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Class: Actinopterygii
Order: Cypriniformes
Family: Cyprinidae Minnows or carps
Subfamily: Gobioninae
Genus: Gobio

(See list of species below)

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38 species (see list below)

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Photo by CAFS

Max. Length 12.4 cm SL
Gobio acutipinnatus Men'shikov, 1939

Photo by CAFS
Gobio acutipinnatus
No picture found
Max. Length 14.9 cm SL

Gobio alverniae
[Auvergne gudgeon]
No picture found

Gobio battalgilae
[Eyilikler gudgeon]

Photo by Shandikov, G.A.

Max. Length 10 cm SL
Gobio brevicirris Fowler, 1976

Photo by Shandikov, G.A.
Gobio brevicirris
[Don gudgeon]

Photo by Institute of Inland Waters (IIW) Hellenic Center for Marine Research (HCMR)

Europe and Asia
Max. Length 9 cm SL
Gobio bulgaricus Drensky, 1926

Photo by Institute of Inland Waters (IIW) Hellenic Center for Marine Research (HCMR)
Gobio bulgaricus

Photo by Harka, A.

Max. Length 12 cm SL
Gobio carpathicus Vladykov, 1925

Photo by Harka, A.
Gobio carpathicus
[Carpathian gudgeon]

Photo by Pashkov, A.N.

Europe and Asia

Gobio caucasicus Kamensky, 1901

Photo by Pashkov, A.N.
Gobio caucasicus
No picture found
Max. Length 12.4 cm SL

Gobio coriparoides

Photo by CAFS

Max. Length 19 cm TL
Gobio cynocephalus Dybowski, 1869

Photo by CAFS
Gobio cynocephalus
[Siberian gudgeon]
No picture found
Max. Length 10.4 cm SL

Gobio delyamurei

Photo by Kommatas, Vardakas & Tachos (HCMR - IIW)

Max. Length 10 cm SL
Gobio feraeensis Stephanidis, 1973

Photo by Kommatas, Vardakas & Tachos (HCMR - IIW)
Gobio feraeensis
[Thessaly gudgeon]
No picture found
Max. Length 5.6 cm SL

Gobio fushunensis
[Fushun gudgeon]

Photo by Kohout, J.

Max. Length 21 cm TL
Gobio gobio (Linnaeus, 1758)

Photo by Kohout, J.
Gobio gobio
No picture found
Max. Length 14.1 cm TL

Gobio gymnostethus
[Cappadocian gudgeon]
No picture found
Max. Length 15.3 cm TL

Gobio hettitorum
[Anatolian gudgeon]

Photo by Naseka, A.M.

Max. Length 10 cm SL
Gobio holurus Fowler, 1976

Photo by Naseka, A.M.
Gobio holurus
[Caspian gudgeon]

Photo by CAFS

Max. Length 14.2 cm SL
Gobio huanghensis Luo, Le & Chen, 1977

Photo by CAFS
Gobio huanghensis
No picture found
Max. Length 13.6 cm TL

Gobio insuyanus
[Cihanbeyli gudgeon]
No picture found

Gobio intermedius
[Eber gudgeon]
No picture found
Max. Length 10 cm SL

Gobio kovatschevi
[Varna gudgeon]

Photo by Shandikov, G.A.

Max. Length 11 cm SL
Gobio krymensis B?n?rescu & Nalbant, 1973

Photo by Shandikov, G.A.
Gobio krymensis
[Salgir gudgeon]
No picture found
Max. Length 9 cm SL

Gobio kubanicus

Photo by CAFS

Max. Length 7.6 cm SL
Gobio lingyuanensis Mori, 1934

Photo by CAFS
Gobio lingyuanensis

Photo by Ribeiro, F.

Max. Length 13.5 cm TL
Gobio lozanoi Doadrio & Madeira, 2004

Photo by Ribeiro, F.
Gobio lozanoi

Photo by CAFS

Max. Length 14.2 cm SL
Gobio macrocephalus Mori, 1930

Photo by CAFS
Gobio macrocephalus

Photo by Güçlü, S.S.


Gobio maeandricus Naseka, Erk'akan & Küçük, 2006

Photo by Güçlü, S.S.
Gobio maeandricus
[I??kl? gudgeon]
No picture found
Max. Length 11.6 cm SL

Gobio meridionalis
No picture found

Gobio microlepidotus
[Bey?ehir gudgeon]

Photo by Freyhof, J.

Max. Length 12.5 cm SL
Gobio obtusirostris Valenciennes, 1842

Photo by Freyhof, J.
Gobio obtusirostris
No picture found
Max. Length 12.7 cm SL

Gobio occitaniae
No picture found
Max. Length 13 cm SL

Gobio ohridanus
[Ohrid gudgeon]

Photo by CAFS

Max. Length 14.2 cm SL
Gobio rivuloides Nichols, 1925

Photo by CAFS
Gobio rivuloides
No picture found
Max. Length 11.5 cm SL

Gobio sakaryaensis
[Sakarya Gudgeon]
No picture found
Max. Length 13 cm SL

Gobio sarmaticus
[Ukrainian gudgeon]
No picture found

Gobio sibiricus
No picture found
Max. Length 9 cm SL

Gobio skadarensis
[Skadar gudgeon]
No picture found
Max. Length 12 cm TL

Gobio soldatovi
[Soldatov's gudgeon]
No picture found
Max. Length 9.2 cm SL

Gobio volgensis
38 Species of Family Cyprinidae with Genus Gobio
(Minnows or carps)
Sort by: Species Length Year
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Year Scientific Name English Name Distribution Max. Length (cm)
1939 Gobio acutipinnatus Asia 12.4 SL
2005 Gobio alverniae Auvergne gudgeon Europe 14.9 SL
2006 Gobio battalgilae Eyilikler gudgeon Asia
1976 Gobio brevicirris Don gudgeon Europe 10 SL
1926 Gobio bulgaricus Europe and Asia 9 SL
1925 Gobio carpathicus Carpathian gudgeon Europe 12 SL
1901 Gobio caucasicus Europe and Asia
1925 Gobio coriparoides Asia 12.4 SL
1869 Gobio cynocephalus Siberian gudgeon Asia 19 TL
2005 Gobio delyamurei Europe 10.4 SL
1973 Gobio feraeensis Thessaly gudgeon Europe 10 SL
2007 Gobio fushunensis Fushun gudgeon Asia 5.6 SL
1758 Gobio gobio Gudgeon Europe 21 TL
1960 Gobio gymnostethus Cappadocian gudgeon Asia 14.1 TL
1960 Gobio hettitorum Anatolian gudgeon Asia 15.3 TL
1976 Gobio holurus Caspian gudgeon Europe 10 SL
1977 Gobio huanghensis Asia 14.2 SL
1960 Gobio insuyanus Cihanbeyli gudgeon Asia 13.6 TL
1944 Gobio intermedius Eber gudgeon Asia
1937 Gobio kovatschevi Varna gudgeon Europe 10 SL
1973 Gobio krymensis Salgir gudgeon Europe 11 SL
2004 Gobio kubanicus Europe 9 SL
1934 Gobio lingyuanensis Asia 7.6 SL
2004 Gobio lozanoi Europe 13.5 TL
1930 Gobio macrocephalus Asia 14.2 SL
2006 Gobio maeandricus I??kl? gudgeon Asia
1987 Gobio meridionalis Asia 11.6 SL
1942 Gobio microlepidotus Bey?ehir gudgeon Asia
1842 Gobio obtusirostris Europe 12.5 SL
2005 Gobio occitaniae Europe 12.7 SL
1924 Gobio ohridanus Ohrid gudgeon Europe 13 SL
1925 Gobio rivuloides Asia 14.2 SL
2012 Gobio sakaryaensis Sakarya Gudgeon Asia 11.5 SL
1949 Gobio sarmaticus Ukrainian gudgeon Europe 13 SL
1936 Gobio sibiricus Asia
1937 Gobio skadarensis Skadar gudgeon Europe 9 SL
1914 Gobio soldatovi Soldatov's gudgeon Asia 12 TL
2008 Gobio volgensis Europe 9.2 SL

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cfm script by eagbayani, 30.11.04, ,  php script by cmilitante, 05/11/2010 ,  last modified by cmilitante, 14/03/2013