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Family: Triakidae Houndsharks

(See list of species below)

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46 species (see list below)

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Photo by FAO

Eastern Indian Ocean
Max. Length 160 cm TL
Furgaleus macki (Whitley, 1943)

Photo by FAO
Furgaleus macki
[Whiskery shark]

Photo by SeaFIC

World-wide in temperate w
Max. Length 195 cm TL
Galeorhinus galeus (Linnaeus, 1758)

Photo by SeaFIC
Galeorhinus galeus
[Tope shark]

Photo by FAO

Western Central Pacific
Max. Length 74 cm TL
Gogolia filewoodi Compagno, 1973

Photo by FAO
Gogolia filewoodi
[Sailback houndshark]

Photo by FAO

Western Central Pacific

Hemitriakis abdita Compagno & Stevens, 1993

Photo by FAO
Hemitriakis abdita
[Deepwater sicklefin hound shark]
No picture found
Northwest Pacific
Max. Length 88 cm TL

Hemitriakis complicofasciata
No picture found
Eastern Indian Ocean

Hemitriakis falcata
[Sicklefin hound shark]
No picture found
Indian Ocean
Max. Length 120 cm TL

Hemitriakis indroyonoi
[Indonesian Houndshark]

Photo by FAO

Northwest Pacific
Max. Length 120 cm TL
Hemitriakis japanica (Müller & Henle, 1839)

Photo by FAO
Hemitriakis japanica
[Japanese topeshark]

Photo by FAO

Western Central Pacific
Max. Length 96 cm TL
Hemitriakis leucoperiptera Herre, 1923

Photo by FAO
Hemitriakis leucoperiptera
[Whitefin topeshark]

Photo by Randall, J.E.

Indo-West Pacific
Max. Length 127 cm TL
Hypogaleus hyugaensis (Miyosi, 1939)

Photo by Randall, J.E.
Hypogaleus hyugaensis
[Blacktip tope]

Photo by FAO

Western Central Pacific
Max. Length 75 cm TL
Iago garricki Fourmanoir & Rivaton, 1979

Photo by FAO
Iago garricki
[Longnose houndshark]

Photo by FAO

Western Indian Ocean
Max. Length 58 cm TL
Iago omanensis (Norman, 1939)

Photo by FAO
Iago omanensis
[Bigeye houndshark]
No picture found
Eastern Pacific
Max. Length 118 cm TL

Mustelus albipinnis
[Whitemargin smoothhound]

Photo by Duffy, C.

Eastern Indian Ocean
Max. Length 175 cm TL
Mustelus antarcticus Günther, 1870

Photo by Duffy, C.
Mustelus antarcticus
[Gummy shark]

Photo by Salesjö, A.

Northeast Atlantic
Max. Length 140 cm TL
Mustelus asterias Cloquet, 1819

Photo by Salesjö, A.
Mustelus asterias
[Starry smooth-hound]

Photo by Shelton, J.

Eastern Pacific
Max. Length 124 cm TL
Mustelus californicus Gill, 1864

Photo by Shelton, J.
Mustelus californicus
[Gray smoothhound]

Photo by Flescher, D.

Western Atlantic
Max. Length 150 cm TL
Mustelus canis (Mitchill, 1815)

Photo by Flescher, D.
Mustelus canis
[Dusky smooth-hound]

Photo by FAO

Eastern Pacific
Max. Length 64 cm
Mustelus dorsalis Gill, 1864

Photo by FAO
Mustelus dorsalis
[Sharptooth smooth-hound]

Photo by Gadig, O.B.F.

Southwest Atlantic
Max. Length 150 cm TL
Mustelus fasciatus (Garman, 1913)

Photo by Gadig, O.B.F.
Mustelus fasciatus
[Striped smooth-hound]

Photo by CAFS

Northwest Pacific
Max. Length 101 cm TL
Mustelus griseus Pietschmann, 1908

Photo by CAFS
Mustelus griseus
[Spotless smooth-hound]

Photo by Robertson, R.

Eastern Pacific
Max. Length 100 cm TL
Mustelus henlei (Gill, 1863)

Photo by Robertson, R.
Mustelus henlei
[Brown smooth-hound]

Photo by Gadig, O.B.F.

Western Atlantic
Max. Length 70 cm TL
Mustelus higmani Springer & Lowe, 1963

Photo by Gadig, O.B.F.
Mustelus higmani
[Smalleye smooth-hound]

Photo by SeaFIC

Southwest Pacific
Max. Length 151 cm TL
Mustelus lenticulatus Phillipps, 1932

Photo by SeaFIC
Mustelus lenticulatus
[Spotted estuary smooth-hound]

Photo by Robertson, R.

Eastern Pacific
Max. Length 175 cm TL
Mustelus lunulatus Jordan & Gilbert, 1882

Photo by Robertson, R.
Mustelus lunulatus
[Sicklefin smooth-hound]

Photo by FAO

Western Indian Ocean
Max. Length 220 cm TL
Mustelus manazo Bleeker, 1855

Photo by FAO
Mustelus manazo
[Starspotted smooth-hound]
No picture found
Western Indian Ocean
Max. Length 57.7 cm SL

Mustelus mangalorensis

Photo by Béarez, P.

Eastern Pacific
Max. Length 130 cm TL
Mustelus mento Cope, 1877

Photo by Béarez, P.
Mustelus mento
[Speckled smooth-hound]

Photo by FAO

Western Central Atlantic
Max. Length 57.4 cm TL
Mustelus minicanis Heemstra, 1997

Photo by FAO
Mustelus minicanis

Photo by Randall, J.E.

Western Indian Ocean
Max. Length 150 cm TL
Mustelus mosis Hemprich & Ehrenberg, 1899

Photo by Randall, J.E.
Mustelus mosis
[Arabian smooth-hound]

Photo by Meyer, T.

Eastern Atlantic
Max. Length 200 cm TL
Mustelus mustelus (Linnaeus, 1758)

Photo by Meyer, T.
Mustelus mustelus

Photo by Harris, M.

Western Atlantic
Max. Length 110 cm TL
Mustelus norrisi Springer, 1939

Photo by Harris, M.
Mustelus norrisi
[Narrowfin smooth-hound]

Photo by Le Noury, P.

Southeast Atlantic
Max. Length 120 cm TL
Mustelus palumbes Smith, 1957

Photo by Le Noury, P.
Mustelus palumbes
[Whitespotted smooth-hound]

Photo by FAO

Eastern Atlantic
Max. Length 190 cm TL
Mustelus punctulatus Risso, 1827

Photo by FAO
Mustelus punctulatus
[Blackspotted smooth-hound]

Photo by Gloerfelt-Tarp, T.

Eastern Indian Ocean
Max. Length 78.8 cm TL
Mustelus ravidus White & Last, 2006

Photo by Gloerfelt-Tarp, T.
Mustelus ravidus
[Australian grey smooth-hound]

Photo by Carvalho Filho, A.

Southwest Atlantic
Max. Length 92 cm TL
Mustelus schmitti Springer, 1939

Photo by Carvalho Filho, A.
Mustelus schmitti
[Narrownose smooth-hound]

Photo by FAO

Western Central Atlantic
Max. Length 140 cm TL
Mustelus sinusmexicanus Heemstra, 1997

Photo by FAO
Mustelus sinusmexicanus
[Gulf smoothhound]

Photo by Krajangdara, T.

Eastern Indian Ocean
Max. Length 103.4 cm TL
Mustelus stevensi White & Last, 2008

Photo by Krajangdara, T.
Mustelus stevensi
[White-spotted gummy shark]
No picture found
Western Pacific
Max. Length 111.6 cm TL

Mustelus walkeri
[Eastern spotted gummy shark]

Photo by Robertson, R.

Southeast Pacific
Max. Length 87 cm TL
Mustelus whitneyi Chirichigno F., 1973

Photo by Robertson, R.
Mustelus whitneyi
[Humpback smooth-hound]
No picture found
Western Pacific
Max. Length 108.5 cm TL

Mustelus widodoi
[White-fin smooth-hound]

Photo by FAO

Western Indian Ocean
Max. Length 102 cm TL
Scylliogaleus quecketti Boulenger, 1902

Photo by FAO
Scylliogaleus quecketti
[Flapnose houndshark]

Photo by FAO

Eastern Pacific
Max. Length 102 cm TL
Triakis acutipinna Kato, 1968

Photo by FAO
Triakis acutipinna
[Sharpfin houndshark]

Photo by Carvalho Filho, A.

Eastern Pacific
Max. Length 180 cm TL
Triakis maculata Kner & Steindachner, 1867

Photo by Carvalho Filho, A.
Triakis maculata
[Spotted houndshark]

Photo by Zsilavecz, G.

Southeast Atlantic
Max. Length 174 cm TL
Triakis megalopterus (Smith, 1839)

Photo by Zsilavecz, G.
Triakis megalopterus
[Sharptooth houndshark]

Photo by FAO

Northwest Pacific
Max. Length 150 cm TL
Triakis scyllium Müller & Henle, 1839

Photo by FAO
Triakis scyllium
[Banded houndshark]

Photo by Moreau, J.

Eastern Pacific
Max. Length 198 cm TL
Triakis semifasciata Girard, 1855

Photo by Moreau, J.
Triakis semifasciata
[Leopard shark]
46 Species of Family Triakidae
Sort by: Species Length Year
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Year Scientific Name English Name Distribution Max. Length (cm)
1943 Furgaleus macki Whiskery shark Eastern Indian Ocean 160 TL
1758 Galeorhinus galeus Tope shark World-wide in temperate w 195 TL
1973 Gogolia filewoodi Sailback houndshark Western Central Pacific 74 TL
1993 Hemitriakis abdita Deepwater sicklefin hound shark Western Central Pacific
2004 Hemitriakis complicofasciata Northwest Pacific 88 TL
1993 Hemitriakis falcata Sicklefin hound shark Eastern Indian Ocean
2009 Hemitriakis indroyonoi Indonesian Houndshark Indian Ocean 120 TL
1839 Hemitriakis japanica Japanese topeshark Northwest Pacific 120 TL
1923 Hemitriakis leucoperiptera Whitefin topeshark Western Central Pacific 96 TL
1939 Hypogaleus hyugaensis Blacktip tope Indo-West Pacific 127 TL
1979 Iago garricki Longnose houndshark Western Central Pacific 75 TL
1939 Iago omanensis Bigeye houndshark Western Indian Ocean 58 TL
2005 Mustelus albipinnis Whitemargin smoothhound Eastern Pacific 118 TL
1870 Mustelus antarcticus Gummy shark Eastern Indian Ocean 175 TL
1819 Mustelus asterias Starry smooth-hound Northeast Atlantic 140 TL
1864 Mustelus californicus Gray smoothhound Eastern Pacific 124 TL
1815 Mustelus canis Dusky smooth-hound Western Atlantic 150 TL
1864 Mustelus dorsalis Sharptooth smooth-hound Eastern Pacific 64
1913 Mustelus fasciatus Striped smooth-hound Southwest Atlantic 150 TL
1908 Mustelus griseus Spotless smooth-hound Northwest Pacific 101 TL
1863 Mustelus henlei Brown smooth-hound Eastern Pacific 100 TL
1963 Mustelus higmani Smalleye smooth-hound Western Atlantic 70 TL
1932 Mustelus lenticulatus Spotted estuary smooth-hound Southwest Pacific 151 TL
1882 Mustelus lunulatus Sicklefin smooth-hound Eastern Pacific 175 TL
1855 Mustelus manazo Starspotted smooth-hound Western Indian Ocean 220 TL
2011 Mustelus mangalorensis Western Indian Ocean 57.7 SL
1877 Mustelus mento Speckled smooth-hound Eastern Pacific 130 TL
1997 Mustelus minicanis Western Central Atlantic 57.4 TL
1899 Mustelus mosis Arabian smooth-hound Western Indian Ocean 150 TL
1758 Mustelus mustelus Smooth-hound Eastern Atlantic 200 TL
1939 Mustelus norrisi Narrowfin smooth-hound Western Atlantic 110 TL
1957 Mustelus palumbes Whitespotted smooth-hound Southeast Atlantic 120 TL
1827 Mustelus punctulatus Blackspotted smooth-hound Eastern Atlantic 190 TL
2006 Mustelus ravidus Australian grey smooth-hound Eastern Indian Ocean 78.8 TL
1939 Mustelus schmitti Narrownose smooth-hound Southwest Atlantic 92 TL
1997 Mustelus sinusmexicanus Gulf smoothhound Western Central Atlantic 140 TL
2008 Mustelus stevensi White-spotted gummy shark Eastern Indian Ocean 103.4 TL
2008 Mustelus walkeri Eastern spotted gummy shark Western Pacific 111.6 TL
1973 Mustelus whitneyi Humpback smooth-hound Southeast Pacific 87 TL
2006 Mustelus widodoi White-fin smooth-hound Western Pacific 108.5 TL
1902 Scylliogaleus quecketti Flapnose houndshark Western Indian Ocean 102 TL
1968 Triakis acutipinna Sharpfin houndshark Eastern Pacific 102 TL
1867 Triakis maculata Spotted houndshark Eastern Pacific 180 TL
1839 Triakis megalopterus Sharptooth houndshark Southeast Atlantic 174 TL
1839 Triakis scyllium Banded houndshark Northwest Pacific 150 TL
1855 Triakis semifasciata Leopard shark Eastern Pacific 198 TL

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cfm script by eagbayani, 30.11.04, ,  php script by cmilitante, 05/11/2010 ,  last modified by cmilitante, 14/03/2013