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Occurrence Record of Centrophorus squamosus
Main Ref : Acuna-Marrero, D., J.S. Zimmerhackel, J. Mayorga and A. Hearn, 2013 (Ref. 96831) Museum :  
Name used : Centrophorus squamosus Sex : female
Catalog No. :   Picture :  
Locality : east coast of Fernandina Island
Station :   Gazetteer :   
Year :   Date : 14/01/12
Water depth : 600 - m Salinity : marine
Altitude : - m Temperature :   °C
Coordinates : 0 33.38 s91 24.23 w
In decimal: -0.56 , -91.40
Accuracy :  
Geog. area : 87- Pacific, Southeast  
Country : 218A - Galapagos Is. Fernandina Island
Length : 95 cm TL Range : -
Collector :   Identifier : David Acuna
Gear : 200 hundred hooks’ longline set near the bottom, at 600 m depth; bait used was black-striped salema Xenocys jessiae
Entered by: Valdestamon,Roxanne Rei - 30/07/14
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last modified by kbanasihan, 12.05.11