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Class: Actinopterygii
Order: Clupeiformes
Family: Clupeidae Herrings, shads, sardines, menhadens
Subfamily: Dorosomatinae
Genus: Nematalosa

(See list of species below)

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11 species (see list below)

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Photo by FAO

Western Indian Ocean
Max. Length 16.5 cm SL
Nematalosa arabica Regan, 1917

Photo by FAO
Nematalosa arabica
[Arabian gizzard shad]

Photo by Krumme, U.

Western Pacific
Max. Length 21 cm SL
Nematalosa come (Richardson, 1846)

Photo by Krumme, U.
Nematalosa come
[Western Pacific gizzard shad]

Photo by Aland, G.

Oceania and Asia
Max. Length 48 cm SL
Nematalosa erebi (Günther, 1868)

Photo by Aland, G.
Nematalosa erebi
[Australian river gizzard shad]

Photo by FAO

Max. Length 22.2 cm SL
Nematalosa flyensis Wongratana, 1983

Photo by FAO
Nematalosa flyensis
[Fly river gizzard shad]

Photo by FAO

Indo-West Pacific
Max. Length 16.3 cm SL
Nematalosa galatheae Nelson & Rothman, 1973

Photo by FAO
Nematalosa galatheae
[Galathea gizzard shad]

Photo by Randall, J.E.

Western Pacific
Max. Length 19 cm SL
Nematalosa japonica Regan, 1917

Photo by Randall, J.E.
Nematalosa japonica
[Japanese gizzard shad]

Photo by Randall, J.E.

Indo-West Pacific
Max. Length 22 cm TL
Nematalosa nasus (Bloch, 1795)

Photo by Randall, J.E.
Nematalosa nasus
[Bloch's gizzard shad]

Photo by FAO

Max. Length 21 cm SL
Nematalosa papuensis (Munro, 1964)

Photo by FAO
Nematalosa papuensis
[Strickland river gizzard shad]

Photo by FAO

Western Indian Ocean
Max. Length 15.2 cm SL
Nematalosa persara Nelson & McCarthy, 1995

Photo by FAO
Nematalosa persara
[Persara gizzard shad]

Photo by FAO

Western Indian Ocean
Max. Length 17 cm TL
Nematalosa resticularia Nelson & McCarthy, 1995

Photo by FAO
Nematalosa resticularia
[Gulf gizzard shad]

Photo by Good, P.

Eastern Indian Ocean
Max. Length 36 cm SL
Nematalosa vlaminghi (Munro, 1956)

Photo by Good, P.
Nematalosa vlaminghi
[Perth herring]
11 Species of Family Clupeidae with Genus Nematalosa
(Herrings, shads, sardines, menhadens)
Sort by: Species Length Year
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Year Scientific Name English Name Distribution Max. Length (cm)
1917 Nematalosa arabica Arabian gizzard shad Western Indian Ocean 16.5 SL
1846 Nematalosa come Western Pacific gizzard shad Western Pacific 21 SL
1868 Nematalosa erebi Australian river gizzard shad Oceania and Asia 48 SL
1983 Nematalosa flyensis Fly river gizzard shad Oceania 22.2 SL
1973 Nematalosa galatheae Galathea gizzard shad Indo-West Pacific 16.3 SL
1917 Nematalosa japonica Japanese gizzard shad Western Pacific 19 SL
1795 Nematalosa nasus Bloch's gizzard shad Indo-West Pacific 22 TL
1964 Nematalosa papuensis Strickland river gizzard shad Oceania 21 SL
1995 Nematalosa persara Persara gizzard shad Western Indian Ocean 15.2 SL
1995 Nematalosa resticularia Gulf gizzard shad Western Indian Ocean 17 TL
1956 Nematalosa vlaminghi Perth herring Eastern Indian Ocean 36 SL

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cfm script by eagbayani, 30.11.04, ,  php script by cmilitante, 05/11/2010 ,  last modified by cmilitante, 14/03/2013