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Family: Chaenopsidae Pike-, tube- and flagblennies

(See list of species below)

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96 species (see list below)

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Photo by Burek, Joyce/Frank

Western Atlantic
Max. Length 4 cm TL
Acanthemblemaria aspera (Longley, 1927)

Photo by Burek, Joyce/Frank
Acanthemblemaria aspera
[Roughhead blenny]

Photo by Robertson, R.

Eastern Central Pacific
Max. Length 3.2 cm SL
Acanthemblemaria atrata Hastings & Robertson, 1999

Photo by Robertson, R.
Acanthemblemaria atrata
[Cocos barnacle blenny]

Photo by Robertson, R.

Eastern Central Pacific
Max. Length 5.2 cm TL
Acanthemblemaria balanorum Brock, 1940

Photo by Robertson, R.
Acanthemblemaria balanorum
[Clubhead blenny]
No picture found
Western Atlantic
Max. Length 4.3 cm SL

Acanthemblemaria betinensis
[Speckled blenny]

Photo by Robertson, R.

Southeast Pacific
Max. Length 6 cm TL
Acanthemblemaria castroi Stephens & Hobson, 1966

Photo by Robertson, R.
Acanthemblemaria castroi
[Galapagos barnacle blenny]

Photo by Wirtz, P.

Western Atlantic
Max. Length 4.5 cm TL
Acanthemblemaria chaplini Böhlke, 1957

Photo by Wirtz, P.
Acanthemblemaria chaplini
[Papillose blenny]

Photo by Robertson, R.

Eastern Central Pacific
Max. Length 6 cm TL
Acanthemblemaria crockeri Beebe & Tee-Van, 1938

Photo by Robertson, R.
Acanthemblemaria crockeri
[Browncheek blenny]

Photo by Allen, G.R.

Eastern Central Pacific
Max. Length 5.5 cm TL
Acanthemblemaria exilispinus Stephens, 1963

Photo by Allen, G.R.
Acanthemblemaria exilispinus
[Bluntspine blenny]
No picture found
Western Atlantic
Max. Length 3.6 cm SL

Acanthemblemaria greenfieldi
[False papillose blenny]

Photo by Robertson, R.

Eastern Central Pacific
Max. Length 4.5 cm TL
Acanthemblemaria hancocki Myers & Reid, 1936

Photo by Robertson, R.
Acanthemblemaria hancocki
[Hancock's blenny]
No picture found
Western Central Atlantic

Acanthemblemaria harpeza

Photo by Lin, H.-C./Galland, G.R.

Eastern Pacific
Max. Length 5.1 cm SL
Acanthemblemaria hastingsi Lin & Galland, 2010

Photo by Lin, H.-C./Galland, G.R.
Acanthemblemaria hastingsi
[Cortez barnacle blenny]
No picture found
Western Central Atlantic
Max. Length 2 cm SL

Acanthemblemaria johnsoni

Photo by Robertson, R.

Eastern Central Pacific
Max. Length 6 cm TL
Acanthemblemaria macrospilus Brock, 1940

Photo by Robertson, R.
Acanthemblemaria macrospilus
[Barnacle blenny]

Photo by Allen, G.R.

Eastern Central Pacific
Max. Length 3.1 cm SL
Acanthemblemaria mangognatha Hastings & Robertson, 1999

Photo by Allen, G.R.
Acanthemblemaria mangognatha
[Revillagigedo barnacle]

Photo by Greenfield, J.

Western Central Atlantic
Max. Length 5.1 cm TL
Acanthemblemaria maria Böhlke, 1961

Photo by Greenfield, J.
Acanthemblemaria maria
[Secretary blenny]
No picture found
Western Central Atlantic
Max. Length 4 cm TL

Acanthemblemaria medusa
[Medusa blenny]
No picture found
Western Central Atlantic
Max. Length 1.8 cm SL

Acanthemblemaria paula
[Dwarf spinyhead blenny]
No picture found
Western Atlantic
Max. Length 3 cm SL

Acanthemblemaria rivasi
[Spotjaw blenny]

Photo by Randall, J.E.

Western Central Atlantic
Max. Length 3.1 cm TL
Acanthemblemaria spinosa Metzelaar, 1919

Photo by Randall, J.E.
Acanthemblemaria spinosa
[Spinyhead blenny]

Photo by Robertson, R.

Eastern Pacific
Max. Length 5 cm TL
Acanthemblemaria stephensi Rosenblatt & McCosker, 1988

Photo by Robertson, R.
Acanthemblemaria stephensi
[Malpelo barnacle blenny]

Photo by Allen, G.R.

Eastern Pacific Ocean fro
Max. Length 15 cm TL
Chaenopsis alepidota (Gilbert, 1890)

Photo by Allen, G.R.
Chaenopsis alepidota
[Orangethroat pikeblenny]
No picture found
Eastern Central Pacific

Chaenopsis coheni
[Cortez pikeblenny]

Photo by Allen, G.R.

Eastern Central Pacific
Max. Length 7.5 cm TL
Chaenopsis deltarrhis Böhlke, 1957

Photo by Allen, G.R.
Chaenopsis deltarrhis
[Delta pikeblenny]

Photo by Randall, J.E.

Western Central Atlantic
Max. Length 8.5 cm TL
Chaenopsis limbaughi Robins & Randall, 1965

Photo by Randall, J.E.
Chaenopsis limbaughi
[Yellowface pikeblenny]
No picture found
Western Central Atlantic
Max. Length 10.2 cm SL

Chaenopsis megalops
No picture found
Western Atlantic
Max. Length 12.5 cm TL

Chaenopsis ocellata
[Bluethroat pikeblenny]
No picture found
Western Central Atlantic
Max. Length 13 cm TL

Chaenopsis resh
No picture found
Western Atlantic
Max. Length 4.3 cm SL

Chaenopsis roseola
[Flecked pikeblenny]

Photo by Allen, G.R.

Eastern Central Pacific
Max. Length 8 cm TL
Chaenopsis schmitti Böhlke, 1957

Photo by Allen, G.R.
Chaenopsis schmitti
[Yellow-mouth pikeblenny]
No picture found
Western Central Atlantic
Max. Length 4.6 cm SL

Chaenopsis stephensi

Photo by Robertson, R.

Eastern Central Pacific
Max. Length 4 cm TL
Cirriemblemaria lucasana (Stephens, 1963)

Photo by Robertson, R.
Cirriemblemaria lucasana
[Plume blenny]

Photo by Robertson, R.

Eastern Central Pacific
Max. Length 3.5 cm TL
Coralliozetus angelicus (Böhlke & Mead, 1957)

Photo by Robertson, R.
Coralliozetus angelicus
[Angel blenny]

Photo by Robertson, R.

Eastern Central Pacific

Coralliozetus boehlkei Stephens, 1963

Photo by Robertson, R.
Coralliozetus boehlkei
[Barcheek blenny]
No picture found
Western Atlantic
Max. Length 8.5 cm TL

Coralliozetus cardonae
[Twinhorn blenny]

Photo by Allen, G.R.

Eastern Central Pacific
Max. Length 4 cm TL
Coralliozetus micropes (Beebe & Tee-Van, 1938)

Photo by Allen, G.R.
Coralliozetus micropes
[Scarletfin blenny]

Photo by Robertson, R.

Eastern Central Pacific
Max. Length 3.5 cm TL
Coralliozetus rosenblatti Stephens, 1963

Photo by Robertson, R.
Coralliozetus rosenblatti
[Spikefin blenny]

Photo by Robertson, R.

Eastern Central Pacific
Max. Length 2.5 cm TL
Coralliozetus springeri Stephens & Johnson, 1966

Photo by Robertson, R.
Coralliozetus springeri
No picture found
Eastern Pacific

Ekemblemaria lira

Photo by Allen, G.R.

Eastern Central Pacific
Max. Length 7 cm TL
Ekemblemaria myersi Stephens, 1963

Photo by Allen, G.R.
Ekemblemaria myersi
[Reefsand blenny]
No picture found
Western Atlantic
Max. Length 6.2 cm SL

Ekemblemaria nigra
[Moth blenny]
No picture found
Western Atlantic
Max. Length 7.5 cm TL

Emblemaria atlantica
[Banner blenny]
No picture found
Southwest Atlantic
Max. Length 2.7 cm SL

Emblemaria australis
No picture found
Western Atlantic
Max. Length 4.1 cm SL

Emblemaria biocellata
[Twospot blenny]
No picture found
Western Central Atlantic
Max. Length 2.6 cm SL

Emblemaria caldwelli
[Caribbean blenny]
No picture found
Western Central Atlantic
Max. Length 3.8 cm SL

Emblemaria caycedoi
[Colombian blenny]
No picture found
Western Central Atlantic
Max. Length 5.1 cm SL

Emblemaria culmenis
[Ridge blenny]
No picture found
Western Atlantic
Max. Length 7 cm TL

Emblemaria diphyodontis
[Venezuelan blenny]

Photo by Hooker, Y.

Southeast Pacific
Max. Length 7.4 cm TL
Emblemaria hudsoni Evermann & Radcliffe, 1917

Photo by Hooker, Y.
Emblemaria hudsoni

Photo by Hazes, B.

Western Atlantic
Max. Length 2.3 cm SL
Emblemaria hyltoni Johnson & Greenfield, 1976

Photo by Hazes, B.
Emblemaria hyltoni
[Filament blenny]

Photo by Allen, G.R.

Eastern Central Pacific
Max. Length 5 cm TL
Emblemaria hypacanthus (Jenkins & Evermann, 1889)

Photo by Allen, G.R.
Emblemaria hypacanthus
[Gulf signal blenny]

Photo by Robertson, R.

Eastern Central Pacific
Max. Length 4.2 cm SL
Emblemaria nivipes Jordan & Gilbert, 1883

Photo by Robertson, R.
Emblemaria nivipes
[Whiteback signal blenny]

Photo by Randall, J.E.

Western Atlantic
Max. Length 6 cm SL
Emblemaria pandionis Evermann & Marsh, 1900

Photo by Randall, J.E.
Emblemaria pandionis
[Sailfin blenny]

Photo by Allen, G.R.

Eastern Central Pacific
Max. Length 4 cm TL
Emblemaria piratica Ginsburg, 1942

Photo by Allen, G.R.
Emblemaria piratica
[Sailfin signal blenny]

Photo by Cox, C.

Western Central Atlantic
Max. Length 5 cm TL
Emblemaria piratula Ginsburg & Reid, 1942

Photo by Cox, C.
Emblemaria piratula
[Pirate blenny]
No picture found
Western Central Atlantic

Emblemaria vitta

Photo by Robertson, R.

Eastern Central Pacific
Max. Length 6.5 cm TL
Emblemaria walkeri Stephens, 1963

Photo by Robertson, R.
Emblemaria walkeri
[Elusive signal blenny]

Photo by Victor, B.

Max. Length 1.1 cm SL
Emblemariopsis arawak Victor, 2010

Photo by Victor, B.
Emblemariopsis arawak
No picture found
Western Atlantic
Max. Length 2.5 cm TL

Emblemariopsis bahamensis
[Blackhead blenny]
No picture found
Western Central Atlantic
Max. Length 3.0 cm SL

Emblemariopsis bottomei
[Shorthead blenny]

Photo by Victor, B.

Max. Length 1.5 cm SL
Emblemariopsis carib Victor, 2010

Photo by Victor, B.
Emblemariopsis carib
No picture found
Western Central Atlantic
Max. Length 2.1 cm SL

Emblemariopsis dianae
[Orangeflag blenny]
No picture found
Western Central Atlantic
Max. Length 4 cm TL

Emblemariopsis diaphana
[Glass blenny]
No picture found
Western Central Atlantic.
Max. Length 2.2 cm SL

Emblemariopsis leptocirris
No picture found
Western Atlantic
Max. Length 1.9 cm SL

Emblemariopsis occidentalis
[Flagfin blenny]
No picture found
Western Atlantic
Max. Length 2.9 cm SL

Emblemariopsis pricei
[Seafan blenny]
No picture found
Western Central Atlantic
Max. Length 3.1 cm SL

Emblemariopsis ramirezi

Photo by Wirtz, P.

Western Central Atlantic
Max. Length 3.8 cm TL
Emblemariopsis randalli Cervigón, 1965

Photo by Wirtz, P.
Emblemariopsis randalli
[Hornless blenny]
No picture found
Western Central Atlantic
Max. Length 2 cm SL

Emblemariopsis ruetzleri

Photo by Floeter, S.R.

Western Atlantic
Max. Length 3.3 cm SL
Emblemariopsis signifer (Ginsburg, 1942)

Photo by Floeter, S.R.
Emblemariopsis signifer
No picture found
Western Central Atlantic
Max. Length 3 cm SL

Emblemariopsis tayrona
[Tayrona blenny]

Photo by Burek, Joyce/Frank

Western Atlantic
Max. Length 10 cm TL
Hemiemblemaria simulus Longley & Hildebrand, 1940

Photo by Burek, Joyce/Frank
Hemiemblemaria simulus
[Wrasse blenny]

Photo by Krajewski, J.P.

Western Central Atlantic
Max. Length 5 cm SL
Lucayablennius zingaro (Böhlke, 1957)

Photo by Krajewski, J.P.
Lucayablennius zingaro
[Arrow blenny]

Photo by Allen, G.R.

Eastern Central Pacific
Max. Length 8 cm TL
Mccoskerichthys sandae Rosenblatt & Stephens, 1978

Photo by Allen, G.R.
Mccoskerichthys sandae
[Tufted blenny]

Photo by Gotshall, D.W.

Eastern Pacific
Max. Length 30 cm TL
Neoclinus blanchardi Girard, 1858

Photo by Gotshall, D.W.
Neoclinus blanchardi
[Sarcastic fringehead]

Photo by Suzuki, T.

Western Pacific
Max. Length 8 cm TL
Neoclinus bryope (Jordan & Snyder, 1902)

Photo by Suzuki, T.
Neoclinus bryope
No picture found
Northwest Pacific
Max. Length 4.8 cm SL

Neoclinus chihiroe
No picture found
Northwest Pacific
Max. Length 6 cm TL

Neoclinus lacunicola
No picture found
Northwest Pacific
Max. Length 6.7 cm SL

Neoclinus monogrammus
No picture found
Northwest Pacific
Max. Length 4.6 cm SL

Neoclinus nudiceps
No picture found
Northwest Pacific
Max. Length 5.2 cm SL

Neoclinus nudus
No picture found
Northwest Pacific
Max. Length 6.2 cm SL

Neoclinus okazakii

Photo by Grossman, P.C.

Eastern Pacific
Max. Length 10 cm TL
Neoclinus stephensae Hubbs, 1953

Photo by Grossman, P.C.
Neoclinus stephensae
[Yellowfin fringehead]
No picture found
Northwest Pacific
Max. Length 7 cm TL

Neoclinus toshimaensis

Photo by DeCloux, R.

Eastern Pacific
Max. Length 25 cm TL
Neoclinus uninotatus Hubbs, 1953

Photo by DeCloux, R.
Neoclinus uninotatus
[Onespot fringehead]

Photo by Robertson, R.

Eastern Pacific
Max. Length 4.5 cm TL
Protemblemaria bicirrus (Hildebrand, 1946)

Photo by Robertson, R.
Protemblemaria bicirrus
[Warthead blenny]

Photo by Allen, G.R.

Eastern Central Pacific
Max. Length 4.1 cm SL
Protemblemaria perla Hastings, 2001

Photo by Allen, G.R.
Protemblemaria perla
No picture found
Western Central Atlantic
Max. Length 6 cm TL

Protemblemaria punctata

Photo by Allen, G.R.

Eastern Central Pacific
Max. Length 5 cm TL
Stathmonotus culebrai Seale, 1940

Photo by Allen, G.R.
Stathmonotus culebrai
[Panamanian worm blenny]
No picture found
Western Atlantic
Max. Length 4 cm TL

Stathmonotus gymnodermis
[Naked blenny]
No picture found
Western Central Atlantic
Max. Length 5 cm TL

Stathmonotus hemphillii
[Blackbelly blenny]

Photo by Robertson, R.

Eastern Central Pacific

Stathmonotus lugubris Böhlke, 1953

Photo by Robertson, R.
Stathmonotus lugubris
[Mexican worm blenny]

Photo by Robertson, R.

Eastern Central Pacific
Max. Length 6.5 cm TL
Stathmonotus sinuscalifornici (Chabanaud, 1942)

Photo by Robertson, R.
Stathmonotus sinuscalifornici
[California worm blenny]
No picture found
Eastern Caribbean Sea fro
Max. Length 4 cm TL

Stathmonotus stahli
[Eelgrass blenny]
No picture found
Western Caribbean Sea fro
Max. Length 2.5 cm SL

Stathmonotus tekla

Photo by Allen, G.R.

Eastern Central Pacific
Max. Length 5.4 cm TL
Tanyemblemaria alleni Hastings, 1992

Photo by Allen, G.R.
Tanyemblemaria alleni
[Slender blenny]
96 Species of Family Chaenopsidae
(Pike-, tube- and flagblennies)
Sort by: Species Length Year
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Year Scientific Name English Name Distribution Max. Length (cm)
1927 Acanthemblemaria aspera Roughhead blenny Western Atlantic 4 TL
1999 Acanthemblemaria atrata Cocos barnacle blenny Eastern Central Pacific 3.2 SL
1940 Acanthemblemaria balanorum Clubhead blenny Eastern Central Pacific 5.2 TL
1974 Acanthemblemaria betinensis Speckled blenny Western Atlantic 4.3 SL
1966 Acanthemblemaria castroi Galapagos barnacle blenny Southeast Pacific 6 TL
1957 Acanthemblemaria chaplini Papillose blenny Western Atlantic 4.5 TL
1938 Acanthemblemaria crockeri Browncheek blenny Eastern Central Pacific 6 TL
1963 Acanthemblemaria exilispinus Bluntspine blenny Eastern Central Pacific 5.5 TL
1974 Acanthemblemaria greenfieldi False papillose blenny Western Atlantic 3.6 SL
1936 Acanthemblemaria hancocki Hancock's blenny Eastern Central Pacific 4.5 TL
2002 Acanthemblemaria harpeza Western Central Atlantic
2010 Acanthemblemaria hastingsi Cortez barnacle blenny Eastern Pacific 5.1 SL
1996 Acanthemblemaria johnsoni Western Central Atlantic 2 SL
1940 Acanthemblemaria macrospilus Barnacle blenny Eastern Central Pacific 6 TL
1999 Acanthemblemaria mangognatha Revillagigedo barnacle Eastern Central Pacific 3.1 SL
1961 Acanthemblemaria maria Secretary blenny Western Central Atlantic 5.1 TL
1974 Acanthemblemaria medusa Medusa blenny Western Central Atlantic 4 TL
1989 Acanthemblemaria paula Dwarf spinyhead blenny Western Central Atlantic 1.8 SL
1970 Acanthemblemaria rivasi Spotjaw blenny Western Atlantic 3 SL
1919 Acanthemblemaria spinosa Spinyhead blenny Western Central Atlantic 3.1 TL
1988 Acanthemblemaria stephensi Malpelo barnacle blenny Eastern Pacific 5 TL
1890 Chaenopsis alepidota Orangethroat pikeblenny Eastern Pacific Ocean fro 15 TL
1957 Chaenopsis coheni Cortez pikeblenny Eastern Central Pacific
1957 Chaenopsis deltarrhis Delta pikeblenny Eastern Central Pacific 7.5 TL
1965 Chaenopsis limbaughi Yellowface pikeblenny Western Central Atlantic 8.5 TL
2000 Chaenopsis megalops Western Central Atlantic 10.2 SL
1865 Chaenopsis ocellata Bluethroat pikeblenny Western Atlantic 12.5 TL
1965 Chaenopsis resh Western Central Atlantic 13 TL
1981 Chaenopsis roseola Flecked pikeblenny Western Atlantic 4.3 SL
1957 Chaenopsis schmitti Yellow-mouth pikeblenny Eastern Central Pacific 8 TL
1965 Chaenopsis stephensi Western Central Atlantic 4.6 SL
1963 Cirriemblemaria lucasana Plume blenny Eastern Central Pacific 4 TL
1957 Coralliozetus angelicus Angel blenny Eastern Central Pacific 3.5 TL
1963 Coralliozetus boehlkei Barcheek blenny Eastern Central Pacific
1899 Coralliozetus cardonae Twinhorn blenny Western Atlantic 8.5 TL
1938 Coralliozetus micropes Scarletfin blenny Eastern Central Pacific 4 TL
1963 Coralliozetus rosenblatti Spikefin blenny Eastern Central Pacific 3.5 TL
1966 Coralliozetus springeri Eastern Central Pacific 2.5 TL
1992 Ekemblemaria lira Eastern Pacific
1963 Ekemblemaria myersi Reefsand blenny Eastern Central Pacific 7 TL
1928 Ekemblemaria nigra Moth blenny Western Atlantic 6.2 SL
1898 Emblemaria atlantica Banner blenny Western Atlantic 7.5 TL
2003 Emblemaria australis Southwest Atlantic 2.7 SL
1970 Emblemaria biocellata Twospot blenny Western Atlantic 4.1 SL
1970 Emblemaria caldwelli Caribbean blenny Western Central Atlantic 2.6 SL
1984 Emblemaria caycedoi Colombian blenny Western Central Atlantic 3.8 SL
1970 Emblemaria culmenis Ridge blenny Western Central Atlantic 5.1 SL
1970 Emblemaria diphyodontis Venezuelan blenny Western Atlantic 7 TL
1917 Emblemaria hudsoni Southeast Pacific 7.4 TL
1976 Emblemaria hyltoni Filament blenny Western Atlantic 2.3 SL
1889 Emblemaria hypacanthus Gulf signal blenny Eastern Central Pacific 5 TL
1883 Emblemaria nivipes Whiteback signal blenny Eastern Central Pacific 4.2 SL
1900 Emblemaria pandionis Sailfin blenny Western Atlantic 6 SL
1942 Emblemaria piratica Sailfin signal blenny Eastern Central Pacific 4 TL
1942 Emblemaria piratula Pirate blenny Western Central Atlantic 5 TL
2002 Emblemaria vitta Western Central Atlantic
1963 Emblemaria walkeri Elusive signal blenny Eastern Central Pacific 6.5 TL
2010 Emblemariopsis arawak Caribbean 1.1 SL
1961 Emblemariopsis bahamensis Blackhead blenny Western Atlantic 2.5 TL
1961 Emblemariopsis bottomei Shorthead blenny Western Central Atlantic 3.0 SL
2010 Emblemariopsis carib Caribbean 1.5 SL
2004 Emblemariopsis dianae Orangeflag blenny Western Central Atlantic 2.1 SL
1927 Emblemariopsis diaphana Glass blenny Western Central Atlantic 4 TL
1970 Emblemariopsis leptocirris Western Central Atlantic. 2.2 SL
1970 Emblemariopsis occidentalis Flagfin blenny Western Atlantic 1.9 SL
1975 Emblemariopsis pricei Seafan blenny Western Atlantic 2.9 SL
1999 Emblemariopsis ramirezi Western Central Atlantic 3.1 SL
1965 Emblemariopsis randalli Hornless blenny Western Central Atlantic 3.8 TL
1997 Emblemariopsis ruetzleri Western Central Atlantic 2 SL
1942 Emblemariopsis signifer Western Atlantic 3.3 SL
1987 Emblemariopsis tayrona Tayrona blenny Western Central Atlantic 3 SL
1940 Hemiemblemaria simulus Wrasse blenny Western Atlantic 10 TL
1957 Lucayablennius zingaro Arrow blenny Western Central Atlantic 5 SL
1978 Mccoskerichthys sandae Tufted blenny Eastern Central Pacific 8 TL
1858 Neoclinus blanchardi Sarcastic fringehead Eastern Pacific 30 TL
1902 Neoclinus bryope Western Pacific 8 TL
1987 Neoclinus chihiroe Northwest Pacific 4.8 SL
1980 Neoclinus lacunicola Northwest Pacific 6 TL
2010 Neoclinus monogrammus Northwest Pacific 6.7 SL
2010 Neoclinus nudiceps Northwest Pacific 4.6 SL
1971 Neoclinus nudus Northwest Pacific 5.2 SL
1987 Neoclinus okazakii Northwest Pacific 6.2 SL
1953 Neoclinus stephensae Yellowfin fringehead Eastern Pacific 10 TL
1980 Neoclinus toshimaensis Northwest Pacific 7 TL
1953 Neoclinus uninotatus Onespot fringehead Eastern Pacific 25 TL
1946 Protemblemaria bicirrus Warthead blenny Eastern Pacific 4.5 TL
2001 Protemblemaria perla Eastern Central Pacific 4.1 SL
1966 Protemblemaria punctata Western Central Atlantic 6 TL
1940 Stathmonotus culebrai Panamanian worm blenny Eastern Central Pacific 5 TL
1955 Stathmonotus gymnodermis Naked blenny Western Atlantic 4 TL
1885 Stathmonotus hemphillii Blackbelly blenny Western Central Atlantic 5 TL
1953 Stathmonotus lugubris Mexican worm blenny Eastern Central Pacific
1942 Stathmonotus sinuscalifornici California worm blenny Eastern Central Pacific 6.5 TL
1899 Stathmonotus stahli Eelgrass blenny Eastern Caribbean Sea fro 4 TL
1910 Stathmonotus tekla Western Caribbean Sea fro 2.5 SL
1992 Tanyemblemaria alleni Slender blenny Eastern Central Pacific 5.4 TL

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cfm script by eagbayani, 30.11.04, ,  php script by cmilitante, 05/11/2010 ,  last modified by cmilitante, 14/03/2013