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Pterygotrigla robertsi: List of Point Data Occurrences data  |   Species Summary   |  FishBase    
n = 5   (OBIS = 3, FB = 2)      View map: Google Map | C-squares Mapper | KGS Mapper | CRIA Mapper
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Name used Year Latitude Longitude Catalog No. Information
Pterygotrigla robertsi-23.64167.734916 Portal: OBIS. Source: San Diego Supercomputer Center
Sample method: 1 Beam Trawl
-23.64167.73 MNHN 1994-25 Stylaster Seamount
Portal: FB. Source: MNHN
Pterygotrigla robertsi1992-23.63167.738780 Portal: OBIS. Source: San Diego Supercomputer Center
Sample method: Beam trawl
Pterygotrigla robertsi1992-23.63167.738820 Portal: OBIS. Source: San Diego Supercomputer Center
Sample method: Beam trawl
Pterygotrigla robertsi del Cerro & Lloris, 1997-23.63167.73FB 2744164Norfolk Ridge, 23°37.7'S, 167°43.7'E (Stylaster seamount), Beryx 11, sta. CP 32, 420-460 m.
Portal: FB. Source: FB
Last modified by Casey, 09.06.15