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Definition of Term

(english) Curved like a sickle; deeply concave; a fin is falcate when the central rays are much shorter than those at either end; scythed-shaped; curved like a sickle; said of a fin when the central rays are much shorter than the outer. (See also: concave, caudal fin, fins)
en croissant
(french) Courbé comme une faucille; très concave; une nageoire est falciforme quand les rayons centraux sont beaucoup plus courts que ceux à chaque extrémité. (See also: concave, caudal fin, fins)
(portuguese) Curvo como uma foice; bastante côncavo; uma barbatana diz-se falcada quando os seus raios centrais são muito menores em comprimento do que os raios adjacentes. (See also: concave, caudal fin, fins)

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