List of Nominal Species of Acropomatidae
(Lanternbellies, temperate ocean-basses)
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Nominal Species (n = 40) Present allocation (n = 32) Ref.
Synagrops adeni Kotthaus, 1970 Synagrops adeni 3288
Neoscombrops analis Katayama, 1957 Synagrops analis 26282
Neoscombrops annectens (non Gilchrist, 1922) Neoscombrops pacificus 37257
Neoscombrops annectens Gilchrist, 1922 Neoscombrops cynodon 55728
Apogonops anomalus Ogilby, 1896 Apogonops anomalus 9563
Acropoma argentistigma Okamoto & Ida, 2002 Acropoma argentistigma 44261
Melanostoma argyreum Gilbert & Cramer, 1897 Synagrops argyreus 27116
Neoscombrops atlanticus Mochizuki & Sano, 1984 Neoscombrops atlanticus 34711
Malakichthys barbatus Yamanoue & Yoseda, 2001 Malakichthys barbatus 40964
Hypoclydonia bella Goode & Bean, 1896 Synagrops bellus 6916
Anthias berycoides Hilgendorf, 1879 Doederleinia berycoides 7300
Acropoma boholensis Yamanoue & Matsuura, 2002 Acropoma boholensis 41631
Acropoma cynodon Regan, 1921 Neoscombrops cynodon 2710
Malakichthys elegans Matsubara & Yamaguti, 1943 Malakichthys elegans 7300
Malakichthys elegans (non Matsubara & Yamaguti, 1943) Malakichthys barbatus 40964
Rhomboserranus gracilispinis Fowler, 1943 Doederleinia berycoides 76993
Malakichthys griseus (non Döderlein, 1883) Malakichthys similis 76883
Malakichthys griseus Döderlein, 1883 Malakichthys griseus 637
Acropoma hanedai Matsubara, 1953 Acropoma hanedai 559
Acropoma japonicum Günther, 1859 Acropoma japonicum 2710
Melanostoma japonicum Döderlein, 1883 Synagrops japonicus 2710
Acropoma lecorneti Fourmanoir, 1988 Acropoma lecorneti 58485
Malakichthys levis Yamanoue & Matsuura, 2002 Malakichthys levis 44351
Synagrops malayanus Weber, 1913 Synagrops malayanus 41531
Synagrops microlepis Norman, 1935 Synagrops microlepis 2710
Malakichthys mochizuki Yamanoue & Matsuura, 2002 Malakichthys mochizuki 44351
Synagrops natalensis Gilchrist, 1922 Synagrops japonicus 2710
Doederleinia orientalis Steindachner & Döderlein, 1883 Doederleinia berycoides 75154
Neoscombrops pacificus Mochizuki, 1979 Neoscombrops pacificus 36028
Parascombrops pellucidus Alcock, 1889 Synagrops pellucidus 97102
Acropoma philippinense Günther, 1880 Synagrops philippinensis 280
Acropoma profundum Okamoto, 2014 Acropoma profundum 96184
Synagrops pseudomicrolepis Schultz, 1940 Synagrops pseudomicrolepis 43234
Synagrops serratospinosus Smith & Radcliffe, 1912 Synagrops serratospinosus 559
Malakichthys similis Yamanoue & Matsuura, 2004 Malakichthys similis 76883
Verilus sordidus Poey, 1860 Verilus sordidus 9626
Synagrops spinosus Schultz, 1940 Synagrops spinosus 9626
Synagrops splendens Lloyd, 1909 Acropoma japonicum 2710
Synagrops trispinosus Mochizuki & Sano, 1984 Synagrops trispinosus 9626
Malakichthys wakiyae Jordan & Hubbs, 1925 Malakichthys wakiyae 559
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cfm script by eagbayani, 10.5.01 ,  last modified by cmilitante, 29/11/12