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Family: Ipnopidae Deep-sea tripod fishes

(See list of species below)

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Total number of spines in dorsal and anal fins (optional)

30 species (see list below)

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No picture found
Western Central Pacific.

Bathymicrops belyaninae
No picture found
Southwest Pacific

Bathymicrops brevianalis
No picture found
Western Central Pacific.

Bathymicrops multispinis

Photo by SFSA

Eastern Atlantic
Max. Length 11.7 cm SL
Bathymicrops regis Hjort & Koefoed, 1912

Photo by SFSA
Bathymicrops regis
No picture found
Southwest Pacific
Max. Length 19 cm SL

Bathypterois andriashevi

Photo by Welter-Schultes, F.

Circumglobal, excluding t
Max. Length 20.4 cm SL
Bathypterois atricolor Alcock, 1896

Photo by Welter-Schultes, F.
Bathypterois atricolor
[Attenuated spider fish]
No picture found
Western Central Atlantic
Max. Length 13 cm SL

Bathypterois bigelowi

Photo by Orlov, A.

Eastern Atlantic
Max. Length 20.5 cm SL
Bathypterois dubius Vaillant, 1888

Photo by Orlov, A.
Bathypterois dubius
[Mediterranean spiderfish]

Photo by SFSA

South Atlantic
Max. Length 26 cm TL
Bathypterois filiferus Gilchrist, 1906

Photo by SFSA
Bathypterois filiferus
No picture found
Tropical to warm temperat
Max. Length 43.4 cm TL

Bathypterois grallator

Photo by Reyes, R.B.

Indo-West Pacific
Max. Length 26 cm SL
Bathypterois guentheri Alcock, 1889

Photo by Reyes, R.B.
Bathypterois guentheri
[Tribute spiderfish]
No picture found
Western Indian Ocean

Bathypterois insularum
No picture found
Southwest Pacific

Bathypterois longicauda
No picture found
Southwest Pacific
Max. Length 30 cm TL

Bathypterois longifilis
[Feeler fish]
No picture found
Atlantic Ocean
Max. Length 24.9 cm SL

Bathypterois longipes
[Abyssal spiderfish]
No picture found
Southwest Pacific and Sou

Bathypterois oddi
No picture found
Eastern Indian Ocean
Max. Length 15.3 cm SL

Bathypterois parini

Photo by Hooker, Y.

Southeast Pacific

Bathypterois pectinatus Mead, 1959

Photo by Hooker, Y.
Bathypterois pectinatus

Photo by SFSA

Western Indian Ocean
Max. Length 16 cm TL
Bathypterois perceptor Sulak, 1977

Photo by SFSA
Bathypterois perceptor

Photo by SFSA

Eastern Atlantic
Max. Length 18 cm SL
Bathypterois phenax Parr, 1928

Photo by SFSA
Bathypterois phenax
[Blackfin spiderfish]

Photo by Ramjohn, D.D.

Eastern Atlantic
Max. Length 18 cm SL
Bathypterois quadrifilis Günther, 1878

Photo by Ramjohn, D.D.
Bathypterois quadrifilis
No picture found
Southeast Pacific

Bathypterois ventralis
[Ventrad spiderfish]

Photo by Ramjohn, D.D.

Eastern Atlantic
Max. Length 22.2 cm SL
Bathypterois viridensis (Roule, 1916)

Photo by Ramjohn, D.D.
Bathypterois viridensis
No picture found
Circumglobal in southern
Max. Length 32 cm TL

Bathysauropsis gracilis
[Black lizardfish]
No picture found
Western Central Pacific

Bathysauropsis malayanus

Photo by Reyes, R.B.

Eastern Atlantic
Max. Length 38 cm SL
Bathytyphlops marionae Mead, 1958

Photo by Reyes, R.B.
Bathytyphlops marionae
[Marion's spiderfish]
No picture found
Eastern Atlantic
Max. Length 35 cm TL

Bathytyphlops sewelli

Photo by Reyes, R.B.

Eastern Atlantic
Max. Length 14.5 cm SL
Ipnops agassizii Garman, 1899

Photo by Reyes, R.B.
Ipnops agassizii
[Grideye fish]
No picture found
Western Indian Ocean

Ipnops meadi
No picture found
Eastern Indian Ocean
Max. Length 13.2 cm SL

Ipnops murrayi
30 Species of Family Ipnopidae
(Deep-sea tripod fishes)
Sort by: Species Length Year
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Year Scientific Name English Name Distribution Max. Length (cm)
1992 Bathymicrops belyaninae Western Central Pacific.
1966 Bathymicrops brevianalis Southwest Pacific
1992 Bathymicrops multispinis Western Central Pacific.
1912 Bathymicrops regis Eastern Atlantic 11.7 SL
1988 Bathypterois andriashevi Southwest Pacific 19 SL
1896 Bathypterois atricolor Attenuated spider fish Circumglobal, excluding t 20.4 SL
1958 Bathypterois bigelowi Western Central Atlantic 13 SL
1888 Bathypterois dubius Mediterranean spiderfish Eastern Atlantic 20.5 SL
1906 Bathypterois filiferus South Atlantic 26 TL
1886 Bathypterois grallator Tripodfish Tropical to warm temperat 43.4 TL
1889 Bathypterois guentheri Tribute spiderfish Indo-West Pacific 26 SL
1892 Bathypterois insularum Western Indian Ocean
1878 Bathypterois longicauda Southwest Pacific
1878 Bathypterois longifilis Feeler fish Southwest Pacific 30 TL
1878 Bathypterois longipes Abyssal spiderfish Atlantic Ocean 24.9 SL
1977 Bathypterois oddi Southwest Pacific and Sou
1988 Bathypterois parini Eastern Indian Ocean 15.3 SL
1959 Bathypterois pectinatus Southeast Pacific
1977 Bathypterois perceptor Western Indian Ocean 16 TL
1928 Bathypterois phenax Blackfin spiderfish Eastern Atlantic 18 SL
1878 Bathypterois quadrifilis Eastern Atlantic 18 SL
1899 Bathypterois ventralis Ventrad spiderfish Southeast Pacific
1916 Bathypterois viridensis Eastern Atlantic 22.2 SL
1878 Bathysauropsis gracilis Black lizardfish Circumglobal in southern 32 TL
1938 Bathysauropsis malayanus Western Central Pacific
1958 Bathytyphlops marionae Marion's spiderfish Eastern Atlantic 38 SL
1939 Bathytyphlops sewelli Eastern Atlantic 35 TL
1899 Ipnops agassizii Grideye fish Eastern Atlantic 14.5 SL
1966 Ipnops meadi Western Indian Ocean
1878 Ipnops murrayi Eastern Indian Ocean 13.2 SL

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cfm script by eagbayani, 30.11.04, ,  php script by cmilitante, 05/11/2010 ,  last modified by cmilitante, 14/03/2013