List of Occurrence Point Data for Eq Guinea
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[n=7271]        Next 100    Year Latitude
No. Year Latitude Longitude Catalog No. Information
1.   2.06 9.92 P A6048.0002A6048.0004 " . Malumbres, SanJuan & Huijgevoort, P A6048.0002A6048.0004, ruisseau 4km N. de Ndiyacom, système hydrogéographique du Rio Mbia, Rio Muni, "
2.   2.06 9.92 P A6048.0001 " . Malumbres, SanJuan & Huijgevoort, P A6048.0001, ruisseau 4km N. de Ndiyacom, système hydrogéographique du Rio Mbia, Rio Muni, "
3.   2.06 9.92 P A5011.0036 "Neolebias ansorgii. Malumbres, Huijevoort & Som, P A5011.0036, 4km au Nord de Ndyiacom, "
4.   1.92 9.83 P A2060.0003A2060.0004 "Aplocheilichthys spilauchen. Blanco, Malumbres & Garcia Lova, P A2060.0003A2060.0004, creek emptying in rio Ue, rio Utonde system, "
5.   1.92 9.83 P A2031.0044 "Miracorvina angolensis. Malumbres Viscarret & al., P A2031.0044, creek emptying in rio Ue, "
6.   1.92 9.83 P A2031.0043 " . Malumbres Viscarret & al., P A2031.0043, creek emptying in rio Ue, "
7.   1.92 9.83 P A2031.0001A2031.0042 "Micropanchax scheeli. Malumbres Viscarret & al., P A2031.0001A2031.0042, creek emptying in rio Ue, "
8.   3.35 8.67 P 96068.0001 "Mastacembelus cryptacanthus. Castelo R., P 96068.0001, Bioko Island, Mirupururu riv., km 7 Malabo-airport road, "
9.   3.77 8.73 P 92089.0005 "Bathygobius soporator. Perramon R., P 92089.0005, Bahia Venus, un pantano cerca del mar de la \B\, Santa Isabel, Fernando Poo, "
10.   3.77 8.73 P 92089.000192089.0004 "Eleotris annobonensis. Perramon R., P 92089.000192089.0004, Bahia Venus, un pantano cerca del mar de la \B\, Santa Isabel, Fernando Poo, "
11.   3.58 8.62 P 78046.0297 "Atherina lopeziana. Scheel J.J., P 78046.0297, 43 km SW Santa Isabel, playa, "
12.   3.58 8.62 P 78046.028778046.0288 "Mugil bananensis. Scheel J.J., P 78046.028778046.0288, 43 km from Santa Isabel towards San Carlos, mouth small river at playa, lagune, "
13.   3.58 8.62 P 78046.0286 "Mugil curema. Scheel J.J., P 78046.0286, 43 km from Santa Isabel towards San Carlos, mouth small river at playa, lagune, "
14.   3.73 8.73 P 78046.027678046.0280 "Liza grandisquamis. Scheel J.J., P 78046.027678046.0280, mouth rio Timbabe up to and 100m above rio Aqua-Negro (rio T. junction), "
15.   3.58 8.62 P 78046.028178046.0285 "Liza falcipinnis. Scheel J.J., P 78046.028178046.0285, 43 km from Santa Isabel towards San Carlos, mouth small river at playa, lagune, "
16.   3.73 8.73 P 78046.0275 "Liza falcipinnis. Scheel J.J., P 78046.0275, mouth rio Timbabe up to and 100m above rio Aqua-Negro (rio T. junction), "
17.   3.78 8.70 P 78046.027078046.0274 "Liza falcipinnis. Scheel J.J., P 78046.027078046.0274, mouth rio Mirupururu, lagune, "
18.   3.58 8.62 P 78046.026678046.0268 "Periophthalmus barbarus. Scheel J.J., P 78046.026678046.0268, 43 km from Santa Isabel towards San Carlos, mouth small river at playa, lagune, "
19.   3.75 8.68 P 78046.0264 "Periophthalmus barbarus. Scheel J.J., P 78046.0264, münding rio Luepesse, lagune, "
20.   3.78 8.70 P 78046.0265 "Periophthalmus barbarus. Scheel J.J., P 78046.0265, mouth rio Mirupururu, lagune, "
21.   3.73 8.73 P 78046.0263 "Awaous lateristriga. Scheel J.J., P 78046.0263, mouth rio Timbabe up to and 100m above rio Aqua-Negro (rio T. junction), "
22.   3.40 8.77 P 78046.0262 "Awaous lateristriga. Scheel J.J., P 78046.0262, small stream just N. of Concepcion, "
23.   3.75 8.77 P 78046.025978046.0261 "Bathygobius burtoni. Scheel J.J., P 78046.025978046.0261, udlob rio Timbabe (havet isolerede Pytter), "
24.   3.77 8.72 P 78046.0257 "Nematogobius maindroni. Scheel J.J., P 78046.0257, rio Mirupururu at airport, "
25.   3.75 8.68 P 78046.0258 "Bathygobius soporator. Scheel J.J., P 78046.0258, münding rio Luepesse, "
26.   3.58 8.62 P 78046.0256 "Awaous lateristriga. Scheel J.J., P 78046.0256, 43 km from Santa Isabel towards San Carlos, mouth small river at playa, lagune, "
27.   1.83 10.10 P 78046.0235 "Eleotris daganensis. Scheel J.J., P 78046.0235, 54-55 km S. of Bata, small river apparently ideal for fish but almost empty, "
28.   3.72 8.82 P 78046.0234 "Eleotris vittata. Scheel J.J., P 78046.0234, E of Santa Isabel towards Conception, small clean swifti river at 3km stone, "
29.   3.73 8.73 P 78046.0233 "Eleotris vittata. Scheel J.J., P 78046.0233, mouth rio Timbabe up to and 100m above rio Aqua-Negro (rio T. junction), "
30.   3.58 8.62 P 78046.023078046.0232 "Eleotris vittata. Scheel J.J., P 78046.023078046.0232, 43 km from Santa Isabel towards San Carlos, mouth small river at playa, lagune, "
31.   3.40 8.77 P 78046.0229 "Eleotris annobonensis. Scheel J.J., P 78046.0229, small stream just N. of Concepcion, "
32.   3.47 8.58 P 78046.022278046.0228 "Eleotris annobonensis. Scheel J.J., P 78046.022278046.0228, swampy area near sea, lower rio Musola, N San Carlos, "
33.   3.47 8.58 P 78046.022278046.0228 "Eleotris vittata. Scheel J.J., P 78046.022278046.0228, swampy area near sea, lower rio Musola, N San Carlos, "
34.   3.73 8.73 P 78046.019278046.0214 " . Scheel J.J., P 78046.019278046.0214, mouth rio Timbabe up to and 100m above rio Aqua-Negro (rio T. junction), "
35.   1.83 10.10 P 78046.017878046.0183 "Microctenopoma nanum. Scheel J.J., P 78046.017878046.0183, between 52-53 km S of Bata, S of bridge, riv Benito, small brook, almost stagnant, "
36.   1.87 9.87 P 78046.017478046.0177 "Microctenopoma nanum. Scheel J.J., P 78046.017478046.0177, 37 km E of Bata towards Niefang, small rivulet, shallow many fishes, "
37.   3.72 8.82 P 78046.0172 "Mastacembelus cryptacanthus. Scheel J.J., P 78046.0172, E of Santa Isabel towards Conception, small clean swift river at 3 km stone, "
38.   3.72 8.82 P 78046.0171 "Mastacembelus cryptacanthus. Scheel J.J., P 78046.0171, river at 3 km stone east of Santa Isabel, "
39.   3.73 8.77 P 78046.014878046.0149 "Benitochromis finleyi. Scheel J.J., P 78046.014878046.0149, small river at 20km stone from Santa Isabel towards San Carlos, "
40.   3.72 8.77 P 78046.0147 "Benitochromis finleyi. Scheel J.J., P 78046.0147, rio Timbabe, stagnant pool near road to airport, "
41.   3.73 8.73 P 78046.013578046.0146 "Benitochromis finleyi. Scheel J.J., P 78046.013578046.0146, rio Timbabe, stagnant pools in dry river, "
42.   1.75 9.78 P 78046.0112 "Neolebias ansorgii. Scheel J.J., P 78046.0112, 18 km S of Bata towards bridge, riv. Benito, small almost stagnant muddy river, "
43.   3.72 8.82 P 78046.005778046.0060 "Enteromius camptacanthus. Scheel J.J., P 78046.005778046.0060, E of Santa Isabel towards Conception, small clean swifti river at 3km stone, "
44.   3.73 8.77 P 78046.0056 "Enteromius camptacanthus. Scheel J.J., P 78046.0056, small river at 20km stone from Santa Isabel towards San Carlos, "
45.   3.75 8.78 P 78046.004678046.0055 "Enteromius camptacanthus. Scheel J.J., P 78046.004678046.0055, rio Consul flowing through Santa Isabel, "
46.   3.73 8.73 P 78046.003478046.0045 "Enteromius camptacanthus. Scheel J.J., P 78046.003478046.0045, rio Timbabe, stagnant pools in dry river, "
47.   1.83 10.10 P 78046.003278046.0033 "Enteromius camptacanthus. Scheel J.J., P 78046.003278046.0033, between 52-53 km S of Bata, S of bridge, riv Benito, small brook, almost stagnant, "
48.   1.87 9.87 P 78046.002178046.0031 "Enteromius camptacanthus. Scheel J.J., P 78046.002178046.0031, 37 km E of Bata towards Niefang, small rivulet, shallow many fishes, "
49.   3.77 8.72 P 78046.001878046.0019 "Enteromius thysi. Scheel J.J., P 78046.001878046.0019, rio Mirupururu at airport, "
50.   3.73 8.73 P 78046.0020 "Enteromius thysi. Scheel J.J., P 78046.0020, mouth rio Timbabe up to and 100m above rio Aqua-Negro (rio T. junction), "
51.   1.60 9.78 P 78046.001678046.0017 "Enteromius holotaenia. Scheel J.J., P 78046.001678046.0017, between 44-45 km S of Bata and 4-5 km S of bridge riv. Benito-Mung, small clean river, "
52.   1.87 9.87 P 78046.001478046.0015 "Enteromius jae. Scheel J.J., P 78046.001478046.0015, 37 km E of Bata towards Niefang, small rivulet, shallow many fishes, "
53.   2.88 9.98 P 78046.0011 "Brycinus longipinnis. Scheel J.J., P 78046.0011, 13 km E of Kribi, towards Ebolowa, riv. Nyabiale near Bibozi II, "
54.   1.60 9.78 P 78046.000778046.0010 "Brycinus longipinnis. Scheel J.J., P 78046.000778046.0010, between 44-45 km S of Bata and 4-5 km S of bridge riv. Benito-Mung, small clean river, "
55.   3.77 8.72 P 78046.000178046.0006 "Brycinus longipinnis. Scheel J.J., P 78046.000178046.0006, rio Mirupururu at airport, "
56.   3.73 8.73 P 76032.493576032.4937 "Malapterurus beninensis. Scheel J.J., P 76032.493576032.4937, rio Timbabé, "
57.   3.73 8.73 P 76032.493576032.4937 "Malapterurus electricus. Scheel J.J., P 76032.493576032.4937, rio Timbabé, "
58.   1.43 5.62 P 74045.0002 "Awaous lateristriga. Fea L., P 74045.0002, eiland Annobon, "
59.   1.43 5.62 P 74045.0001 "Eleotris feai. Fea L., P 74045.0001, eiland Annobon, "
60.   3.77 8.72 P 73039.2705 "Procatopus similis. Scheel J.J., P 73039.2705, riv. Mirupururu, "
61.   3.77 8.72 P 73039.270673039.2726 "Procatopus similis. Scheel J.J., P 73039.270673039.2726, riv. Mirupururu, "
62.   1.83 10.10 P 73039.247073039.2504 "Epiplatys grahami. Scheel J.J., P 73039.247073039.2504, 56 km S of Bata, "
63.   1.60 9.78 P 73039.246873039.2469 "Epiplatys grahami. Scheel J.J., P 73039.246873039.2469, 44-45 km S of Bata, "
64.   1.67 9.82 P 73039.243973039.2467 "Epiplatys grahami. Scheel J.J., P 73039.243973039.2467, 36 km S of Bata, "
65.   1.75 9.78 P 73039.243473039.2438 "Epiplatys grahami. Scheel J.J., P 73039.243473039.2438, 34 km S of Bata, "
66.   3.58 8.62 P 73039.218273039.2183 "Aplocheilichthys spilauchen. Scheel J.J., P 73039.218273039.2183, 43 km from Santa Isabel towards San Carlos, "
67.   3.75 8.68 P 73039.218073039.2181 "Aplocheilichthys spilauchen. Scheel J.J., P 73039.218073039.2181, rio Luepesse, mouth, "
68.   3.78 8.70 P 73039.216873039.2179 "Aplocheilichthys spilauchen. Scheel J.J., P 73039.216873039.2179, rio Mirupururu, mouth, "
69.   3.40 8.77 P 73039.216573039.2167 "Aplocheilichthys spilauchen. Scheel J.J., P 73039.216573039.2167, hurtig boek lige N for Conception, "
70.   3.72 8.82 P 73039.175773039.1767 "Fundulopanchax oeseri. Scheel J.J., P 73039.175773039.1767, 3 km E of Santa Isabel towards Conception, in very small sidewaters the native quarters in Santa Isabel, "
71.   3.75 8.78 P 73039.175573039.1756 "Fundulopanchax oeseri. Scheel J.J., P 73039.175573039.1756, small swamp in forest near southern bank of rio Consul, western outshirts of the native quarters in Santa Isabel, "
72.   1.87 9.87 P 73039.146373039.1475 "Aphyosemion cameronense. Scheel J.J., P 73039.146373039.1475, 37 km E of Bata, riv. Ecucu drainage, brook, "
73.   1.83 10.10 P 73039.1462 "Aphyosemion cameronense. Scheel J.J., P 73039.1462, 52-53 km E of Bata towards Niefang, small brook, "
74.   1.83 10.10 P 73039.144773039.1461 "Aphyosemion cameronense. Scheel J.J., P 73039.144773039.1461, 53 km E of Bata, riv. Benito drainage, brook, "
75.   3.73 8.77 P 73039.129173039.1304 " . Scheel J.J., P 73039.129173039.1304, small river at 20 km stone from Santa Isabel towards San Carlos, "
76.   3.73 8.77 P 73039.129173039.1304 "Aphyosemion splendopleure. Scheel J.J., P 73039.129173039.1304, small river at 20 km stone from Santa Isabel towards San Carlos, "
77.   3.73 8.77 P 73039.129173039.1304 "Aphyosemion bivittatum. Scheel J.J., P 73039.129173039.1304, small river at 20 km stone from Santa Isabel towards San Carlos, "
78.   3.73 8.73 P 73039.126973039.1290 " . Scheel J.J., P 73039.126973039.1290, rio Timbabé, udtorret damme i flod seng vest for Santa-Isabel mod airport, "
79.   3.73 8.73 P 73039.126973039.1290 "Aphyosemion splendopleure. Scheel J.J., P 73039.126973039.1290, rio Timbabé, udtorret damme i flod seng vest for Santa-Isabel mod airport, "
80.   3.77 8.72 P 73039.126173039.1268 " . Scheel J.J., P 73039.126173039.1268, riv. Mirupururu, "
81.   3.73 8.73 P 73039.126973039.1290 "Aphyosemion bivittatum. Scheel J.J., P 73039.126973039.1290, rio Timbabé, udtorret damme i flod seng vest for Santa-Isabel mod airport, "
82.   3.77 8.72 P 73039.126173039.1268 "Aphyosemion splendopleure. Scheel J.J., P 73039.126173039.1268, riv. Mirupururu, "
83.   3.77 8.72 P 73039.126173039.1268 "Aphyosemion bivittatum. Scheel J.J., P 73039.126173039.1268, riv. Mirupururu, "
84.   1.87 9.78 P 73039.117173039.1182 "Aphyosemion ecucuense. Scheel J.J., P 73039.117173039.1182, rio Ecucu, 36 km E of Bata, "
85.   1.87 9.78 P 73039.1170 "Aphyosemion ecucuense. Scheel J.J., P 73039.1170, rio Ecucu, 36 km E of Bata, "
86.   1.87 9.78 P 73039.117073039.1182 " . Scheel J.J., P 73039.117073039.1182, rio Ecucu, 36 km E of Bata, "
87.   1.87 9.78 P 73039.117073039.1182 "Aphyosemion bivittatum. Scheel J.J., P 73039.117073039.1182, rio Ecucu, 36 km E of Bata, "
88.   1.75 9.78 P 73039.116473039.1165 "Aphyosemion erythron. Scheel J.J., P 73039.116473039.1165, 18 km S of Bata, "
89.   1.75 9.78 P 73039.116473039.1165 " . Scheel J.J., P 73039.116473039.1165, 18 km S of Bata, "
90.   1.75 9.78 P 73039.116473039.1165 "Aphyosemion bivittatum. Scheel J.J., P 73039.116473039.1165, 18 km S of Bata, "
91.   1.75 9.78 P 73039.074773039.0750 "Aphyosemion ahli. Scheel J.J., P 73039.074773039.0750, 34 km S of Bata, "
92.   1.67 9.82 P 73039.053973039.0550 "Epiplatys sexfasciatus. Scheel J.J., P 73039.053973039.0550, 36 km S of Bata, "
93.   3.73 8.78 P 73039.053373039.0534 "Epiplatys sexfasciatus. Scheel J.J., P 73039.053373039.0534, lille boek fra stort sumpet, omrÃ¥de vest for Santa Isabel, ost for rio Timbabé, "
94.   3.47 8.58 P 73039.052773039.0532 "Epiplatys sexfasciatus. Scheel J.J., P 73039.052773039.0532, sumpet omrÃ¥de lige ved havet, nedre lob rio Musola, N for San Carlos, "
95.   3.72 8.82 P 73039.050773039.0526 "Epiplatys sexfasciatus. Scheel J.J., P 73039.050773039.0526, small river at 3 km stone from Santa Isabel towards Conception, "
96.   3.72 8.82 P 73039.046673039.0506 "Epiplatys sexfasciatus. Scheel J.J., P 73039.046673039.0506, small river good current, 3 km from Santa Isabel towards Conception, much rock, "
97.   3.77 8.78 P 73039.046073039.0465 "Epiplatys sexfasciatus. Scheel J.J., P 73039.046073039.0465, rio Aqua Negra vest for Santa Isabel mod airport, "
98.   3.73 8.77 P 73039.045773039.0459 "Epiplatys sexfasciatus. Scheel J.J., P 73039.045773039.0459, small river at 20 km stone from Santa Isabel towards San Carlos, "
99.   3.75 8.78 P 73039.042973039.0454 "Epiplatys sexfasciatus. Scheel J.J., P 73039.042973039.0454, rio Consul within Santa-Isabel, "
100.   3.77 8.72 P 73039.045573039.0456 "Epiplatys sexfasciatus. Scheel J.J., P 73039.045573039.0456, rio Mirupururu at airport, "
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