico1952A Allanson & Harper SIO 52-229Punta San Antonio Portal: FB.
Source: SIO
Mexico1952W Farmer & party SIO 52- 17Punta Santo Tomas Portal: FB.
Source: SIO
Mexico1952KS Norris & party, SIO SIO 52-218San Martin Island: Hassler Cove Portal: FB.
Source: SIO
Mexico1952C Limbaugh & party SIO 52-168Bahia Playa Maria, inside outer point Portal: FB.
Source: SIO
Mexico1957CL Hubbs & party SIO 57-113APiedras Blancas (= Punta San Isidro) Portal: FB.
Source: SIO
Mexico1959CL Hubbs & party SIO 59-303Punta Banda, WNW of Tres Hermanas Portal: FB.
Source: SIO
Mexico1959CL Hubbs & party SIO 59-305Punta Banda, bay NW of Los Arbolitos Portal: FB.
Source: SIO
Mexico1959CL Hubbs & party SIO 59-307Punta Banda, in Papalote Bay Portal: FB.
Source: SIO
Mexico1963KW Radford & party SIO 63-1055tidepools S of Bahia San Quintin Portal: FB.
Source: SIO
Mexico1963C Hubbs & party SIO 63-154Punta Clara, S of Arroyo Santo Tomas Portal: FB.
Source: SIO
Mexico1963KW Radford & party SIO 63-1056tidepools S of Bahia San Quintin Portal: FB.
Source: SIO
Mexico1963KW Radford & party SIO 63-1054tidepools S of Bahia San Quintin Portal: FB.
Source: SIO
Mexico1963KW Radford & party SIO 63-1052Colina del Sudoeste Portal: FB.
Source: SIO
Mexico1963BJ Zahuranec & party SIO 63-1050W of Bahia San Quintin Portal: FB.
Source: SIO
Mexico1968T Parr & CH Clifford SIO 68-611N of El Rosario, El Consuelo Portal: FB.
Source: SIO
Mexico1971 32054-1Rompiente Pt., intertidal rocky pools. Portal: GBIF.
Source: LACM
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Mexico1975G Hemingway & party SIO 75-675tidepool on S side of Punta Baja Portal: FB.
Source: SIO
Mexico1987C Stepien SIO 90- 82Punta Clara Portal: FB.
Source: SIO
United States1965 12Government Point; SE of Point Conception Portal: GBIF.
Source: SBMNH
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
United States1967 330Toro Canyon; beach Portal: GBIF.
Source: SBMNH
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
United States1967 321Government Point Portal: GBIF.
Source: SBMNH
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
United States1969 768Cambria Portal: GBIF.
Source: SBMNH
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
United States1969 CMNFI 1969-0092.7 Portal: GBIF.
Source: CMN
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
United States1969 CMNFI 1969-0092.7 Portal: GBIF.
Source: CMN
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
United States (cno yearWALKER UBC 530296SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY 2 MI N OF SAN SIMEON Portal: FB.
Source: UBC
United States (cno yearBest, R.; Peden, A. UBC 65033710 MI S OF CAPE FLATTERY SHI SHI BEACH AREA Portal: FB.
Source: UBC
Source: AMNH
United States (c1937ER Noble SIO 89- 80Santa Barbara Portal: FB.
Source: SIO
United States (c1937ER Noble SIO 89-148Santa Barbara Portal: FB.
Source: SIO
United States (c1939ER Noble SIO 89-151Santa Barbara Portal: FB.
Source: SIO
United States (c1939ER Noble SIO 89-150Point Conception Portal: FB.
Source: SIO
United States (c1939ER Noble SIO 89-149Mussel Rocks Portal: FB.
Source: SIO
United States (c1939ER Noble SIO 89- 84Point Conception Portal: FB.
Source: SIO
United States (c1939ER Noble SIO 90- 20Point Conception Portal: FB.
Source: SIO
United States (c1940ER Noble SIO 89-161Rincon Point Portal: FB.
Source: SIO
United States (c1940ER Noble SIO 89-152Pacific Grove Portal: FB.
Source: SIO
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cfm script by eagbayani, 17.08.99,  php script by rolavides, 2/11/2008,  last modified by cmilitante, 11:00 AM 19/08/2011