No. | Year | Latitude | Longitude | Catalog No. | Information |
1. | -17.06 | 27.35 | ? |
2. | -17.47 | 24.25 | ? |
3. | -11.18 | 28.88 | ? |
4. | -11.22 | 30.12 | ? |
5. | -9.33 | 28.73 | ? |
6. | -17.83 | 25.58 | ? |
7. | -16.08 | 28.77 | ? |
8. | -8.77 | 31.12 | P B2004.0027B2004.0050 | "Astatotilapia burtoni. Makasa, Sturmbauer & Vanhove, P B2004.0027B2004.0050, Mpulungu, " |
9. | -8.77 | 31.12 | P B2004.0001B2004.0026 | "Astatotilapia burtoni. Makasa, Sturmbauer & Vanhove, P B2004.0001B2004.0026, Mpulungu, " |
10. | -12.54 | 30.39 | P B1001.0001B1001.0004 | "Congoglanis sagitta. Bills & al., P B1001.0001B1001.0004, Mulembo river at bridge on Mansa - Serenge road, Luapula river drainage, Luapula Province, " |
11. | -8.42 | 29.84 | P B0033.0004 | "Nothobranchius oestergaardi. Amato, Boklund, Ostergaard & al., P B0033.0004, swamp of seasonal riv. Mwawe, Mwero Wantipa lake drainage basin, ±5km W. of Kalaba village, S. side of road, " |
12. | -8.42 | 29.84 | P B0033.0004 | " . Amato, Boklund, Ostergaard & al., P B0033.0004, swamp of seasonal riv. Mwawe, Mwero Wantipa lake drainage basin, ±5km W. of Kalaba village, S. side of road, " |
13. | -12.51 | 30.20 | P B0028.0264B0028.0265 | "Pseudocrenilabrus philander. Willems F., P B0028.0264B0028.0265, Katsa, Mulembo river, Kasanka Park, " |
14. | -12.51 | 30.20 | P B0028.0253B0028.0263 | "Nannocharax elongatus. Willems F., P B0028.0253B0028.0263, Katsa, Mulembo river, Kasanka Park, " |
15. | -12.51 | 30.20 | P B0028.0250B0028.0252 | "Micralestes sardina. Willems F., P B0028.0250B0028.0252, Katsa, Mulembo river, Kasanka Park, " |
16. | -12.51 | 30.20 | P B0028.0241 | "Enteromius lineomaculatus. Willems F., P B0028.0241, Katsa, Mulembo river, Kasanka Park, " |
17. | -12.51 | 30.20 | P B0028.0242B0028.0249 | "Nannocharax minutus. Willems F., P B0028.0242B0028.0249, Katsa, Mulembo river, Kasanka Park, " |
18. | -12.51 | 30.20 | P B0028.0001B0028.0240 | "Micropanchax fuelleborni. Willems F., P B0028.0001B0028.0240, Katsa, Mulembo river, Kasanka Park, " |
19. | -13.11 | 31.79 | P A9033.0003 | "Nothobranchius boklundi. Boklund J., P A9033.0003, eastern bank floodplains of Luangwa riv., seasonal pool, ± 650m S.E. Kapani Lodge, 1500m from riv., Luangwa Nat.Park, " |
20. | -13.11 | 31.79 | P A9033.0003 | " . Boklund J., P A9033.0003, eastern bank floodplains of Luangwa riv., seasonal pool, ± 650m S.E. Kapani Lodge, 1500m from riv., Luangwa Nat.Park, " |
21. | -13.11 | 31.79 | P A9033.0002 | "Nothobranchius boklundi. Boklund J., P A9033.0002, eastern bank floodplains of Luangwa riv., seasonal pool, ± 650m S.E. Kapani Lodge, 1500m from riv., Luangwa Nat.Park, " |
22. | -13.11 | 31.79 | P A9033.0002 | " . Boklund J., P A9033.0002, eastern bank floodplains of Luangwa riv., seasonal pool, ± 650m S.E. Kapani Lodge, 1500m from riv., Luangwa Nat.Park, " |
23. | -13.11 | 31.79 | P A9033.0001 | "Nothobranchius boklundi. Boklund J., P A9033.0001, eastern bank floodplains of Luangwa riv., seasonal pool, ± 650m S.E. Kapani Lodge, 1500m from riv., Luangwa Nat.Park, " |
24. | -13.11 | 31.79 | P A9033.0001 | " . Boklund J., P A9033.0001, eastern bank floodplains of Luangwa riv., seasonal pool, ± 650m S.E. Kapani Lodge, 1500m from riv., Luangwa Nat.Park, " |
25. | -8.78 | 31.07 | P A9015.0002 | " . Exp. Tanganyika 2001, P A9015.0002, Kasakalawe 2, lake Tanganyika, " |
26. | -12.51 | 30.20 | P A8021.0009A8021.0027 | "Labeo altivelis. Van Steenberge M., P A8021.0009A8021.0027, Katwa, Kasanka river, " |
27. | -12.50 | 30.13 | P A8021.0028A8021.0029 | "Labeo altivelis. Van Steenberge M., P A8021.0028A8021.0029, Luwombwa river, " |
28. | -12.51 | 30.29 | P A8021.0007A8021.0008 | "Nannocharax minutus. Van Steenberge M., P A8021.0007A8021.0008, Chantete, vloedvlakte, " |
29. | -12.57 | 30.23 | P A8021.0001A8021.0006 | "Nannocharax minutus. Van Steenberge M., P A8021.0001A8021.0006, pontoon, Kasanka river, linke oever, " |
30. | -8.57 | 31.13 | P A3043.0009 | "Cyprichromis coloratus. Takahashi T., P A3043.0009, Kasenga, lake Tanganyika, " |
31. | -8.57 | 31.13 | P A3043.0008 | "Cyprichromis coloratus. Takahashi T., P A3043.0008, Kasenga, lake Tanganyika, " |
32. | -8.57 | 31.13 | P A3043.0007 | "Cyprichromis coloratus. Takahashi T., P A3043.0007, Kasenga, lake Tanganyika, " |
33. | -8.57 | 31.13 | P A3043.0006 | "Cyprichromis coloratus. Takahashi T., P A3043.0006, Kasenga, lake Tanganyika, " |
34. | -8.57 | 31.13 | P A3043.0005 | "Cyprichromis coloratus. Takahashi T., P A3043.0005, Kasenga, lake Tanganyika, " |
35. | -8.57 | 31.13 | P A3043.0004 | "Cyprichromis coloratus. Takahashi T., P A3043.0004, Kasenga, lake Tanganyika, " |
36. | -8.78 | 31.07 | P A1094.0657 | "Neolamprologus pulcher. Snoeks, Hanssens, Verheyen & al, P A1094.0657, Kasakalawe 3, lake Tanganyika, " |
37. | -8.79 | 31.07 | P A1094.0655 | "Neolamprologus tetracanthus. Snoeks, Hanssens, Verheyen & al, P A1094.0655, Kasakalawe 1, lake Tanganyika, " |
38. | -8.79 | 31.07 | P A1094.0654 | "Neolamprologus tetracanthus. Snoeks, Hanssens, Verheyen & al, P A1094.0654, Kasakalawe, further & deep(1), lake Tanganyika, " |
39. | -8.79 | 31.05 | P A1094.0056A1094.0059 | " . Snoeks, Hanssens, Verheyen & al, P A1094.0056A1094.0059, Katoto, lake Tanganyika, " |
40. | -8.79 | 31.05 | P A1094.0055 | "Synodontis irsacae. Snoeks, Hanssens, Verheyen & al, P A1094.0055, Katoto, lake Tanganyika, " |
41. | -9.37 | 28.67 | P 99067.0443 | "Synodontis polystigma. Goudswaard P.C., P 99067.0443, lake Mweru, lake shore north of Nchelenge, " |
42. | -10.90 | 28.80 | P 99067.0388 | "Tilapia sparrmanii. Goudswaard P.C., P 99067.0388, Luamfumo river, " |
43. | -10.90 | 28.80 | P 99067.026899067.0387 | "Kneria stappersii. Goudswaard P.C., P 99067.026899067.0387, Luamfumo river, " |
44. | -10.90 | 28.80 | P 99067.025399067.0262 | "Enteromius paludinosus. Goudswaard P.C., P 99067.025399067.0262, Luamfumo river, " |
45. | -10.90 | 28.80 | P 99067.026399067.0267 | " . Goudswaard P.C., P 99067.026399067.0267, Luamfumo river, " |
46. | -10.90 | 28.80 | P 99067.024799067.0252 | "Enteromius lineomaculatus. Goudswaard P.C., P 99067.024799067.0252, Luamfumo river, " |
47. | -10.90 | 28.80 | P 99067.024599067.0246 | "Enteromius haasianus. Goudswaard P.C., P 99067.024599067.0246, Luamfumo river, " |
48. | -12.58 | 30.20 | P 99067.0077 | "Nannocharax minutus. Goudswaard P.C., P 99067.0077, Luwombwa river, " |
49. | -10.90 | 28.80 | P 99067.024299067.0244 | "Enteromius brevidorsalis. Goudswaard P.C., P 99067.024299067.0244, Luamfumo river, " |
50. | -12.50 | 30.37 | P 99067.000999067.0045 | "Chiloglanis elisabethianus. Goudswaard P.C., P 99067.000999067.0045, Mulemba riv., crossing Testa road, " |
51. | -10.25 | 28.17 | P 99035.142999035.1430 | "Enteromius haasianus. Goudswaard P.C., P 99035.142999035.1430, Mishimba swamp, N. of Mwense, " |
52. | -10.08 | 29.05 | P 99035.138999035.1392 | "Enteromius brevidorsalis. Goudswaard P.C., P 99035.138999035.1392, Mintongwa river, Kawamba district, tributary from west to Luongo river(= also called Mupoposhi river, " |
53. | -10.33 | 29.20 | P 99035.137499035.1388 | "Enteromius multilineatus. Goudswaard P.C., P 99035.137499035.1388, Insenga swamp, shallow, along Kawambwa-Mansa road, " |
54. | -9.52 | 29.48 | P 99035.136599035.1369 | "Enteromius viviparus. Goudswaard P.C., P 99035.136599035.1369, Musenga river, N. of pontoon crossing Kalungwishi river, Mporokosso, " |
55. | -9.52 | 29.48 | P 99035.133999035.1354 | "Enteromius bifrenatus. Goudswaard P.C., P 99035.133999035.1354, Musenga river, N. of pontoon crossing Kalungwishi river, Mporokosso, " |
56. | -10.08 | 29.05 | P 99035.135599035.1364 | "Enteromius bifrenatus. Goudswaard P.C., P 99035.135599035.1364, Mintongwa river, Kawamba district, tributary from west to Luongo river(= also called Mupoposhi river, " |
57. | -10.27 | 29.20 | P 99035.1338 | "Enteromius bifrenatus. Goudswaard P.C., P 99035.1338, Mukanga river, tributary of Luongo riv., S. of Kawambwa, " |
58. | -10.08 | 29.05 | P 99035.1337 | "Enteromius multilineatus. Goudswaard P.C., P 99035.1337, Mintongwa river, Kawamba district, tributary from west to Luongo river(= also called Mupoposhi river, " |
59. | -10.25 | 28.17 | P 99035.1333 | "Enteromius bifrenatus. Goudswaard P.C., P 99035.1333, Mishimba swamp, N. of Mwense, " |
60. | -10.25 | 28.17 | P 99035.130999035.1316 | "Enteromius lineomaculatus. Goudswaard P.C., P 99035.130999035.1316, Mishimba swamp, N. of Mwense, " |
61. | -10.25 | 28.17 | P 99035.131799035.1326 | "Labeobarbus brevispinis. Goudswaard P.C., P 99035.131799035.1326, Mishimba swamp, N. of Mwense, " |
62. | -10.25 | 28.17 | P 99035.124599035.1278 | "Enteromius lineomaculatus. Goudswaard P.C., P 99035.124599035.1278, Mishimba swamp, N. of Mwense, " |
63. | -10.25 | 28.17 | P 99035.121999035.1244 | "Enteromius paludinosus. Goudswaard P.C., P 99035.121999035.1244, Mishimba swamp, N. of Mwense, " |
64. | -9.60 | 29.48 | P 99035.119899035.1201 | " . Goudswaard P.C., P 99035.119899035.1201, Luena river (= Pambashe river), Muyeba village, tributary of Kalungwishi river, " |
65. | -9.60 | 29.48 | P 99035.1184 | " . Goudswaard P.C., P 99035.1184, Luena river (= Pambashe river), Muyeba village, tributary of Kalungwishi river, " |
66. | -9.53 | 29.42 | P 99035.1148 | "Amphilius cryptobullatus. Goudswaard P.C., P 99035.1148, Kalungwishi river Chipembe SDA church generator Cham falls, " |
67. | -9.52 | 29.48 | P 99035.109199035.1133 | "Nannocharax uniocellatus. Goudswaard P.C., P 99035.109199035.1133, Musenga river, N. of pontoon crossing Kalungwishi river, Mporokosso, " |
68. | -9.60 | 29.48 | P 99035.0869 | " . Goudswaard P.C., P 99035.0869, Luena river (= Pambashe river), Muyeba village, tributary of Kalungwishi river, " |
69. | -9.60 | 29.48 | P 99035.086299035.0865 | " . Goudswaard P.C., P 99035.086299035.0865, Luena river (= Pambashe river), Muyeba village, tributary of Kalungwishi river, " |
70. | -10.27 | 29.20 | P 99035.085499035.0857 | " . Goudswaard P.C., P 99035.085499035.0857, Mukanga river, tributary of Luongo riv., S. of Kawambwa, " |
71. | -9.52 | 29.48 | P 99035.0851 | "Hippopotamyrus retrodorsalis. Goudswaard P.C., P 99035.0851, Musenga river, N. of pontoon crossing Kalungwishi river, Mporokosso, " |
72. | -10.27 | 29.20 | P 99035.0850 | "Hippopotamyrus retrodorsalis. Goudswaard P.C., P 99035.0850, Mukanga river, tributary of Luongo riv., S. of Kawambwa, " |
73. | -10.25 | 28.17 | P 99035.0847 | " . Goudswaard P.C., P 99035.0847, Mishimba swamp, N. of Mwense, " |
74. | -9.60 | 29.48 | P 99035.0843 | "Sargochromis mellandi. Goudswaard P.C., P 99035.0843, Luena river (= Pambashe river), Muyeba village, tributary of Kalungwishi river, " |
75. | -9.52 | 29.48 | P 99035.081699035.0828 | "Pseudocrenilabrus philander. Goudswaard P.C., P 99035.081699035.0828, Musenga river, N. of pontoon crossing Kalungwishi river, Mporokosso, " |
76. | -10.08 | 29.05 | P 99035.0809 | "Pseudocrenilabrus philander. Goudswaard P.C., P 99035.0809, Mintongwa river, Kawamba district, tributary from west to Luongo river(= also called Mupoposhi river, " |
77. | -10.43 | 29.18 | P 99035.080699035.0808 | "Tilapia sparrmanii. Goudswaard P.C., P 99035.080699035.0808, Forest stream pit along Kawambwa Man road, tributary of Luongo river, Luminu river, " |
78. | -9.60 | 29.48 | P 99035.080399035.0805 | "Tilapia sparrmanii. Goudswaard P.C., P 99035.080399035.0805, Luena river (= Pambashe river), Muyeba village, tributary of Kalungwishi river, " |
79. | -9.52 | 29.48 | P 99035.079699035.0799 | "Tilapia sparrmanii. Goudswaard P.C., P 99035.079699035.0799, Musenga river, N. of pontoon crossing Kalungwishi river, Mporokosso, " |
80. | -9.58 | 29.37 | P 99035.002999035.0030 | "Lacustricola matthesi. Goudswaard P.C., P 99035.002999035.0030, Chipembe tributary in forest, flowing into Kalungwishi river, " |
81. | -12.58 | 30.20 | P 98007.0121 | "Alestes macrophthalmus. Goudswaard P.C., P 98007.0121, Luwombwa river, " |
82. | -12.58 | 30.20 | P 98007.006498007.0067 | "Serranochromis angusticeps. Goudswaard P.C., P 98007.006498007.0067, Luwombwa river, " |
83. | -12.58 | 30.20 | P 98007.0024 | "Tylochromis bangwelensis. Goudswaard P.C., P 98007.0024, Luwombwa river, " |
84. | -12.58 | 30.20 | P 97089.0082 | "Bryconaethiops boulengeri. Goudswaard P.C., P 97089.0082, Luwombwa river, Kasanka National Park, " |
85. | -12.58 | 30.20 | P 97089.007497089.0076 | "Nannocharax minutus. Goudswaard P.C., P 97089.007497089.0076, Luwombwa river, Kasanka National Park, " |
86. | -12.58 | 30.20 | P 97089.007197089.0072 | "Petrocephalus catostoma. Goudswaard P.C., P 97089.007197089.0072, Luwombwa river, Kasanka National Park, " |
87. | -12.58 | 30.20 | P 97089.006897089.0069 | "Cyphomyrus discorhynchus. Goudswaard P.C., P 97089.006897089.0069, Luwombwa river, " |
88. | -12.58 | 30.20 | P 97089.0070 | "Marcusenius macrolepidotus. Goudswaard P.C., P 97089.0070, Luwombwa river, " |
89. | -12.58 | 30.20 | P 97089.006597089.0067 | "Pollimyrus stappersii. Goudswaard P.C., P 97089.006597089.0067, Luwombwa river, " |
90. | -12.58 | 30.20 | P 97089.0063 | "Enteromius paludinosus. Goudswaard P.C., P 97089.0063, Luwombwa river, Kasanka National Park, " |
91. | -12.58 | 30.20 | P 97089.0062 | "Labeo altivelis. Goudswaard P.C., P 97089.0062, Luwombwa river, Kasanka National Park, " |
92. | -12.58 | 30.20 | P 97089.0060 | "Enteromius radiatus. Goudswaard P.C., P 97089.0060, Luwombwa river, Kasanka National Park, " |
93. | -12.58 | 30.20 | P 97089.0061 | "Labeobarbus stappersii. Goudswaard P.C., P 97089.0061, Luwombwa river, " |
94. | -12.58 | 30.20 | P 97089.005397089.0054 | "Opsaridium zambezense. Goudswaard P.C., P 97089.005397089.0054, Luwombwa river, " |
95. | -12.58 | 30.20 | P 97089.004797089.0048 | "Enteromius paludinosus. Goudswaard P.C., P 97089.004797089.0048, Luwombwa river, " |
96. | -12.58 | 30.20 | P 97089.004397089.0045 | "Enteromius afrovernayi. Goudswaard P.C., P 97089.004397089.0045, Luwombwa river, " |
97. | -12.58 | 30.20 | P 97089.0046 | "Enteromius fasciolatus. Goudswaard P.C., P 97089.0046, Luwombwa river, " |
98. | -12.58 | 30.20 | P 97089.0038 | "Labeobarbus caudovittatus. Goudswaard P.C., P 97089.0038, Luwombwa river, " |
99. | -12.58 | 30.20 | P 97089.0036 | "Clarias gariepinus. Goudswaard P.C., P 97089.0036, Luwombwa river, " |
100. | -12.58 | 30.20 | P 97089.0035 | "Clarias gariepinus. Goudswaard P.C., P 97089.0035, Luwombwa river, " |
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