Ref. No. | Title | 3288 | Acropomatidae. | 3394 | Emmelichthyidae. | 3465 | Menidae. | 3543 | Zeidae. | 7068 | Ammodytidae. | 7271 | Kuhliidae. | 7293 | Monodactylidae. | 9609 | Caproidae. | 9653 | Mugiloididae. | 9660 | Oplegnathidae. | 9662 | Pentacerotidae. | 9889 | Apolemichthys kingi, a new species of angelfish (Pomacanthidae) from South Africa, with comments on the classification of angelfishes and a checklist of the pomacanthids of the western Indian Ocean. | 11306 | The families trachipteridae and radiicephalidae (Pisces, Lampriformes) and a new species of Zu from South Africa. | 11917 | Lobotidae. |