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Class: Actinopterygii
Order: Perciformes
Family: Serranidae Sea basses: groupers and fairy basslets
Subfamily: Anthiinae
Genus: Plectranthias

(See list of species below)

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Total number of spines in dorsal and anal fins (optional)

49 species (see list below)

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No picture found
Western Indian Ocean
Max. Length 7.2 cm SL

Plectranthias alcocki
[Alcock’s deep-reef basslet]
No picture found
Eastern Indian Ocean
Max. Length 6.3 cm SL

Plectranthias alleni
[Allen's perchlet]
No picture found
Northwest Pacific
Max. Length 4.5 cm SL

Plectranthias altipinnatus

Photo by Trevor, M.

Western Pacific.
Max. Length 25 cm TL
Plectranthias anthioides (Günther, 1872)

Photo by Trevor, M.
Plectranthias anthioides
No picture found
Western Indian Ocean
Max. Length 8.2 cm SL

Plectranthias bauchotae
No picture found
Southwest Pacific

Plectranthias bilaticlavia

Photo by Randall, J.E.

Eastern Central Pacific
Max. Length 5.7 cm SL
Plectranthias cirrhitoides Randall, 1980

Photo by Randall, J.E.
Plectranthias cirrhitoides
No picture found
Western Indian Ocean
Max. Length 5.6 cm SL

Plectranthias elaine

Photo by Chen, J.-P.

Pacific Ocean
Max. Length 5.4 cm SL
Plectranthias elongatus Wu, Randall & Chen, 2011

Photo by Chen, J.-P.
Plectranthias elongatus
No picture found
Southeast Pacific
Max. Length 15.8 cm SL

Plectranthias exsul
No picture found
Western Central Pacific
Max. Length 7.5 cm SL

Plectranthias fijiensis

Photo by Williams, J.T.

Eastern Central Pacific

Plectranthias flammeus Williams, Delrieu-Trottin & Planes, 2013

Photo by Williams, J.T.
Plectranthias flammeus
[Flame perchlet]
No picture found
Western Central Pacific
Max. Length 7.2 cm SL

Plectranthias foresti

Photo by Randall, J.E.

Indo-Pacific Ocean.
Max. Length 4.7 cm TL
Plectranthias fourmanoiri Randall, 1980

Photo by Randall, J.E.
Plectranthias fourmanoiri
[Doublespot perchlet]

Photo by Randall, J.E.

Western Indian Ocean
Max. Length 3.2 cm SL
Plectranthias gardineri (Regan, 1908)

Photo by Randall, J.E.
Plectranthias gardineri

Photo by Flescher, D.

Western Atlantic
Max. Length 10 cm TL
Plectranthias garrupellus Robins & Starck, 1961

Photo by Flescher, D.
Plectranthias garrupellus
[Apricot bass]

Photo by Randall, J.E.

Pacific Ocean
Max. Length 6.2 cm SL
Plectranthias helenae Randall, 1980

Photo by Randall, J.E.
Plectranthias helenae

Photo by Lougher, T.

Indo-West Pacific
Max. Length 4.5 cm SL
Plectranthias inermis Randall, 1980

Photo by Lougher, T.
Plectranthias inermis
[Chequered perchlet]
No picture found
Western Indian Ocean
Max. Length 8.9 cm SL

Plectranthias intermedius

Photo by Gloerfelt-Tarp, T.

Western Pacific
Max. Length 15 cm TL
Plectranthias japonicus (Steindachner, 1883)

Photo by Gloerfelt-Tarp, T.
Plectranthias japonicus
[Japanese perchlet]
No picture found
Indo-West Pacific
Max. Length 9.2 cm SL

Plectranthias jothyi

Photo by The Fish Database of Taiwan

Pacific Ocean.
Max. Length 23 cm SL
Plectranthias kamii Randall, 1980

Photo by The Fish Database of Taiwan
Plectranthias kamii

Photo by Eder, G. / Zajonz, U.

Western Indian Ocean
Max. Length 5.5 cm SL
Plectranthias klausewitzi Zajonz, 2006

Photo by Eder, G. / Zajonz, U.
Plectranthias klausewitzi
No picture found
Western Central Pacific
Max. Length 6.6 cm SL

Plectranthias knappi
No picture found
Western Pacific
Max. Length 6.8 cm SL

Plectranthias lasti
[Trawl perchlet]

Photo by Randall, J.E.

Indo-West Pacific
Max. Length 3.5 cm SL
Plectranthias longimanus (Weber, 1913)

Photo by Randall, J.E.
Plectranthias longimanus
[Longfin perchlet]
No picture found
Southwest Pacific.
Max. Length 8.3 cm SL

Plectranthias maculicauda
[Spot-tail perchlet]
No picture found
Western Indian Ocean
Max. Length 5.8 cm SL

Plectranthias maugei
No picture found
Western Pacific
Max. Length 6.2 cm SL

Plectranthias megalepis
No picture found
Max. Length 6.1 cm SL

Plectranthias megalophthalmus
[Citron perchlet]

Photo by SFSA

Western Indian Ocean
Max. Length 5 cm SL
Plectranthias morgansi (Smith, 1961)

Photo by SFSA
Plectranthias morgansi

Photo by Randall, J.E.

Pacific Ocean
Max. Length 4.0 cm SL
Plectranthias nanus Randall, 1980

Photo by Randall, J.E.
Plectranthias nanus
[Bownband perchlet]
No picture found
South Pacific, Nazca Ridg
Max. Length 15 cm SL

Plectranthias nazcae
[Red splodge]
No picture found
Western Pacific
Max. Length 7.6 cm SL

Plectranthias pallidus
[Pale perchlet]
No picture found
Southeast Pacific

Plectranthias parini
[Parin's anthias]

Photo by Pelicier, D.

Indian Ocean, from Maurit
Max. Length 4.8 cm SL
Plectranthias pelicieri Randall & Shimizu, 1994

Photo by Pelicier, D.
Plectranthias pelicieri

Photo by The Fish Database of Taiwan

Western Pacific.
Max. Length 11.1 cm SL
Plectranthias randalli Fourmanoir & Rivaton, 1980

Photo by The Fish Database of Taiwan
Plectranthias randalli
No picture found
Western Pacific
Max. Length 6.2 cm SL

Plectranthias retrofasciatus
No picture found
Western Pacific
Max. Length 9.0 cm SL

Plectranthias robertsi
[Filamentous perchlet]
No picture found
Western Central Pacific
Max. Length 4.9 cm SL

Plectranthias rubrifasciatus
No picture found
Western Pacific
Max. Length 6 cm SL

Plectranthias sagamiensis

Photo by Chen, J.-P.

Northwest Pacific
Max. Length 11.5 cm SL
Plectranthias sheni Chen & Shao, 2002

Photo by Chen, J.-P.
Plectranthias sheni
No picture found
Eastern Central Pacific
Max. Length 23.8 cm SL

Plectranthias taylori
No picture found
Western Indian Ocean
Max. Length 8.2 cm SL

Plectranthias vexillarius

Photo by Randall, J.E.

Western Pacific
Max. Length 8.3 cm SL
Plectranthias wheeleri Randall, 1980

Photo by Randall, J.E.
Plectranthias wheeleri
[Spotted perchlet]

Photo by The Fish Database of Taiwan

Western Pacific
Max. Length 7.7 cm SL
Plectranthias whiteheadi Randall, 1980

Photo by The Fish Database of Taiwan
Plectranthias whiteheadi

Photo by Randall, J.E.

Max. Length 4 cm SL
Plectranthias winniensis (Tyler, 1966)

Photo by Randall, J.E.
Plectranthias winniensis
[Redblotch basslet]

Photo by Chen, J.-P.

Northwest Pacific
Max. Length 5.8 cm SL
Plectranthias xanthomaculatus Wu, Randall & Chen, 2011

Photo by Chen, J.-P.
Plectranthias xanthomaculatus

Photo by Randall, J.E.

Western Pacific.
Max. Length 20 cm SL
Plectranthias yamakawai Yoshino, 1972

Photo by Randall, J.E.
Plectranthias yamakawai
49 Species of Family Serranidae with Genus Plectranthias
(Sea basses: groupers and fairy basslets)
Sort by: Species Length Year
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Year Scientific Name English Name Distribution Max. Length (cm)
2014 Plectranthias alcocki Alcock’s deep-reef basslet Western Indian Ocean 7.2 SL
1980 Plectranthias alleni Allen's perchlet Eastern Indian Ocean 6.3 SL
1980 Plectranthias altipinnatus Northwest Pacific 4.5 SL
1872 Plectranthias anthioides Western Pacific. 25 TL
1980 Plectranthias bauchotae Western Indian Ocean 8.2 SL
1987 Plectranthias bilaticlavia Southwest Pacific
1980 Plectranthias cirrhitoides Eastern Central Pacific 5.7 SL
2009 Plectranthias elaine Western Indian Ocean 5.6 SL
2011 Plectranthias elongatus Pacific Ocean 5.4 SL
1983 Plectranthias exsul Southeast Pacific 15.8 SL
1983 Plectranthias fijiensis Western Central Pacific 7.5 SL
2013 Plectranthias flammeus Flame perchlet Eastern Central Pacific
1977 Plectranthias foresti Western Central Pacific 7.2 SL
1980 Plectranthias fourmanoiri Doublespot perchlet Indo-Pacific Ocean. 4.7 TL
1908 Plectranthias gardineri Western Indian Ocean 3.2 SL
1961 Plectranthias garrupellus Apricot bass Western Atlantic 10 TL
1980 Plectranthias helenae Pacific Ocean 6.2 SL
1980 Plectranthias inermis Chequered perchlet Indo-West Pacific 4.5 SL
1973 Plectranthias intermedius Western Indian Ocean 8.9 SL
1883 Plectranthias japonicus Japanese perchlet Western Pacific 15 TL
1996 Plectranthias jothyi Indo-West Pacific 9.2 SL
1980 Plectranthias kamii Pacific Ocean. 23 SL
2006 Plectranthias klausewitzi Western Indian Ocean 5.5 SL
1996 Plectranthias knappi Western Central Pacific 6.6 SL
1995 Plectranthias lasti Trawl perchlet Western Pacific 6.8 SL
1913 Plectranthias longimanus Longfin perchlet Indo-West Pacific 3.5 SL
1914 Plectranthias maculicauda Spot-tail perchlet Southwest Pacific. 8.3 SL
1980 Plectranthias maugei Western Indian Ocean 5.8 SL
1880 Plectranthias megalepis Western Pacific 6.2 SL
1979 Plectranthias megalophthalmus Citron perchlet Indo-Pacific. 6.1 SL
1961 Plectranthias morgansi Flagfin Western Indian Ocean 5 SL
1980 Plectranthias nanus Bownband perchlet Pacific Ocean 4.0 SL
2008 Plectranthias nazcae Red splodge South Pacific, Nazca Ridg 15 SL
1995 Plectranthias pallidus Pale perchlet Western Pacific 7.6 SL
1991 Plectranthias parini Parin's anthias Southeast Pacific
1994 Plectranthias pelicieri Indian Ocean, from Maurit 4.8 SL
1980 Plectranthias randalli Western Pacific. 11.1 SL
1979 Plectranthias retrofasciatus Western Pacific 6.2 SL
1995 Plectranthias robertsi Filamentous perchlet Western Pacific 9.0 SL
1979 Plectranthias rubrifasciatus Western Central Pacific 4.9 SL
1964 Plectranthias sagamiensis Western Pacific 6 SL
2002 Plectranthias sheni Northwest Pacific 11.5 SL
1980 Plectranthias taylori Eastern Central Pacific 23.8 SL
1980 Plectranthias vexillarius Western Indian Ocean 8.2 SL
1980 Plectranthias wheeleri Spotted perchlet Western Pacific 8.3 SL
1980 Plectranthias whiteheadi Western Pacific 7.7 SL
1966 Plectranthias winniensis Redblotch basslet Indo-Pacific 4 SL
2011 Plectranthias xanthomaculatus Northwest Pacific 5.8 SL
1972 Plectranthias yamakawai Western Pacific. 20 SL

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cfm script by eagbayani, 30.11.04, ,  php script by cmilitante, 05/11/2010 ,  last modified by cmilitante, 14/03/2013