Contribute Fish Pictures

How to contribute pictures

FishBase currently has around 51,000 pictures of about 17,000 fish species. There are many species that still lack photos in the database, especially of freshwater and aquarium fishes. If you have good quality photos of these species with good, reliable identification, we would be interested to use them in FishBase. The copyright will remain with you. We will attach your name to every photo and make your contact address and URL available in FishBase (if you agree).

For every picture, please give as much as possible of the following information:

There are 3 ways to contribute fish pictures to FishBase:

  1. By uploading your pictures directly on the FishBase website using the ‘upload your photo’ link from the species summary page.
  2. By sending us your electronic files thru email addressed to Aque Atanacio ( or compiling them on a cd or dvd and sending it to this address:
    FishBase Project
    3rd floor, Khush Hall
    IRRI, College, Los Baños
    Laguna 4031
  3. Or tell us where we may download the files thru the Internet
Thank you very much for your help. We are looking forward to seeing your pictures!

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