Short Name: | IOMAC |
Full Name: | Organization for Indian Ocean Marine Affairs |
Purpose: | general |
Established: | 07-Sep-1990 |
Entered into force: | |
Type: | body, multi-lateral |
Place where established: | Arusha, Tanzania |
Schedule to expire: | |
Goals and Objectives: | The objectives are to create an awareness regarding the Indian ocean, its resources and potential for the development of the States of the region; to provide a forum where the coastal and hinterland States of the Indian ocean could consider, examine and review the economic uses of the Indian Ocean, its resources and related activities; to enhance the economic and social development of the coastal and hinterland States. |
Related Legislation: | |
Internet source: |
Country | Status | Year |
Indonesia | member | 01-Jan-1970 |
Iran, Islamic R. of | member | 01-Jan-1970 |
Kenya | member | 01-Jan-1970 |
Mauritius | member | 01-Jan-1970 |
Mozambique | member | 01-Jan-1970 |
Nepal | member | 01-Jan-1970 |
Pakistan | member | 01-Jan-1970 |
Sri Lanka | member | 01-Jan-1970 |
Tanzania, United R. of | member | 01-Jan-1970 |
Language |
English |
No species found
Secretariat's address | |
Telephone | |
Fax | |
Home Page |