Short Name: | Antarctic Treaty |
Full Name: | Antarctic Treaty |
Purpose: | general |
Established: | 01-Dec-1959 |
Entered into force: | 23-Jun-1961 |
Type: | treaty, multi-lateral |
Place where established: | Washington, DC, USA |
Schedule to expire: | |
Goals and Objectives: | The objective of this Treaty is to ensure that Antarctica is used for peaceful purposes, for international cooperation in scientific research, and that it does not become the scene or object of international discord. The Treaty includes provisions to prevent the establishment of military bases, military maneuvers or weapon testing in Antarctica; its provisions support freedom of scientific investigation and cooperation in the exchange of information regarding plans for investigation. |
Related Legislation: | The Antarctic Treaty system (ATS) provides the umbrella for a complex system of international instruments of importance for the environment. These include: - the Antarctic Treaty itself (text in United Nations Treaty Series, vol. 402, 71); other treaties adopted on the basis of the Antarctic Treaty: [1 Jun 1972] Convention for the Protection of Antarctic Seals, (Entered into force on 11Mar 1978). [ 20 May 1980] Convention on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR), (entered into force on 7 Apr 1982) [4 Oct 1991] Protocol on Environmental Protection to the Antarctic Treaty (Madrid Protocol), (Entered into force on 14 Jan 1998). |
Internet source: |
Country | Status | Year |
Argentina | ratified | 23-Jun-1961 |
Australia | ratified | 23-Jun-1961 |
Austria | ratified | 25-Aug-1987 |
Belgium | pending | 26-Jul-1960 |
Brazil | ratified | 16-May-1975 |
Bulgaria | ratified | 11-Sep-1978 |
Canada | ratified | 04-May-1988 |
Chile | ratified | 23-Jun-1961 |
China | ratified | 08-Jun-1983 |
Colombia | ratified | 31-Jan-1989 |
Cuba | ratified | 16-Aug-1984 |
Denmark | ratified | 20-May-1965 |
Ecuador | ratified | 15-Sep-1987 |
Finland | ratified | 15-May-1984 |
France | ratified | 23-Jun-1961 |
Germany, Fed. Rep. | ratified | 05-Feb-1979 |
Greece | ratified | 08-Jan-1987 |
Guatemala | ratified | 31-Jul-1991 |
Hungary | ratified | 27-Jan-1984 |
India | ratified | 19-Aug-1983 |
Italy | ratified | 18-Mar-1981 |
Japan | ratified | 23-Jun-1961 |
Korea, D.P.R. of | ratified | 21-Jan-1987 |
Korea, R. of | ratified | 28-Jan-1986 |
Netherlands | ratified | 30-Mar-1967 |
New Zealand | ratified | 23-Jun-1961 |
Norway | ratified | 23-Jun-1961 |
Papua New Guinea | ratified | 16-Sep-1981 |
Peru | ratified | 10-Apr-1981 |
Poland | ratified | 08-Jun-1961 |
Romania | ratified | 15-Sep-1971 |
Russian Federation | ratified | 23-Jun-1961 |
South Africa | ratified | 23-Jun-1961 |
Spain | ratified | 31-Mar-1982 |
Sweden | ratified | 24-Apr-1984 |
Switzerland | ratified | 15-Nov-1990 |
Turkey | ratified | 24-Jan-1996 |
Ukraine | ratified | 28-Oct-1992 |
United Kingdom | ratified | 23-Jun-1961 |
Uruguay | ratified | 11-Jan-1980 |
USA (contiguous states) | ratified | 23-Jun-1961 |
Language |
English |
French |
Russian |
Spanish |
No species found
Secretariat's address | ATS has no permanent secretariat. It operates primarily through annual Consultative Meetings hosted in rotation by Consultative Parties. |
Telephone | |
Fax | |
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