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Occurrence Record of Diapterus rhombeus
Main Ref : Anonymous, 2000 (Ref. 34634) Museum : GCRL
Name used : Diapterus rhombeus Sex :  
Catalog No. : GCRL 29715 Picture :  
Locality : Belize-CA 13 n Mi S\SE of Robertson Point ~ 2 mi East of Colson Point off of Dangrego
Station : BelizeVI30-III Gazetteer :   
Year : 1999 Date : 1999-06-30
Water depth : 18 - 16 m Salinity :  
Altitude : - m Temperature :   °C
Coordinates :     
In decimal: 4.30 , -88.13
Accuracy :  
Geog. area :   CARIBBEAN
Country : 084 - Belize  
Length : cm Range : -
Collector : Orrell, TM, Crew Northern II Identifier : MW Littmann
Gear : 15ft Otter trawl, tickler chain, no liner
Entered by: Poss,Stuart - 2000-07-06//
Modified by: Reyes,Rodolfo B. - 06/07/2000
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last modified by kbanasihan, 12.05.11