Short Name: | ICSEAF |
Full Name: | International Commission for the Southeast Atlantic Fisheries |
Purpose: | biodiversity |
Established: | 23-Oct-1969 |
Entered into force: | 24-Oct-1971 |
Type: | body, multi-lateral |
Place where established: | Rome, Italy |
Schedule to expire: | |
Goals and Objectives: | The objective of the Commission is to achieve cooperation in the conservation and rational exploitation of the living resources of the South-East Atlantic Ocean. |
Related Legislation: | [23 Oct 1969] Convention on the Conservation of the Living Resources of the Southeast Atlantic (Entered into force 24 Oct 1971). |
Internet source: |
Country | Status | Year |
Angola | member | 01-Jan-1970 |
Bulgaria | member | 01-Jan-1970 |
Cuba | member | 01-Jan-1970 |
France | member | 01-Jan-1970 |
Germany, Fed. Rep. | member | 01-Jan-1970 |
Iraq | member | 01-Jan-1970 |
Israel | member | 01-Jan-1970 |
Italy | member | 01-Jan-1970 |
Korea, R. of | member | 01-Jan-1970 |
Poland | member | 01-Jan-1970 |
Portugal | member | 01-Jan-1970 |
Romania | member | 01-Jan-1970 |
Russian Federation | member | 01-Jan-1970 |
South Africa | member | 01-Jan-1970 |
Spain | member | 01-Jan-1970 |
Language |
English |
French |
Spanish |
No species found
Secretariat's address | c/o The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Viale delle Terme di Caracalla 00100 Rome Italy |
Telephone | +39-6-57971 |
Fax | 39-6-57973152;5782610;57975155 |
Home Page |