FishBase References for , 1975

Ref. No. Title
29628 Karyotypes of 6 species of anabantoid fishes. 59108 Aspects of an undescribed reproductive behavior in Fundulus heteroclitus (Pisces: Cyprinodontidae) from Virginia. 250 Riproduzione artificiale di orata Sparus aurata (L.). IV. Sviluppo embrionale postnatale. 47010 Comparative feeding ecology of a kelp-bed embiotocid (Embiotoca lateralis). 47014 Spatial overlap and competition in congeneric surfperches (Embiotocidae) off Santa Barbara, California. 8593 Visual pigments: phylogeny and ecology. 237 The anemone fishes. Their classification and biology. Second edition. 4966 Damselfishes of the South Seas. 35717 Pomachromis guamensis, a new species of damselfish (Pomacentridae) from the Mariana Islands. 104181 Sobre a reprodução da sardinha-bandeira, Opisthonema oglinum (Le Sueur), na costa do estado do Ceará (Brasil). 81551 First record of Kaluga sturgeon, Huso dauricus, from Japan. 47020 The status of Erythrobussothen gracilis, a percoid fish. 47000 Review of the scorpaenid genus Idiastion. 47009 Reproductive life history of Catostomus ardens and C. discobolus in the Weber river, Utah. 5067 A new ultra-abyssal fish Notoliparis kurchatovi gen. et sp. n. (Liparidae) from the South Orkney Trench (Antarctic). 82853 Composition of food of the Baltic herring (Clupea harengus var membras L.), fourhorn sculpin (Myoxocephalus quadricornis L.) and eel-pout (Zoarces viviparus L.) from deep soft bottom trawling in the Asko-Landsort area during two consecutive years. 10167 Report of the Mackerel Working Group. 56113 Appendix IV. Regression lines. 86186 Scientific Discovery Made in Ichthyology. 30160 Chromosomes of nine species of Chaetodontidae and one species of Scorpidae from Japan. 30163 Chromosomes of Japanese gobioid fishes (III). 12121 Report of a Mission to Ethiopia. 4844 Peces de Chile. Lista sistematica. 9185 Diet and feeding chronology of Diaphus taaningi (Myctophidae) in the Cariaco Trench. 26281 Reproductive guilds of fishes: a proposal and definition. 11989 Biology of Lutjanus griseus of the Cubagua Island, Venezuela. I. Length-weight, body length-gut length relationships and condition factor. 6782 Sharks of the east coast of southern Africa. 2. The families Scyliorhinidae and Pseudotriakidae. 30608 Food habits, length-weight relationship, condition factor, and growth of juvenile red drum, Sciaenops ocellata, in Louisiana. 12477 The biology of the anadromous sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) in New Brunswick. 34844 Chromosome Atlas: Fish, Amphibians, Reptiles, and Birds. 47003 An expression of unequal twinning in an adult rainbow trout. 47011 Habitat partitioning in two tropical reef fishes, Pomacentrus lividus and P. albofasciatus. 82485 A revision of certain Haplochromis species (Pisces: Cichlidae) of Central Africa. 12823 Comparison of the fish fauna in the Bardawil lagoon and the Bitter lakes. 14006 Vertebral damage in the minnow, Phoxinus phoxinus L. exposed to cadmium. 14007 Chronic effects of copper on survival, growth, and reproduction of the bluegill (Lepomis macrochirus). 29569 Chromosome complement of Ictalurus nebulosus (Le Sueur), (Ictalurus, Pisces). 47015 The freshwater fishes of the Laloki river system of New Guinea. 74739 The shedding of gill raker filaments in grey mullet (Mugilidae). 29644 Fish chromosome techniques - a review of selected literature. 57146 A potential model of fish growth. 1864 A new genus and species of fish (Nemaclinus atelestos) from the western Atlantic (Perciformes: Clinidae). 9393 The characid fish genus Creagrudite Myers a synonym of Creagrutus Günther, with the description of a new species from Amazonian Ecuador. 39502 Hydrologic Regime of the Paraná river and its influence on ecosystems. 34457 Cytotaxonomy of the salmonid fish Stenodon leucichthys. 10923 Utilization of fish by the Chase Shuswap Indian people of British Columbia. 10924 Utilization of fish by the Colville Okanagan Indian people. 5776 Croissance du merlu de la region du Golfe de Tunis. 2284 Contribution à l'étude biologique et dynamique du merlu Merluccius merluccius mediterraneus (L. 1758) du golfe de Tunis. 320 Comparacion entre Tilapia aurea y Tilapia mossambica en estanques de El Salvador. 9237 Ecologia e etologia de piranhas no nordeste do Brasil (Pisces - Serrasalmus Lacepède,1803). 47021 Post-hatching sequence of olfactory lamella formation and pigmentation in Hybopsis aestivalis (Pisces: Cyprinidae). 4435 Age, growth and fecundity of yellow perch, Perca flavescens, in Lake Michigan near Ludington, Michigan. 1851 La bécasse de mer des eaux atlantiques marocaines. Premières observations sur la biométrie et la biologie. 2367 Daily pattern of nitrogen excretion and oxygen consumption of sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) under controlled conditions. 46998 An observation on mating behavior of the southern stingray, Dasyatis americana. 85956 Research in fisheries. 92559 Contribution to the study of the reproduction of two species of groupers, E. aeneus (G. Saint-Hilaire, 1809) and E. guaza (Linné, 1758) on the coasts of Tunisia. 93395 Ovarian and testicular intersexuality in two protogynous mediterranean groupers, Epinephelus aeneus and Epinephelus guaza. 57894 Lake Sibaya - a land-locked estuary. 57895 Aspects of the biology of Tilapia mossambica Peters (Pisces: Cichlidae) in a natural freshwater lake (Lake Sibaya, South Africa). 4666 Food habits, functional digestive morphology, and assimilation efficiency of the rabbitfish Siganus spinus (Pisces, Siganidae) on Guam. 1754 Hormone induced and natural spawning of captive Siganus canaliculatus (Pisces: Siganidae) year round. 713 Pacific marine fishes. Book 6. 1890 Haplochromis linni, a new species of cichlid from Lake Malawi. 3278 A preliminary study on the growth and food of Stolephorus spp. from the Jakarta Bay. 6935 Die Biologie der Mugiliden Liza subviridis und Valamugil cunnesius aus dem Golf von Thailand. 3095 Contribution to the biology of the red hind, Epinephelus guttatus, a commercially important serranid fish from the tropical western Atlantic. 9386 Systematic status, variation and distribution of four Middle American cichlid fishes belonging to the Amphilophus species group, genus Cichlasoma. 2375 The effect of progressive hypoxia on respiration in the dogfish (Scyliohinus canicula) at different seasonal temperatures. 46210 The food of the New Zealand common river Galaxias, Galaxias vulgarisStokell (Pisces:Salmoniformes). 46211 Feeding relationships of galaxiids, bullies, eels and trout in a New Zealand river. 58153 Distribution and ecology of the Canterbury mudfish, Neochanna burrowsius (Phillipps), (Salmoniformes: Galaxiidae). 2062 The age and growth of the Pacific bonito, Sarda chiliensis, in the eastern North Pacific. 40414 Essai d'evaluation de la fécondité chez les Sélaciens ovipares: cas de Raja miraletus Linné, 1758 et R. radula Delaroche, 1809 des cotes tunisiennes. 1322 Evaluacion de la pesqueria de bonito en la zona Occidental de Cuba. 47013 Sexual dimorphism of the olfactory organs of Lophiids. 11998 Contribución al conocimiento de la biología de los róbalos Centropomus undecimalis y C. poeyi en la laguna de Términos, Campeche, México. 46983 An early post glacial record of the Pacific sardine, Sardinops sagan, from Saanich Inlet, Vancouver Island, British Columbia. 39992 Hunting for freshwater stingrays. 5520 Tawilis fishery resources investigation of Taal Lake. 40793 Two new species of the previously monotypic congrid eel genera Poeciloconger and Macrocephenchelys from eastern Australia. 29281 Cytotaxonomical consideration of the genus Blennius (Pisces: Perciformes). 1051 Summer growth depression in the striped mullet, Mugil cephalus L. 48880 Karyotypes from short- and long-term cultures of hybrid-killifish and platyfish tissues. 1797 Biological study on the population of the Pacific Ocean perch in the north Pacific. 28672 Studies of introduced blackfish in waters of southcentral Alaska. 27877 Protogynous hermaphroditism in fishes of the family Scaridae. 14024 Biochemical effects of methylmercuric chloride, cadmium chloride, and lead nitrate on embryos and alevins of the brook trout, Salvelinus fontinalis. 2391 Oxygen consumption, ventilatory frequency and heart rate of lampreys (Lampetra fluviatilis) during their spawning run. 47012 Clepticus parrae, an additional sponge-dwelling fish. 47183 Moridae a senior synonym of eretmophoridae in gadiform fishes. 85985 The amino acid sequences of rabbit muscle triose phosphate isomerase EC- 33306 Fisheries investigations in Chandalar River region, northeast Alaska. 1075 Some observations on the growth and length-weight relationship of the South Georgia cod, Notothenia rossii marmorata Fischer, during the first four years of life. 91882 The populations of fish in the River Tees system on the Moor House National Nature Reserve, Westmorland. 46993 Skipjack herring, Alosa chrysochloris, in the Missouri river basin. 94310 Fishes in Kansas. 4973 Consumption and production in the North Sea cod, Gadus morhua: an assessment of the ecological status of the stock. 4122 Point of no return in the early life of fishes. An energetic attempt to define the food minimum. 971 Untersuchungen zum Wachstum des Wittlings (Merlangus merlangus L.) der Nordsee. 58897 On the northern rockling Ciliata septentrionalis (Collett) in the Plymouth area. 71921 On the northern rockling Ciliata septentrionalis (Collett) in the Plymouth area. 3266 Beiträge zur biologie der Ammodyten, insbesondere untersuchungen zur fruchtbarkeit von Ammodytes tobianus. 1046 Age and growth of Pacific hake, Merluccius productus. 56215 Food and feeding relationships of some commercial fishes of the Tungabhadra Reservoir. 2686 Fish and fish dishes of Laos. 48586 Studies on eastern Pacific sand stargazers (Pisces: Dactyloscopidae) 2. Genus Dactyloscopus), with descriptions of new species and subspecies. 10487 Notes on Indo-Pacific pipefishes (Pisces: Syngnathidae) with description of two new species. 9108 Peixes do Brazil suborden Characoidei basin do Rio Mogi Guassu. 9125 Peixe do Barsil suborden Characoidei, baua do rio Mogui Guassu. 44360 Synopsis of biological data on the Mediterranean spearfish, Tetrapturus belone rafinesque. 5354 Review of the Asiatic freshwater puffers of the genus Tetraodon Linnaeus, 1758 (Pisces, Tetraodontiformes, Tetraodontidae). 57103 Étude de quelques Bagridae (Siluriformes, Pisces) du Cambodge, description d'une espèce nouvelle : Mystus aubentoni. 42669 A comparative study of the food of juveniles of the pearlspot Etroplus suratensis (Bloch) collected from estuarine and freshwaters. 30852 Some aspects on the biology of Scolopsis cancellatus (Cuv. & Val.) from the results of a survey in the Inner Gulf of Thailand. 85925 Urea levels in tissues of the coelacanth Latimeria chalumnae. 2258 Détermination de l'âge des machoirons (Chrysichthys nigroditatus). Première estimation de la croissance. 2404 Main parameters of the respiratory function in fishes during alteration in respiratory activity. 9879 A new species of tilefish (family Branchiostegidae) from eastern Australia. 10158 Stock size fluctuations and rate of exploitation of the Norwegian spring spawning herring 1950-1975. 1256 Some data on sparid fish (Fam. Sparidae) in the Gulf of Aden region. 57145 Feeding and food requirements of young fishes of the family Labridae in the Black Sea. 82878 Canadian capelin 1972-1973. Fat and moisture composition, and fatty acids of some oils and lipid extract triglycerides. 9928 A new Indo-Pacific bathypelagic-fish species of Poromitra and a key to the genus. 47017 Analysis of genic continuity in a headwater fish, Etheostoma radiosum (Percidae). 46991 Heterozygosity at the lactate dehydrogenase-A locus in grass pickerel, Esox americanus vermiculatus. 102085 The population biology of coral reef fishes. 6305 Carolinian names of common fishes in Saipan, Mariana Islands. 10046 Atlantic salmon rivers smolt production and optimal spawning, an overview of natural production. 46982 Chromis cuvier, 1814: The correct gender. 12430 Material culture of the Tuamotu Archipelago. 30140 Diploid- tetraploid relationships in teleostean fishes. 10482 The scorpaenid fishes of the Hawaiian Islands, including new species and new records (Pisces: Scorpaenidae). 8895 La relacion longitud-peso en 7 peces de interes comercial en nororiente de Venezuela. 47022 Swimbladder anatomy in four species of western atlantic Peristedion (Peristediidae) with notes on its possible classificatory significance. 41371 An annotated list of larval and juvenile fishes captured with surface-towed meter net in the South Atlantic Bight during four R/V Dolphin cruises between May 1967 and February 1968. 1049 Les muges (Poissons Téléostéens) de Tunisie. Répartition et Pêches. Contribution à leur étude systématique et biologique. 46988 Sexual dimorphism of the growth rate of the swimbladder of the toadfish Opsanus tau. 86876 Ethology and reproduction of pteroid fishes found in the Gulf of Aqaba (Red Sea), especially Dendrochirus brachypterus (Cuvier), (Pteroidae, Teleostei). 4930 Tidepool and nearshore fishes of California. 39572 Zucht und Nachzucht des Zwergziersalmlers (Nannostomus marginatus). 14045 The effect of PCB on steroidogenesis and reproduction in the brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis). 29272 Somatic and meiotic chromosomes of Tilapia mossambica Peters. 30080 Location of nucleolar organizers in animal and plant chromosomes by means of an improved N-banding technique. 91114 On the fecundity of pikeperch in Lake Ilmen. 13394 The ecology of a minnow, Barbus trevelyani (Pisces: Cyprinidae) in the Tyume River, Eastern Cape. 4149 Presence of food organisms in the prolarval environment as a factor in the growth and mortality of larval musellunge (Esox masquinongy). 44044 Dimensions of long-nosed chimaera Harriotta raleighana from New Zealand. 104726 The genus Xenoclarias (Pisces, Siluriformes) in Lake Victoria, with a redescription of Xenoclarias eupogon and notes on the biology of the species. 5370 Les études de biologie des pêches en lagune. 104874 Faune du Maroc. Poissons d'eau douce du Maroc. 824 Nouvelles études sur la détermination de l'âge et de la croissance de Sardinella aurita Val. 4155 La ration alimentaire dans l'élevage larvaire du bar, Dicentrarchus labrax (L). 4157 Larval rearing of sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax L.) with a high survival. 104784 Seasonal diets of mooneye, Hiodon tergisus, in the Assiniboine River. 38863 Peixes do Brasil. 40238 Suborden Characoidei, bacia do rio Mogi Guassu. 29670 Phenetics and genetics of High Sierran golden trout (Salmo aguabonita). 29182 Chromosome cytology and polymorphism in the California High Sierra golden trout (Salmo aguabonita). 51620 Some data on the morphology and ecology of Alepocephalus bairdi(Alepocephalidae) of the central and eastern Atlantic. 57133 The feeding of fishes of the family myctophidae. 75608 An influence of males on the viability and fertilization degree of trout eggs. 84375 The cyprinid dermosphenotic and the subfamily rasborinae. 29299 Chromosomes of salmon (Salmo salar) by leucocyte culture. 28723 Reproduction, growth and size allometry of Mugil cephalus Linnaeus (Pisces: Mugilidae) from north Queensland waters. 47007 Emblemariopsis pricei, a new species of Chaenopsid blenny from Belize. 48876 Centropomus poeyi from Belize, with a key to the Western Atlantic species of Centropomus. 2754 Annulus formation and growth of tiger fish Hydrocynus vittatus in Lake Bangweulu, Zambia. 86214 Composition of fluid from the notochordal canal of the Coelacanth, Latimeria chalumnae. 28918 Fisheries investigations in a coastal region of the Beaufort Sea (Nunaluk Lagoon, Yukon Territory). 11826 Biología del pargo Lutjanus griseus (Linn.) de la isla de Cubagua, Venezuela. II. Maduración sexual y fecundidad. 6473 Las pesquerias pelagico-oceanicas de corto radio de accíon en la regíon noroccidental de Cuba. 13322 Sinopsis de los peces marinos de Cuba. Vol. II. Clase Osteichthyes. Ordenes: Clupeiformes (Suborden Salmonoidei; Suborden Stomiatoidea); Bathyclupeiformes; Myctophiformes; Ateleopiformes; Cypriniformes; Anguilliformes; Beloniformes; Gadiformes;... 734 Some aspects of recolonization of coral rocks in Eilat (Gulf of Aqaba) by fish populations after poisoning. 6485 Sparisoma viride (Bonnaterre), the stoplight parrotfish, a major sediment producer on coral reefs of Bermuda. 9643 The biology of the California halibut, Paralichthys californicus (Ayres) in Anaheim Bay. 47019 Distribution habitat and food of the cyprinid fish Phenacobius teretulus, a new river drainage endemic. 14057 Effects of Aroclor 1016 on embryos, fry, juveniles, and adults of sheepshead minnows, (Cyprinodon variegatus). 42766 Preliminary observations on the feeding of Tilapia nilotica Linn. in lake Rudolf. 349 An unusually fast growth rate for Tilapia zillii. 47004 A hermaphroditic mountain sucker, Catostomus platyrhynchus. 14062 Mercuric chloride uptake by eggs of the ricefish and resulting teratogenic effects. 58610 Natural selection and the evolution of reproductive effort. 59308 Feeding patterns among tropical reef fishes. 14071 Abnormal rainbow trout fry from eggs containing high residues of a PCB (Arcochlor 1242). 74501 The fecundity of Raja clavata in British waters. 50737 Net feeding in mesopelagic fishes. 2760 Preliminary observations on the biology of Alestes baremoze (Joannis) in Lake Rudolf. 1248 Some aspects of the mariculture of different siganids species in the Philippines. 4176 Effects of stocking density and food density on survival, growth and yield of laboratory-reared larvae of sea bream, Archosargus rhomboidalis (L.) (Sparidae). 30377 Distribution and relative abundance of billfishes (Istiophoridae) of the Indian Ocean. 4431 Winter flounder movements, growth and mortality off Massachusetts. 9372 Notropis tropicus, a new cyprinid fish from Eastern Mexico. 792 Das Wachstum des Buchan-Herings (Clupea harengus L.) in den Jahren 1955 bis 1973. 38410 Life history of Gulf of Mexico sturgeon, Acipenser oxyrhynchus desotoi, in Suwannee River, Florida. 58419 A population study of Barbus barbus. 28205 Aspects of the ecology and life history of the sculpin, Cottus aleuticus (Gilbert), in Lake Washington. 13859 Aspect of the biology of Kainji Lake fisheries. 4433 Survival, reproduction, age, growth and food habits of Sacramento perch, Archoplites interruptus (Girard), in Colorado. 29685 Karyotype analysis in five species belonging to Cyprinodontidae, Teleostomi. 36044 The social behaviour of the west Indian poeciliid fish, Gambusia puncticulata. 29829 Chromosomes of the Black sea Gobiidae - Gobius melanostomus (Pallas) and Gobius batrachocephalus (Pallas). 29830 Problems of cytogenetics of the Black sea flatfish Rhombus maeoticus Pallas in connection with the perspective of its artificial breeding. 34683 Chromosomy cernomorskich Gobiidae - Gobius melanostomus batrachocephalus (Pallas). 54004 Common and scientific names of the fishes of Southern Africa. Part 2. Freshwater fishes. 7342 Size composition of jack mackerel catches from the west coast of New Zealand. 7144 A systematic review of the fishes of the family Leiognathidae. 47005 Recent capture and analysis of the sharphead darter, Etheostoma acuticeps, an endangered percid fish of the Upper Tennessee river drainage. 46871 The effect of various environmental factors on energy balance of perch (Perca fluviatilis L.). 877 Fish and fisheries of India. 29236 Cytogenetica de Astianax faseiatus e Astianax bimaculatus (Characidae, Tetragonopterinae). 34693 Citogenetica de Astyanax fasciatus e Astyanaz bimaculatus (Characidae, Tetragonopteridae). 52588 Biologie de Clarias senegalensis dans la région du Lac Kossou (Côte d'Ivoire). 90068 More new Malawi cichlids. 47008 Biochemical systematics of the Atherinid genus Menidia. 47024 A new myctophid fish, Bolinichthys distofax, from the western and central Pacific ocean, with notes on other species of Bolinichthys. 47006 Two new species of Evermannella from the Pacific ocean, with notes on other midwater species endemic to the Pacififc central of the Pacific equatorial water masses. 28869 Steelhead and sea-run cutthroat trout life history study in southeast Alaska. 972 Changes in the North Sea haddock and whiting. 10361 Collecting marine tropicals. 29833 A karyotype study in the brook trout Salmo trutta morpha fario L. from the Ropsha population. 1585 A catalogue of the fish reference collection at the Kanudi Fisheries Research Laboratory, Port Moresby. 35720 Check-list of Guam fishes, supplement II. 29304 Leukocyte culture of the eel without autologous serum. 29305 Chromosomal homology between mandarin and yellow mandarin fishes (Siniperca scherzeri, Pisces, Serranidae). 108917 Flatfishes of genus Lepidorhombus (Pisces) in the Adriatic Sea. 6853 Serranid fishes of the Okinawa Islands (III). 50877 Caprodon unicolor, a new anthiine fish from the North Pacific ocean. 9193 Studies on the lipids of micronektonic fishes caught in Sagami and Suruga Bays, with special reference to their wax esters. 1280 Age and growth of dogfish Squalus acanthias in British Columbia waters. 56 Synopsis of biological data on rohu Labeo rohita (Hamilton, 1822). 34336 Not provided. 34741 Somatic chromosomes of an exotic fish Puntius japonicus. 29273 Somatic chromosomes of three species of Cyclostomata. 13808 The general feeding ecology of postlarval fishes in the Newport River estuary. 30605 Food habits of Ictalurus nebulosus in acid polluted water of northern West Virginia. 8691 Acute toxicity of a native mummichog population to mercury. 29693 Umbra limi>/i<: A model for the study of chromosome aberration in fishes. 29694 Some tissue culture methods for chromosome studies of fresh-water fishes. 2775 'n Visekologiese ondersoek van Boskopdam, Wes Transvaal, met spesiale verwysing na die vevolkingsdigtheid van Labeo capensis en Labeo umbratus in verhouding tot die ander hengelvissoorte. 43822 The role of predatory Cladocera in the feeding of the Tyul'ka Clupeonella delicatula caspia morpha tscharchalensis in Kuybyshev Reservoir. 43823 Seasonal and size-age differences in the diet of the Tyulka, Clupeonella deliculata, of Kuybyshevskoe Reservoir. 3215 Age and growth rate of hakes in the ICSEAF area. 7109 Biological characteristics of Polish catches of the horse mackerel Trachurus trachurus capensis Castelnau, 1861 in the region of the south-west African Shelf. 85893 The structure of the brain stem of Latimeria chalumnae. 52103 Notes on the biology of the eelpout (Zoarces viviparus ( L.) ) in the brackish water of Tvärminne, Gulf of Finland. 75162 Growth of yellowcheek Elopichthys bambusa (Rich.) in Amur drainage. 56536 Experiments and field observations on the daily food intake of juvenile plaice, Pleuronectes platessa L. 39176 Information on the ecology of wild goldfish (Carassius auritus gibelio) in the lower reaches of the Danube. 1270 The age determination and growth of immature Red Sea bream, Chrisophrys major Temnick & Schleger in the central waters of Hiroshima prefecture. 51658 The systematical and zoogeographical investigations on the fish fauna of Tigris-Euphrates, Kars-Aras, Lake Van and Blacksea basin. 86175 The pituitary gland of the coelacanth Latimeria chalumnae Smith. 86043 Ultrastructure of the integumental melanophores of the coelacanth Latimeria chalumnae. 46990 Observations of the gross structure and dimensions of the gills of three species of gars (Lepisosteidae). 9642 Quantitative aspects of the life history of the diamond turbot, Hypsopsetta guttulata (Girard), in Anaheim Bay. 5826 La pesqueria pelagica de las costas de Alicante. 4231 Laboratory growth and metabolism of the winter flounder Pseudopleuronectes americanus from hatching through metamorphosis at three temperatures. 43433 Les poissons du fleuve Chari. Clef de determination. 1283 Biology of the radiated shanny Ulvaria subbifurcata Storer in Newfoundland (Pisces, Stichaedae). 44986 Otolith age validation of greenland halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides). 1019 Biologie et pêche du capitaine, Lethrinus enigmaticus (Smith 1959) du Banc de Saya de Malha (Océan Indien). 7311 Fish for Australian freshwater aquariums. 1448 The exploitation of Nemipterus japonicus (Bloch) by Hongkong vessels in 1972-73. 6254 The exploitation of Nemipterus japonicus (Bloch) by Hongkong vessels in 1972-73. 12083 The catch and effort statistics of pair and stern trawlers landing in Hong Kong for the period July-September 1974. 12093 The catch and effort statistics of pair and stern trawlers landing in Hong Kong for the period January-March 1974. 12094 The catch and effort statistics of pair and stern trawlers landing in Hong Kong for the period April-June 1974. 45766 On the hydro-biological and socio-economic surveys of San Miguel Bay for the proposed fish nurseries/reservations. 29700 A fild-trip microtechnique for studying fish leucocyte chromosomes. 29413 Karyology of six species of Louisiana flatfishes (Pleuronectiformes: Osteichthyes). 55527 Role of stock biomass and temperature in recruitment of southern Gulf of St. Lawrence Atlantic cod, Gadus morhua. 41733 Experiments on induced breeding of the grey mullet in Taiwan from 1963 to 1973. 1252 Report on the growth of rabbitfish in fish ponds in Fiji. 14089 Acute effects of oil and oil/dispersants mixtures on larvae of the Baltic herring. 2517 Metabolic rates in the young of some tropical fish species. 10616 Fish communities in tropical freshwaters. Their distribution, ecology and evolution. 12724 Fishes of the family Pseudochromidae (Perciformes) in the northwest Indian Ocean and the Red Sea. 47023 Homologies of the upper shoulder girdle and temporal region bones in catfishes (order Siluriformes), with comments on the skull of the Helogeneidae. 42827 Osmotic and ionic composition of the polypteroid Erpetoichthys calabaris. 30363 Selenium and heavy metals in black marlin. 5837 Algunos datos biologicos sobre Merluccius capensis. 997 Croissance de la barbue (Ictalurus punctatus) du fleuve St. Laurent près de Quebec. 29918 On the phenomenon of hybrid ginogenesis in fish. 11253 A preliminary report on fish biology and stock assessment in Lake Tanganyika (Burundi). 8803 Toxicity of the lampricide 3-trifluoromethyl-4-nitrophenol (TFM) to nontarget fish in static tests. 51362 Aspects of the structure, relationships, and biology of the deep-sea fish Ipnops murrayi (family Bathypteroidae). 46992 Sexual and aggressive behavior, density and social structure in a natural population of mosquitofish, Gambusia affinis holbrooki. 45908 Fecundity, sexual maturation, and spawning of scaled sardine (Harengula jaguana Poey). 637 Coastal fishes of southern Japan. 7204 Results of group study on population of demersal fishes in water from Sagami Bay to southern Izu Islands - population ecology of Japanese alfonsin and other demersal fishes. 1782 Some observations on the ecology and population dynamics of Merluccius angustimanus in the south Gulf of California. 104252 A study of the life history of Brazilian sardine, Sardinella brasiliensis. II. Spawning in 1970 and 1971. 48587 Key for the identification of the east African marine fishes to family level. 10488 A new species of centrolophid fish from Easter Island and Rapa Iti Island in the South Pacific. 41373 Fishes collected at Malpelo Island. 30091 The possible significance of sex-chromatin for the determination of genetic sex in ambisexual teleost fishes. 14102 Toxaphene effects on growth and development of brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis). 86196 Ultrastructural observations on exocrine and endocrine pancreatic cells of the coelacanth Latimeria chalumnae Smith. 3097 Aspectos biológicos pesqueros de Epinephelus morio (Val.). 34885 Karyotype of Galaxias maculatus from New Zealand. 13503 Food habits of the weakfish, Cynoscion regalis, in North Carolina waters. 30106 A lesoharcsa (Silurus glanis L.) - kariotipusarol. 86020 Histology of the teeth, scales and lepidotriches of the coelacanth. 8754 Acute toxicity of benzene, a component of crude oil, to juvenile striped bass Morone saxatilis. 991 Age, structure and life-span in the common goby, Pomatoschistus microps. 9377 Five new species of Mexican Poeciliid fishes of the genera Poecilia, Gambusia, and Poeciliopsis. 29723 Cyprinodon tularosa, a new cyprinodontid fish from the Tularosa Basin, New Mexico. 30472 Aspects of reproductive biology of some demersal fish species in Wellington Harbour, New Zealand (Pisces, Scorpaenidae). 2527 Oxygen uptake by Tilapia mossambica Peters. 35419 Rearing Atlantic angelfish. 27455 Biométrie et biologie des Schilbe (Pisces, Siluriformes) du bassin tchadien. II - biologies comparée des deux espèces. 46997 Interspecific associations of seabasses (Serranidae) in the Gulf of California. 28967 Reproductive biology of anadromous arctic charr, Salvelinus alpinus (L.), in the Cumberland Sound area of Baffin Island. 47018 Occurrence of tropical marine fishes at Port Aransas, Texas 1967-1973, related to sea temperatures. 1212 Migrations and biological characteristics of Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombrus) occurring in Newfoundland waters. 8897 Sobre a reproduçao da sardinha-bandeira, Opisthonema oglinum (Le Sueur), na costa do estado do Ceara (Brasil). 59303 Reproductive behavior of the damselfish Pomacentrus nagasakiensis at Miyake-jima, Japan. 46987 Biology of the modoc sucker, Catostomus microps, in northeastern California. 29599 A note on triploidy of the funa (Cyprinidae, Pisces). 84374 Review oif the lanterfish genus Notoscopelus (family Myctophidae) in the North Atlantic and the Mediteranean. 30606 Food habits of the Amargosa pupfish in a thermal stream. 47948 Taxonomy and comparative anatomy and phylogeny of Japanese catsharks, Scyliorhinidae. 2547 The oxygen threshold and characteristics of the respiratory metabolism of juvenile herbivorous fishes - the grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella) and the bighead (Aristichths nobilis). 46989 Anatomy of the male urogenital organs of Goodea atripinnis and Characodon lateralis (Atheriniformes: Cyprinodontoidei), and G. atripinnis courtship. 81303 Records of a new form of the marine cottid fish Antipodocottus galatheae from the east coast of New Zealand. 82915 Seasonal changes of fat content in the yellow perch (Perca flavescens) of two Laurentian lakes. 85892 The brain of the crossopterygian fish Latimeria chalumnae. 27828 A review of the deep-sea angler fish genus Lasiognathus (Pisces: Thaumatichthyidae). 51889 Caracteres merísticos e biologia do cascudo bugio, Plecostomus ancistroides, Ihering, 1911 (Pisces, Loricariidae). 85926 Observations on the optic tectum of the coelacanth Latimeria chalumnae. 29325 Cytological studies in Cyprinidae (Pisces). 26180 An annotated list of the fishes of St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands. 29610 Triploidy appeared in the back-cross offspring from funa-carp crossing. 12023 Evaluación de peces demersales en el Banco de Campeche. 81669 Quelques Poissons rares ou peu connus des côtes de Gascogne et du Roussillon. 3883 Estudio citogenetico de Cichlasoma facetum (Jenjns) y Crenicichla sexatilis (Linn.) (Teleostei, Cichlidae). 46999 Relations among the darters of the subgenus Catonotus of Etheostoma. 75006 The life history of the spottail darter, Etheostoma kennicotti, in Big Creek, Illinois. 46984 Activity patterns, feeding and behavior of the pirateperch, Aphredoderus sayanus. 2820 Biological characteristics of Southwest Newfoundland herring. 92184 The occurrence of spawning capelin (Mallotus villosus villosus) in Indiga Bay in the Barents Sea. 56420 Age and growth of giant (Nematonurus pectoralis), popeye (Coryphaenoides cinereus) and Pacific (Coryphaenoides acrolepis) grenadiers in the North Pacific. 75257 Results of the acoustic survey of blue whiting to the west of Britain. 9557 The reproductive cycle, condition and feeding in Barbus liberiensis a tropical dwelling cyprinid. 9245 The Hamlyn guide of aquarium fishes. 12553 Movements and growth of petrale sole tagged off Washington and southwest Vancouver Island. 7474 Biolgical studies on the brown trout (Salmo trutta fario) and the Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) of Llyn Dwythwch, North Wales. 91112 Fecundity of pikeperch in Verkhne-Uralsko Reservoir. 8696 Sublethal effects of mercury on shepshead minnow fry. 55599 Annual production by the slimy sculpin population in a small Minnesota trout stream. 4432 Age, growth and movement of mountain whitefish, Prosopium williamsoni (Girard), in the North Fork Clearwater River, Idaho. 88107 The fishes of Missouri. 825 Age and growth rate of gilt sardine (Sardinella aurita Cuv. & Val.) from North East African waters. 1780 Estimates of natural mortality for the cod stock complex in ICNAF Divisions 2J, 3K and 3L. 92749 Scottish records of rare fishes, 1973. 1102 Changes in abundance and certain biological characteristics of Grand Bank American plaice, Hippoglossoides plattessoides. 3061 Le peuplement de poissons du Bandama Blanc en pays Baoulé. 89001 Un Mochocidae et un Kneriidae nouveaux de la rivière Luongo (Zambia), affluent du bassin du Congo. 93930 A new cichlid fish of the genus Xenotilapia from Lake Tanganyika, Zambia (Pisces, Cichlidae). 1822 Some ecological and behavioral aspects of siganid populations in the Red Sea and Mediterranean coasts of Israel in relation to their suitability for aquaculture. 46371 Preliminary success in predator control of Tilapia mossambica. 35987 The Indo-West Pacific scorpionfish genus Ocosia Jordan and Starks (Scorpaenidae, Tetraroginae), with description of three new species. 12025 Age, growth and reproduction in Florida stocks of spanish mackerel, Scomberomorus maculatus. 4631 Age and growth of the yellow bass in Lake Poygan, Wisconsin. 2679 All-male broods of Tilapia nilotica x T. aurea hybrids. 40767 Aspects of the age and growth, reproduction and diet of the millet-seed butterflyfish, Chaetodon miliaris (Pisces: Chaetodontidae), a Hawaiian endemic. 317 Estudio comparativo de tres tasas de siembra de Tilapia aurea en estanques. 10483 A revision of the Indo-Pacific angelfish genus Genicanthus, with descriptions of three new species. 10484 Notes on the Hawaiian filefish Pseudomonacanthus garreti. 10485 Three new butterflyfishes (Chaetodontidae) from Southeast Oceania. 10626 Apogon limenus, a new species of cardinalfish (Perciformes: Apogonidae) from New South Wales. 13281 The eels of Easter Island with a description of a new moray. 10486 Labroides pectoralis, a new species of labrid fish from the tropical western Pacific. 12098 Essai de définition d'une politique de production de protéines-poisson en République Rwandaise. 26349 Velocidad de digestión del alimento de los peces de aguas tropicales. 50053 Spawning the Indian glassfish. 6958 Computation and interpretation of biological statistics of fish populations. 58222 Biology and dynamics of Pagellus erythrinus (L.) in the Boka Kotorska Bay and off the coast of Montenegro. 346 Age, growth and tagging of Tilapia spp. and reproductive biology of the siluroid catfishes in Lake Victoria. 29379 Somatic and meiotic chromosomes of Trichogaster fasciatus (Bl. & Sch.) (Teleostei, Perciformes; Osphronemidae). 3268 An assessment of the population biology of the Bali Strait lemuru fishery. 3067 Geographic distribution of African freshwater fishes. 38243 Characoid fish teeth from Miocene deposits in the Cuenca baasin, Ecuador. 33833 A key to the planktonic eggs of some New Zealand marine teleosts. 86077 Le système de la veine jugulaire et ses homologies chez Latimeria chalumnae (Pisces, Crossopterygii, Coelacanthidae). 90193 Étude sur la croissance du merlu europeen, Merluccius merluccius L. du NW de L’Espagne. 90306 Etude sur la croissance du merlu europeen, Merluccius merluccius L. du NW de L’Espagne. 91321 Poissons de la Volta et de la Haute-Comoé. Notes sur l'ecologie des formes naines. 96596 Une nouvelle espèce de Synodontis (poissons, mochocidés) dans la Bougouriba, affluent de la Volta Noire: Synodontis voltae. 3555 A review of the roundscad fishery in the Philippines. 12029 Crecimiento, sexualidad y desarrollo gonadal de la mojarra rayada Eugerres plumieri (Cuvier) de la Ciénaga Grande de Sta. Marta, con anotaciones sobre su biología. 4298 Description of eggs and larvae of laboratory-reared white grunt, Haemulon plumieri (Lacepede) (Pisces, Pomadasyidae). 74490 Studies on reproduction, rate of development and growth in some viviparous fishes in the genus Sebastes. 58229 feeding of sturgeon fishes during modern regime of the Azov Sea. 95554 A review of Aphyosemion gardneri and its allied. 89305 On the age reading methods and the onset of maturity in marbled notothenia Notothenia rossii marmorata. 4653 The induced spawning of the grey mullet, Mugil macrolepis (Aguas) Smith, and the large-scale rearing of its larvae. 29247 Morphological and cytological studies on the ironfish occuring in Niigata and Sado Island. 55605 Species and size-composition of threadfin snappers in the South China Sea and the Andaman Sea. 37778 Catalogue of the fishes from the South China Sea and Andaman Sea. 13629 Feeding and gut structure of Parathemisto gaudichaudi (Guerin) (Amphipoda, Hyperiidea). 31448 Systematic studies on the hagfish (Eptatretidae) in the adjacent waters around Taiwan with description of two new species. 86983 An additional study on chaetodont fishes (Chaetodontidae) with description of two new species. 41694 Postembryonic development of Notolychnus valdiviae (Brauer, 1904) (Myctophidae, Osteichthyes). 4866 Predation, spawning and culture of white amur (Ctenopharyngodon idella). 107 On the growth of grass carp, Ctenopharyngodon idella Val. In composite fish culture at Kalyani, West Bengal (India). 75182 Feeding of lake minnow in reservoirs of the western Siberia. 29985 Chromosome complexes of the White sea herring (Clupea harengus pallasi n. maris albi Berg) and the Baltic herring (Clupea harengus harengus n. membras L.). 35109 Chromosomy kompleksy okeanitscheskoi sel'di (Culpea harengus harengus n. maris-albi Berg). 37388 Energy dynamics of benthic fishes in a small Kentucky stream. 37171 Latimeria, the living coelacanth, is ovoviviparous. 31664 Climatic and biogeographic significance of a fish fauna from the late Pleistocene-early Pleistocene of the Lake Chapala Basin (Jalisco, Mexico). 51438 Common and scientific names of the fishes of Southern Africa. Part 1.: Marine Fishes. 86000 The microstructure of the scales of Latimeria chalumnae. 47002 Notice of invalidation of the lectotype designation of Catonotus kennicotti Putnam. 47016 Redescription of the Redfin shiner, Notropis umbratilis, and its subspecies in the Central Mississippi river basin. 29219 Basic data about chromosome complement of the species Gobio gobio (Linnaeus 1758), Cyprinidae, Pisces. 29264 Basic data about the chromosome complement of Rhodeus sericeus amarus (Bloch 1782), Cyprinidae, Pisces. 33798 I pesci dell'Adriatico. 8569 Evaluación de las pesquerias de machuelo Opisthonema oglinum (LeSueur, 1817) de la plataforma suroriental cubana. 5866 Growth rate of the northern anchovy, Engraulis mordax in southern California waters, calculated from otoliths. 6350 Revision of the blenniid fish genus Omobranchus with descriptions of three new species and notes on other species of the tribe Omobranchini. 46231 Production biology of the upland bully Philypnodon breviceps Stokell in a small New Zealand lake I. Life history, food, feeding and activity rhythms. 46630 Production biology of the upland bully Philypnodon breviceps Stokell in a small New Zealand lake III. Production, food consumption and efficiency of food utilization. 46631 Production biology of the upland bully Philypnodon breviceps Stokell in a small New Zealand lake II. Population dynamics. 51583 Production biology of the upland bully Philypnodon breviceps Stokell in a small New Zealand lake I. Life history, food, feeding and activity rhythms. 10151 Assessment of the 1986 4WX herring fishery. 776 Vertebral rings as a means of age determination in the blue shark (Prionace glauca L.). 30056 A comparative chromosome study in the pupfish genus Cyprinodon (Teleostei: Cyprinodontidae). 56103 Growth, food utilization and effect of social interaction in the European bass Dicentrarchus labrax. 13463 Environmental factors affecting stress and mortality of the Hawaiin anchovy in captivity. 5869 Age and growth of yellow sea bream Dentex tumifrons from the East and South China Seas. 3075 Observations on the fish population of a Nigerian forest stream. 96225 Length-weight relationship and condition of carp, Cyprinus carpio Linnaeus, in Lake Mogan, Ankara. 9730 Aspects of the biology of Pacific staghorn sculpin, Leptocottus armatus Girard, in Anaheim Bay. 42491 Un nouveau genre de Mormyridae du Gabon: Ivindomyrus opdenboschi gen. nov., sp. nov. (Pisces ostéoglossomorphes). 35424 Donnes sur l'elevage et la reproductionn aquarium d'Amphiprion allardi Klausewitz (Pomacentrids). In contribution a la biologie et aux techniques des levages en aquarium. 85927 Microscopic analysis of selected tissues of Latimeria. 47025 Anchoviella belizensis, a new species of anchovy from Belize, Central America, with records of associated freshwater species. 39829 Reassignment of the African freshwater stingray, Potamotrygon garouaensis, to the genus Dasyatis, on physiologic and morphologic grounds. 2974 Note on the synonymy of Barboides Brüning, 1929 and Raddabarbus Thys, 1971 (Pisces, Cyprinidae). 2975 Description of Barbus clauseni sp. nov., a small fish from Nigeria. 46985 Vertical movements and development of the prolarvae of the eleotrid fish, Dormitator latifrons. 29547 Contribuiçao ao estudo citogenético da familia Pimelodidae (Pisces). 8822 Acute toxicity of 102 pesticides and miscellaneous substances to fish. 7385 Osteichthyes, (Pesci ossei). Parte Seconda. Edizioni Calderini, Bologna. 82564 A new species of Tilapia (Pisces, Cichlidae) in the Zambian Zaïre system. 2787 Age and growth of the catfish Bagrus meridionalis Günther in southern Lake Malawi. 9199 The feeding habits of three species of lanternfishes (Family Myctophidae) off Oregon, USA. 1329 Age and growth of skipjack tuna, Katsuwonus pelamis, yellowfin tuna, Thunnus albacares and albacore, Thunnus alalunga, as indicated by daily growth increment of sagitta. 7138 Synopsis of biological data on striped marlin, Tetrapturus audax (Philippi, 1887). 29275 Karyotypes of three species of fishes in the order Osteoglossiformes. 14156 Skeletal anomalies in marine teleosts, In: Pathology of fishes, Ribelin, W. and G. Migaki (eds.). 86041 The pituitary gland of the coelacanth fish Latimeria chalumnae Smith: general structure and adenohypophysial cell types. 36557 Growth and mortality of Stolothrissa tanganicae (Stdr.). 29995 Karyotypes of some forms of Arctic char Salvelinus alpinus (L.) from the Kamchatka water bodies. 29996 Karyotypes of different forms of the Kamchatka trout Salmo mykiss Walbaum and steelhead trout Salmo gairdneri Richardson. 30010 On the triploidy of remote hybrids of carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) with other representatives of Cyprinidae. 30025 Karyotypes of the endemic chars from the Lake Kronotzkoe. 30026 Karyotypes of Salvelinus lencomaenis (Pallas) and S. malma (Walbaum) (Salmoniformes, Salmonidae). 47001 Identity of the central american cichlid fish Cichlasoma bouchellei fowler. 1250 Rearing and spawning siganids (Pisces: Teleostei) in a closed seawater system. 2287 Aspects of the biology of emperor fishes, family Lethrinidae, in North Queensland Barrier Reef waters. 6190 The estuarine fishes of the east coast of South Africa. III. Reproduction. 46354 Limit of fish swimming speed. 7140 Some morphometrics of billfishes from the eastern Pacific Ocean. 7172 Some morphometrics of billfishes from the eastern Pacific Ocean. 9738 Hydrodynamics and energetics of fish propulsion. 38917 Der Flügelschuppensalmer, Pterobrycon myrnae, ein bezaubernder Aquarienfisch der Zukunft aus Costa Rica. 39432 A revision of the South American fishes of the genus Nannostomus Günther (family Lebiasinidae). 7088 Age and growth of Trachurus trachurus D. from north African waters. 81618 The occurrence of elvers of Synaphobranchus affinis on the continental slope off North Carolina. 10532 Has the latency dependent response of Gymnotus carapo to discharge-triggered stimuli a bearing on electric fish communication?. 10533 Further analysis of the individual discharge characteristics predicting social dominance in the electric fish, Gymnotus carapo. 14168 Combined effects of cadmium and salinity on development and survival of garpike eggs. 1636 Fishes of the world: an illustrated dictionary. 7044 Systematics of the percid fishes of the subgenus Ammocrypta, genus Ammocrypta, with descriptions of two new species. 46986 Large-eyed specimen of eel Anguilla bicolor from a freshwater well. 1670 Maturation and growth of jack mackerel, Trachurus symmetricus. 8698 Acute toxicity of methyl mercury chloride and mercuric chloride for rainbow trout, fry and fingerlings. 11974 Soleicthys siammakuti n. sp., a rare sole from the Gulf of Thailand. 1062 Untersuchungen an drei Myctophidenarten, Benthosema glaciale (Reinhardt, 1837), Ceratoscopelus maderensis (Lowe, 1839) und Myctophum (M.) punctatum Rafinesque, 1810 aus dem Nordwestafrikanischen Auftriebgebieten, im Frühjahr 1972. 982 Das Makrobenthos und Fischbesiedlung in verschiedenen Flachwassergebieten der Kieler Bucht (Westl. Ostsee). 13424 Die Nahrung von Fischbrut in der westlichen Ostee. 51042 Trophotaeniae, embryonic adaptations, in the vivaparous ophidioid fish, Oligopus longhursti: a study of museum specimens. 30607 Food and distribution of underyearling brook and rainbow trout in Castle Lake, California. 58933 Medaka (killifish): Biology and strains. 86349 Zargana Baligi Belone belone (L.) nm biolojisi. [On the biology of garfish Belone belone (L.)]. 47397 Genetische merkmalsanalyse als hilfsmittel bei der taxonomie der zahnkarpfen-gattung xiphophorus. 29538 C-banding patterns in Salmo trutta, a species of tetraploid origin. 75160 Materials on morphometry and biology of white-eye bream Abramis sapa (Pallas).
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