Larvae Information Summary for  Melamphaes lugubris
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Main Ref: Sandknop, E.M. and W. Watson 1996
Yolk-sac larvae
  max min mod Ref.
Length at birth (mm) 2.4      
Preanal L. % TL        
Place of development planktonic
Larval area Northeastern Pacific (California Current region); Northwest Pacific (Japan)
Yolk-sac       Ref:  
Yolk   Oil globules  
Rows on tail no rows
Other melanophores on tail no other melanophores
Melanophores on head + trunk melanophores on head + trunk
Post larvae
Striking feature duck-billed shape of head
Striking shape lateral normal (not striking) dorsal  
Striking feature duck-billed shape of head
Shape of gut triangular
Gas bladder   early   late  
Spinal armature   early   late  
Pigmentation early
Rows on tail dorsal + ventral + lateral row
Other melanophores on tail no other melanophores
Melanophores on head + trunk melanophores on head + trunk
Pigmentation late
Rows on tail lateral row
Other melanophores on tail no other melanophores
Melanophores on head + trunk melanophores on head + trunk
Urostyle region   early unpigmented late pigmented
Peritoneum with row of melanophores
Pectorals normal without melanophores
Pelvics normal (i.e. small or absent) with melanophores
Myomeres 28-30 (usually 30; 9+21 in preflexion stage, 13+17 in postflexion stage); pectorals=15-17 (usually 16, complete in postflexion stage); eye slightly smaller compared with M. parvus; pelvics pigment (when present) usually on distal half of fin before about 16 mm; pigment always present on dorsal and ventral margins. Patches and bands of pigments; 2nd or 3rd dorsal ray elongate (until 5-10 mm SL); pelvics: (2-10 mm SL) develop rapidly and are long, fragile, and pigmented; distinguished from Sebastolobus spp. at sizes <5 mm SL by: postanal pigment band more anterior, beginning at myomere 15; precocious development of pelvic fin. Pigmentation: Yolk-sac-preflexion: on dorsal margin at myomeres 12-13 through 15-19 and on ventral margin at myomeres 13 through 16-17 (16-18 through 19-22 by 5 mm); on yolk; dorsally on gut; distally on pelvic fins, often absent after 4 mm; under hindbrain at 4 mm, spreading onto dorsum by 4.5 mm; posteriorly over midbrain at 4.5 mm. Flexion-postflexion: increasing over brain; row on each side of dorsal fin base; extending onto caudal peduncle after 7 mm; double row along ventral margin after 7 mm; between hypurals 2-3 by 5.7 mm; bar over hypural area by 9-11mm, spreading forward as dorso- and ventrolateral stripes by about 15 mm; increasing on gut; usually distally on pelvic fins after 6 mm, covering fin after about 16 mm; internally over notochord in postflexion stage (difficult to see). Transformation: completely pigmented except little or none on pelvic fin and caudal fin rays; gut darkest. Sequence of fin development: pelvics, dorsal, caudal, pectorals, anal.
Meristic characters
  max min mod Ref.
Total number of myomeres 30 28   36655
  L 1st feeding Ref. Months of presence of larvae
max     Jan Feb Mar Apr
min   May Jun Jul Aug
mod     Sep Oct Nov Dec
Water parameters     Metric characters
Entered by: Luna,Susan M. - 09.02.00
Modified by: Luna,Susan M. - 17.03.03
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