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Family: Nototheniidae Cod icefishes

(See list of species below)

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57 species (see list below)

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Photo by Zimmermann, C.

Southern Ocean
Max. Length 42 cm TL
Aethotaxis mitopteryx mitopteryx DeWitt, 1962

Photo by Zimmermann, C.
Aethotaxis mitopteryx mitopteryx
[Longfin icedevil]
No picture found
Southern Ocean
Max. Length 18.5 cm SL

Aethotaxis mitopteryx pawsoni
No picture found

Cryothenia amphitreta

Photo by FAO

Southern Ocean
Max. Length 17 cm TL
Cryothenia peninsulae Daniels, 1981

Photo by FAO
Cryothenia peninsulae

Photo by INIDEP

Southeast Pacific and Sou
Max. Length 215 cm TL
Dissostichus eleginoides Smitt, 1898

Photo by INIDEP
Dissostichus eleginoides
[Patagonian toothfish]

Photo by Sala, A.

Southern Ocean
Max. Length 200 cm TL
Dissostichus mawsoni Norman, 1937

Photo by Sala, A.
Dissostichus mawsoni
[Antarctic toothfish]

Photo by FAO

Southern Ocean
Max. Length 35 cm SL
Gobionotothen acuta (Günther, 1880)

Photo by FAO
Gobionotothen acuta
[Triangular rockcod]
No picture found
Southern Ocean
Max. Length 20.5 cm SL

Gobionotothen angustifrons
[Narrowhead rockcod]
No picture found
Southern Ocean

Gobionotothen barsukovi

Photo by Reyes, P.

Southern Ocean
Max. Length 55 cm TL
Gobionotothen gibberifrons (Lönnberg, 1905)

Photo by Reyes, P.
Gobionotothen gibberifrons
[Humped rockcod]

Photo by MNHN

Southern Ocean
Max. Length 20 cm TL
Gobionotothen marionensis (Günther, 1880)

Photo by MNHN
Gobionotothen marionensis
[Lobe-lip notothen]
No picture found
Southern Ocean

Gvozdarus balushkini
No picture found
Southern Ocean
Max. Length 100 cm TL

Gvozdarus svetovidovi
[Naked-head toothfish]

Photo by Wilhelms, S.

Southern Ocean
Max. Length 55 cm TL
Lepidonotothen squamifrons (Günther, 1880)

Photo by Wilhelms, S.
Lepidonotothen squamifrons
[Grey rockcod]

Photo by FAO

Southern Ocean
Max. Length 15 cm SL
Lindbergichthys mizops (Günther, 1880)

Photo by FAO
Lindbergichthys mizops
[Toad notie]

Photo by FAO

Southern Ocean
Max. Length 19.5 cm SL
Lindbergichthys nudifrons (Lönnberg, 1905)

Photo by FAO
Lindbergichthys nudifrons
[Yellowfin notie]

Photo by Hollenberg, R.

Southwest Pacific
Max. Length 41 cm TL
Notothenia angustata Hutton, 1875

Photo by Hollenberg, R.
Notothenia angustata
[Maori chief]

Photo by Jean-Francois Helias / Fishing Adventures Thailand

Southern Ocean
Max. Length 62 cm TL
Notothenia coriiceps Richardson, 1844

Photo by Jean-Francois Helias / Fishing Adventures Thailand
Notothenia coriiceps
[Black rockcod]

Photo by FAO

Southern Ocean
Max. Length 30 cm TL
Notothenia cyanobrancha Richardson, 1844

Photo by FAO
Notothenia cyanobrancha
[Blue rockcod]
No picture found
Southwest Pacific
Max. Length 70 cm TL

Notothenia microlepidota
[Black cod]
No picture found
Southern Ocean
Max. Length 45 cm SL

Notothenia neglecta
[Yellowbelly rockcod]

Photo by Reyes, P.

Southern Ocean
Max. Length 92 cm TL
Notothenia rossii Richardson, 1844

Photo by Reyes, P.
Notothenia rossii
[Marbled rockcod]
No picture found
Southwest Atlantic

Notothenia trigramma

Photo by Reyes, P.

Southern Ocean
Max. Length 24 cm TL
Nototheniops larseni (Lönnberg, 1905)

Photo by Reyes, P.
Nototheniops larseni
[Painted notie]
No picture found
Southeast Pacific
Max. Length 15.9 cm SL

Nototheniops nybelini
No picture found
Southern Ocean.

Nototheniops tchizh

Photo by Zimmermann, C.

Southern Ocean
Max. Length 28 cm TL
Pagothenia borchgrevinki (Boulenger, 1902)

Photo by Zimmermann, C.
Pagothenia borchgrevinki
[Bald notothen]

Photo by FAO

Southern Ocean
Max. Length 17.2 cm SL
Pagothenia brachysoma (Pappenheim, 1912)

Photo by FAO
Pagothenia brachysoma
[Stocky rockcod]
No picture found
Southern Ocean

Paranotothenia dewitti

Photo by FAO

Southern Ocean
Max. Length 38 cm SL
Paranotothenia magellanica (Forster, 1801)

Photo by FAO
Paranotothenia magellanica
[Magellanic rockcod]

Photo by Lloris, D.

Southeast Pacific and Sou
Max. Length 23 cm TL
Patagonotothen brevicauda brevicauda (Lönnberg, 1905)

Photo by Lloris, D.
Patagonotothen brevicauda brevicauda
[Patagonian rockcod]
No picture found
Southern Ocean
Max. Length 15.6 cm SL

Patagonotothen brevicauda shagensis
No picture found
Southwest Atlantic.

Patagonotothen canina

Photo by Lloris, D.

Southeast Pacific and Sou
Max. Length 11 cm TL
Patagonotothen cornucola (Richardson, 1844)

Photo by Lloris, D.
Patagonotothen cornucola
No picture found
Southeast Pacific

Patagonotothen elegans

Photo by FAO

Southwest Atlantic
Max. Length 23 cm TL
Patagonotothen guntheri (Norman, 1937)

Photo by FAO
Patagonotothen guntheri
[Yellowfin notothen]

Photo by Mabragaña, E.

Southeast Pacific

Patagonotothen jordani (Thompson, 1916)

Photo by Mabragaña, E.
Patagonotothen jordani
No picture found
Southeast Pacific

Patagonotothen kreffti
No picture found
Southeast Pacific

Patagonotothen longipes

Photo by INIDEP

Southwest Atlantic
Max. Length 44 cm TL
Patagonotothen ramsayi (Regan, 1913)

Photo by INIDEP
Patagonotothen ramsayi
[Longtail southern cod]

Photo by Lloris, D.

Southeast Pacific and Sou

Patagonotothen sima (Richardson, 1845)

Photo by Lloris, D.
Patagonotothen sima
No picture found
Southeast Pacific

Patagonotothen squamiceps

Photo by Lloris, D.

Southeast Pacific and Sou
Max. Length 28 cm TL
Patagonotothen tessellata (Richardson, 1845)

Photo by Lloris, D.
Patagonotothen tessellata
[Black southern cod]
No picture found
Southeast Pacific

Patagonotothen thompsoni

Photo by Mabragaña, E.

Southwest Atlantic
Max. Length 13.0 cm SL
Patagonotothen wiltoni (Regan, 1913)

Photo by Mabragaña, E.
Patagonotothen wiltoni

Photo by Sala, A.

Southern Ocean
Max. Length 25 cm TL
Pleuragramma antarctica Boulenger, 1902

Photo by Sala, A.
Pleuragramma antarctica
[Antarctic silverfish]

Photo by Zimmermann, C.

Southern Ocean
Max. Length 35 cm TL
Trematomus bernacchii Boulenger, 1902

Photo by Zimmermann, C.
Trematomus bernacchii
[Emerald rockcod]

Photo by Busson, F.

Southern Ocean
Max. Length 34 cm TL
Trematomus eulepidotus Regan, 1914

Photo by Busson, F.
Trematomus eulepidotus
[Blunt scalyhead]

Photo by Sala, A.

Southern Ocean
Max. Length 41 cm TL
Trematomus hansoni Boulenger, 1902

Photo by Sala, A.
Trematomus hansoni
[Striped rockcod]

Photo by Shandikov, G.A.

Southern Ocean
Max. Length 31 cm TL
Trematomus lepidorhinus (Pappenheim, 1911)

Photo by Shandikov, G.A.
Trematomus lepidorhinus
[Slender scalyhead]

Photo by Brueggeman, P.

Southern Ocean
Max. Length 30 cm SL
Trematomus loennbergii Regan, 1913

Photo by Brueggeman, P.
Trematomus loennbergii
[Scaly rockcod]

Photo by Sala, A.

Southern Ocean
Max. Length 20 cm TL
Trematomus newnesi Boulenger, 1902

Photo by Sala, A.
Trematomus newnesi
[Dusky rockcod]

Photo by Kellermann, A.

Southern Ocean
Max. Length 36 cm TL
Trematomus nicolai (Boulenger, 1902)

Photo by Kellermann, A.
Trematomus nicolai
[Spotted notothen]

Photo by Zimmermann, C.

Southern Ocean
Max. Length 24 cm SL
Trematomus pennellii Regan, 1914

Photo by Zimmermann, C.
Trematomus pennellii
[Sharp-spined notothenia]

Photo by FAO

Southern Ocean
Max. Length 16 cm SL
Trematomus scotti (Boulenger, 1907)

Photo by FAO
Trematomus scotti
[Crowned rockcod]

Photo by FAO

Southern Ocean
Max. Length 22.4 cm TL
Trematomus tokarevi Andriashev, 1978

Photo by FAO
Trematomus tokarevi
[Bigeye notothen]
No picture found
Southern Ocean
Max. Length 35 cm TL

Trematomus vicarius
[Orange notothen]
57 Species of Family Nototheniidae
(Cod icefishes)
Sort by: Species Length Year
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Year Scientific Name English Name Distribution Max. Length (cm)
1962 Aethotaxis mitopteryx mitopteryx Longfin icedevil Southern Ocean 42 TL
1993 Aethotaxis mitopteryx pawsoni Southern Ocean 18.5 SL
2006 Cryothenia amphitreta Antarctic
1981 Cryothenia peninsulae Pithead Southern Ocean 17 TL
1898 Dissostichus eleginoides Patagonian toothfish Southeast Pacific and Sou 215 TL
1937 Dissostichus mawsoni Antarctic toothfish Southern Ocean 200 TL
1880 Gobionotothen acuta Triangular rockcod Southern Ocean 35 SL
1885 Gobionotothen angustifrons Narrowhead rockcod Southern Ocean 20.5 SL
1991 Gobionotothen barsukovi Southern Ocean
1905 Gobionotothen gibberifrons Humped rockcod Southern Ocean 55 TL
1880 Gobionotothen marionensis Lobe-lip notothen Southern Ocean 20 TL
1993 Gvozdarus balushkini Southern Ocean
1989 Gvozdarus svetovidovi Naked-head toothfish Southern Ocean 100 TL
1880 Lepidonotothen squamifrons Grey rockcod Southern Ocean 55 TL
1880 Lindbergichthys mizops Toad notie Southern Ocean 15 SL
1905 Lindbergichthys nudifrons Yellowfin notie Southern Ocean 19.5 SL
1875 Notothenia angustata Maori chief Southwest Pacific 41 TL
1844 Notothenia coriiceps Black rockcod Southern Ocean 62 TL
1844 Notothenia cyanobrancha Blue rockcod Southern Ocean 30 TL
1875 Notothenia microlepidota Black cod Southwest Pacific 70 TL
1951 Notothenia neglecta Yellowbelly rockcod Southern Ocean 45 SL
1844 Notothenia rossii Marbled rockcod Southern Ocean 92 TL
1913 Notothenia trigramma Southwest Atlantic
1905 Nototheniops larseni Painted notie Southern Ocean 24 TL
1976 Nototheniops nybelini Southeast Pacific 15.9 SL
1976 Nototheniops tchizh Southern Ocean.
1902 Pagothenia borchgrevinki Bald notothen Southern Ocean 28 TL
1912 Pagothenia brachysoma Stocky rockcod Southern Ocean 17.2 SL
1990 Paranotothenia dewitti Southern Ocean
1801 Paranotothenia magellanica Magellanic rockcod Southern Ocean 38 SL
1905 Patagonotothen brevicauda brevicauda Patagonian rockcod Southeast Pacific and Sou 23 TL
1982 Patagonotothen brevicauda shagensis Southern Ocean 15.6 SL
1897 Patagonotothen canina Southwest Atlantic.
1844 Patagonotothen cornucola Southeast Pacific and Sou 11 TL
1880 Patagonotothen elegans Southeast Pacific
1937 Patagonotothen guntheri Yellowfin notothen Southwest Atlantic 23 TL
1916 Patagonotothen jordani Southeast Pacific
1993 Patagonotothen kreffti Southeast Pacific
1876 Patagonotothen longipes Southeast Pacific
1913 Patagonotothen ramsayi Longtail southern cod Southwest Atlantic 44 TL
1845 Patagonotothen sima Southeast Pacific and Sou
1877 Patagonotothen squamiceps Southeast Pacific
1845 Patagonotothen tessellata Black southern cod Southeast Pacific and Sou 28 TL
1993 Patagonotothen thompsoni Southeast Pacific
1913 Patagonotothen wiltoni Southwest Atlantic 13.0 SL
1902 Pleuragramma antarctica Antarctic silverfish Southern Ocean 25 TL
1902 Trematomus bernacchii Emerald rockcod Southern Ocean 35 TL
1914 Trematomus eulepidotus Blunt scalyhead Southern Ocean 34 TL
1902 Trematomus hansoni Striped rockcod Southern Ocean 41 TL
1911 Trematomus lepidorhinus Slender scalyhead Southern Ocean 31 TL
1913 Trematomus loennbergii Scaly rockcod Southern Ocean 30 SL
1902 Trematomus newnesi Dusky rockcod Southern Ocean 20 TL
1902 Trematomus nicolai Spotted notothen Southern Ocean 36 TL
1914 Trematomus pennellii Sharp-spined notothenia Southern Ocean 24 SL
1907 Trematomus scotti Crowned rockcod Southern Ocean 16 SL
1978 Trematomus tokarevi Bigeye notothen Southern Ocean 22.4 TL
1905 Trematomus vicarius Orange notothen Southern Ocean 35 TL

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cfm script by eagbayani, 30.11.04, ,  php script by cmilitante, 05/11/2010 ,  last modified by cmilitante, 14/03/2013