Identification keys available for FAO area Africa-Inland Waters

Key Title
6 Key to the families of southern African freshwater fishes.
7 Key to the genera and species of southern African cichlids.
8 Key to the genera and species of Mormyridae in southern Africa.
9 Key to the freshwater eels of southern Africa.
10 Key to the genera of southern African Cyprinidae (native and introduced).
11 Key to the species of Pseudobarbus in southern Africa.
12 Key to the soft-rayed minnows or barbs of southern Africa (mostly Barbus).
13 Key to the subdivisons of barbs and minnows (mainly the genus Barbus) in southern Africa.
14 Key to the sawfin barbs (genus Barbus) of southern Africa.
15 Key to the yellowfishes (Genus Barbus) of southern Africa.
17 Key to the species of Labeos or mudfishes (Genus Labeo) of southern Africa.
18 Key to the species of citharines (Family Citharinidae, subfamily Distichodontinae) of southern Africa.
19 Key to the species of characins (Family Characidae) in southern Africa.
20 Key to the families of catfishes (Order Siluriformes, suborder Siluroidei) in southern Africa.
21 Key to the species of Claroteinae and Austroglanidinae in southern Africa.
24 Key to the species of mountain catfishes (Family Amphilidae) in southern Africa.
25 Key to the species of butter catfishes (Family Schilbeidae) in southern Africa.
26 Key to the genera and species of air-breathing catfishes (Family Clariidae) in southern Africa.
27 Key to the genera and species of squeakers, suckermouth catlets (Family Mochokidae) in southern Africa.
28 Key to the topminnows (Family Cyprinodontidae) of southern Africa.
32 Key to the species of basses and sunfishes of southern Africa.
33 Key to the species of labyrinth fishes of southern Africa.
42 Key to the species of Heterobranchus.
152 Key to the genera of West African fresh- and brackish water Dasyatidae.
153 Key to the Dasyatis species of West Africa.
571 Practical key to Labeo species from the Lower Zaire river system.
1127 Key to the species of the Opsaridium zambezense group occurring in southern Africa.
1134 Key to the species of Oreochromis (Alcolapia).
1151 Key to the Orthochromis species of the Malagarasi, Luiche and Rugufu rivers.
1156 Artificial key to Tanzanian Kneriidae.
1159 Artificial key to the species of Iodotropheus.
1162 Key to Cichlidae of the Fwa River.
1176 Key to the cichlid species of Lake Bermin.
1187 Key to the species of Synodontis from southern Africa.
1300 Key to species of Alticorpus.
1301 Key to the species of the genus Nimbochromis.
1302 Key to the species of the genus Ctenopharynx.
1303 Key to the genera Tramitichromis, Taeniolethrinops and Lethrinops.
1304 Key to the Tramitichromis species.
1305 Key to the Taeniolethrinops species.
1306 Key to the shallow-water Lethrinops species.
1307 Key to the deepwater (>50m) Placidochromis species.
1308 Key to the deep-bodied, spotted Copadichromis species.
1392 Key to Malapterurid Genera.
1393 Key to species of Malapterurus.
1401 Key to species of Paradoxoglanis.
1407 Practical key to families of West Africa.
1408 Key to species of Bagrus of West Africa.
1410 Key to genera of Claroteidae of West Africa.
1411 Key to subgenera of Chrysichthys of West Africa.
1412 Key to species of Chrysichthys (Chrysichthys) of West Africa.
1413 Key to species of Chrysichthys (Melanodactylus) of West Africa.
1414 Key to species of Auchenoglanis of West Africa.
1415 Key to species of Parauchenoglanis of West Africa.
1416 Key to species of Notoglanidium of West Africa.
1417 Key to genera of Schilbeidae of West Africa.
1418 Key to species of Parailia of West Africa.
1419 Key to species of Schilbe of West Africa.
1420 Key to genera and subfamilies of Amphiliidae of West Africa.
1421 Key to genera of Amphiliinae of West Africa.
1422 Key to species of Amphilius of West Africa.
1423 Key to species of Paramphilius of West Africa.
1424 Key to genera of subfamily Doumeinae of West Africa.
1425 Key to species of Doumea of West Africa.
1426 Key to species of Phractura of West Africa.
1427 Key to genera of Clariidae of West Africa.
1428 Key to species of Heterobranchus of West Africa.
1429 Key to subgenera of Clarias of West Africa.
1430 Key to species of Clarias (Clarias) of West Africa.
1431 Key to species of Clarias (Clarioides) of West Africa.
1432 Key to species of Clarias (Anguilloclarias) of West Africa.
1433 Key to species of Clarias (Brevicephaloides) of West Africa.
1435 Key to the genera of Mochokidae of West Africa.
1436 Key to species of Chiloglanis of West Africa.
1437 Key to species of Mochokus of West Africa.
1438 Key to species of Synodontis of West Africa.
1439 Key to species of Arius of West Africa.
1440 Key to the genera of Antennariidae of West Afica.
1441 Key to the species of Antennarius of West Africa.
1442 Key to genera of Syngnathidae of West Africa.
1443 Key to the species of Enneacampus of West Africa.
1444 Key to genera and species of Hemiramphidae of West Africa.
1445 Key to genera and species of Belonidae of West Africa.
1446 Key to species of Tylosurus of West Africa.
1451 Key to families of Cyprinodontiformes of West Africa.
1452 Key to subfamilies of Poeciliidae of West Africa.
1453 Key to genera of Procatopodinae of West Africa.
1454 Key to species of Procatopus of West Africa.
1455 Key to species of Poropanchax of West Africa.
1456 Key to species of Rhexipanchax of West Africa.
1457 Key to species of Micropanchax of West Africa.
1458 Key to subfamilies of Aplocheilidae of West Africa.
1459 Key to genera of Epiplatyinae of West Africa.
1460 Key to species of Epiplatys of West Africa.
1461 Key to species of Callopanchax of West Africa.
1462 Key to species of Archiaphyosemion of West Africa.
1463 Key to species of Scriptaphyosemion of West Africa.
1464 Key to genera of Nothobranchiinae of West Africa.
1465 Key to species of Fundulopanchax of West Africa.
1466 Key to species of Aphyosemion of West Africa.
1467 Key to species of Parachanna of West Africa.
1468 Key to species of Synbranchidae of West Africa.
1469 Key to genera and species of Serranidae of West Africa.
1477 Key to species of Dicentrarchus of West Africa.
1478 Key to genera of Carangidae of West Africa.
1479 Key to species of Caranx of West Africa.
1480 Key to species of Trachinotus of West Africa.
1481 Key to species of Lutjanus of West Africa.
1482 Key to genera and species of Gerreidae of West Africa.
1483 Key to genera of Haemulidae of West Africa.
1484 Key to species of Pomadasys of West Africa.
1485 Key to genera, subgenera and species of Sciaenidae of West Africa.
1486 Key to genera of Nandidae of West Africa.
1487 Key to genera of Cichlidae of West Africa.
1488 Key to species of Gobiocichla of West Africa.
1489 Key to species of Tylochromis of West Africa.
1490 Key to species of Limbochromis of West Africa.
1491 Key to species of Pelvicachromis of West Africa.
1492 Key to species of Tilapia of West Africa.
1493 Key to species of Oreochromis of West Africa.
1494 Key to species of Sarotherodon of West Africa.
1495 Key to genera of Mugilidae of West Africa.
1496 Key to species of Mugil of West Africa.
1497 Key to species of Liza of West Africa.
1498 Key to species of Sphyraena of West Africa.
1499 Key to genera and species of Polynemidae of West Africa.
1500 Key to genera and species of Gobiidae of West Africa.
1501 Key to species of Gobioides of West Africa.
1502 Key to species of Sicydium of West Africa.
1503 Key to species of Bathygobius of West Africa.
1504 Key to genera and species of Eleotridae of West Africa.
1505 Key to species of Kribia of West Africa.
1506 Key to genera of Anabantidae of West Africa.
1507 Key to species of Ctenopoma of West Africa.
1508 Key to species of Microctenopoma of West Africa.
1509 Key to species of Mastacembelus of West Africa.
1510 Key to genera of Soleidae of West Africa.
1511 Key to species of Tetraodon of West Africa.
1527 Key to the Tanganyikan species of Chrysichthys.
1528 Key to species of Copadichromis.
1529 Key to species of Mchenga.
1530 Key to the species of the Neolamprologus savoryi complex.
1532 Key to species of Hemichromis of West Africa.
1533 Key to the genera of Polypteridae of West Africa.
1536 Key to the species of Polypterus of West Africa.
1538 Key to the species of Elops of West Africa.
1540 Key to the genera of Dalophis of West Africa.
1541 Key to the genera of Clupeidae of West Africa.
1542 Key to the species of Sardinella of West Africa.
1543 Key to the species of Pellonula of West Africa.
1544 Key to the species of Odaxothrissa of West Africa.
1545 Key to the species of Notopteridae of West Africa.
1547 Key to the species of Mormyrus of West Africa.
1548 Key to the species of Marcusenius of West Africa.
1549 Key to the species of Mormyrops of West Africa.
1551 Key to the species of Brienomyrus of West Africa.
1552 Key to the species of Petrocephalus of West Africa (Sahelo-Sudanese basins).
1553 Key to the species of Petrocephalus of West Africa (Guinean Region (Coastal Basins from Guinea to Côte d'Ivoire)).
1554 Key to the species of Hippopotamyrus of West Africa.
1555 Key to the species of Pollimyrus of West Africa.
1556 Key to the genera of Mormyridae of West Africa.
1557 Key to the species of Hydrocynus of West Africa.
1558 Key to the species of Alestes of West Africa.
1559 Key to the species of Brycinus of West Africa.
1560 Key to the species of Micralestes of West Africa.
1561 Key to the species of Rhabdalestes of West Africa.
1562 Key to the genera of Alestidae of West Africa.
1563 Key to the species of Ichthyborus of West Africa.
1564 Key to the species of Distichodus of West Africa.
1565 Key to the species of Nannocharax of West Africa.
1566 Key to the species of Neolebias of West Africa.
1567 Key to the genera of Distichodontidae of West Africa.
1568 Key to the species of Citharinus of West Africa.
1569 Key to the genera of Citharinidae of West Africa.
1570 Key to the species of Leptocypris of West Africa.
1571 Key to the species of Raiamas of West Africa.
1572 Key to the species of Garra of West Africa.
1573 Key to the species of Labeo of West Africa.
1574 Key to the species of Barbus Group 1 of West Africa.
1575 Key to the species of Barbus Group 2 of West Africa.
1576 Key to the genera of Cyprinidae of West Africa.
1579 Key to the species of Eleotris of West Africa.
1580 Key to the species of Pristis of Lower Guinea, West-Central Africa.
1581 Key to the species of Dasyatis of Lower Guinea, West-Central Africa.
1582 Key to the species of Polypterus of Lower Guinea, West-Central Africa.
1584 Key to the genera of Polypteridae of Lower Guinea, West-Central Africa.
1585 Key to the species of Dalophis of Lower Guinea,West-Central Africa.
1586 Key to the genera of Ophichthidae of Lower Guinea, West-Central Africa.
1587 Key to the species of Sardinella of Lower Guinea, West-Central Africa.
1588 Key to the species of Pellonula of Lower Guinea, West-Central Africa.
1589 Key to the species of Odaxothrissa of Lower Guinea, West-Central Africa.
1590 Key to the genera of Clupeidae of Lower Guinea, West-Central Africa.
1591 Key to the Notopteridae species of Lower Guinea, West-Central Africa.
1592 Key to the species of Petrocephalus of Lower Guinea, West-Central Africa.(only from southern Cameroon, Gabon and Congo-Brazzaville)
1593 Key to the species of Petrocephalus of Lower Guinea, West-Central Africa.(from the Cross River)
1594 Key to the species of Mormyrops of Lower Guinea, West-Central Africa.
1595 Key to the species of Mormyrus of Lower Guinea, West-Central Africa.
1596 Key to the species of Stomatorhinus of Lower Guinea, West-Central Africa.
1597 Key to the species of Marcusenius of Lower Guinea, West-Central Africa.
1598 Key to the species of Paramormyrops of Lower Guinea, West-Central Africa.
1599 Key to the species of Brienomyrus of Lower Guinea, West-Central Africa.
1600 Key to the species of Ivindomyrus of Lower Guinea, West-Central Africa.
1601 Key to the species of Pollimyrus of Lower Guinea, West-Central Africa.
1602 Key to the genera of Mormyridae of Lower Guinea, West-Central Africa.
1603 Key to the subfamily of Petrocephalinae of Lower Guinea, West-Central Africa.
1605 Key to the species of Parakneria of Lower Guinea, West-Central Africa.
1606 Key to the genera of Kneriidae of Lower Guinea, West-Central Africa.
1607 Key to the species of Hydrocynus of Lower Guinea, West-Central Africa.
1608 Key to the species of Bryconaethiops of Lower Guinea, West-Central Africa.
1609 Key to the species of Brycinus of Lower Guinea, West-Central Africa.
1610 Key to the species of Micralestes of Lower Guinea, West-Central Africa.
1611 Key to the species of Phenacogrammus of Lower Guinea, West-Central Africa.
1612 Key to the species of Brachypetersius of Lower Guinea, West-Central Africa.
1613 Key to the species of Nannopetersius of Lower Guinea, West-Central Africa.
1614 Key to the genera of Alestiini of Lower Guinea, West-Central Africa.
1615 Key to the genera of Petersiini of Lower Guinea, West-Central Africa.
1616 Key to the subgroups of Alestidae of Lower Guinea, West-Central Africa.
1617 Key to the species of Distichodus of Lower Guinea, West-Central Africa.
1618 Key to the species of Nannocharax of Lower Guinea, West-Central Africa.
1619 Key to the species of Neolebias of Lower Guinea, West-Central Africa.
1620 Key to the genera of Distichodontidae of Lower Guinea, West-Central Africa.
1621 Key to the species of Barbus of Lower Guinea, West-Central Africa.
1622 Key to the species of Labeobarbus of Lower Guinea, West-Central Africa.
1623 Key to the species of Prolabeops of Lower Guinea, West-Central Africa.
1624 Key to the species of Garra of Lower Guinea, West-Central Africa.
1625 Key to the species of Varicorhinus of Lower Guinea, West-Central Africa.
1626 Key to the species of Labeo of Lower Guinea, West-Central Africa.
1627 Key to the species of Leptocypris of Lower Guinea, West-Central Africa.
1628 Key to the species of Raiamas of Lower Guinea, West-Central Africa.
1629 Key to the genera of Cyprinidae of Lower Guinea, West-Central Africa.
1630 Key to the species of Anaspidoglanis of Lower Guinea, West-Central Africa.
1631 Key to the species of Parauchenoglanis of Lower Guinea, West-Central Africa.
1632 Key to the genera Auchenoglandinae of Lower Guinea, West-Central Africa.
1633 Key to the subfamilies of Claroteidae of Lower Guinea, West-Central Africa.
1634 Key to the species of Chrysichthys (Rheoglanis) of Lower Guinea, West-Central Africa.
1635 Key to the species of Chrysichthys (Melanodactylus) of Lower Guinea, West-Central Africa.
1636 Key to the species of Chrysichthys (Chrysobagrus) of Lower Guinea, West-Central Africa.
1637 Key to the subgenera of Chrysichthys of Lower Guinea, West-Central Africa.
1638 Key to the species of Parailia of Lower Guinea, West-Central Africa.
1639 Key to the species of Pareutropius of Lower Guinea, West-Central Africa.
1640 Key to the species of Schilbe of Lower Guinea, West-Central Africa.
1641 Key to the genera of Schilbeidae of Lower Guinea, West-Central Africa.
1642 Key to the species of Channallabes of Lower Guinea, West-Central Africa.
1643 Key to the species of Clariallabes of Lower Guinea, West-Central Africa.
1645 Key to the species of Clarias of Lower Guinea, West-Central Africa.
1646 Key to the genera of Clariidae of Lower Guinea, West-Central Africa.
1647 Key to the species of Malapterurus of Lower Guinea, West-Central Africa.
1648 Key to the species of Chiloglanis of Lower Guinea, West-Central Africa.
1649 Key to the species of Microsynodontis of Lower Guinea, West-Central Africa.
1650 Key to the species of Synodontis of Lower Guinea, West-Central Africa.
1651 Key to the Mochokidae of Lower Guinea, West-Central Africa.
1652 Key to the Amphillidae subfamilies of Lower Guinea, West-Central Africa.
1653 Key to the Amphiliidae (subfamily Amphiliinae) of Lower Guinea, West-Central Africa.
1654 Key to the Amphilius species of Lower Guinea, West-Central Africa.
1655 Key to the Amphiliidae (subfamily Doumeinae) of Lower Guinea, West-Central Africa.
1656 Key to the Doumea species of Lower Guinea, West-Central Africa.
1657 Key to the Phractura species of Lower Guinea, West-Central Africa.
1658 Key to the Poeciliidae of Lower Guinea, West-central Africa
1659 Key to the genera of Poeciliidae (subfamily Procatopodinae) of Lower Guinea, West-Central Africa.
1660 Key to the Poropanchax species of Lower Guinea, West-Central Africa.
1661 Key to the Micropanchax species from Lower Guinea, West-Central Africa.
1662 Key to the Plataplochilus species of Lower Guinea, West-Central Africa.
1663 Key to the Procatopus species of Lower Guinea, West-Central Africa.
1664 Key to the Hypsopanchax species of Lower Guinea, West-Central Africa.
1665 Key to the Aplocheilidae subfamilies of Lower Guinea, West-Central Africa.
1666 Key to the Epiplatys species of Lower Guinea, West-Central Africa.
1667 Key to the Aplocheilidae (subfamily Nothobranchiinae) of Lower Guinea, West-Central Africa.
1668 Key to the Fundulopanchax species of Lower Guinea, West-Central Africa.
1669 Key to the Aphyosemion species of Lower Guinea, West-Central Africa.
1670 Key to the Parachanna species of Lower Guinea, West-Central Africa.
1671 Key to genera of Anabantidae of Lower Guinea, West-central Africa.
1672 Key to the Ctenopoma species of Lower Guinea, West-Central Africa.
1673 Key to the Microctenopoma species of Lower Guinea, West-Central Africa.
1674 Key to the "Ctenopoma" species of Lower Guinea, West-Central Africa.
1675 Key to the genera of Cichlidae of Lower Guinea, West-Central Africa.
1676 Key to the Parananochromis species of Lower Guinea, West-Central Africa.
1677 Key to the Chromidotilapia species of Lower Guinea, West-Central Africa.
1678 Key to the Pelvicachromis species of Lower Guinea, West-Central Africa.
1679 Key to the Benitochromis species of Lower Guinea, West-Central Africa.
1680 Key to the Tylochromis species of Lower Guinea, West-Central Africa.
1681 Key to the Hemichromis species of Lower Guinea, West-Central Africa.
1682 Key to the Tilapia species of Lower Guinea, West-Central Africa.
1683 Key to the Sarotherodon species of Lower Guinea, West-Central Africa.
1684 Key to the Stomatepia species of Lower Guinea, West-Central Africa.
1685 Key to the Konia species of Lower Guinea, West-Central Africa.
1687 Key to the Lutjanus species of Lower Guinea, West-Central Africa.
1688 Key to the genera and species of Carangidae of Lower Guinea, West-Central Africa.
1689 Key to the genera and species of Haemulidae of Lower Guinea, West-Central Africa.
1690 Key to the species of Pseudotolithus (Sciaenidae) of Lower Guinea, West-Central Africa.
1691 Key to the genera of Mugilidae of Lower Guinea, West-Central Africa.
1692 Key to the Mugil species of Lower Guinea, West-Central Africa.
1693 Key to the Liza species of Lower Guinea, West-Central Africa.
1694 Key to the genera and species of Eleotridae of Lower Guinea, West-Central Africa.
1695 Key to the Eleotris species of Lower Guinea, West-Central Africa.
1696 Key to the Kribia species of Lower Guinea, West-Central Africa.
1697 Key to the genera and species of Gobiidae of Lower Guinea, West-Central Africa.
1698 Key to the Gobioides species of Lower Guinea, West-Central Africa.
1699 Key to the Sicydium species of Lower Guinea, West-Central Africa.
1700 Key to the Awaous species of Lower Guinea, West-Central Africa.
1701 Key to the Bathygobius species of Lower Guinea, West-Central Africa.
1702 Key to the Mastacembelus species of Lower Guinea, West-Central Africa.
1703 Key to the genera and species of Syngnathidae from Lower Guinea, West-Central Africa.
1704 Key to the Enneacampus species of Lower Guinea, West-Central Africa.
1705 Key to the Malapterurus species of West Africa.
1706 Practical key to families of Lower Guinea, West-Central Africa.
1707 Key to the freshwater fish families of southern Africa.
1708 Key to the Protopterus species of southern Africa (Protopteridae).
1709 Key to the genera and species of Mormyridae in southern Africa.
1710 Key to the Anguilla species of southern Africa (Anguillidae).
1711 Key to the genera of Kneriidae from southern Africa.
1712 Key to the genera of indigenous and introduced Cyprinidae of southern Africa.
1713 Key to the species of Pseudobarbus in southern Africa.
1714 Key to the soft-rayed minnows or barbs of southern Africa (genera Clypeobarbus, Barbus [part.] and Coptostomabarbus).
1715 Key to the sawfin barbs (genus Barbus) of southern Africa.
1716 Key to the Labeobarbus species of southern Africa.
1717 Key to the species of Varicorhinus of southern Africa.
1718 Key to the species of Labeo of southern Africa.
1719 Key to the introduced cyprinids (Cyprinidae) of southern Africa.
1720 Key to the species of Distichodontidae of southern Africa.
1721 Key to the species of Alestidae in southern Africa.
1722 Key to the Petrocephalus species of the Central Congo basin.
1723 Key to the Petrocephalus species of the Central Congo basin.
cfm script by eagbayani, 10.5.01 ,  php script by kbanasihan 05/31/2010 ,  last modified by kbanasihan, 05/31/2010