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Xiphystoma ocellatum Jardine, 1841   !
Synonym for Boulengerella cuvieri Jardine, 1841
Check Catalog of Fishes: Genus: Xiphystoma Species: ocellatum; Original reference
  Current accepted name :   
  Status details:   
junior synonym, original combination, misspelling
  Status ref. :   
  Comment :   
Misspelling of the generic name. Year from Eschmeyer (CofF ver. Mar. 2009: Ref. 80565).
  Etymology of Generic name : 
Etymology of specific name : 
  Status in Catalogue of Life:   
! - Marks misspellings of the species names that must not be used.

  Check Catalog of Fishes: Genus: Xiphostoma; Species: ocellatum; Original reference
  Current accepted name :  
  Status details :  
junior synonym, original combination
  Status ref. :   
  Comment :   
Year from Eschmeyer (CofF 1998: Ref. 26282).
  Status in Catalogue of Life:   

This page uses some information from Catalog of Fishes (CofF) :
Click on the generic noun or the specific epithet to get more information, or on the author to get the corresponding reference from CofF.
Please cite CofF properly and/or the original reference above when information you use is extracted from these sources.

Page created by Kit 2007-07-25
Converted to PHP by Kit 2007-07-25
Last modified by Stacy 2012-10-17