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Maylandia callainos: List of Point Data Occurrences data  |   Species Summary   |  FishBase    
n = 6   (FB = 6)      View map: Google Map | C-squares Mapper | KGS Mapper | CRIA Mapper
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Name used Year Latitude Longitude Catalog No. Information
Pseudotropheus callainos-11.2434.25P 99041.057799041.0591SADC/GEF Project, Mara Rocks, near Usisya, lake Malawi (54/09)
Portal: FB. Source: P
Pseudotropheus callainos-11.6034.30P 94056.001294056.0014Konings A., Nkhata Bay, lake Malawi
Portal: FB. Source: P
Pseudotropheus callainos-9.7834.33P 99041.021799041.0218SADC/GEF Project, Ifungu, close to Kirondo, lake Malawi (45/14)
Portal: FB. Source: P
Pseudotropheus callainos-10.3234.58P 99041.004399041.0044SADC/GEF Project, Ipembe Rocks, near Magunga, lake Malawi (45/31)
Portal: FB. Source: P
Pseudotropheus callainos-10.7134.65P 99041.009699041.0105SADC/GEF Project, Lundu, rocks S. of anchorage, lake Malawi (45/46)
Portal: FB. Source: P
Pseudotropheus callainos Stauffer & Hert, 1992-11.5834.68FB 2743277Nkhata Bay, 11°35'S, 34°41'E, Lake Malawi [Lake Nyasa], se. Africa, 3-4 m.
Portal: FB. Source: FB
Last modified by Casey, 09.06.15