FishBase References for , 1977

Ref. No. Title
2478 Some observations on the gills of the sunfish Mola mola. 95006 On the artificial stock enhancement of Baikal sturgeon. 13530 Notes on the ecology of fishes of the genus Aphanius and Gambusia affinis in southern Iraq. 28096 Food habits of the surgeon fish, Naso lopezi. 104136 Algumas considerações sobre a reprodução do cação jaguara, Galeocerdo cuvieri (Le Sueur, 1822) (Selachii: Carcharhinidae). 40777 Description of a new alepocephalid fish, Bajacalifornia erimoensis, and a second record of Alepocephalus umbriceps off Japan. 85986 Bile salts of the lungfish Lepidosiren Neoceratodus and Protopterus and those of the Coelacanth Latimeria chalumnae Smith. 14003 Effects of petroleum hydrocarbons on the rate of heart beat and hatching success of estuarine fish embryos. 13092 Report of the working group on fish stocks at the faroes. 36735 Report of the working group on Norway pout and sandeels in the North Sea. 47701 Kerala Fisheries (facts and figures). 86187 Our ovovivipare had found a friend. 1405 Studies on the fishery and growth rate of oceanic skipjack Katsuwonus pelamis (Linnaeus) at Minicoy Island from 1966 to 1969. 30153 Chromosomes of three races of goldfish, Kurodemekin, Sanshikidemekin, and Ranchu. 30149 Chromosomes of three species of clingfish from Japan. 30147 Chromosomes of two species of antennariid fishes from Japan. 52237 Age, growth, maturity, and seasonal food habits of round whitefish, Prosopium cylindraceum, in Lake Michigan near Ludington, Michigan. 12116 The fishery of Togo: an economic study. 29128 Chromosomal divergence and speciation in two families of North American fishes. 29145 Cytogenetic studies in North American minnows (Cyprinidae). IV. Somatic polyploidy in Gila bicolor. 46912 Biochemical genetics of sunfish IV. Relationships of centrarchid genera. 49179 A new species of Tropheus (Pisces: Cichlidae) from Lake Tanganyika. 2150 The labrid fish genus Pseudojuloides, with description of a new species. 30879 Biological studies on the anchovy, Thryssa gautamiensis Babu Rao (Pisces: Engraulidae). 27687 The biology of tailor (Pomatomus saltatrix Linn.) from the east coast of Australia. 3891 Cytological studies on three species of the cichlid fish. 29129 Fixation and staining of Tilapia tissues for chromosome examination. 43693 Preliminary observations on the maturation cycle and fecundity of sprats in the Northwestern North Sea. 4349 Age, growth and aspects of reproduction of the mackerel, Scomber japonicus in South African waters (Pisces: Scombridae). 4065 Desove y primeras fases de desarrollo de la sardina Espanola, Sardinops sagax musica, en Valparaiso. 87718 A review on the use of live Baitfishes to capture skipjack tuna, Katsuwonus pelamis, in the Tropical Pacific Ocean with emphasis on their behavior, survival, and availability. 38671 Early ontogeny of Labeotropheus Ahl, 1927 (mbuna, Cichlidae, Lake Malawi), with a discussion on advanced protective styles in fish reproduction and development. 44460 Fish gluttons: the natural ability of some fishes to become obese when food is in extreme abundance. 86156 Early ontogeny of Labeotropbeus Ahl, 1927 (Mbuna, Cichlidae, Lake Malawi), with a discussion on advanced protective styles in fish reproduction and development. 74394 Position zoogéographique de l'ichthyofaune d'eau douce d' asie occidentale. 113720 The freshwater fishes of the Arabian peninsula. 4070 Effect of different food levels on the growth and survival of laboratory-reared seabass larvae (Dicentrarchus labrax L.). 34435 Kariotip karlikovych zamzov atlantitischeskovo lozozja. 34436 Kariotipitscheski analis poduzta Chondrostoma nasus. 34437 Karyotypes of bream, undermouth, and Atlantic salmon. 29860 Karyotype studies in the undermouth Chondrostoma nasus L. 29861 Variability of chromosome sets in cells of various organs and tissues of the Atlantic salmon Salmo salar L. 29862 The karyotype of dwarf males of Salmo salar L. from the Neva population. 29863 Karyotypes of bream, undermouth and Atlantic salmon. 47129 Long-term recoveries of tagged sharks. 46932 Brains of Hawaiian tropical fishes; brain size and evolution. 50416 Changes in species compositions of the yields and catch per effort during the development of the fishery at Lake Turkana, Kenya. 57210 A methods for finding the limits of application of the von Bertalanffy growth model and statistical estimates of the parameters. 29154 Cytotaxonomic study of gila trout, Salmo gilae. 242 Lower vertebrates: fishes, amphibia and reptiles on stamps of the world. 58101 A new record of Vitiatiella cubiceps Rass, 1955 (Megalomycteridae, Osteichthyes) with remarks on the holotype of the species. 47134 Thermopreference behavior of bluegill (Lepomis macrochirus) subjected to restrictions in available temperature range. 47124 Secretion of rectal gland fluid in the atlantic stingray, Dasyatis sabina. 46911 A late miocene marine threespine stickleback, Gasterosteus aculeatus aculeatus, and its zoogeographic and evolutionary significance. 2839 Contribution à l'étude systématique et biologique des chinchards des côtes tunisiennes. 56614 New records of Red Sea immigrants in the eastern Mediterranean. 102440 Biology of the redtail surfperch (Amphistichus rhodoterus) from the central Oregon coast. 47149 A temporal and geographical analysis of new teleost names proposed at 25 year intervals from 1869-1870. 51411 The ceratioid fishes of the genus Thaumatichthys: osteology, relationships, distribution and biology. 58352 Fecundity of the freshwater catfishes Mystus seenghala (Sykes), Mystus cavasius (Ham), Wallagonia attu (Bloch) and Hetereopneustes fossilis (Bloch) from the plains of northern India. 47135 Geographic variation among Pacific northwest populations of longnose dace, Rhinichthys cataractae. 56100 The feeding ecology and relative abundance of mullet (Mugilidae) in Natal and Pondoland estuaries. 28077 The biology of the burrowing goby Croilia mossambica Smith (Teleostei, Gobiidae). 56101 The feeding ecology of juvenile mullet (Mugilidae) in south-east African estuaries. 9954 On ostraciiform locomotion. 9959 The kinematics and performance of escape responses of the knifefish Xenomystus nigri. 14014 The effect of copper on the eggs and larvae of plaice and herring. 56754 Prima segnalazione mediterranea di Sphyrna mokarran (Rüppel, 1837) (Selachii, Sphyrnidae). 48878 The Ophichthid eel Antobrantia ribeiroi Pinto 1970 a synonym of Ophichthus ophis (Linnaeus 1758). 1863 (to be filled). 5081 A new species, Sternoptyx pseudodiaphana Borodulina (Sternoptychidae, Osteichtyes) from waters of the Southern Hemisphere. 27472 Revision of the sea basses of the genus Diplectrum (Pisces: Serranidae). 32217 Gonad morphology of the hermaphroditic fish Diplectrum pacificum (Serranidae). 2836 Contribution à l'étude morphologique, anatomique et biologique de Dicentrarchus labrax (L., 1758) et D. punctatus (Bloch, 1792) des côtes tunisiennes. 34072 Contribution à l'étude morphologique, anatomique et biologique de Dicentrarchus labrax (Linné, 1758) et Dicentrarchus punctatus (Bloch, 1792) des côtes tunisiennes. 1899 Etheostoma etnieri, a new percid fish from the Caney Fork (Cumberland) River system, Tennessee, with a redescription of the subgenus Ulocentra. 46928 Occurrence and variety of fishes in mixohaline ponds of the Kona, Hawaii, coast. 42780 Trophic relationships in a seagrass community (Thalassia testudinum), in Card Sound, Florida. Fish diets in relation to macrobenthic and cryptic faunal abundance. 2165 Ecology of three sympatric flatheads (Platycephalidae) in Port Phillip Bay, Victoria. 40770 Larval rearing and development of Siganus lineatus (Pisces: Siganidae) from hatching through metamorphosis. 1537 Lo magnificus, nouvelle espèce de siganidé de la Mer des Andaman. 13060 Mirolabrichthys imeldae, a new species of anthiid fish from the Philippines (Perciformes: Serranidae). 5444 Penelaahan biologi ikan layang (Decapterus russelli Ruppel) di perairan Pulau Pangang, Pulau-Pulau Seribu. 46927 Population estimates, feeding habits and nutrient and energy relationships of Notophthalmus v. viridescens, in Mirror lake, New Hampshire. 7174 Some approaches to elucidation of the dynamics of swordfish (Xiphias gladius) populations. 27504 J.O. Langtry's 1949-50 Murray River investigations. 12503 A survey of fishes in Grassridge Dam. 91808 Spawning characteristics of brown trout and sea trout Salmo trutta L. in Kirk Burn, River Tweed, Scotland. 39859 Les espèces du genre Dasyatis Rafinesque, 1810 (Pisces, Rajiformes) des cotes tunisiennes. 108979 Contribution á la connaissance de la biologie des Scyliorhinidae des côtes Tunisiennes. III. Scyiorhinus stellaris. 6050 Contribution à la biologie des Triakidae des côtes tunisiennes. I. Mustelus mediterraneus Quignard et Capapé, 1972: répartition géographique et bathymétrique, migrations et déplacements, reproduction, fécondité. 41903 Food of hake (Merluccius merluccius) in Saronikos Gulf. 1724 A field guide to the coral reef fishes of the Indian and West Pacific Oceans. 3993 Handbook of freshwater fishery biology, volume 2. 49019 Life history data on centrarchid fishes of the United States and Canada. 42063 Relação de espécies marinhas e estuarinas do nordeste brasileiro. 1965 (to be filled). 9136 Contenido estomacal de alevinos de "paiche" Arapaima gigas Cuvier en condiciones de cautiverio. 47126 The congrid genus Fimbriceps, a synonym of Gnathophis. 47137 Leptocephalus of the muraenesocid eel Gavialiceps taeniola. 72394 Poissons d'eau douce de Madagascar par Renè Catala (suite). 29283 Sex chromosomes of the mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis): an interesting problem for American ichthyologists. 34494 The chromosomes of 11 species of Cyprinidae and one Cobitidae from Italy, with some remarks on the problems of polyploidy in the Cypriniformes. 2379 The effect of temperature on routine metabolism in Tilapia rendalii Boulenger. 2386 Physiological adjustments to dilution to the external medium in the lip-shark, Hemiscyllium plagiosum (Bennett). III. Oxygen consumption and metabolic rates. 26539 Tagging experiments on the spotted mackerel (Scomber australasicus) in Taiwan. 13502 Life history, feeding habits, and functional morphology of juvenile sciaenid fishes in the York River estuary, Virginia. 58266 The leather jacket, Alutera scripta, feeding on the portuguese man-of-war, Physalia utriculus. 39530 Remarques anatomiques et fonctionnelles à propos du suspensorium et de la série operculaire chez Sternopygus macrurus (Bloch et Schneider) et Eigenmannia virescens (Val.) (Teleostei Gymnotoidei). 80026 When is sex environmentally determined?. 56815 Energy metabolism of the Falkland sprat, Sprattus fuegensis. 4648 Artificial spawning and larval rearing of the grouper, Epinephelus tauvina (Forskal) in Singapore. 54566 A key for identification of juvenile cichlids from Lake Kinneret. 13026 Changes in walleye (Stizostedion vitreum vitrem) population in Rainy Lake and factors in abundance, 1924-1975. 4630 Effects of feeding frequency on the young estuary grouper, Epinephelus salmoides Maxwell, cultured in floating net cages. 12218 The fishes of Korea. 38674 Tidal cycling and parental behavior of the cichlid fish, Biotodoma cupido. 57987 The biology of the northern rockling, Ciliata septentrionalis, in the Severn Estuary and Bristol Channel. 2242 Biology of the tropical catfish (Family Clariidae) with special emphasis on its suitability for culture (including a bibliography of Clariidae and related topics). 335 Premiers résultats de l'élevage en cages de Tilapia nilotica dans le lac de Kossou, Côte d'Ivoire. 11003 Synopsis of biological data for the walleye Stizostedion vitreum vitreum. 10999 Biology of the percids. 4102 Oeufs et larves de la sardinelle ronde (Sardinella aurita) au Sénégal: distribution, croissance mortalité, variations d'abondance de 1971 à 1976. 9368 Dionda mandibularis, a new cyprinid fish endemic to the Upper Rio Verde, San Luis Potosi, Mexico, with comments on related species. 58936 Raymon Lindeman and the trophic-dynamic concept in ecology. 1772 Approaches to estimating fish biomass and potential yield in Lake Tanganyika. 83278 The body composition of adult perch, Perca fluviatilis in Windermere, with reference to seasonal changes and reproduction. 8742 Seawater inhibition of nitrite toxicity to chinook salmon. 28579 Seasonal reproductive cycle of snapper Chrysophrys auratus (Forster) in the Hauraki Gulf, New Zealand. 38675 Displacement, and home range movements of muskellunge determined by ultrasonic tracking. 29655 Cariotipo di Tinca tinca (probabile eterogametia femminile). 3825 Intraovarian studies and fecundity in Nemipterus japonicus (Bloch). 93603 Maturity, spawning and fecundity of catfish Tachysurus tenuispinis (Day). 12465 Availability, morphometrics, feeding and breeding activity in a multi-species, demersal fish stock of the western Indian Ocean. 8965 Early notebook, containing observations made at Edinburgh, March 1827. 48741 Culture of Indian major carps with record yield in a demonstration pond. 29393 Somatic chromosome analysis of a siluroid fish, Rita chrysea. 1107 Age determination and growth of the freshwater catfish, Tandanus tandanus Mitchell, in the Gwydir River, Australia. 40540 A new western Atlantic wormfish (Pisces: Microdesmidae). 46456 Review of the pipefish genus Corythoichthys with description of three new species. 47188 The pipefish name Syngnathus corrugatus Weber, a junior synonym of Bhanotia fasciolata (Dumeril). 4811 The respiratory area of the gills of some teleost fishes in relation to their mode of life. 6468 Some aspects of the biology of three species of Puntius (=Barbus) (Pisces, Cyprinidae) endemic to Sri Lanka. 4350 The biology of the hottentot Pachymetopon blochii (Val.) and the silverfish Argyrozona argyrozona (Val.) along the Cape south-west coast. 47185 Photoperiod and temperature effects on gonadal regression in the golden shiner, Notemigonus crysoleucas. 47193 Effects of long-term exposure to constant photoperiod-temperature regimes on gonadal activity and energy reserves in the golden shiner, Notemigonus crysoleucas. 46918 Notes on the habitat, description and distribution of the sharp-nose darter, Percina oxyrhyncha. 50415 Une réussite du service forestier du Cameroun. L'introduction d'Heterotis niloticus dans le Nyong. 6003 Observations on some aspects of the biology and fishery of Psettodes erumei (Bloch) at Porto Novo. 47122 Protogynous hermaphroditism in the labrid Decodon melasma. 6843 Age, growth and feeding in the ballan wrasse, Labrus bergylta Ascanius 1767. 33055 Food, feeding habits, and growth of goldeye, Hiodon alosoides Rafinesque), in waters of the Peace-Athabasca Delta. 9921 A new species of tilefish (Pisces: Banchiostegidae) from the western tropical Atlantic. 29800 Use of karyological data to solve problems of classification and phylogeny of salmonid fish. 34554 Ispol'sovanije dannych kariologii dlja reschenija voprosov sysematiki i filogenii lososevych ryb. 5787 Horse mackerel (Trachurus trachurus L.) fished in the southeast Atlantic. 14038 Interactive effect of chromium compounds and a fungal parasite on carp eggs. 4483 Age et croissance de Raja batis et de Raja naevus en Mer Celtique. 27366 Age et croissance de Raja batis et de Raja naevus en Mer Celtique. 2406 Oxygen requirement of the early stages of the major carp Labeo calbasu. 2042 A taxonomic study of the genus Lethrinops Regan (Pisces: Cichlidae) from Lake Malawi. Part 1. 12002 Contribution to the biology of Lutjanus analis (Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1828) (Lutjanidae, Perciformes, Pisces) on the Colombian Atlantic coast. 13436 Food habits of carp and white sucker in South Platte and St, Vrain Rivers and Goosquill Pond, Weld County, Colorado. 47195 Seasonal migrations of Astyanax mexicanus as an adaptation to novel environments. 43820 Factors in interpreting data obtained by diel sampling of fish stomachs. 4669 Dinámica de población de la corvina blanca (Micropogon opercularis) en el Rio de la Plata y su frente oceánico. 4138 Energetics of Pacific herring (Clupea harengus pallasi) embryos and larvae exposed to low concentrations of benzene, a monoaromatic component of crude oil. 91587 Feeding, metabolism and growth of brown trout. 75079 Feeding of common bream, sterlet, white bream and roach in Saratov Reservoir. 14042 The effects of the water soluble fraction of No. 2 fuel oil on the early development of the estuarine fish, Fundulus grandis Baird and Girard. 41422 A new scorpionfish, Ebosia falcata (Scorpaenidae, Pteroinae), from the western Indian Ocean, with comments on the genus. 47307 Food of Anguilla anguilla in lake Manzalah, Egypt. 2769 Population structure of two Labeo species in the Hendrik Verwoerd dam as determined by gill net sampling. 47628 Cles commentees pour la determination des adultes et des alevins de Mugilidae de Tunisie. 38668 Field study of Haplochromis burtoni: habitats and co-habitant. 34577 Duplicate gene expression in diploid and tetraploid loaches (Cypriniformes, Cobitidae). 26408 Manual de pixes marinhos do sudeste do Brasil. I. Introduçao. Cações, raias e quimeras. 26475 Food habits and feeding chronology of rainbow smelt, Osmerus mordax, in Lake Michigan. 82886 Seasonal changes in food consumption and energy content of smelt (Osmerus mordax) in Lake Michigan. 34586 Somatic chromosomes of Acipenser ruthenus L. 30138 Estudos cromossomicos e genetico-bioquimicos em Astyanax (Pisces, Characidae). 29479 Chromosome complements from different subspecies and species of Xiphophorus. 12710 Description de deux nouvelles espèces d'Anthiinae (Famille Serranidae). 86977 A catalog of World fishes (XXVI). 37114 Minimum estimates of the all nation removals, North American trawl species composition and CPUE for "other rockfish" in the northeastern Pacific Ocean. 86190 ?. 47123 Additional notes on the use of the sihler technique of staining neves of small, whole specimens of fishes and other vertebrates. 32167 Monogamy and sex change by aggressive dominance in coral reef fish. 4644 Development of fishes of the Mid-Atlantic Bight. An atlas of egg, larval and juvenile stages. 55709 Feeding of Lithognathus mormyrus (L.) in Central Adriatic Sea (Pisces, Sparidae). 46155 The food of charr, Salvelinus willughbii (Günther), in Windermere. 9138 Natural hybridization between Platichthys stellatus and Kareius bicoloratus. 4148 Studies on artificial production of seedling in red sea bream, Pagrus major (Temminck et Schlegel). VII. The optimum quantities of food organisms on rearing larvae and juveniles. 7150 Richesse et productivite des ecosystemes lagunaires et recifaux. Application `a l`etude dynamique d`une population de Pomacentrus nigricans du lagon de Moorea (Polynesie Francaise). 38215 Descrição de Apareiodon vittatus sp. n. do Rio Iguaçu e comentários sobre as espéces do gênero Apareiodon Eigenmann, 1916 (Ostariophysi, Parodontidae). 56415 Bighead goby Neogobius kessleri (Guenther) in Volgograd reservoir. 74555 Contribution à la biologie de Caryphaenoides rupestri. Répartition et reproduction dans l´Atlantique nord est par. 598 Characoids of the world. 39574 Scientific results of the Brasilian-Peru Expedition, Dr. K. H. Lüling, 1974. Notes on certain characoid fishes (Order Cypriniformes) from eastern and southeastern Brazil. 106642 Description d'une espèce et d'une sous-espèce nouvelles d'Afrique occidentale du genre Brycinus (Pisces, Cypriniformes, Characoidei), avec une revue de la super-espèce Brycinus longipinnis (Günther, 1864). 46933 Status of the western south Atlantic apogonid fish Apogon americanus, with remarks on other Brazilian Apogonidae. 47190 Notes on the opossum pipefish, Oostethus lineatus, from the Indian river lagoon and vicinity, Florida. 9510 Ecologic study on Diaphus suborbitalis Weber (Pisces, Myctophidae) in Suruga Bay, Japan. 1. Method of ageing and its life span. 31247 Ecologic study on Diaphus suborbitalis WEBER (Pisces, Myctophidae) in Suruga Bay, Japan - II Growth Pattern. 3081 The life and loves of the coral trout. 29246 Systematics of western North American trout (Salmo), with notes on the redband trout of Sheepheaven Greek, California. 29401 Cytogenetic studies in North American minnows (Cyprinidae). I. Karyology of nine California genera. 10363 Chromosome cytology in the cutthroat trout series Salmo clarki (Salmonidae). 2071 The fish populations of the inshore waters of the west of Scotland. The biology of the Norway Pout (Trisopterus esmarkii). 2432 Respiration rate of the fry of some tropical fishes. 2481 Respiration of the fry of some tropical fishes. 47147 Genotypic evolution in the face of Phenotypic conservationess: Abudefduf (Pomacentridae) from the Atlantic and Pacific sides of Panama. 29819 The kokanee Oncorhynchus nerka (Walb.) from Lake Azabachje (Kamchatka). 33379 Results of the research cruises of FRV "Walter Herwig" to South America. XLIII. Revision of the South American Zoarcidae (Osteichthyes, Blennoidei) with the description of three new genera and five new species. 2774 Growth of the cichlid fish Tylochromis bangwelensis in Lake Bangweulu, Zambia. 28909 Fisheries investigations in a coastal region of the Beaufort Sea (Kaktovik Lagoon, Alaska). 1729 Sinopsis de los peces marinos de Cuba. Vol. III. Orden Perciformes; Suborden Percoidei. 40752 Population biology of Pacific Ocean perch, Sebastes alutus, stocks in the Washington - Queen Charlotte Sound region, and their response to fishing. 40423 Sciaenid stocks of the western central Atlantic between Chesapeake Bay, Virginia and the Amazon River, Brazil. 2863 Age and growth of the pufferfish Uranostoma richei (Plectognathi: Lagocephalidae) from Lyttelton Harbour. 47198 A sea lamprey from the deep ocean. 86042 Light and electron microscopic study on the pineal complex of Coelacanth, Latimeria chalumnae Smith. 4660 Idade, crescimento e aspectos gerais da biologia da corvina Micropogon opercularis (Quoy e Gaimard, 1824) (Pisces, Sciaenidae). 33579 On the feeding behavior of the basking shark, Cetorhinus maximus. 30445 Fishery oceanography in striped marlin - II. Spawning activity of the fish in the Southern Coral Sea. 14059 Kepone: chronic effects on embryo, fry, juvenile, and adult sheepshead minnows. 14058 Endrin: effects on the entire life cycle of a saltwater fish, Cyprinodon variegatus. 12084 Acoustic surveys of pelagic resources. Report No. 2 - Hong Kong, November 1976. 46920 Early records of freshwater fishes in Africa. 51644 Age determination and growth studies of Bagrus bayad in the Nozha-hydrodrome. 51645 Population characteristics of Bagrus bayad in the Nozha-hydrodrome during 1968-1970. 1753 Some aspects of the life history of Siganus canaliculatus (Park) (Pisces: Siganidae) in Palau. 4634 The growth and culture of dolphin, Coryphaena hippurus, in North Carolina. 86178 Immunochemical and biological studies with growth hormone in a pituitary extract of the Coelacanth Latimeria chalumnae Smith. 7132 Contributions to the biology of the cape gurnard, Trigla capensis (Pisces: Triglidae): age, growth and reproduction. 7124 Contributions to the biology of the panga, Pterogymnus laniarius (Pisces: Sparidae): age, growth and reproduction. 42400 Use of animal fat in formulated diets for yellow perch (Perca flavescens). 11305 A peculiar modification of the intestine in the stromateoid fishes Seriolella punctata and S. brama (Perciformes: Centrolophidae). 10394 A revision of the Emmelichthyidae (Pisces: Perciformes). 46899 Additional data on the pomacentrid fish Chromis scotti. 74460 Biology of the baitfishes Herklotsichthys punctatus and Pranesus pinguis in Majuro, Marshall Islands. 2441 Oxygen consumption in the Indian major carp, Labeo rohita and the exotic carp, Cyprinus carpio (Bangkok strain) (order: Cypriniformes, family: Cyprinidae) in relation to weight and surface area. 47121 Hermaphroditism in a chum salmon, Oncorhynchus keta. 5728 Age composition, growth and body condition of the introduced Sarotherodon mossambicus (Cichlidae) in Plover Cove Reservoir, Hong Kong. 87922 Signigobius biocellatus, a new genus and species of sand-dwelling coral reef gobiid fish from the western tropical Pacific. 11688 Fishes of the Gulf of Mexico, Texas, Louisiana and adjacent waters. 47136 Review of eastern Pacific Haemulon with notes on juvenile pigmentation. 58320 Aspects of the feeding ecology of oceanic midwater fishes. 44359 Biology of the rex sole, Glyptocephalus Zachirus, in waters off Oregon. 4177 Abundance and potential yield of the round herring, Etrumeus teres, and aspects of its early life history in the eastern Gulf of Mexico. 4178 Abundance and potential yield of the thread herring, Opisthonema oglinum, and aspects of its early life history in the eastern Gulf of Mexico. 4182 Abundance and potential yield of the scaled sardine, Harengula jaguana, and aspects of its early life history in the eastern Gulf of Mexico. 4183 Food concentration and stocking density effects on survival and growth of laboratory-reared larvae of bay anchovy Anchoa mitchilli and lined sole Achirus lineatus. 74441 Fecundity of the southern New England stock of yellowtail flounder, Limanda ferruginea. 96517 Liste nominale annotée de Aphyosemion - Myers. Avec description de Raddaella et Kathetys deux sous-genres à la biologie originale. 44593 Vorläufige Beschreibung von Diapteron, nov. subgen. 44630 Diapteron, nouveau sous-genre de Aphyosemion Myers. 6888 Behavior and survival of northern anchovy Engraulis mordax larvae. 46921 Inter- and intraspecific aggression in male sticklebacks. 5034 Bovichthys elongatus n. sp., poisson Bovichthyidae, famille novelle pour l'Antarctique. 1014 Détermination de l'âge et croissance du coelacanthe Latimeria chalumnae Smith, 1939 (Poisson. Crossopterygien, Coelacanthidé). 33950 New cytological, biochemical, and physiological data on the colourless blood of the C . . . . . . . 4606 The length-weight relationship, spawning season and food habits of six commercial fishes in Kuwaiti waters. 35708 Descriptions of three new genera and eight new species of monacanthid fishes from Australia. 52662 Report on joint Soviet-Icelandic investigations on the distribution of pelagic fish and oceanographic conditions in the Norwegian Sea and waters adjacent to Iceland in May-July, 1977. 57434 Biochemical composition of few cyprinid fishes from Jammu. 58999 A list of the freshwater fishes and some shrimps of Sierra Leone with their vernacular names in Mende, Temne and Limba. 75535 Five new species of skates in the genus Bathyraja from the western North Pacific, with reference to their interspecific relationships. 4815 Size and vascularization of the respiratory surfaces of gills and skin in some cobitids (Cobitidae, Pisces). 57105 A critique of field methodology for determining fish feeding periodicity. 1776 On the dynamics and exploitation of the population of brown trout, Salmo trutta L., in Lake _vre Heimdalsvatn, southern Norway. 7175 The biology and fishery of Atlantic sailfish Istiophorus platypterus, from southeast Florida. 9028 Age and growth of spiny dogfish (Squalus acanthias) in the Strait of Georgia, British Columbia. 75345 Reproduction and embryonic development of spiny dogfish (Squalus acanthias) in the Strait of Georgia, British Columbia. 6467 Notes on exotic fishes introduced into South African waters. Part II: live-bearing sharptooth carps. 38669 Reproductive patterns in seventeen species of warmwater fishes in a Missouri River reservoir. 4743 A list of the estuarine and marine fishes and some shellfishes of Sierra Leone, with their common names in either Krio or English. 96110 Hirfanl? Baraj?ndaki sudak (Stizostedion lucioperca L.) ve sazan (Cyprinus carpio L.) populasyonlar?ndan en küçük av büyüklü?ü. 1060 The lanternfish Lobianchia dofleini: an example of the importance of life-history information in prediction of oceanic sound scattering. 8611 Beberapa aspekbiologis ikan jambal, Pangasius pangasius (Hamilton & Buchanan) di Waduk Jatiluhur, Jawa Barat. 28076 Diet overlaps and feeding relationships between the year classes in the yellow perch (Perca flavensces). 46930 Life history of the leon springs pupfish, Cyprinodon bovinus. 34334 Somatic and germinal chromosomes of the aquarium fish, Molliensia latipinna. 2503 The oxygen transport system in trout (Salmo gairdneri) during sustained exercise. 4641 Influence of temperature, dissolved oxygen and salinity on incubation and early larval development of the South West African pilchard Sardinops ocellata. 39454 Distribution and relative abundance of eggs of the south west African pilchard Sardinops ocellata and anchovy Engraulis capensis, 1971/72. 9194 Observations on feeding habits of the mesopelagic fish Benthosema glaciale (Myctophidae), off northwest Africa. 34751 Karyotypic similarities between the mexican and blind tetras. 74413 The Feeding relationship of shallow water fishes in a Scottich sea loch. 54979 Les poissons et la pêche dans le lac Ihema (Rwanda, bassin moyen de l'Akagera). 82903 Estimation of caloric content for fish biomass. 9413 Rapid chromosome preparations from solid tissues of fishes. 29308 Rapid chromosome preparations from solid tissues of fishes. 29692 Distribution of F-bodies, heterochromatin, and nucleolar organizers in the genome of the central mudminnow, Umbra limi. 74582 The fecundity of Rutilus rubilio rubilio. 29190 On the hybrids 4n ginbuna (Carassius auratus langsdorfii) x kinbuna (C. auratus subsp.) and their chromosomes. 35543 Eggs, larvae and juveniles of fishes from plankton collections in the Gulf of St. Lawrence during 1972 to 1975. 47130 The number of segments and body length of Plecoglossus altivelis fry in the Nagara river, Japan. 47131 Influence of temperature on the vertebral number of the ayu, Plecoglossus altivelis. 26356 Algunos datos sobre la biología de los peces pomadásidos (Familia Pomadasyidae). 41425 Contribution a la révision de la super-espèce Aphyosemion gardneri (Blgr., 1911) (Osteichthyes, Cyprinodontidae). 41426 Contribution a la révision de la super-espèce Aphyosemion gardneri (Blgr., 1911) (Osteichthyes, Cyprinodontidae). 86976 Fische des Indischen Ozeans. Ergebnisse der ichthyologischen Untersuchungen während der Expedition des Forschungsschiffes "Meteor" in den indischen Ozean, Oktober 1964 bis Mai 1965. A. Systematischer Teil, XX. Pleuronectiformes (Heterosomata). Meteor Forschungsergebnisse. 46832 Estimating the affinity of species from the degree of coincidence of their distribution ranges. 86504 Papiliochromis gen. n., a new genus of South American cichlid fish (Teleostei, Perciformes). 6894 Fishes of Indian Ocean. 85878 The coelacanth and the chondrichthyes as sister groups. A review of shared apomorph characters and a cladistic analysis and reinterpretation. 46916 A cloacal excretory gland in the lungfish Protopterus. 46482 Observations on the food of freshwater fish from the coal and Jordan Rivers, Tasmania. 47372 Croissance, reproduction et régime alimentaire du mulet perlé, Semotilus maragarita, du lac Gamelin, Québec. 4232 A bioenergetic model for the analysis of feeding and survival potential of winter flounder, Pseudopleuronectes americanus, larvae during the period from hatching to metamorphosis. 2879 Aspects qualitatifs et quantitatifs de l'alimentation des poissons du Tchad. 34224 Observations on the food and feeding habits of Sardinella gibbosa from Vizhinjam. 5828 Estimation of age composition and survival rate of the yellow croaker, Pseudosciaena manchurica Jordan et Thompson in the Yellow Sea and East China Sea. 7183 Écologie et biologie de Micralestes acutidens (Peters, 1852) (Pisces, Characidae) du bassin du lac Tchad. 85953 Étude ultrastructurale du parenchyme sécréteur de la glande post-anale du coelacanthe Latimeria chalumnae Smith. 27944 Aspects of the ecology of fish and commercial crustaceans of the Blackwood River estuary, Western Australia. 46902 Fishes from the hypersaline waters of the stromatolite zone of shark Bay, Western Australia. 45853 Observations sur la faune ichtyologique du bassin du Boubo (Côte d'Ivoire). 6212 Relations entre le rapport P/B et la longévité des organismes. 1971 The naturalized animals of the British Isles. 2516 Oxygen consumption during the metamorphosis of the parasitic lamprey, Lampetra fluviatilis (L.) and its non-parasitic derivative, Lampetra planeri (Bloch). 14094 The effects of crude Ekofisk oil and oil products on marine fish larvae. 6967 Report on the Java sea southeast monsoon trawl survey, June-December 1976. 2283 (to be filled). 38670 Fish community structure in lakeshore lagoons on Long Point, Lake Erie, Canada. 50138 Ecological fish production in Long Pond, a lakeshore lagoon on Long Point, Lake Erie. 4908 Etudes Rwandaises. 57870 Studies on the ichthyo-fauna in Plover Cove Reservoir, Hong Kong: feeding and food relations. 360 Age determination and growth of S. mossambicus in Plover Cove Reservoir Hongkong. 47199 Dentitions throughout the life history of the landlocked sea lamprey, Petromyzon marinus. 34378 A checklist of chromosomes in cyprinid fishes. 8942 Karyomorphology of cyprinid fishes and cytological evaluation of the family. 30102 Chromosome analysis in five species of fresh-water fishes. 5840 Age, growth, and mortality of red porgy, Pagrus pagrus. 74864 Body composition of Mugil cephalus, Liza dumerili, Liza richardsoni and Liza tricuspidens (Teleostei: Mugilidae) caught in the Swartkops Estuary. 8653 Toxicity of furanace to fish and frog eggs and larvae. 5129 Un nuevo zoarcido para la zona Antarctica, Lycenchelus argentinus n.sp. (Pisces, Zoarcidae). 47128 Structural modifications of the pectoral fin rays in the order Pleuronectiformes. 53523 The existence of a benthopelagic fauna in the deep-sea. 7013 O ciclo de vida da sardinha-verdadeira (Introduçao à Oceanografia pesqueira). 234 Food of western north Atlantic tunas (Thunnus) and lancetfishes (Alepisaurus). 46925 Daily movements of shortnose sturgeon, Acipenser brevirostrum, in a Maine estuary. 40911 The osteology, classification and relationships of the eel family Ophichthidae. 10393 Three new species of Indo-Pacific moray eels (Pisces: Muraenidae). 59313 Possible occurrence of character displacement in the sympatric skates Raja erinacea and R. ocellata (Pisces: Rajidae). 46934 Subgeneric placement of Raja bathyphila based on anatomical characters of the clasper, cranium and pelvic girdle. 51959 Feeding strategies of the macrourids. 86774 The freshwater Therapontidae of New Guinea. 83839 Caracterizacão biométrica e merística do pirá, Malacanthus plumieri (Bloch), em frente ao Estado do Ceará. 35689 Acestrocephalus boehlkei, a new and disjunct cynopotamine from Ecuadorean and Peruvian Amazon (Osteichthyes, Ostariophysi, Characidae). 5297 A systematic monograph of the tongue soles of the genus Cynoglossus Hamilton-Buchanan (Pisces: Cynoglossidae). 13777 Mosquito control potential of some species of indigenous fishes in Pondicherry. 47133 Genetic uniformity throughout the range of the hellbender, Cryptobranchus alleganiensis. 74496 Fecundity of the northern puffer, Sphoeroides maculatus, from Chesapeake Bay. 50134 Population structure and biology of alewives (Alosa pseudoharengus) and blueback herring (A. aestivalis) in the Saint John River, New Brunswick. 32226 Reproductive behavior and patterns of sexuality in the Japanese labrid fish Thalassoma cupido. 47125 Comparison between 15 Carapus mourlani in a single holothurian and 19 C. mourlani from starfish. 3884 Comparative cytology of Tilapia rendalli and Geophagus brasiliensis (Cichlidae, Pisces). 29480 Comparative cytology of Tilapia rendalli and Geophagus brasiliensis (Cichlidae, Pisces). 29481 Karyotypic study of some species of the family Loricariidae (Pisces). 14105 Response of early life history stages of striped bass, Morone saxatilis, to chlorination. 38673 The impact of thermal effluents on fish. 85880 Further observations on the mineralized tissues of Latimeria chalumnae. 28116 Fisheries biology of Pristipomoides spp. (Family Lutjanidae) in the South China Sea and its adjacent waters. 2680 Theoretical and practical aspects of the production of all male tilapiahybrids. 58319 Studies of Oncorhynchus in the sea area adjacent to the northern Kuril Islands in early spring. 1993 The use of grass carp for submerged weed control. 29936 Cytogenetical changes in salmon hybrids on different stages of their development. 29937 On the karyotype of the Oncorhynchus keta x O.gorbuscha hybrid. 30604 Food and feeding behavior of the shovelnose sturgeon, Scaphirhynchus platorynches, in the unchannelized Missouri River, South Dakota. 75607 The Structure of a Spawning Shoal and the Migration Periots of the Migratory Herring Alosa kessleri pontica in the Don River. 34822 A list of freshwater fishes of Selangor. 83665 Gut patterns of the Acanthuridae and Zanclidae. 26141 Die Fische der Nordsee. 46914 Diet and gut morphology in fishes, with special reference to the monkeyface prickleback, Cebidichthys violaceus (Stichaeidae: Blennioidei). 46929 Larval and osteological development of the sheepshead, Archosargus probatocephalus (Pisces: Sparidae). 46903 Incidence of crooked vertebral columns in adult Potomac River white perch, Morone americana. 14107 Chlorine toxicity to eggs and larvae of southern Chesapeake Bay fishes. 28861 Feeding by Alaska whitefish, Coregonus nelsoni, during the spawning run. 91228 Limnology and fish populations of Red Indian Lake, a multi-use reservoir. 84776 Guide to the identification of scorpionfish larvae (Family Scorpaenidae) in the Eastern Pacific with comparative notes on species of Sebastes and Helicolenus from other oceans. 83844 Aspectos da biometria e biologia do bonito, Euthynnus alleterattus (Rafinisque) (Pisces: Scombridade). 46895 Anatomy and functional morphology of dermal collagen fibers in sharks. 56607 Liste des poissons de la côte du Liban (Méditerranée orientale). 14109 Teratogenic malformations in Oryzias latipes embryos treated with paraquat. 11185 The Pacific halibut fishery: catch, effort and CPUE, 1929-1975. 105955 New records of fishes from Iraq. 39908 Family Neoscopelidae. 39906 Family Myctophidae. 88775 Pikeperch (Stizostedion lucioperca) in its natural habitats in Poland. 75219 A morphohistological description of the ovaries of horse-mackerel (Trachurus trachurus) from the Celtic Sea. 85945 The brain of the crossopterygian fish Latimeria chalumnae: a survey of its gross structure. 81620 The first record of Trachinotus ovatus (Linnaeus, 1758) in the coastal waters of the Netherlands (Pisces, Perciformes, Carangidae). 29427 A comparative study of chromosomes in Japanese fishes. III. Somatic chromosomes of three anguilloid species. 29425 A comparative study of chromosomes in Japanese fishes. II. Chromosomes of eight species of Scorpaeniformes. 91493 Individual growth rate and age at first maturity in Atlantic salmon. 59314 Growth and intermediary metabolism of larval and metamorphosing stages of the landlocked sea lamprey, Petromyzon marinus L. 2552 Oxygen consumption of an amphibious fish Colisa fasciatus in relation to body weight. 29513 A cytological evidence for gynogenetic development of the Ginbuna (Carassius auratus langsdorfii). 13867 Studies on the biology of the family Schilbeidae (Osteichthyes: Siluriforms) in Lake Kainji, Nigeria. 6488 Courtship and spawning behavior of the tautog, Tautoga onitis (Pisces: Labridae), under laboratory conditions. 13866 The biology of the clupeid fishery in Lake Kainji, Nigeria. 58265 Predation on the ctenophore, Mnemiopsis leidyi, by butterfish, Peprilus triacanthus, in Narragansett Bay, Rhode Ilsand. 46894 The lateralis system of darters (Etheostomatini). 29068 Descripción de huevos y larvas de Microchirus ocellatus y M. azevia (Pleuronectiformes, Soleidae) de las costas del NW de Africa. 85928 Osmoregulation in elasmobranchs. 82472 Taxonomy of the Freshwater Algae of Laguna de Bay and Vicinity. 27722 Age and growth of perch, Perca fluviatilis (L.) in the lake of Ag. Vasileios. 74637 Fecundity and reproduction of perch (Perca fluviatilis L.) in Lake Agios Vasilios, Greece. 58102 New species of eelpout genus Melanistigma (Zoarcidae, Osteichthyes) M. inexpectatum, from the western equatorial Pacific Ocean. 1973 Studies on the biology of the catfish Ictalurus nebulosus Le Sueur, in the Waikato region. 36090 Maturity and fecundity of Labeo calbasu (Ham.) of Loni Reservoir, Madhya Pradesh. 51416 Ein Fall von funktionellem Hermaphroditismus bei Eptatretus burgeri (Myxinoidea, Cyclostomata)?. 2873 Observations préliminaires sur la biologie des espèces du genre Alestes. 2089 The Leiognathidae (Teleostei): their species, stocks and fisheries in Indonesia, with notes on the biology of Leiognathus splendens (Cuvier). 4962 The Leiognathidae (Teleosts): a hypothesis relating their mean depth occurence to the intensity of their countershading biolomunescence. 5897 Stock differentiation and growth of the southern African kingklip Genypterus capensis. 114929 Distribution and duration of pelagic life of larvae of dover sole, Microstomus pacificus; rex sole, Glyptocephalus zachirus; and petrale sole, Eopsetta jordani, in waters off Oregon. 82922 The ecology of roach, Rutilus Rutilus (L.), in the Barbel region of the polluted Pilica River III. Lipids, protein, total nitrogen and caloricity. 2573 Respiration and circulation during swimming activity in the dogfish, Scyliorhinus stellaris. 30444 Distribution and biology of the striped marlin, Tetrapterus [sic] audax (Philippi) taken by the longline fishery in the Indian Ocean. 6287 An update of the assessment of American plaice from the ICNAF Subarea 2 and Division 3K. 93896 Un nouveau Lamprologus du sud du Lac Tanganika (Zambia) (Pisces, Cichlidae). 398 Prawn-associated gobies (Teleostei: Gobiidae) from the Seychelles, Western Indian Ocean: systematics and ecology. 8675 Accumulation and elimination of pentachlorophenol by the bluegill, Lepomis macrochirus. 97294 Katalog der Cyprinodontidae (Atheriniformes, Osteichthyes) von Kamerun. 10366 Cytogenetic study in Salmo irideus and S. trutta fario. 6007 On the biology of the large-scaled tongue sole Cynoglossus macrolepidotus (Bleeker). 85879 Blood cells and hemopoitic tissues of Latimeria chalumnae (adult and embryo). 2746 A revision of the damselfish genus Dascyllus (Pomacentridae) with description of a new species. 6807 Contribution to the biology of the whitetip reef shark. 650 Suezichthys tripunctatus, a new deep-dwelling Indo-Pacific labrid fish. 2152 A review of the labrid fishes of the genus Paracheilinus with descriptions of two new species from the western Indian Ocean. 10395 Centropyge flavipectoralis, a new angelfish from Sri Lanka (Ceylon) (Pisces: Teleostei: Pomacanthidae). 71 The eggs and planktonic stages of Portuguese marine fishes. 1-Ichtyoplankton from the coast of Algarve (May, 1977). 8713 Investigations into the acute toxicity and some chronic effects of selected herbicides and pesticides on several freshwatewr fish species. 46926 Responses of young California grunion, Leuresthes tenuis, to gradients of temperature and light. 10744 Systematics of the gurnards, genus Lepidotrigla (Pisces, Triglidae), from the Indian Ocean. 29748 Somatic chromosomes of three Indian teleosts. 92760 The wreckfish Polyprion americanus (Schneider, 1801) in Irish waters : an underwater sighting and review of the Irish records. 27667 Ecology of juvenile King George whiting Sillaginodes punctatus (Cuvier and Valenciennes) (Pisces: Perciformes) in Western Port, Victoria. 9212 Planktonic eggs of the lanternfish Lampanyctodes hectoris (family Myctophidae). 87592 El boquerón, engraulis encrasicholus (L.), del Golfo de Cádiz. 28118 Biology of offshore hake, Merluccius albidus, in the Gulf of Mexico. 46898 Aggression as a social mechanism in the creek chub (Semotilus atromaculatus). 47192 First report of the natural cyprinid hybrid, Notropis cornutus x Rhinichthys cataractae, from Ohio. 47132 Patterns of resource partitioning in searobins (Pisces: Triglidae). 5508 Education for traditional food procurement in the Orinoco Delta. 46359 Temperature and water velocity effects on the swimming performances of young-of-the-year striped mullet (Mugil cephalus), spot (Leiostomus xanthurus), and pinfish (Lagodon rhomboides). 84161 Sabre-teeth and poison-fanged blennies. 27978 Kamus Bahas Bugis - Indonesia. 5893 Determinacion de la edad y crecimiento de la sardina (Sardinops sagax sagax). 29377 Karyotype of the rockfish, Sebastes taczanowskii Steindachner. 40388 Possible case of aggressive mimicry in a neotropical scale-eating fish. 58100 Searsioides multispinus, a new genus and species of Searsiidae (Salmoniformes, Alepocephaloidei) from the Indo-Pacific. 58099 Description of a new genus and species of slickheads, Microphotolepis multipunctata gen. et sp. nov. (Alepocephalidae, Osteichthyes) from the Indonesian seas. 75081 Reproduction, fecundity, sexual dimorphism, and sex ratio of Etheostoma fonticola (Osteichthyes: Percidae). 71000 Preliminary results of the size maturity surveys of commercially important fishes of Honda Bay. 47187 Squaliolus sarmenti and S. alii, synonyms of the dwarf deepsea shark, Squaliolus laticaudus. 51891 Results of the experimental trawl fishing in the South China sea by R/V Changi in years 1970 to 1972. 47191 The occurrence of northern pike x grass pickerel hybrids and an exceptionally large grass pickerel in a northern Wisconsin. 46154 Intensive culture of grass carp, Ctenopharyngodon idella, in circular tanks. 74882 Studies on the catch and fishery biology of Mugil cephalus in 1975. 56096 Reproductive biology, length-weight relationship and relative condition of Tilapia leucosticta (Trewavas) in Lake Naivasha, Kenya. 5230 Nota sobre la coloracion y la conducta de la cherna criolla (Epinephelus striatus Bloch). 40828 Eight new species and a new genus of congrid eels from the western north Atlantic with redescriptions of Ariosoma analis, Hildebrandia guppyi and Rhechias vicinalis. 80988 Redescription of the gobiid fish Coryphopterus lipernes Böhlke and Robins, with notes on its habits and relationships. 10253 Walleye (Stizostedion vitreum) and yellow perch (Perca flavescens) populations and fisheries of the Red Lakes, Minnesota, 1930-75. 7006 Biology of the summer flounder, Paralichthys dentatus, in Delaware Bay. 29761 Karyologia i citotaksonomija vrsta roda Leuciscus iz voda Bosne i Hercegovine. 46913 The consequences of predation and competition upon the demography of Gambusia manni (Pisces: Poecilidae). 14139 The teratological effects of the insecticides DDT, carbaryl, malathion, and parathion on developing medaka eggs, (Oryzias latipes). 9490 Maturity and spawning of Johnius (Johnieops) sina (Cuvier) at Calicut during 1969-72. 14142 The effects of sublethal concentrations of zinc on reproduction in the zebrafish, Brachydanio rerio (Hamilton-Buchanan). 2623 Oxygen requirements of embryos and larvae of the largemouth bass, Micropterus salmoides (Lacepede). 11330 Anisochromis straussi, new species of protogynus hermaphroditic fish, and synonymy of Anisochromidae, Pseudoplesiopidae, and Pseudochromidae. 27968 Reproductive cycles in the eastern subspecies of the Australian salmon, Arripis trutta marginata (Cuvier and Valenciennes). 74971 The ecology and life history of the endangered snail darter, Percina (Imostoma) tanasi Etnier. 47189 Zoogeographic implications of the rediscovery of the percid genus Ammocrypta in the Tennessee river drainage. 47194 Morphology and variations in the finescale dace, Chrosomus neogaeus. 46917 An intergeneric cyprinid hybrid, Nocomis platyrhynchus x Notropis chrysocephalus, from the Greenbrier river drainage in West Virginia. 13717 Management of a tropical fish pot fishery for maximum sustainable yield. 38676 Geographic variation of Barbus radiatus Peters, a widely distributed African cyprinid fish. 318 Growth responses of Tilapia aurea to feed supplemented with dried poultry manure. 29355 Ulteriori dati cariologici sui selaci italiani. 2631 Temperature dependence of active metabolism and swimming speed of the Baikal grayling, Thymallus arcticus baicalensis. 8602 The Amazon molly. 57529 On the question of the introduction of the grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella Val.) into the United Kingdom. 2635 Oxygen consumption and ammonia excretion in the catfish, Mystus armatus, with special reference to swimming speed and ambient oxygen. 46935 Aldrovandia oleosa, a new species of the Halosauridae, with observations on several other species of the family. 92876 The systematics and biology of Bathypterois (Pisces, Chlorophthalmidae) with a revised classification of benthic myctophiform fishes. 31745 Age and growth of the elephant fish Callorhinchus milii (Elasmobranchii: Callorhynchidae). 30890 Northern anchovy age and size composition 1974-75 season. 30903 The northern anchovy fishery for the 1975-76 season. 56197 Preliminary observations on the spawning of Tor putitora (Hamilton) in Anji Stream, Jammu Province during 1969. 4891 Marine fisherfolk of Northeast Coastal Andhra Pradesh. 9978 Rearing of sturgeons in Japan. 54053 Food consumption of walleye (Stizostedion vitreum vitreum) and sauger (S. nanadense) in relation to food availability and physical environmental conditions in Lake of the Woods, Minnesota, Shagawa lake, and western Lake Superior. 44445 Distribution and natural history of the fresh and brackish water fishes of the Ochlockonee River, Florida and Georgia. 3076 The qualitative composition and longitudinal zonation of the fish fauna of the river Ogun, western Nigeria. 29605 A comparative chromosome study of Puntius (Cyprinidae: Pisces). II. Indian and Ceylonese species. 29589 A comparative chromosome study of Puntius (Cyprinidae: Pisces). I. Southeast Asian species. 47127 The rare deep-water scorpion-fish Snyderina guentheri in Indian seas. 47150 On some fish types described from the R.I.M.S. "investigator" collections (1884-1926). 86975 A note on a new bathypelagic eel, Ariosoma gnanadossi, from the Bay of Bengal. 2161 Histological changes in the organs and tissues of the gobiid fishes throughout their lifespan. VII. Seasonal changes in four species of gobies. 105144 Le complexe squelettique mésethmoïdien de Congothrissa et la validité de la famille des Congothrissidae au sein de l'ordre des Clupéiformes sensu stricto (Pisces, Teleostei). 42521 Paramormyrops gabonensis nov. gen., nov. sp. du nord du Gabon (Pisces Mormyridae). 82707 Brienomyrus longicaudatus et Brienomyrus curvifrons, deux espèces nouvelles du nord du Gabon (Pisces, Mormyridae). 59317 Hybridization of Cyprinus carpio and Carassius auratus, the first two exotic species in the lower Laurentian Great Lakes. 46897 Egg stranding in the life cycle of the mummichog, Fundulus heteroclitus. 8994 The eel biology and management of anguillid eels. 46919 The bull shark, Carcharhinus leucas, from the upper Mississippi River near Alton, Illinois. 43561 Analysis of potential environmental factors, especially thermal, which would influence the survivorship of exotic nile perch if introduced into artificially heated reservoirs in Texas. 9943 Heteromorphic sex chromosomes in male rainbow trout. 11004 Synopsis of biological data on Perca fluviatilis and P. flavescens. 11282 Daily ration of adult perch, Perca fluviatilis L. during summer in Lock Leven, Scotland. 35460 Bimodal distribution of length of juvenile Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) under artificial rearing conditions. 47196 Pseudo-cleaning behavior of Florida reef fish. 26525 Repeat homing of brown trout (Salmo trutta) in Lake Eucumbene, New South Wales, Australia. 26529 Key factors in the establishment and success of trout in Australia. 5051 Nueva especie del género Lycenchelys Gill (Pisces: Zoarcidae) hallado en proximidades de la Isla Amberes, Peninsula Antárctica. 5369 The sciaenid fishes (croakers or drums) of the Indo-west Pacific. 46900 On a misleading dsparity between the original (1931) and reprinted (1972) versions of Delsman's paper concerning Stolephorus eggs. 7119 Croissance du chinchard Trachurus trachurus (Linné) dans le Golfe de Gascogne et sur le Plateau Celtique. 29361 Extensive interspecific genetic compatibility in the New World killifish genus Cyprinodon. 36079 Changes in the size structure of cichlid populations of Lake Malawi resulting from bottom trawling. 2788 Age, growth and natural mortality rates of some cichlid fishes of Lake Malawi. 29594 Chromosome studies of two species of the genus Coreoperca (Pisces: Perciformes), with reference to the karyotypic differentiation and evolution. 29447 A karyotype study of polypterid fishes, with notes on their phyletic relationship. 26361 Alimentación de los peces de arrecifes artificiales en la plataforma suoccidental de Cuba. 30248 Notes on the Characoid subfamily Iguanodectinae, with a description of a new species. 29997 On polyploidy in fishes and some problems of the evolution of salmonid karyotypes. 35153 Vlijanie antropogennych faktorov na isolirujuschtschie mechanismy u ryb. 47380 Dynamique de la population de meuniers noirs Catostomus commersoni commersoni (Lacépède) du lac croche dans les Laurentides, Québec. 46865 Studies on the food habits of milkfish, Chanos chanos (Forskal). 30033 Mechanisms and rates of speciation of leaches of the genus Salvelinus (Salmonidae, Pisces). 57121 Daily feeding rhythms and food rations of the silver hake, Merluccius bilinearis, and the red hake, Urophycis chuss, in the North-West Atlantic. 501 Surfacing activity and food utilization in a tropical air-breathing fish exposed to different temperatures. 42120 A mathematical model of the relationship between larval anchovy (Engraulis mordax) growth, prey microdistribution,and larval behavior. 1796 Growth and mortality of Tarakihi (Pisces: Cheilodactylidae) in lightly exploited populations. 14159 Viability of embryos of the winter flounder, Pseudopleuronectes americanus exposed to combinations of cadmium and salinity at selected temperatures. 42122 Ethology and ecology of cichlid fishes of the genus Etroplus in Sri Lanka: preliminary findings. 9180 Protein variation in the plaice, Pleuronectes platessa, L. 1066 Observations on the fish Nemipterus spp. (Family: Nemipteridae) in the coastal waters of East Malaysia, 1972. 14164 The effects of heavy metals on embryonic development of the killifish, Fundulus heteroclitus. 14165 Methylmercury teratogenesis in the killifish, Fundulus heteroclitus. 41816 Biology of the morid fish Antimora rostrata in the Western North Atlantic. 557 Das grosse Buch der Fische. 46896 Early development and pattern of scale formation in the spotted sucker, Minytrema melanops (Catostomidae). 47148 A gar (Lepisosteus sp.) from the marine cretaceous niobrara formation of western Kansas. 6845 Biological and fisheries data on bluefish, Pomatomus saltatrix (Linnaeus). 102363 Observations of Tuna Bait Species and Their Habitats in the Palau Islands. 52262 Age and growth of the walleye in Lake Erie, 1963-1968. 1676 Siganus trispilos, a new species of rabbitfish from the eastern Indian Ocean. 5883 Results of Polish biological research on the pilchard (Sardinops ocellata Pappe) in 1974-1975. 35457 Emigration of juvenile Atlantic croakers, Micropogon undulatus, from a semi-impounded marsh in southwestern Louisiana. 1264 Some consideration of vomerine teeth and vomerine protuberance in the gobiid fish. 46427 Ecología trofodinámica de Dormitator latifrons (Richardson) en nueve lagunas costeras del Pacífico de México (Pisces: Eleotridae). 33922 The feeding niche of Merluccius merluccius and its influence of the length-weight relationship. 3677 Age and growth of lizard fish, Saurida tumbil (Bloch) in the East China Sea and the Gulf of Tonkin. 47186 Visual versatility and feeding of the four-eyed fishes, Anableps. 3880 A karyotype analysis of fifteen species of the family Cichlidae. 75310 Beaked redfish. Commercial biological resources of the North Atlantic and adjacent seas of the Arctic Ocean. 1651 An annotated list of fishes from the Ogasawara Islands.
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