FishBase References Starting with 'R'
[n=2702]Ref. No. | Author | Citation |
104657 | R.S. Rosa and F.C.T. Lima |
104657, 2008, Os peixes brasileiros ameaçados de extinção.
In: A.B.M. Machado, G.M. Drummond and A.P. Paglia (eds.). Livro vermelho da fauna brasileira ameaçada de extinção. 1st.ed. Vol. II. Brasília, DF: MMA; Belo Horizonte, MG: Fundação Biodiversitas. p. 8-285 |
41375 | Raadik, T.A. |
41375, 1993, A specimen of Salmo trutta (Pisces: Salmonidae) possessing an additional dorsal fin.
J. Fish Biol. 42(5):811-812. |
98815 | Raadik, T.A. |
98815, 2014, Fifteen from one: a revision of the Galaxias olidus Günther, 1866 complex (Teleostei, Galaxiidae) in south-eastern Australia recognises three previously described taxa and describes 12 new species.
Zootaxa 3898(1):001-198. |
88099 | Raasch, M.S. |
88099, 1997, Delaware's freshwater and brackish-water fishes: a popular account.
Hockessin, Del. (P.O. Box 700, Hockessin 19707) : Delaware Nature Society, 174p. |
12264 | Raat, A. |
12264, 1988, Synopsis of biological data on the northern pike Esox lucius Linnaeus 1758.
FAO Fish. Synopsis No. 30 Rev. 2. |
49235 | Raat, A.J.P. |
49235, 2003, Stocking of sea trout, Salmo trutta, in Lake Veere, south-west Netherlands.
Fish. Manage. Ecol. 10(2):61-71. |
9410 | Ráb, P. |
9410, 1981, Karyotype of European mudminnow, Umbra krameri.
Copeia 1981(4):911-913. |
35023 | Ráb, P. |
35023, 1981, Karyotype of European mudminnow, Umbra krameri.
Copeia 1981(4):911-913. |
13182 | Rab, P. |
13182, 1984, Chromosome study of four poecilid fishes from Cuba.
Folia Zool. 33(3):229-234. |
13183 | Rab, P. |
13183, 1981, Karyotypes of two African barbels Barbus bariloides and Barbus holotaenia.
Folia Zool. Brno. 30(2):181-190. |
13184 | Rab, P. |
13184, 1981, Karyotype of European catfish Silurus glanis (Siluridae, Pisces), with remarks on cytogenetics of siluroid fishes,.
Folia Zool. Brno. 32(2):271-286. |
13187 | Rab, P. |
13187, 1985, Karyotype of the Danude goby, Proterorhinus marmoratus (Pisces, Gobiidae).
Folia Zool. Brno. 34(4):329-334. |
29434 | Rab, P. |
29434, 1991, The karyotype of the cyprinid fish Pseudaspius leptocephalus.
Jap. J. Ichthyol. 38(3):329-331. |
29952 | Rab, P. |
29952, 1986, Karyotype of the Europian burbot Lota lota (L.) (Gadidae). (Kariotip evropejskovo malima Lota lota L.(Gadidae)).
Vopr. Ikhtiol. 26(1):161-164. |
30095 | Rab, P. |
30095, 1981, Evolutionary polyploidy of fishes.
Top. Probl. Ichthyol. Proc. Symp. Brno. :107-111. Brno. |
33767 | Rab, P. |
33767, 1986, Karyotype of the European burbot, Lota lota (Gadidae).
J. Ichthyol. 26(2):127-131. |
35024 | Rab, P. |
35024, 1983, Chromozómová evoluce stik a blatnaku.
Ziva 3:104-106. |
35025 | Rab, P. |
35025, 1986, A note on the karyotype of the sterlet, Acipenser ruthenus (Pisces, Acipenseridae).
Folia Zool. 35:73-78. |
29517 | Rab, P. and B. Mayr |
29517, 1987, Chromosome banding studies in European esocoid fishes: Localization of nucleolar organizer regions in Umbra krameri and Esox lucius.
Copeia 1987(4):1062-1067. |
35026 | Rab, P. and E.J. Crossman |
35026, 1994, Chromosomal NOR phenotypes in North American pikes and pickerels, genus Esox with notes on the Umbridae (Euteleostei:Esocae).
Can. J. Zool. 72:1951-1956. |
12513 | Rab, P. and M. Jankun |
12513, 1992, Chromosome studies of Coregonine fishes: a review.
Pol. Arch. Hydrobiol. 39(3-4):523-532. |
29339 | Rab, P. and P. Liehman |
29339, 1982, Chromosome study of the danube salmon Hucho hucho (Pisces, Salmonidae).
Folia Zool. 31(2):181-190. |
35027 | Rab, P. and P. Roth |
35027, 1987, Chromosome studies of European leuciscine fishes (Pisces: Cyprinidae). Karyotypes of Rutilus pigus virgo and R. rutilus.
Folia Zool. 38:239-245. |
27241 | Rab, P., B. Mayr and P. Roth |
27241, 1991, Chromosome banding study of European catfish, Silurus glanis (Pisces, Siluridae).
Genetica 83:153-157. |
12493 | Rab, P., C. Ozouf-Costaz and P. Berrebi |
12493, 1993, Karyotypes, distribution of centromeric heterochromatin and polymorphism of NORs in Barbus meridionalis from southern France and eastern Slovakia: Preliminary results.
p. 195-198. In P. Poncin, P. Berrebi, J.C. Philippart and J.C. Ruwet, Editors. Biology of the European, African and Asiatic Barbus. Proceedings of the International Round Table Barbus 2. Vol. 13. No. 2. |
35031 | Rab, P., E.J. Crossman and P. Roth |
35031, 1991, Chromosome banding study and redescription of karyotype of Alaska blackfish, Dallia pectoralis (Esocoidei).
p. 68. In Abstr. VII Congr. Soc. Europ. Ichthyol., The Hague. |
10971 | Rab, P., J. Pokorny and P. Roth |
10971, 1989, Chromosome study of the common carp, Cyprinus carpio. I. Karyotype of Amurian carp, C. carpio haematopterus.
Caryologia. 42:27-36. |
36523 | Ráb, P., M. Rábová, P.S. Economids and C. Triantaphyllidis |
36523, 2000, Banded karyotype of the Greek endemic cyprinid fish, Pachychilon macedonicum.
Ichthyol. Res. 47(1):107-110. |
29340 | Rab, P., P. Liehman and M. Prokes |
29340, 1983, Karyotype of Cichlasoma tetracanthum (Pisces, Cichlidae) from Cuba.
Folia Zool. 32(2):185-188. |
13161 | Rab, P., P. Roth and B. Mayr |
13161, 1987, Karyotype study of eight species of European percid fishes (Pisces, Percidae).
Caryologia 40(4):307-318. |
12124 | Rab, P., P. Roth and E.D. Vasiljeva |
12124, 1991, Chromosome banding study of the golden loach, Sabanejewia aurata balcanica from Slovakia (Cobitidae).
Jap. J. Ichthyol. 38(2):141-146. |
35029 | Rab, P., P. Roth and M. Ledvinkova |
35029, 1988, Localization of NORs and constitutive heterochromatin in chromosomes of Danube salmon, Hucho hucho (Pisces, Salmonidae).
Abstr. 21st Int. Symp on Cytogenetics, Prague, (without pagination). |
35030 | Rab, P., P. Roth and V.A. Arefjev |
35030, 1990, Chromosome studies of European leuciscine fishes (Pisces, Cyprinidae). Karyotype of Aspius aspius.
Caryologia 43:249-255. |
35032 | Rab, P., V. Slechta and M. Flajshans |
35032, 1994, Cytogenetics, cytotaxonomy, and biochemical genetics of huchonine salmonids.
Folia Zool. 43:97-107. |
95416 | Rábago-Quiroz, C.H., J. López-Martínez, J.E. Valdez-Holguin, M.O. Nevárez-Martínez and A. Acevedo-Cervantes |
95416, 2012, Fish assemblages in the bycatch of bottom shrimp trawls on the west side of the Gulf of California, Mexico.
Marine Biology Research 8(9):865-876. |
49766 | Rabben, H., A. Jelmert and I. Huse |
49766, 1987, Production experiment of halibut fry (Hippoglossus hippoglossus) in silos.
ICES C.M./F:42, 10p. |
49425 | Rabben, H., T. Harboe, T.H. Naess, K.E. Naas and L.H. Skjolddal |
49425, 1990, Startfeeding success of halibut larvae (Hippoglossus hippoglossus L. as a function of temperature regime.
ICES C.M. F:57, 6p. |
40918 | Rabe, J. and J.A. Brown |
40918, 2001, The behavior, growth, and survival of witch flounder (Glyptocephalus cynoglossus) larvae in relation to prey availability: adaptations to an extended larval period.
Fish. Bull. 99:465-474. |
29018 | Rabor, D.S. |
29018, 1938, Studies on the anatomy of the bangus, Chanos chanos (Forsskål).
Philipp. J. Sci. 67(4):351-377. |
49745 | Raborn, S.W., L.E. Miranda and M. Todd Driscoll |
49745, 2003, Modeling predation as a source of mortality for Piscivorous fishes in a Southeastern U.S. reservoir.
Trans. Am. Fish. Soc. 132(3):560-575. |
59149 | Rabour, C.O., J. Gichuki and J. Moreau |
59149, 2003, Growth, mortality and recruitment of Nile perch Lates niloticus (L. Centropomidae) in the Nyanza Gulf of Lake Victoria: an evaluation update.
NAGA 26(4):8-12. |
12286 | Rachlin, J.W. and B.E. Warkentine |
12286, 1990, Reexamination of some population dynamics of the silver hake in the New York Bight.
Northeastern Environ. Sci. 9(1/2):66-68. |
49150 | Rachlin, J.W. and B.E. Warkentine |
49150, 1987, The use of Museum Ichthyological holdings for initial diet stusies.
Copeia 1987(1):214-216. |
29341 | Rachlin, J.W., A.P. Beck and J.M. O'Connor |
29341, 1978, Karyotypic analysis of Hudson river striped bass, Morone saxatilis.
Copeia 1978(2):343-345. |
55105 | Rachmatika, I., R. Nasi, D. Sheil and M. Wan |
55105, 2005, A first look at the fish species of the Middle Malinau.
SMK Grafika Desa Putera, Jakarta, Indonesia, 42 p. |
46031 | Rachow, A. |
46031, 1924, Über Cyprinodon iberus Valenciennes und Fundulus hispanicus (Valenciennes).
Blatt Aquar.-Terrarienk. 22(21):369-371. |
30197 | Raclot, T., R. Groscolas and Y. Cherel |
30197, 1998, Fatty acid evidence for the importance of myctophid fishes in the diet of king penguins, Aptenodytes patagonicus.
Mar. Biol. 132(3):523-533. |
55887 | Radakov, D.V. |
55887, 1969, Predatory behavior of some shore fishes in the Gulf of California by Edmund S Hodson: reviews.
Prob. Ichthyol. 9(6):926-930. |
13546 | Radchenko, V.I. and A.Y. Semenchenko |
13546, 1996, Predation of doggertooth on immature Pacific salmon.
J. Fish Biol. 49:1323-1325. |
53752 | Radchenko, V.I. and O.A. Mathisen |
53752, 2004, Distribution, growth, and feeding of sockeye salmon in the western Bering Sea.
Trans. Am. Fish. Soc. 133(3):606-621. |
11355 | Radcliffe, L. |
11355, 1911, Notes on some fishes of the genus Amia, family of Cheilodipteridae, with descriptions of four new species from the Philippine Islands.
Proc. U.S. Natl. Mus. 41(1853):245-261. |
11356 | Radcliffe, L. |
11356, 1912, Descriptions of fifteen new fishes of the family Cheilodipteridae, from the Philippine Islands and contiguous waters.
Proc. U.S. Natl. Mus. 41(1868):431-446. |
11357 | Radcliffe, L. |
11357, 1913, Descriptions of seven new genera and thirty-one species of fishes of the families Brotulidae and Carapidae from the Philippine Islands and the Dutch East Indies.
Proc. U.S. Natl. Mus. 44(1948):135-176. |
14120 | Radcliffe, L. |
14120, 1928, A barn-door skate (Raja stabuliforis) with abnormal pectoral fins.
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3524 | Radcliffe, R.W. |
3524, 1950, The effect of fin clipping on the cruising speed of goldfish and coho salmon fry.
J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 8(2):67-72. |
57921 | Radda, A. |
57921, 1971, Wunderkärpflinge aus Westkamerun mit der vorläufigen Beschreibung von Aphyosemion mirabile traudeae nov. subspec.
Vivarium 1971(1):1-4. |
55923 | Radda, A.C. |
55923, 2004, Description of a new species of the rivuline genus Rivulus Poey, 1869 (Rivulidae, Osteichthyes) from Rio Caura, Bolivar State, Venezuela.
Ann. Naturhist. Mus. Wien (105 B):21-25. |
96622 | Radda, A.C. |
96622, 1976, Neubeschreibung von Aphyosemion amieti nov. spec. aus Kamerun und Aphyosemion deltaënse nov. spec. aus Nigeria.
Aquaria 23:51-60. |
97277 | Radda, A.C. |
97277, 1981, Synopsis der Gattung Nothobranchius Peters.
Vereinsber. Inf. Progr. Öst. Verb. Vivaristik Ökol. 7(5):3-7. |
97294 | Radda, A.C. |
97294, 1977, Katalog der Cyprinodontidae (Atheriniformes, Osteichthyes) von Kamerun.
Verlag Jos. Zehnder & Co., St. Gallen. 97 p. |
96625 | Radda, A.C. and E. Pürzl |
96625, 1981, Killifische aus aller Welt. Band 1. Feldführer der Cyprinodontiformes der Länder der Regenwaldlücke Westafrikas (Togo, Benin, SW-Nigeria).
Verlag Otto Hofmann, Wien. 48 p. |
44918 | Radenko, V.N. and I.A. Alimov |
44918, 1992, Significance of temperature and light for growth and survival of larvae of silver carp, Hypophthalmichthys molitrix.
J. Ichthyol. 32(1):16-27. |
74595 | Radhakrishnan, K.V. and B.M. Kurup |
74595, 2005, Aspects of life history traits of Puntius denisonii (Day), an endemic and threatened ornamental fish of Kerala.
Sustain Fish 2005. International Symposium on Sustainability of Fish Production Systems and Appropriate Technologies for Utilization. Cochin University of Science and Technology, 16-18 march 2005, Kochi, India. Abstract SAQ E18. |
92228 | Radhakrishnan, K.V., B.M. Kurup, B.R. Murphy and S.-G. Xie |
92228, 2012, Status of alien fish species in the Western Ghats (India) as revealed from 2000-2004 surveys and literature analyses.
J. Appl. Ichthyol. 28(2012):778-784. |
86527 | Radhakrishnan, K.V., S. Sureshkumar and H.H. Ng |
86527, 2010, Pseudolaguvia austrina, a new species of sisorid catfish (Osteichthyes: Siluriformes) from Peninsular India.
Ichthyol. Explor. Freshwat. 21(4):377-383. |
817 | Radhakrishnan, N. |
817, 1964, Notes on some aspects of the biology of the fringe scale sardine, Sardinella fimbriata (C. & V.).
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1255 | Radhakrishnan, N. |
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34168 | Radonic, M. |
34168, 1997, Diversity, abundance and dietary behaviour of fish bycatch in shrimp and prawn fishery in front of the coasts of Mar del Plata, Argentina.
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11484 | Radovich, J. |
11484, 1961, Relationships of some marine organisms of the northeast Pacific to water temperatures particularly during 1957 through 1959.
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11600 | Radovich, J. |
11600, 1952, Food of the Pacific sardine, Sardinops caerulea from central Baja California and southern California.
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31405 | Radovich, J. |
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9668 | Radtke, L.D. |
9668, 1966, Distribution of smelt, juvenile sturgeon, and starry flounder in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta with observations on food of sturgeon.
p. 115-129. In J. L. Turner and D. W. Kelly (comp.) Ecological studies of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. Part II Fishes of the Delta. |
40071 | Radtke, R.L. |
40071, 1995, Forensic biological pursuits of exotic fish origins: piranha in Hawaii.
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48333 | Radtke, R.L. |
48333, 1978, Aberrant sagittae from larval striped bass, Morone saxatilis.
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46729 | Radtke, R.L. and D.J. Shafer |
46729, 1992, Environmental sensitivity of fish otolith microchemistry.
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12026 | Radtke, R.L. and P.C. Hurley |
12026, 1983, Age estimation and growth of broadbill swordfish Xiphias gladius, from the North West Atlantic.
NOAA Tech. Rep. NMFS 8:145-150. |
32576 | Radtke, R.L. and R.A. Kinzie III |
32576, 1996, Evidence of a marine larval stage in endemic Hawaiian stream gobies from isolated high-elevation locations.
Trans. Am. Fish. Soc. 125(4):613-621. |
56250 | Radtke, R.L. and T.E. Targett |
56250, 1984, Rhythmic structural and chemical patterns in otoliths of the Antarctic fish Notothenia larseni: their application to age determination.
Polar Biol. 3:203-210. |
32123 | Radtke, R.L. and T.F. Hourigan |
32123, 1990, Age and growth of the Antarctic fish Nototheniops nudifrons.
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38832 | Radtke, R.L., D.W. Townsend, S.D. Folsom and M.A. Morrison |
38832, 1990, Strontium: calcium concentration ratios in otoliths of herring larvae as indicators of environmental histories.
Environ. Biol. Fish. 27(1):51-61. |
85685 | Radtke, R.L., G. Hubold, S.D. Folsom and P.H. Lenz |
85685, 1993, Otolith structural and chemical analyses: the key to resolving age and growth of the Antarctic silverfish, Pleuragramma antarcticum.
Antarc. Sci. 5(1):51-62. |
52227 | Radtke, R.L., M.L. Fine and J. Bell |
52227, 1985, Somatic and otolith growth in the oyster toadfish (Opsanus tau L.).
J. Exptl. Biol. Mar. Ecol. 90:259-275. |
47896 | Radtke, R.L., R.A. Kinzie III and D.J. Shafer |
47896, 2001, Temporal and spatial variation in length of larval life and size at settlement of the Hawaiian amphidromous goby Lentipes concolor.
J. Fish Biol. 59(4):928-938. |
51037 | Radtke, R.L., R.A. Kinzie III and S.D. Folsom |
51037, 1988, Age at recruitment of Hawaiian freshwater gobies.
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91319 | Radway Allen, K. |
91319, 1940, Studies on the biology of the early stages of the Salmon (Salmo salar).
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6112 | Rae, B.B. |
6112, 1965, The lemon sole.
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58135 | Rae, B.B. |
58135, 1967, The food of the spurdog, Squalus acanthias.
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74365 | Rae, B.B. |
74365, 1939, Lemon soles at Faroe, 1923-1938.
ICES Rapports et Procès-Verbaux des Réunions 109:15-27. |
33242 | Rae, G.A. and J. Calvo |
33242, 1995, Annual gonadal cycle and reproduction in Patagonotothen tessellata (Richardson 1845 (Nototheniidae: Pisces) from the Beagle Channel, Argentina.
J. Appl. Ichthyol. 11(1-2):60-70. |
57915 | Rae, G.A. and J. Calvo |
57915, 1995, Fecundity and reproductive habits in Patagonotothen tessellata (Richardson, 1845) from the Beagle Channel, Argentina.
Antarc. Sci. 7:235-240. |
114871 | Raeisi, H., E. Kamrani, C. Walter, R. Patimar and I. Sourinejad |
114871, 2017, Growth and maturity of Carcharhinus
dussumieri (Muller and Hellen, 1839) in the
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111833 | Raeisi, H., M. Daliri, A. Hosseini, E. Kamrani, G.H. Moradinasab, M. Aghajanpour, M. Moein and M. Naderi |
111833, 2014, Length-weight relationships of four fish species caught in the Northern Persian Gulf (Horomzgan waters, Iran).
J. Appl. Ichthyol. 30:1071-1072. |
110197 | Raeisi, H., S.Y. Paighambari, R. Davoodi, M. Bibak, S.A. Hoseini and M.J. Shabni |
110197, 2012, Length-weight relationships and relative weights of some demersal fish species from the Persian Gulf, Iran.
African J. Agri. Res. 75:741-746. |
762 | Rafail, S.Z. |
762, 1972, Studies of Red Sea fisheries by light and purse-seine near Al-Ghardaqa.
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1238 | Rafail, S.Z. |
1238, 1972, A statistical study of length-weight relationship of eight Egyptian fishes.
Bull. Inst. Oceanogr. Fish. (Cairo) 2:136-156. |
1437 | Rafail, S.Z. |
1437, 1971, Investigation on Sciaenidae and Moronidae catch and on the total catch by beach seine on U.A.R. Mediterranean Coast.
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783 | Rafail, S.Z., A. Alkoholy and M. Malidi |
783, 1973, Biological studies on Sundanese inland fishes. III. Hydrocyon forskalii Cuvier.
Bull. Inst. Ocean. Fish. (Cairo) 3:276-293. |
40678 | Raffetto, N.S., J.R. Baylis and S.L. Serns |
40678, 1990, Complete estimates of reproductive success in a closed population of smallmouth bass (Micropterus dolomieui).
Ecology 71:1523-1535. |
2100 | Raffy, A. |
2100, 1933, Recherches sur le métabolisme respiratoire des poikilotherms aquatiques.
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2176 | Raffy, A. |
2176, 1933, Bibliographie relative à la mesure du métabolisme respiratoire des Poikilothermes aquatiques.
Bull. Inst. Océanogr. Monaco (623):1-20. |
278 | Rafinesque, C.S. |
278, 1810, Caratteri di alcuni nuovi generi e nuove specie di animali e piante della sicilia, con varie osservazioni sopra i medisimi. Part 2 (with slightly different title, pp. ia-iva + 71 - 105).
Palermo, 105 p. |
701 | Rafinesque, C.S. |
701, 1810, Indice d'ittiologia siciliana; ossia, catalogo metodico dei nomi latini, italiani, e siciliani dei psci, che si rinvengono in Sicilia disposti secondo un metodo naturale e seguito da un appendice che contiene la descrizione di alcu.
ni nuovi pesci siciliani. Messina, Presso Giovanni del Nobolo. 70 p. |
32862 | Rafinesque, C.S. |
32862, 1810, Indice d'ittiologia siciliana; ossia, catalogo metodico dei nomi latini, italiani, e siciliani dei psci, che si rinvengono in Sicilia disposti secondo un metodo naturale e seguito da un appendice che contiene la descrizione di alcu.
ni nuovi pesci siciliani. Messina, Presso Giovanni del Nobolo. 70 p. |
1832 | Rafinesque, C.S. |
1832, 1708, Ichthyologia Ohiensis [Part 2].
Western Rev. Misc. Mag. 1(6):361-377. |
10352 | Rafinesque, C.S. |
10352, 1820, Fishes of Ohio.
Western Rev. and Misc. Mag. 1:361-377. |
10528 | Rafinesque, C.S. |
10528, 1820, Description of the silures or catfishes of the river Ohio.
Quart. J. Sci. Lit. Arts, Roy. Inst. London 9:48-52. |
10579 | Rafinesque, C.S. |
10579, 1818, Descriptions of two new genera of North American fishes, Opsanus and Notropis.
Amer. Month. Mag. Crit. Rev. 2(3):203-204. |
10584 | Rafinesque, C.S. |
10584, 1817, First decade of new North American fishes.
Amer. Month. Crit. Rev. 2(2):120-121. |
10842 | Rafinesque, C.S. |
10842, 1819, Prodrome de 70 nouveaux genres d' animaux découverts dans 1'intérieur des Etas-Unis d' Amérique durant 1'année 1818.
J. Physique, Paris, 88:419-429. |
10880 | Rafinesque, C.S. |
10880, 1818, Second decade of new North American fishes.
Amer. Month. Mag. Crit. Rev. 2(3):204-206. |
94358 | Rafinesque, C.S. and R.E. Call |
94358, 1899, Ichthyologia ohiensisIchthyologia Ohiensis, or, Natural history of the fishes inhabiting the river Ohio and its tributary streams.
The University of Michigan, 175 p. |
51338 | Rafique, M. |
51338, 2000, Fish diversity and distribution in Indus River and its drainage system.
Pakistan J. Zool. 32(4):321-332. |
114738 | Raghavan, R. and N. Dahanukar |
114738, 2015, Taxonomy matters.
Current Science 108(8):1416-1418. |
79567 | Raghavan, R., G. Prasad, P.H. Anvar Ali and B. Pereira |
79567, 2008, Exotic fish species in a global biodiversity hotspot: observations from River Chalakudy, part of Western Ghats, Kerala, India.
Biol Invasions (2008) 10:37-40. |
74596 | Raghavan, R., G. Prasad, P.H. Anvar Ali and L. Sujarittanonta |
74596, 2007, 'Boom and bust fishery' in a biodiversity hotspot - is the Western Ghats losing its most celebrated native ornamental fish, Puntius denisonii Day?.
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717, 1961, A contribution to the biology of the convict surgeonfish of the Hawaiian Islands: Acanthurus triostegus sandvicensis.
Pac. Sci. 15(2):215-272. |
1616 | Randall, J.E. |
1616, 1955, Fishes of the Gilbert Islands.
Atoll Res. Bull. (47):1-243. |
1920 | Randall, J.E. |
1920, 1956, A revision of the surgeonfish genus Acanthurus.
Pac. Sci. 10(2):159-235. |
1921 | Randall, J.E. |
1921, 1987, Three nomenclatorial changes in Indo-Pacific surgeonfishes (Acanthurinae).
Pac. Sci. 41(1-4):54-61. |
30489 | Randall, J.E. |
30489, 1987, Three nomenclatorial changes in Indo-Pacific surgeonfishes (Acanthurinae).
Pac. Sci. 41(1-4):54-61. |
2136 | Randall, J.E. |
2136, 1980, Two new Indo-Pacific labrid fishes of the genus Halichoeres, with notes on other species of the genus.
Pac. Sci. 34(4):415-432. |
2137 | Randall, J.E. |
2137, 1981, Revision of the labrid fish genus Labropsis with description of five new species.
Micronesica 17(1-2):125-155. |
2138 | Randall, J.E. |
2138, 1983, Revision of the Indo-Pacific labrid fish genus Wetmorella.
Copeia 1983(4):875-883. |
2148 | Randall, J.E. |
2148, 1969, Sexual dichromatism in Indo-Pacific labrid fishes (abstract).
49th Meet. Amer. Soc. Ichth. Herp., New York. |
2281 | Randall, J.E. |
2281, 1958, Two new species of Anampses from the Hawaiian Islands, with notes on other labrid fishes of this genus.
J. Wash. Acad. Sci. 48(3):100-108. |
2677 | Randall, J.E. |
2677, 1972, A revision of the labrid fish genus Anampses.
Micronesica 8(1-2):151-190. |
2678 | Randall, J.E. |
2678, 1974, Notes and color illustrations of labrid fishes of the genus Anampses.
UO (21):10-16. |
2694 | Randall, J.E. |
2694, 1978, A revision of the Indo-Pacific labrid fish genus Macropharyngodon, with descriptions of five new species.
Bull. Mar. Sci. 28(4):742-770. |
2923 | Randall, J.E. |
2923, 1987, A preliminary synopsis of the groupers (Perciformes: Serranidae: Epinephelinae) of the Indo-Pacific region.
p. 89-188. In J.J. Polovina and S. Ralston (eds.) Tropical snappers and groupers. Biology and fisheries management. Ocean Resour. Mar. Policy Ser. Westview Press, Inc., Boulder and London. |
3142 | Randall, J.E. |
3142, 1978, Acanthuridae.
In W. Fischer (ed.) FAO species identification sheets for fishery purposes. Western Central Atlantic (Fishing Area 31). FAO, Rome. Vol. 1. pag.var. |
3145 | Randall, J.E. |
3145, 1986, Acanthuridae.
p. 811-823. In M.M. Smith and P.C. Heemstra (eds.) Smiths' sea fishes. Springer-Verlag, Berlin. |
3146 | Randall, J.E. |
3146, 1984, Acanthuridae.
In W. Fischer and G. Bianchi (eds.) FAO species identification sheets for fishery purposes. Western Indian Ocean (Fishing Area 51). Vol. 1. FAO, Rome. pag. var. |
3148 | Randall, J.E. |
3148, 1981, Acanthuridae.
In W. Fischer, G. Bianchi and W.B. Scott (eds.) FAO species identification sheets for fishery purposes. Eastern Central Atlantic (fishing areas 34, 47 (in part) . Vol. 1. |
3418 | Randall, J.E. |
3418, 1984, Holocentridae.
In W. Fischer and G. Bianchi (eds.) FAO species identification sheets for fishery purposes. Western Indian Ocean fishing area 51. Vol. 2. |
3664 | Randall, J.E. |
3664, 1981, Scaridae.
In W. Fischer, G. Bianchi and W.B. Scott (eds.) FAO species identification sheets for fishery purposes. Eastern Central Atlantic; fishing areas 34, 47 (in part). Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Canada and FAO. Vol. 3. pag. var. |
3796 | Randall, J.E. |
3796, 1978, Polynemidae.
In W. Fischer (ed.) FAO species identification sheets for fishery purposes. Western Central Atlantic (Fishing Area 31). Vol. 3. pag.var. |
3800 | Randall, J.E. |
3800, 1978, Priacanthidae.
In W. Fischer (ed.) FAO species identification sheets for fishery purposes. Western Central Atlantic (Fishing Area 31). Vol. 4. pag.var. |
3802 | Randall, J.E. |
3802, 1978, Scaridae.
In W. Fischer (ed.) FAO species identification sheets for fishery purposes. Western Central Atlantic (Fishing Area 31). Vol. 4. pag.var. |
3921 | Randall, J.E. |
3921, 1985, Guide to Hawaiian reef fishes.
Harrowood Books, Newtown Square, PA 19073, USA. 74 p. |
4326 | Randall, J.E. |
4326, 1986, Grammistidae.
p. 537-538. In M.M. Smith and P.C. Heemstra (eds.) Smiths' sea fishes. Springer-Verlag, Berlin. |
4392 | Randall, J.E. |
4392, 1986, Labridae.
p. 683-706. In M.M. Smith and P.C. Heemstra (eds.) Smiths' sea fishes. Springer-Verlag, Berlin. |
4805 | Randall, J.E. |
4805, 1992, Review of the biology of the tiger shark (Galeocerdo cuvier).
Aust. J. Mar. Freshwat. Res. 43(1):21-31. |
4917 | Randall, J.E. |
4917, 1973, Expedition to Pitcairn.
Oceans 6(2):12-21. |
5170 | Randall, J.E. |
5170, 1985, On the validity of the tetraodontid fish Arothron manilensis (Procé).
Jap. J. Ichthyol. 32(3):347-354. |
5221 | Randall, J.E. |
5221, 1983, Caribbean reef fishes.
T.F.H. Publications, Inc. Ltd., Hong Kong. 2nd ed. 350 p. |
5231 | Randall, J.E. |
5231, 1965, Food habits of the nassau grouper (Epinephelus striatus).
Assoc. Is. Mar. Lab. Caribbean, 6th meeting, Estación de Investigaciones Marinas de Margarita, Isla Margarita, Venezuela, Jan. 20-22, 1965. p. 13-16. |
5265 | Randall, J.E. |
5265, 1964, A revision of the filefish genera Amanses and Cantherhines.
Copeia 1964(2):331-361. |
5267 | Randall, J.E. |
5267, 1978, Atherinidae.
In W. Fischer (ed.) FAO species identification sheets for fishery purposes. West Central Atlantic (Fishing Area 31). FAO, Rome. Vol. 1. pag.var. |
5278 | Randall, J.E. |
5278, 1992, A review of the labrid fishes of the genus Cirrhilabrus from Japan, Taiwan and the Mariana Islands, with descriptions of two new species.
Micronesica 25(1):99-121. |
5357 | Randall, J.E. |
5357, 1963, Review of the hawkfishes (Family Cirrhitidae).
Proc. U. S. Natl. Mus. 114(3472):389-451. |
5413 | Randall, J.E. |
5413, 1993, Pers. comm.
see complete address under collaborator No. 50. |
5439 | Randall, J.E. |
5439, 1986, 106 new records of fishes from the Marshall Islands.
Bull. Mar. Sci. 38(1):170-252. |
5469 | Randall, J.E. |
5469, 1986, Cirrhitidae.
p. 664-666. In M.M. Smith and P.C. Heemstra (eds.) Smiths' sea fishes. Springer-Verlag, Berlin. |
5470 | Randall, J.E. |
5470, 1984, Cirrhitidae.
In W. Fischer and G. Bianchi (eds.) FAO species identification sheets for fishery purposes. Western Indian Ocean (Fishing Area 51). FAO, Rome. Vol. 1: pag. var. |
5490 | Randall, J.E. |
5490, 1986, Scaridae.
p. 706-714. In M.M. Smith and P.C. Heemstra (eds.) Smiths' sea fishes. Springer-Verlag, Berlin. |
6362 | Randall, J.E. |
6362, 1987, Introductions of marine fishes to the Hawaiian Islands.
Bull. Mar. Sci. 41(2):490-502. |
6807 | Randall, J.E. |
6807, 1977, Contribution to the biology of the whitetip reef shark.
Pac. Sci. 31(2):143-164. |
7360 | Randall, J.E. |
7360, 1990, Scaridae.
p. 883-887. In J.C. Quero, J.C. Hureau, C. Karrer, A. Post and L. Saldanha (eds.) Check-list of the fishes of the eastern tropical Atlantic (CLOFETA). JNICT, Lisbon; SEI, Paris; and UNESCO, Paris. Vol. 2. |
7510 | Randall, J.E. |
7510, 1990, Cirrhitidae.
p. 851-852. In J.C. Quero, J.C. Hureau, C. Karrer, A. Post and L. Saldanha (eds.) Check-list of the fishes of the eastern tropical Atlantic (CLOFETA). JNICT, Lisbon; SEI, Paris; and UNESCO, Paris. Vol. 2. |
8883 | Randall, J.E. |
8883, 1986, Red Sea reef fishes.
London, Immel Publishing. 192 p. |
8940 | Randall, J.E. |
8940, 1993, Acanthurus tristis, a valid Indian ocean surgeonfish (Perciformes: Acanthuridae).
Spec. Publ. J.L.B. Smith Inst. Ichth. (54):1-8. |
8944 | Randall, J.E. |
8944, 1980, Revision of the fish genus Plectranthias (Serranidae: Anthiinae) with description of 13 new species.
Micronesia 16(1):101-187. |
9416 | Randall, J.E. |
9416, 1995, Selenanthias myersi, a new species of anthiine fish (Perciformes: Serranidae) from the Western Pacific.
Cybium 19(1):47-53. |
9623 | Randall, J.E. |
9623, 1984, Grammistidae.
In W. Fischer and G. Bianchi (eds.) FAO species identification sheets for fishery purposes. Western Indian Ocean (Fishing area 51). Vol. 2, FAO, Rome. |
9808 | Randall, J.E. |
9808, 2001, Acanthuridae. Surgeonfishes (tangs, unicornfishes).
p. 3653-3683. In K.E. Carpenter and V. Niem (eds.) FAO species identification guide for fishery purposes. The living marine resources of the Western Central Pacific. Vol. 6. Bony fishes part 4 (Labridae to Latimeriidae), estuarine crocodiles. FAO, Rome. |
9933 | Randall, J.E. |
9933, 1981, A review of the Indo-Pacific sand tilefish genus Hoplolatilus (Perciformes: Malacanthidae).
Freshwater and Marine Aquarium 4(12):39-46. |
9947 | Randall, J.E. |
9947, 1997, Mullidae, goatfishes.
In K.E. Carpenter and V. Niem (eds.) FAO Identification Guide for Fishery Purposes. The Western Central Pacific. (in preparation). |
12880 | Randall, J.E. |
12880, 1997, Mullidae, goatfishes.
In K.E. Carpenter and V. Niem (eds.) FAO Identification Guide for Fishery Purposes. The Western Central Pacific. (in preparation). |
10371 | Randall, J.E. |
10371, 1984, Two new Indo-Pacific mugiloidid fishes of the genus Parapercis.
Aquarium 7(12):41-49. |
10376 | Randall, J.E. |
10376, 1982, A review of the labrid fish genus Hologymnosus.
Rev. Fr. Aquariol. 9(1):13-20. |
10381 | Randall, J.E. |
10381, 1980, Notes on the Indian Ocean hawkfishes Cirrhitichthys bleekeri and C. guichenoti (Pisces: Cirrhitidae).
Matsya 6:1-8. |
10382 | Randall, J.E. |
10382, 1979, A review of the serranid fish genus Anthias of the Hawaiian Islands, with descriptions of two new species.
Contrib. Sci. Natur. Hist. Mus. Los Angeles County 302:1-13. |
10388 | Randall, J.E. |
10388, 1978, Pseudojulis Bleeker, a probable invalid genus of labrid fishes (Perciformes: Labridae).
Matsya 4:1-4. |
10476 | Randall, J.E. |
10476, 1976, A review of the Hawaiian labrid fishes of the genus Coris.
U O 26:1-10. |
10481 | Randall, J.E. |
10481, 1976, Ichthyological expedition to Easter Island.
Reprinted from:National Geographic Society Research Reports, 1968 Projects, p. 333-347. |
10483 | Randall, J.E. |
10483, 1975, A revision of the Indo-Pacific angelfish genus Genicanthus, with descriptions of three new species.
Bull. Mar. Sci. 25(3):393-421. |
10484 | Randall, J.E. |
10484, 1975, Notes on the Hawaiian filefish Pseudomonacanthus garreti.
Jap. J. Ichthyol. 21(4):223-226. |
10485 | Randall, J.E. |
10485, 1975, Three new butterflyfishes (Chaetodontidae) from Southeast Oceania.
U O 25:12-22. |
10497 | Randall, J.E. |
10497, 1973, Size of the great white shark (Carcharodon).
Science 181:169-170. |
12489 | Randall, J.E. |
12489, 1973, Size of the great white shark (Carcharodon).
Science 181:169-170. |
10498 | Randall, J.E. |
10498, 1972, The Hawaiian trunkfishes of the genus Ostracion.
Copeia 1972(4):756-768. |
10501 | Randall, J.E. |
10501, 1971, The status of the goatfishes (Mullidae) described by Forsskål.
Copeia 1974(1):275-277. |
10506 | Randall, J.E. |
10506, 1967, Ioglossus helenae, a new gobiid fish from the West Indies.
Ichthyologica (Jul.-Dec. 1967):107-116. |
10509 | Randall, J.E. |
10509, 1966, The West Indian blenniid fishes of the genus Hypleurochilus, with the description of a new species.
Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 79:57-72. |
10510 | Randall, J.E. |
10510, 1966, On the validity of the Western Atlantic threadfin fish Polydactylus oligodon (Günther).
Bull. Mar. Sci. 16(3):599-602. |
10512 | Randall, J.E. |
10512, 1965, A redescription of Sparisoma atomarium (Poey), a valid West Indian parrotfish.
Notulae Naturae 378:1-9. |
10514 | Randall, J.E. |
10514, 1963, Notes on the systematics of parrotfishes (Scaridae), with emphasis on sexual dichromatism.
Copeia 1963(2):225-237. |
10515 | Randall, J.E. |
10515, 1961, Acanthurus doreensis Valenciennes, a synonym of A. pyroferus Kittlitz.
Copeia 1961(3):358-359. |
10516 | Randall, J.E. |
10516, 1961, A record of the kyphosid fish Sectator ocyurus (=Azureus) from the Society Islands.
Copeia 1961(3):357-358. |
10517 | Randall, J.E. |
10517, 1958, A review of the labrid fish genus Labroides, with descriptions of two new species and notes on ecology.
Pac. Sci. 22(4):327-347. |
10589 | Randall, J.E. |
10589, 1988, Three new Indo-Pacific damselfishes of the genus Chromis (Pomacentridae).
Mem. Mus. Victoria 49(1):73-81. |
10591 | Randall, J.E. |
10591, 1988, Three new damselfishes of the genus Chromis (Perciformes: Pomacentridae) from the Indian Ocean.
Rev. Fr. Aquariol. 15(2):49-56. |
10629 | Randall, J.E. |
10629, 1988, Pomacanthus rhomboides (Gilchrist and Thompson), the valid name for the South African angelfish previously known as Pomacanthus striatus.
Spec. Publ. J.L.B. Smith Inst. Ichthyol. 46:7p. |
10635 | Randall, J.E. |
10635, 1987, Refutation of lengths of 11.3, 9.0, and 6.4 m attributed to the white shark, Carcharodon carcharias.
Calif. Fish and Game 73(3):163-168. |
27100 | Randall, J.E. |
27100, 1987, Refutation of lengths of 11.3, 9.0, and 6.4 m attributed to the white shark, Carcharodon carcharias.
Calif. Fish and Game 73(3):163-168. |
10657 | Randall, J.E. |
10657, 1995, On the validity of the eastern Pacific Island fishes Thalassoma grammaticum Gilbert and T. virens Gilbert.
Bull. Mar. Sci. 56(2):670-675. |
10669 | Randall, J.E. |
10669, 1994, Ilisha compressa, a new species of clupeid fish from the Persian Gulf.
Raff. Bull. Zool. 42(4):893-899. |
10671 | Randall, J.E. |
10671, 1994, Unicornfishes of the subgenus Axinurus Perciformes: Acanthuridae: Naso), with description of a new species.
Copeia 1994(1):116-124. |
10677 | Randall, J.E. |
10677, 1994, Twenty-two new records of fishes from the Red Sea.
Fauna of Saudi Arabia 14:259-275. |
10683 | Randall, J.E. |
10683, 1994, A new genus and six new gobiid fishes (Perciformes: Gobiidae) from Arabian waters.
Fauna Saudi Arabia 14:317-340. |
10686 | Randall, J.E. |
10686, 1994, Two new damselfishes (Perciformes: Pomacentridae) from Arabian waters.
Rev. Fr. Aquariol. 21(1-2):39-48. |
10930 | Randall, J.E. |
10930, 1995, Fusigobius Whitley, a junior synonym of the gobiid fish genus Coryphopterus gill.
Bull. Mar. Sci. 56(3):795-798. |
11314 | Randall, J.E. |
11314, 1955, A revision of the surgeon fish genus Ctenochaetus, family Acanthuridae, with descriptions of five new species.
Zoologica 40:149-166. |
11315 | Randall, J.E. |
11315, 1955, A revision of the surgeon fish genera Zebrasoma and Paracanthurus.
Pac. Sci. 9:396-412. |
11435 | Randall, J.E. |
11435, 1985, Chromis viridis (Cuvier, 1830), the correct name for the Indo-Pacific damselfish previously known as C. caerulea Cuvier, 1830) (Pisces, Pomacentridae).
Cybium 9(4):411-413. |
11630 | Randall, J.E. |
11630, 1985, Chromis viridis (Cuvier, 1830), the correct name for the Indo-Pacific damselfish previously known as C. caerulea Cuvier, 1830) (Pisces, Pomacentridae).
Cybium 9(4):411-413. |
11441 | Randall, J.E. |
11441, 1995, Coastal fishes of Oman.
University of Hawaii Press, Honolulu, Hawaii. 439 p. |
11629 | Randall, J.E. |
11629, 1992, Endemism of fishes in Oceania.
UNEP Regl. Seas Rep. Stud. 147:56-67. |
12400 | Randall, J.E. |
12400, 1980, A survey of ciguatera at Enewetak and Bikini, Marshall Islands, with notes on the systematics and food habits of ciguatoxic fishes.
Fish. Bull. 78:201-249. |
12420 | Randall, J.E. |
12420, 1996, Second revision of the labrid fish genus Leptojulis, with descriptions of two new species.
Indo-Pac. Fish. (24):20 p. |
12476 | Randall, J.E. |
12476, 1995, A review of the triplefin fishes (Perciformes: Blennioidei:Tripterygiidae) of Oman, with descriptions of two new species of Enneapterygius.
Rev. Fr. Aquariol. 22(1-2):27-34. |
12869 | Randall, J.E. |
12869, 2001, Cheilodactylidae. Morwongs.
p. 3329-3330. In K.E. Carpenter and V. Niem (eds.) FAO species identification guide for fishery purposes. The living marine resources of the Western Central Pacific. Vol. 5. Bony fishes part 3 (Menidae to Pomacentridae). FAO, Rome. |
12871 | Randall, J.E. |
12871, 2001, Cirrhitidae. Hawkfishes.
p. 3321-3328. In K.E. Carpenter and V. Niem (eds.) FAO species identification guide for fishery purposes. The living marine resources of the Western Central Pacific. Vol. 5. Bony fishes part 3 (Menidae to Pomacentridae). FAO, Rome. |
12950 | Randall, J.E. |
12950, 1997, Zanclidae. Moorish idol family.
In K.E. Carpenter and V. Niem (eds.) FAO identification guide for fishery purposes. The Western Central Pacific. |
13070 | Randall, J.E. |
13070, 1996, Two new soles of the genus Aseraggodes (Pleuronectiformes: Soleidae) from the Hawaiian Islands.
Pac. Sci. 50(4):427-440. |
13442 | Randall, J.E. |
13442, 1996, Caribbean reef fishes. Third Edition - revised and enlarged.
T.F.H. Publications, Inc. Ltd., Hong Kong. 3nd ed. 368 p. |
26145 | Randall, J.E. |
26145, 1996, Shore fishes of Hawai'i.
Natural World Press, Vida, Oregon. 216 p. |
26832 | Randall, J.E. |
26832, 1995, Zebrias captivus, a new species of sole (Pleuronectiformes: Soleidae) from the Persian Gulf.
J. Smith Asian Nat. Hist. 1(2):241-246. |
26833 | Randall, J.E. |
26833, 1996, Two new anthiine fishes of the genus Plectranthias (Perciformes: Serranidae), with a key to the species.
Micronesica 29(2):113-131. |
26835 | Randall, J.E. |
26835, 1997, The parrotfish Scarus atropectoralis Schultz, a junior synonym of S. xanthopleura Bleeker.
Rev. Fr. Aquariol. 24:49-52. |
26836 | Randall, J.E. |
26836, 1997, The hawkfish Cirrhitichthys serratus Randall, a junior synonym of C. falco Randall.
Micronesica 30(1):199-203. |
27125 | Randall, J.E. |
27125, 1970, Easter island, an ichthyological expedition.
Oceans 3(3):48-59. |
27370 | Randall, J.E. |
27370, 1998, Revision of the Indo-Pacific squirrelfishes (Beryciformes: Holocentridae: Holocentrinae) of the genus Sargocentron, with descriptions of four new species.
Indo-Pac. Fish. (27):105 p. |
27665 | Randall, J.E. |
27665, 1998, Review of the cardinalfishes (Apogonidae) of the Hawaiian Islands, with descriptions of two new species.
Aqua J. Ichthyol. Aquat. Biol. 3(1):25-38. |
28618 | Randall, J.E. |
28618, 1997, Randall's tank photos.
Collection of 10,000 large-format photos (slides) of dead fishes. Unpublished. |
28620 | Randall, J.E. |
28620, 1997, Randall's underwater photos.
Collection of almost 2,000 underwater photos (slides). Unpublished. |
31035 | Randall, J.E. |
31035, 1998, Zoogeography of shore fishes of the Indo-Pacific region.
Zool. Stud. 37(4):227-268. |
31350 | Randall, J.E. |
31350, 1997, Life color of 13 Indo-Pacific gobies of the genus Eviota.
I.O.P Diving News 8(7):1-8. |
31549 | Randall, J.E. |
31549, 1999, Halichoeres orientalis, a new labrid fish from southern Japan and Taiwan.
Zool. Stud. 38(3):295-300. |
33410 | Randall, J.E. |
33410, 1999, Revision of the Indo-Pacific labrid fishes of the genus Pseudocheilinus, with descriptions of three new species.
Indo-Pac. Fish. (28):34 p. |
33411 | Randall, J.E. |
33411, 1999, Revision of the Indo-Pacific labrid fishes of the genus Coris, with descriptions of five new species.
Indo-Pac. Fish. (29):74 p. |
33412 | Randall, J.E. |
33412, 1999, Review of the dragonets (Pisces: Callionymidae) of the Hawaiian Islands, with descriptions of two new species.
Pac. Sci. 53(2):185-207. |
33416 | Randall, J.E. |
33416, 1999, Halichoeres bleekeri (Steindachner & Döderlein), a valid Japanese species of labrid fish, distinct from H. tenuispinis (Günther) from China.
Ichthyol. Res. 46(3):225-231. |
33417 | Randall, J.E. |
33417, 1998, First record of the lizardfish Synodus rubromarmoratus Russell and Cressey from Hawaii and Japan.
I.O.P. Diving News 9(12):6-7. |
35209 | Randall, J.E. |
35209, 1965, Grazing effect on sea grasses by herbivorous reef fishes in the West Indies.
Ecology 46(3):255-260. |
36033 | Randall, J.E. |
36033, 1963, A fatal attack by the shark Carcharhinus galapagensis at St. Thomas, Virgin Islands.
Caribb. J. Sci. 3(4):201-205. |
36051 | Randall, J.E. |
36051, 1963, An analysis of the fish populations of artificial and natural reefs in the Virgin Islands.
Caribb. J. Sci. 3(1):31-47. |
36378 | Randall, J.E. |
36378, 2000, Revision of the Indo-Pacific labrid fishes of the genus Stethojulis, with descriptions of two new species.
Indo-Pac. Fish. (31):42 p. |
37792 | Randall, J.E. |
37792, 2001, Surgeonfishes of Hawai'i and the world..
Mutual Publishing and Bishop Museum Press, Hawai'i. 123 p. |
39287 | Randall, J.E. |
39287, 2001, Four new damselfishes (Perciformes: Pomacentridae) from the Marquesas Islands.
Copeia 2001(1):92-107. |
39638 | Randall, J.E. |
39638, 2001, Naso reticulatus, a new unicornfish (Perciformes: Acanthuridae) from Taiwan and Indonesia, with a key to the species of Naso.
Zool. Stud. 40(2):170-176. |
41572 | Randall, J.E. |
41572, 2000, Pinguipedidae (sand-perches).
p. 631. In J.E. Randall and K.K.P. Lim (eds.) A checklist of the fishes of the South China Sea. Raffles Bull. Zool. (8):569-667. |
41634 | Randall, J.E. |
41634, 1999, Paracheilinus attenuatus, a new labrid fish from the western Indian Ocean, with a redescription of P. piscilineatus .
J. South Asian Nat. Hist. 4(1):29-38. |
41638 | Randall, J.E. |
41638, 2001, Four new cardinalfishes (Perciformes: Apogonidae) from the Marquesas Islands.
Pac. Sci. 55(1):47-64. |
41642 | Randall, J.E. |
41642, 2001, Prionurus chrysurus, a new species of surgeonfish (Acanthuridae) from cool upwelled seas of southern Indonesia.
J. South Asian Nat. Hist. 5(2):159-165. |
41646 | Randall, J.E. |
41646, 2001, Hawkfish Amblycirrhitus indicus Fowler, 1938: a junior synonym of Amblycirrhitus pinos (Mowbray, 1927), the result of locality error.
Copeia 2001(3):870-871. |
41647 | Randall, J.E. |
41647, 2001, Revision of the generic classification of the hawkfishes (Cirrhitidae), with descriptions of three new genera.
Zootaxa 12:1-12. |
41649 | Randall, J.E. |
41649, 2001, Five new Indo-Pacific gobiid fishes of the genus Coryphopterus.
Zool. Stud. 40(3):206-225. |
41650 | Randall, J.E. |
41650, 1999, Report on fish collections from the Pitcairn Islands.
Atoll Res. Bull. (461):1-36. |
41657 | Randall, J.E. |
41657, 2001, Notes on the scorpaenid genus Rhinopias.
I.O.P. Diving News 12(9):6-7. |
42331 | Randall, J.E. |
42331, 1963, Carcharhinus galapagensis.
Caribb. J. Sci. 3(4):201-205. |
42618 | Randall, J.E. |
42618, 1992, Diver's guide to fishes of Maldives.
Immel Publishing, London, 193 p. |
42740 | Randall, J.E. |
42740, 2001, Pinguipedidae (= Parapercidae, Mugiloididae). Sandperches.
p. 3501-3510. In K.E. Carpenter and V. Niem (eds.) FAO species identification guide for fishery purposes. The living marine resources of the Western Central Pacific. Vol. 6. Bony fishes part 4 (Labridae to Latimeriidae), estuarine crocodiles. FAO, Rome. |
43864 | Randall, J.E. |
43864, 2000, Serranidae (sea basses and groupers).
p. 609-611. In J.E. Randall and K.K.P. Lim (eds.) A checklist of the fishes of the South China Sea. Raffles Bull. Zool. (8):569-667. |
46305 | Randall, J.E. |
46305, 2004, On the status of the pomacentrid fish Stegastes lividus (Forster).
Ichthyol. Res. 51:389-391. |
48036 | Randall, J.E. |
48036, 2000, Mullidae (goatfishes).
p. 622. In J.E. Randall and K.K.P. Lim (eds.) A checklist of the fishes of the South China Sea. Raffles Bull. Zool. (8):569-667. |
48048 | Randall, J.E. |
48048, 2000, Cirrhitidae (hawkfishes).
p. 625. In J.E. Randall and K.K.P. Lim (eds.) A checklist of the fishes of the South China Sea. Raffles Bull. Zool. (8):569-667. |
48049 | Randall, J.E. |
48049, 2000, Cheilodactylidae (morwongs).
p. 625. In J.E. Randall and K.K.P. Lim (eds.) A checklist of the fishes of the South China Sea. Raffles Bull. Zool. (8):569-667. |
48078 | Randall, J.E. |
48078, 2000, Zanclidae (moorish idols).
p. 642. In J.E. Randall and K.K.P. Lim (eds.) A checklist of the fishes of the South China Sea. Raffles Bull. Zool. (8):569-667. |
48079 | Randall, J.E. |
48079, 2000, Acanthuridae (surgeonfishes and unicornfishes).
p. 642. In J.E. Randall and K.K.P. Lim (eds.) A checklist of the fishes of the South China Sea. Raffles Bull. Zool. (8):569-667. |
48108 | Randall, J.E. |
48108, 2000, Albulidae (bonefishes).
p. 584. In J.E. Randall and K.K.P. Lim (eds.) A checklist of the fishes of the South China Sea. Raffles Bull. Zool. (8):569-667. |
48180 | Randall, J.E. |
48180, 2000, Holocentridae (squirrelfishes and soldierfishes).
p. 601-602. In J.E. Randall and K.K.P. Lim (eds.) A checklist of the fishes of the South China Sea. Raffles Bull. Zool. (8):569-667. |
48239 | Randall, J.E. |
48239, 2002, Aseraggodes holcomi, a new sole (Pleuronectiformes: Soleidae) from the Hawaiian Islands.
Pac. Sci. 56(3):247-253. |
52648 | Randall, J.E. |
52648, 2003, Mullidae. Goatfishes.
p. 1654-1659. In K.E. Carpenter (ed.) FAO species identification guide for fishery purposes. The living marine resources of the Western Central Atlantic. Vol. 3: Bony fishes part 2 (Opistognathidae to Molidae), sea turtles and marine mammals. |
52966 | Randall, J.E. |
52966, 2003, Acanthuridae. Surgeonfishes.
p. 1801-1805. In K.E. Carpenter (ed.) FAO species identification guide for fishery purposes. The living marine resources of the Western Central Atlantic. Vol. 3: Bony fishes part 2 (Opistognathidae to Molidae), sea turtles and marine mammals. |
54354 | Randall, J.E. |
54354, 2005, Pascua caudilinea, a new genus and species of gobiid fish (Perciformes: Gobiidae) from Easter Island.
Zool. Stud. 44(1):19-25. |
54393 | Randall, J.E. |
54393, 2004, Revision of the goatfish genus Parupeneus (Perciformes: Mullidae), with descriptions of two new species.
Indo-Pac. Fish. (36):64 p. |
54980 | Randall, J.E. |
54980, 2005, Reef and shore fishes of the South Pacific. New Caledonia to Tahiti and the Pitcairn Islands.
University of Hawaii Press, Honolulu, Hawaii. 720 p. |
57552 | Randall, J.E. |
57552, 2004, Five new shrimp gobies of the genus Amblyeleotris from islands of Oceania.
Aqua, J. Ichthyol. Aquat. Biol. 8(2):61-78. |
57555 | Randall, J.E. |
57555, 2003, Thalassoma nigrofasciatum, a new species of labrid fish from the south-west Pacific.
Aqua J. Ichthyol. Aquat. Biol. 7(1):1-8. |
57558 | Randall, J.E. |
57558, 2005, Chlorurus perspicillatus x C. sordidus, a hybrid parrotfish from the Hawaiian Islands.
Aqua, J. Ichthyol. Aquat. Biol 10(1):39-43. |
57560 | Randall, J.E. |
57560, 2005, A review of soles of the genus Aseraggodes from the South Pacific, with descriptions of seven new species and a diagnosis of Synclidopus.
Memoirs of Museum Victoria 62(2):191-212. |
57562 | Randall, J.E. |
57562, 2003, Review of the sandperches of the Parapercis cylindrica complex (Perciformes: Pinguipedidae), with description of two new species from the western Pacific.
Bishop Museum Occasional Papers (72):1-19. |
57582 | Randall, J.E. |
57582, 2005, Review of clupeotoxism, an often fatal illness from the consumption of clupeoid fishes.
Pac. Sci. 59(1):73-77. |
57584 | Randall, J.E. |
57584, 2005, A review of mimicry in marine fishes.
Zool. Stud. 44(3):299-328. |
59177 | Randall, J.E. |
59177, 2007, Vanderhorstia opercularis, a new shrimp goby from the northern Red Sea.
Electronic J. Ichthyol.3(1):18-25. |
58466 | Randall, J.E. |
58466, 2007, Iniistius griffithsi, a new razorfish (Perciformes: Labridae) from Mauritius.
Smithiana Bull. 7:9-13. |
75899 | Randall, J.E. |
75899, 2007, Descriptions of four new shrimpgobies of the genus Vanderhorstia from the Western Pacific.
Aqua Int. J. Ichthyol. 12(3):89-100. |
75948 | Randall, J.E. |
75948, 2007, Dactylanthias baccheti, a new species of anthiine fish (Perciformes: Serranidae) from the Tuamotu Archipelago.
Aqua Int. J. Ichthyol. 12(2):83-88. |
75950 | Randall, J.E. |
75950, 2006, Three new species of the gobiid fish genus Tryssogobius from the western and South Pacific.
Aqua, 11(3):105-116. |
78591 | Randall, J.E. |
78591, 2008, Two new species and three new records of gobiid fishes from the Marshall Islands.
Micronesica 40(1/2):285-303. |
79876 | Randall, J.E. |
79876, 2008, Six new sandperches of the genus Parapercis from the Western Pacific, with description of a neotype for P. maculata (bloch and Schneider).
The Raffles Bull. Zool. 19:159-178. |
80927 | Randall, J.E. |
80927, 2009, Five new Indo-Pacific lizardfishes of the genus Synodus (Aulopiformes: Synodontidae).
Zoological Studies 48(3):407-417. |
81600 | Randall, J.E. |
81600, 1980, New records of fishes from the Hawaiian Islands.
Pacific Sci. 34(3):211-232. |
82648 | Randall, J.E. |
82648, 2009, A review of the gobiid fishes of Easter Island, with description of a new species.
Aqua, Intl. J. Ichthyol. 15(4):177-190. |
84016 | Randall, J.E. |
84016, 2006, Validation of the gobiid fish genus Pascua.
Aqua, 12:35-38. |
84817 | Randall, J.E. |
84817, 2007, Leptachirus, a new soleid fish genus from New Guinea and northern Australia, with descriptions of eight new species.
Records of the Western Australian Museum 24:81-108. |
86689 | Randall, J.E. |
86689, 2007, Reef and shore fishes of the Hawaiian Islands.
Sea Grant College Program, University of Hawai'i, Honolulu. i-xivb + 1-546. |
86964 | Randall, J.E. |
86964, 2011, Two new serranid fishes of the genus Pseudanthias from the Western Indian Ocean.
Smithiana Bulletin 13:75-78. |
88148 | Randall, J.E. |
88148, 2011, Review of the circumtropical monacanthid fish genus Cantherhines, with descriptions of two new species.
Indo-Pac. Fish. 40:1-30. |
90205 | Randall, J.E. |
90205, 1960, A new species of Acanthurus from the Caroline Islands, with notes on the systematics od other Indo-Pacific surgeonfishes.
Pacific Scie. 14:267-279. |
93095 | Randall, J.E. |
93095, 2013, Review of the Indo-Pacific labrid fish genus Hemigymnus.
J. Ocean Sci. Foundation 6:2-18. |
93522 | Randall, J.E. |
93522, 2013, Seven new species of labrid fishes (Coris, Iniistius, Macropharyngodon, Novaculops, and Pteragogus) from the Western Indian Ocean.
J. Ocean Sci. Foundation 7:1-43. |
93995 | Randall, J.E. |
93995, 1983, A review of the fishes of the subgenus Goniistius, genus Cheilodactylus, with description of a new species from Easter Island and Rapa.
Occasional Papers of Bernice P. Bishop Museum 25(7):1-24. |
94012 | Randall, J.E. |
94012, 1976, The endemic shore fishes of the Hawaiian Islands, Lord Howe Island and Easter Island.
O.R.S.T.O.M Trav. Doc. 47: 49-73. |
107896 | Randall, J.E. & Bogorodsky, S.V. |
107896, 2016, Preliminary review of the pempherid fish genus Parapriacanthus of the western Indian Ocean, with descriptions of five new species.
J. Ocean Sci. Found. 20:1-24. |
6699 | Randall, J.E. and A. Ben-Tuvia |
6699, 1983, A review of the groupers (Pisces: Serranidae: Epinephelinae) of the Red Sea, with description of a new species of Cephalopholis.
Bull. Mar. Sci. 33(2):373-426. |
89467 | Randall, J.E. and A. Cea |
89467, 2011, Shore fishes of Easter Island.
University of Hawai'i Press, 164 p. |
10623 | Randall, J.E. and A. Cea-Egaña |
10623, 1989, Canthigaster cyanetron a new toby (Teleostei: Tetraodontidae) from Easter Island.
Rev. Fr. Aquariol. 15(3):93-96. |
10372 | Randall, J.E. and A. Edwards |
10372, 1984, A new labrid fish of the genus Thalassoma from the Pitcairn group, with a review of related Indo-Pacific species.
J. Aquaricult. Aquat. Sci. 4(2):13-32. |
27126 | Randall, J.E. and A. Egaña |
27126, 1984, Native names of Easter Island fishes, with comments on the origin of the Rapanui people.
Occ. Pap. B.P. Bishop Mus. 25(12):1-16. |
650 | Randall, J.E. and A. Kotthaus |
650, 1977, Suezichthys tripunctatus, a new deep-dwelling Indo-Pacific labrid fish.
'Meteor' Forsch.-Ergebnisse, (D) 24:33-36. |
31269 | Randall, J.E. and A. Kunzmann |
31269, 1998, Cirrhilabrus adornatus, a new species of labrid fish from Sumatra.
Rev. Fr. Aquariol. 25:41-44. |
31270 | Randall, J.E. and A. Kunzmann |
31270, 1998, Seven new records of fishes from Indonesia, with discussion of Western Indian Ocean fishes in southwestern Indonesia.
Raffles Bull. Zool. 46(2):477-485. |
57559 | Randall, J.E. and A. Spreinat |
57559, 2004, The subadult of labrid fish Novaculoides macrolepidotus, a mimic of waspfishes of the genus Ablabys.
Aqua, J. Ichthyol. Aquat. Biol. 8(2):45-48. |
11009 | Randall, J.E. and A. Wheeler |
11009, 1991, Reidentification of seven tropical Pacific fishes collected and observed by the Forsters during the voyage of HMS Resolution, 1772-75.
Copeia 1991(3):760-767. |
10682 | Randall, J.E. and A.B. Tarr |
10682, 1994, Trichonotus arabicus (Perciformes: Trichonotidae), a new species of sand diver from the Arabian Gulf and Oman.
Fauna of Saudi Arabia 14:309-316. |
95112 | Randall, J.E. and A.D. Connell |
95112, 2013, Nemateleotris exquisita, a new microdesmid fish from the Indian Ocean (Perciformes: Microdesmidae).
J. Ocean Sci. Found. 8:18-29. |
10374 | Randall, J.E. and A.R. Emery |
10374, 1983, A new labrid fish of the genus Cirrhilabrus from the Chagos Archipelago, Indian Ocean.
J. Aquaricult. Aquat. Sci. 3(2):21-24. |
10502 | Randall, J.E. and A.R. Emery |
10502, 1971, On the resemblance of the young of the fishes Platax pinnatus and Plectorhynchus chaetodontoides to flatworms and nudibranchs.
N.Y. Zool. Soc.:Zoologica (Fall, 1971):115-119. |
34279 | Randall, J.E. and A.S. Cornish |
34279, 2000, Xyrichtys trivittatus, a new species of razorfish (Perciformes: Labridae) from Hong Kong and Taiwan.
Zool. Stud. 39(1):18-22. |
10624 | Randall, J.E. and B. Condé |
10624, 1989, Frontilabrus caeruleus, noveaux genre et espèce de Labride des Maldives.
Rev. Fr. Aquariol. 15(3):89-92. |
26794 | Randall, J.E. and B.A. Carlson |
26794, 1997, Ammolabrus dicrus, a new genus and species of labrid from the Hawaiian Islands.
Pac. Sci. 51(1):29-35. |
36777 | Randall, J.E. and B.A. Carlson |
36777, 1999, Caranx caballus, a new immigrant carangid fish to the Hawaiian Islands from the tropical Eastern Pacific.
Pac. Sci. 53(4):357-360. |
41644 | Randall, J.E. and B.A. Carlson |
41644, 1999, Caranx caballus, a new immigrant carangid fish to the Hawaiian Islands from the tropical Eastern Pacific.
Pac. Sci. 53(4):357-360. |
41641 | Randall, J.E. and B.A. Carlson |
41641, 2000, Pygmy angelfish Centropyge woodheadi Kuiter, 1998, a synonym of C. heraldi Woods and Schultz, 1953.
Aqua J. Ichthyol. Aquat. Biol. 4(1):1-4. |
31346 | Randall, J.E. and B.C. Mundy |
31346, 1998, Balistes polylepis and Xanthichthys caeruleolineatus, two large triggerfishes (Tetraodontiformes: Balistidae) from the Hawaiian Islands, with a key to Hawaiian species.
Pac. Sci. 52(4):322-333. |
96378 | Randall, J.E. and B.C. Victor |
96378, 2013, Bodianus atrolumbus (Valenciennes 1839), a valid species of labrid fish from the southwest Indian Ocean.
J. Ocean Sci. Found. 8:44-61. |
97766 | Randall, J.E. and B.C. Victor |
97766, 2014, Four new species of the genus Pempheris (Perciformes: Pempheridae) from the western Indian Ocean.
J. Ocean Sci. Found. 12:61-83. |
106074 | Randall, J.E. and B.C. Victor |
106074, 2015, Descriptions of thirty-four new species of the fish genus Pempheris (Perciformes: Pempheridae), with a key to the species of the western Indian Ocean.
J. Ocean Sci. Found. 18:1-77. |
10622 | Randall, J.E. and B.E. Stanaland |
10622, 1989, A new dottyback of the genus Pseudochromis (Teleostei; Perciformes; Pseudochromidae) from the Northwestern Indian Ocean.
Rev. Fr. Aquariol. 15(4):105-110. |
11303 | Randall, J.E. and C. Anderson |
11303, 1993, Annotated checklist of the epipelagic and shore fishes of the Maldives Islands.
Ichthyol. Bull. of the J.L.B. Smith Inst. of Ichthyol. (59):1-47. |
10387 | Randall, J.E. and C. Araga |
10387, 1978, The Japanese labrid fish Coris musume, a junior synonym of the Australian C. picta.
Publ. Seto Mar. Biol. Lab. 24(4/6):427-431. |
7459 | Randall, J.E. and C. Heemstra |
7459, 1985, A review of the squirrelfishes of the subfamily Holocentrinae from the western Indian Ocean and Red Sea.
Ichthyol. Bull. J.L.B. Smith Inst. Ichthyol. (49):1-29. |
10639 | Randall, J.E. and C.-H. Chen |
10639, 1985, First record of the labrid fish Bodianus cylindriatus (Tanaka) from the Hawaiian Islands.
Pac. Sci. 39(3):291-293. |
27020 | Randall, J.E. and C.C. Baldwin |
27020, 1997, Revision of the serranid fishes of the subtribe Pseudogrammina, with descriptions of five new species.
Indo-Pac. Fish. (26):56 p. |
12471 | Randall, J.E. and C.J. Ferraris |
12471, 1981, A revision of the Indo-Pacific labrid fish genus Leptojulis with descriptions of two new species.
Rev. Fr. Aquariol. 8(3):89-96. |
10632 | Randall, J.E. and C.L. Smith |
10632, 1988, Two new species and a new genus of cardinalfishes (Perciformes: Apogonidae) from Rapa, South Pacific Ocean.
Am. Mus. Novit. (2926):1-9. |
10507 | Randall, J.E. and C.R. Robins |
10507, 1966, Acanthenchelys spinicauda Norman, a valid West Indian species of the snake-eel genus Ophichthus.
Copeia 1966(3):610-611. |
10378 | Randall, J.E. and D. Fridman |
10378, 1981, Chaetodon auriga X Chaetodon fasciatus, a hybrid butterflyfish from the Red Sea.
Rev. Fr. Aquariol. 7(4):113-116. |
10713 | Randall, J.E. and D. Golani |
10713, 1995, Review of the moray eels (Anguilliformes: Muraenidae) of the Red Sea.
Bull. Mar. Sci. 56(3):849-880. |
48240 | Randall, J.E. and D.C. Shen |
48240, 2002, First records of the gobioid fishes Gunnellichthys monostigma and Nemateleotris decora from the Red Sea.
Fauna of Arabia 19:491-495. |
528 | Randall, J.E. and D.F. Hoese |
528, 1985, Revision of the Indo-Pacific dartfishes, genus Ptereleotris (Perciformes: Gobioidei).
Indo-Pac. Fish. (7):36 p. |
3150 | Randall, J.E. and D.F. Hoese |
3150, 1986, Revision of the groupers of the Indo-Pacific genus Plectropomus (Perciformes: Serranidae).
Indo-Pac. Fish. (13):31 p. |
10626 | Randall, J.E. and D.F. Hoese |
10626, 1975, Apogon limenus, a new species of cardinalfish (Perciformes: Apogonidae) from New South Wales.
Rec. Aust. Mus. 40:359-464. |
35216 | Randall, J.E. and D.F. Hoese |
35216, 1995, Three new species of Australian fishes of the genus Plectranthias (Perciformes: Serranidae: Anthiinae).
Rec. Aust. Mus. 47:327-335. |
45560 | Randall, J.E. and D.G. Fautin |
45560, 2002, Fishes other than anemonefishes that associate with sea anemones.
Coral Reefs 21:188-190. |
41637 | Randall, J.E. and D.G. Smith |
41637, 2001, Thalassoma mascarenum Fricke, 1999 (Perciformes: Labridae), a synonym of T. genivittatum (Valenciennes, 1839).
J. South Asian Nat. Hist. 5(2):117-120. |
10496 | Randall, J.E. and D.K. Caldwell |
10496, 1973, A new butterflyfish of the genus Chaetodon and a new angelfish of the genus Centropyge from Easter Island.
Contrib. Sci. 237:11 p. |
10508 | Randall, J.E. and D.K. Caldwell |
10508, 1966, A review of the sparid fish genus Calamus, with descriptions of four new species.
Bull. Los Angeles County. Mus. Nat. Hist. Sci. 2:1-47. |
82839 | Randall, J.E. and D.R. King |
82839, 2009, Parupeneus fraserorum, a new species of goatfish (Perciformes: Mullidae) from South Africa and Madagascar.
Smithiana Bull. 10:31-35. |
83900 | Randall, J.E. and D.R. King |
83900, 2010, Halichoeres zulu, a new labrid fish from South Africa.
Smithiana Bull. 11:17-23. |
12419 | Randall, J.E. and D.W. Greenfield |
12419, 1996, Revision of the Indo-Pacific holocentrid fishes of the genus Myripristis, with descriptions of three new species.
Indo-Pac. Fish. (25):61 p. |
40493 | Randall, J.E. and D.W. Greenfield |
40493, 1999, Holocentridae. Squirrelfishes (soldierfishes).
p. 2225-2256. In K.E. Carpenter and V.H. Niem (eds.) FAO species identification guide for fishery purposes. The living marine resources of the Western Central Pacific. Volume 4. Bony fishes part 2 (Mugilidae to Carangidae). FAO, Rome. |
41653 | Randall, J.E. and D.W. Greenfield |
41653, 2001, A preliminary review of the Indo-Pacific gobiid fishes of the genus Gnatholepis.
Occas. Pap. J.L.B. Smith Inst. Ichthyol. 69:1-17. |
57579 | Randall, J.E. and D.W. Greenfield |
57579, 2004, Two new scorpionfishes (Scorpaenidae) from the South Pacific.
Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. 55(9):384-394. |
75937 | Randall, J.E. and D.W. Greenfield |
75937, 2007, Redescription of Gnatholepis caurensis (Bleeker, 1853), with discussion of the validity of the species.
Zool. Med. Leiden 81(16):303-308. |
8927 | Randall, J.E. and E. Clark |
8927, 1993, Helcogramma vulcana, a new triplefin fish (Blennioidei: Tripterygiidae) from the Banda Sea, Indonesia.
Rev. Fr. Aquariol. 20(1):27-32. |
82838 | Randall, J.E. and E. Heemstra |
82838, 2009, Three new goatfishes of the genus Parupeneus from the Western Indian Ocean, with resurrection of P. seychellensis.
Smithiana Bulletin 10:37-50. |
2141 | Randall, J.E. and E.A. Lachner |
2141, 1986, The status of the Indo-West Pacific cardinalfishes Apogon aroubiensis and A. nigrofasciatus.
Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 99(1):110-120. |
90856 | Randall, J.E. and F, Walsh |
90856, 2010, Rabaulichthys squirei, a new species of Sailfin Anthias (Serranidae: Anthiinae) from the Coral Sea.
Memoirs of the Queensland Museum - Nature 55(1):205-211. |
75622 | Randall, J.E. and F. Walsh |
75622, 2008, A pictorial review of the Indo-Pacific labrid fish genus Pseudocoris, with description of a new species from the Coral Sea.
Aqua: 14(2). |
10383 | Randall, J.E. and F. Yasuda |
10383, 1979, Centropyge shepardi, a new angelfish from the Mariana and Ogasawara islands.
Jap. J. Ichthyol. 26(1):55-61. |
10499 | Randall, J.E. and G. Helfman |
10499, 1972, Diproctacanthus xanthurus, a cleaner wrasse from the Palau Islands, with notes on other cleaning fishes.
Trop. Fish. Hobb. 20(11):87-95. |
10631 | Randall, J.E. and G.H.P. De Brun |
10631, 1988, The butterflyfish Prognathodes guyotensis from the Maldive Islands, a first record for the Indian Ocean.
Cybium 12(2):145-149. |
34948 | Randall, J.E. and G.J. Stroud |
34948, 1985, On the validity of the mugiloidid fish Parapercis robinsoni Fowler.
Jap. J. Ichthyol. 32(1):93-99. |
48237 | Randall, J.E. and G.K. Stender |
48237, 2002, The nibbler Girella leonina and the soldierfish Myripristis murdjan. from Midway Atoll, first records for the Hawaiian Islands.
Pac. Sci. 56(2):137-141. |
36052 | Randall, J.E. and G.L. Warmke |
36052, 1967, The food habits of the hogfish (Lachnolaimus maximus), a labrid fish from the Western Atlantic.
Caribb. J. Sci. 7(3-4):141-144. |
10375 | Randall, J.E. and G.R. Allen |
10375, 1982, Chromis pelloura a new species of damselfish from the Northern Red Sea.
Aquarium 5(11):15-19. |
10392 | Randall, J.E. and G.R. Allen |
10392, 1978, Anthias pictilis, a new serranid fish from the subtropical southwestern Pacific.
Rev. Fr. Aquariol. 2:33-36. |
10625 | Randall, J.E. and G.R. Allen |
10625, 1989, Pseudanthias sheni, a new serranid fish from Rowley Shoals and Scott Reef, Western Australia.
Rev. Fr. Aquariol. 15(3):73-78. |
57550 | Randall, J.E. and G.R. Allen |
57550, 2005, Neopomacentrus sororius, a new species of damselfish from the Indian Ocean, with descriptinof a neotype for its sister species, N. azyron (Bleeker).
Aqua, J. Ichthyol. Aquat. Biol.10(2):73-80. |
57557 | Randall, J.E. and G.R. Allen |
57557, 2004, Gomphosus varius x Thalassoma lunare, a hybrid labrid fish from Australia.
Aqua, J. Ichthyol. Aquat. Biol. 8(3):135-139. |
57578 | Randall, J.E. and G.R. Allen |
57578, 2004, Xyrichtys koteamea, a new razorfish (Perciformes: Labridae) from Easter Island.
Raffles Bull. Zool. 51(1):251-255. |
84924 | Randall, J.E. and G.R. Allen |
84924, 2007, Aseraggodes crypticus, a new sole (Pleuronectiformes: Soleidae) from Christmas Island, Indian Ocean.
Rec. Western Australian Mus. 24:109-112. |
85096 | Randall, J.E. and G.R. Allen |
85096, 2010, Two new labrid fishes of the genus Halichoeres from the East Indies.
The Raffles Bull. Zool. 58(2):281-289. |
10674 | Randall, J.E. and H. Ida |
10674, 1993, Pseudamia rubra, a new cardinalfish (Perciformes: Apogonidae) from the Ogasawara Islands.
Jap. J. Ichthyol. 40(1):11-14. |
97535 | Randall, J.E. and H. Ida |
97535, 2014, Three new species of sand lances (Perciformes: Ammodytidae) from the southwest Indian Ocean.
J. Ocean Sci. Found. 12:1-11. |
10692 | Randall, J.E. and H. Masuda |
10692, 1991, Two new labrid fishes of the genus Cirrhilabrus from Japan.
Rev. Fr. Aquariol. 18(2):53-60. |
45340 | Randall, J.E. and H. Senou |
45340, 2001, Review of the Indo-Pacific gobiid fish genus Lubricogobius, with description of a new species and a new genus for L. pumilus.
Ichthyol. Res. 48(1):3-12. |
74405 | Randall, J.E. and H. Senou |
74405, 2007, Two new soles of the genus Aseraggodes (Pleuronectiformes: Soleidae) from Taiwan and Japan.
Zool. Stud. 46(3):303-310. |
80411 | Randall, J.E. and H. Tanaka |
80411, 2009, Cirrhilabrus naokoae, a new labrid fish from Indonesia.
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2140 | Randall, J.E. and H.A. Randall |
2140, 1981, A revision of the labrid fish genus Pseudojuloides, with descriptions of five new species.
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6483 | Randall, J.E. and H.A. Randall |
6483, 1963, The spawning and early development of the Atlantic parrotfish, Sparisoma rubripinne, with notes on other scarid and labrid fishes.
Zoologica (N.Y.) 48:49-60. |
10592 | Randall, J.E. and H.A. Randall |
10592, 1987, Annotated checklist of the fishes of Enewetak Atoll and other Marshall Islands.
p. 289-324. In D.M. Devaney, E.S. Reese, B.L. Burch, and P. Helfrich (eds.) Natural History of Enewetak Atoll. Office of Scientific and Technical Information, U.S. Department of Energy:Oakridge, Tennessee. |
39312 | Randall, J.E. and H.A. Randall |
39312, 2001, Dascyllus auripinnis, a new pomacentrid fish from atolls of the Central Pacific Ocean.
Zool. Stud. 40(1):61-67. |
41640 | Randall, J.E. and H.A. Randall |
41640, 2001, Review of the fishes of the genus Kuhlia (Perciformes: Kuhliidae) of the Central Pacific.
Pac. Sci. 55(3):227-256. |
50117 | Randall, J.E. and H.A. Randall |
50117, 1960, Example of mimicry and protective resemblance in tropical marine fishes.
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79569 | Randall, J.E. and Hughes M.J. |
79569, 2009, Grammonus nagaredai, a new viviparous marine fish (Ophidiiformes: Bythitidae) from the Hawaiian Islands.
Pacific Science 63(1):137-146. |
75862 | Randall, J.E. and I.-S. Chen |
75862, 2007, Tomiyamichthys tanyspilus, a new species of gobiid fish from Indonesia.
Zool. Stud. 46(6):651-655. |
10660 | Randall, J.E. and J. Rivaton |
10660, 1992, Erythrocles taeniatus, a new emmelichthyid fish from New Caledonia.
Copeia 1992(4):1028-1032. |
10685 | Randall, J.E. and J. van Egmond |
10685, 1994, Marine fishes from the Seychelles: 108 new records.
Zool. Verh. Leiden 297:43-83. |
85123 | Randall, J.E. and J.-L. Justine |
85123, 2008, The triggerfish Abalistes filamentosus from New Caledonia, a first record for the South Pacific.
Cybium 32(2):183-184. |
12132 | Randall, J.E. and J.C. Kay |
12132, 1974, Stethojulis axillaris, a junior synonym of the Hawaiian labrid fish Stethojulis balteata, with a key to the species of the genus.
Pac. Sci. 28(2):101-107. |
89185 | Randall, J.E. and J.D. DiBattista |
89185, 2012, Etrumeus makiawa, a new species of round herring (Clupeidae: Dussumierinae) from the Hawaiian Islands.
Pacific Science 66(1):97-110. |
92902 | Randall, J.E. and J.D. DiBattista |
92902, 2013, A new species of damselfish (Pomacentridae) from the Indian Ocean.
Aqua Int. J. Ichthyol. 19(1):1-16. |
8524 | Randall, J.E. and J.E. McCosker |
8524, 1992, Revision of the fish genus Luzonichthys (Perciformes: Serranidae: Anthiinae), with descriptions of two new species.
Indo-Pac. Fish. (21):21 p. |
10377 | Randall, J.E. and J.E. McCosker |
10377, 1982, Two new serranid fishes of the genus Anthias from the Central Pacific.
J. Aquaricult. 2(3):60-69. |
26149 | Randall, J.E. and J.E. McCosker |
26149, 1982, Two new serranid fishes of the genus Anthias from the Central Pacific.
J. Aquaricult. 2(3):60-69. |
10668 | Randall, J.E. and J.E. McCosker |
10668, 1992, Two new damselfishes of the genus Chromis (Perciformes: Pomacentridae) from the South Pacific.
Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. 47(12):329-337. |
11631 | Randall, J.E. and J.E. McCosker |
11631, 1993, Social mimicry in fishes.
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13281 | Randall, J.E. and J.E. McCosker |
13281, 1975, The eels of Easter Island with a description of a new moray.
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48238 | Randall, J.E. and J.E. McCosker |
48238, 2002, Parapercis lata, a new species of sandperch (Perciformes: Pinguipedidae) from the central Pacific.
Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. 53(8):87-93. |
2689 | Randall, J.E. and J.H. Choat |
2689, 1980, Two new parrotfishes of the genus Scarus from the Central and South Pacific, with further examples of sexual dichromatism.
Zool. J. Linn. Soc. 70:383-419. |
9870 | Randall, J.E. and J.K. Dooley |
9870, 1974, Revision of the Indo-Pacific branchiostegid fish genus Hoplolatilus, with descriptions of two new species.
Copeia 1974(2):457-471. |
80044 | Randall, J.E. and J.K. Schultz |
80044, 2008, Cirrhitops mascarenensis, a new species of hawkfish from the Mascarene Islands, southwestern Indian Ocean.
Smithiana Bull. 9:15-20. |
82647 | Randall, J.E. and J.K. Schultz |
82647, 2009, Pictichromis dinar, a new dottyback (Perciformes: Pseudochromidae) from Indonesia.
Aqua, Intl. J. Ichthyol. 15(4):169-176. |
10681 | Randall, J.E. and J.K.L. Mee |
10681, 1994, A new labrid fish of the genus Thalassoma from Oman.
Fauna of Saudi Arabia 14:302-308. |
10684 | Randall, J.E. and J.K.L. Mee |
10684, 1994, Pardachirus balius, a new sole (Pleuronectiformes: Soleidae) from Oman.
Fauna of Saudi Arabia 14:341-347. |
8990 | Randall, J.E. and J.L. Earle |
8990, 1993, Scarus obishime, a new parrotfish (Perciformes: Scaridae) from the Ogasawara Islands.
Jap. J. Ichthyol. 39(4): 287-293. |
11670 | Randall, J.E. and J.L. Earle |
11670, 1993, Scarus obishime, a new parrotfish (Perciformes: Scaridae) from the Ogasawara Islands.
Jap. J. Ichthyol. 39(4): 287-293. |
10678 | Randall, J.E. and J.L. Earle |
10678, 1994, Doryrhamphus aurolineatus, a new pipefish (Syngnathidae) from Masirah Island, Oman.
Fauna of Saudi Arabia 14:282-286. |
10680 | Randall, J.E. and J.L. Earle |
10680, 1994, Three new wrasses of the genus Halichoeres (Perciformes: Labridae) from Oman.
Fauna of Saudi Arabia, 14:287-301. |
33558 | Randall, J.E. and J.L. Earle |
33558, 1999, Abudefduf conformis and Plectroglyphidodon sagmarius, two new damselfishes (Pomacentridae) from the Marquesas Islands.
Cybium 23(4):333-343. |
41630 | Randall, J.E. and J.L. Earle |
41630, 1999, Acantharus reversus, a new species of surgeonfish (Perciformes: Acanthuridae) from the Marquesas Islands.
Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. 51(14):473-481. |
41656 | Randall, J.E. and J.L. Earle |
41656, 2000, Annotated checklist of the shore fishes of the Marquesas Islands.
Bishop Mus. Occas. Pap. (66):1-39. |
43887 | Randall, J.E. and J.L. Earle |
43887, 2002, Review of the Hawaiian razorfishes of the genus Iniistius (Perciformes: Labridae).
Pac. Sci. 56(4):389-402. |
51084 | Randall, J.E. and J.L. Earle |
51084, 2004, Novaculoides, a new genus for the Indo-Pacific labrid fish Novaculichthys macrolepidotus.
Aqua, J. Ichthyol. Aquat. Biol. 8(1):37-43. |
57553 | Randall, J.E. and J.L. Earle |
57553, 2006, Amblyeleotris neumanni, a new species of shrimp goby from New Britain.
Aqua, J. Ichthyol. Aquat. Biol. 11(1):19-24. |
57583 | Randall, J.E. and J.L. Earle |
57583, 2004, External incubation of eggs in the apogonid fish Pseudamiops diaphanes.
I.O.P. Diving News 15(9):4-5. |
83306 | Randall, J.E. and J.L. Earle |
83306, 2008, Two new Indo-Pacific sand lances of the genus Ammodytoides (Perciformes: Ammodytidae).
Pacific Science 62(4):603-612. |
10689 | Randall, J.E. and J.P. Hoover |
10689, 1993, Pseudanthias marcia, a new serranid fish from Oman.
Rev. Fr. Aquariol. 20(2):47-52. |
26834 | Randall, J.E. and J.P. Hoover |
26834, 1995, Scarus zufar, a new species of parrotfish from southern Oman, with comments on endemism of the area.
Copeia 1995(3):683-688. |
10385 | Randall, J.E. and J.R. Chess |
10385, 1979, A new species of garden eel (Congridae: Heterocongrinae) of the genus Gorgasia from Hawaii.
Pac. Sci. 33(1):17-23. |
11634 | Randall, J.E. and J.T. Millington |
11634, 1990, Triggerfish bite - a little-known marine hazard.
J. Wilderness Medicine 1:79-85. |
78519 | Randall, J.E. and J.W. Johnson |
78519, 2007, Revision of the soled fish genus Pardachirus.
Indo-Pac. Fish. (39):22 p. |
26153 | Randall, J.E. and K.E. Carpenter |
26153, 1980, Three new labrid fishes of the genus Cirrhilabrus from the Philippines.
Rev. Fr. Aquariol. 7(1):17-26. |
95583 | Randall, J.E. and K.K. Bineesh |
95583, 2014, Review of the fishes of the genus, Pempheris (Perciformes: Pempheridae) of India, with description of a new species and a neotype for P. mangula Cuvier.
J. Ocean Sci. Found. 10:20-40. |
48028 | Randall, J.E. and K.K.P. Lim |
48028, 2000, Emmelichthyidae (rovers).
p. 617. In J.E. Randall and K.K.P. Lim (eds.) A checklist of the fishes of the South China Sea. Raffles Bull. Zool. (8):569-667. |
48035 | Randall, J.E. and K.K.P. Lim |
48035, 2000, Polynemidae (threadfins).
p. 621-622. In J.E. Randall and K.K.P. Lim (eds.) A checklist of the fishes of the South China Sea. Raffles Bull. Zool. (8):569-667. |
48041 | Randall, J.E. and K.K.P. Lim |
48041, 2000, Kyphosidae (sea chubs).
p. 623. In J.E. Randall and K.K.P. Lim (eds.) A checklist of the fishes of the South China Sea. Raffles Bull. Zool. (8):569-667. |
48047 | Randall, J.E. and K.K.P. Lim |
48047, 2000, Oplegnathidae (knifejaws).
p. 624. In J.E. Randall and K.K.P. Lim (eds.) A checklist of the fishes of the South China Sea. Raffles Bull. Zool. (8):569-667. |
48059 | Randall, J.E. and K.K.P. Lim |
48059, 2000, Champsodontidae (gapers).
p. 631. In J.E. Randall and K.K.P. Lim (eds.) A checklist of the fishes of the South China Sea. Raffles Bull. Zool. (8):569-667. |
48064 | Randall, J.E. and K.K.P. Lim |
48064, 2000, Clinidae (clipfishes).
p. 632. In J.E. Randall and K.K.P. Lim (eds.) A checklist of the fishes of the South China Sea. Raffles Bull. Zool. (8):569-667. |
48080 | Randall, J.E. and K.K.P. Lim |
48080, 2000, Scombrolabracidae (black mackerels).
p. 642. In J.E. Randall and K.K.P. Lim (eds.) A checklist of the fishes of the South China Sea. Raffles Bull. Zool. (8):569-667. |
48082 | Randall, J.E. and K.K.P. Lim |
48082, 2000, Gempylidae (snake mackerels).
p. 643. In J.E. Randall and K.K.P. Lim (eds.) A checklist of the fishes of the South China Sea. Raffles Bull. Zool. (8):569-667. |
48083 | Randall, J.E. and K.K.P. Lim |
48083, 2000, Trichiuridae (ribbonfishes).
p. 643. In J.E. Randall and K.K.P. Lim (eds.) A checklist of the fishes of the South China Sea. Raffles Bull. Zool. (8):569-667. |
48084 | Randall, J.E. and K.K.P. Lim |
48084, 2000, Xiphiidae (swordfishes).
p. 643. In J.E. Randall and K.K.P. Lim (eds.) A checklist of the fishes of the South China Sea. Raffles Bull. Zool. (8):569-667. |
48085 | Randall, J.E. and K.K.P. Lim |
48085, 2000, Istiophoridae (billfishes and marlins).
p. 643. In J.E. Randall and K.K.P. Lim (eds.) A checklist of the fishes of the South China Sea. Raffles Bull. Zool. (8):569-667. |
48087 | Randall, J.E. and K.K.P. Lim |
48087, 2000, Centrolophidae (medusafishes).
p. 644. In J.E. Randall and K.K.P. Lim (eds.) A checklist of the fishes of the South China Sea. Raffles Bull. Zool. (8):569-667. |
48127 | Randall, J.E. and K.K.P. Lim |
48127, 2000, Alepocephalidae (slickheads).
p. 590. In J.E. Randall and K.K.P. Lim (eds.) A checklist of the fishes of the South China Sea. Raffles Bull. Zool. (8):569-667. |
48129 | Randall, J.E. and K.K.P. Lim |
48129, 2000, Stomiiformes: Gonostomatidae (bristlemouths),Sternoptychidae (marine hatchetfishes), Phosichthyidae (lightfishes), Stomiidae (viperfishes, dragonfishes, snaggletooths and allies).
p. 590-591. In J.E. Randall and K.K.P. Lim (eds.) A checklist of the fishes of the South China Sea. Raffles Bull. Zool. (8):569-667. |
48130 | Randall, J.E. and K.K.P. Lim |
48130, 2000, Ateleopodidae (jellynose).
p. 591. In J.E. Randall and K.K.P. Lim (eds.) A checklist of the fishes of the South China Sea. Raffles Bull. Zool. (8):569-667. |
48155 | Randall, J.E. and K.K.P. Lim |
48155, 2000, Himantolophidae (football fishes).
p. 598. In J.E. Randall and K.K.P. Lim (eds.) A checklist of the fishes of the South China Sea. Raffles Bull. Zool. (8):569-667. |
48156 | Randall, J.E. and K.K.P. Lim |
48156, 2000, Ceratiidae (seadevils).
p. 598. In J.E. Randall and K.K.P. Lim (eds.) A checklist of the fishes of the South China Sea. Raffles Bull. Zool. (8):569-667. |
48187 | Randall, J.E. and K.K.P. Lim |
48187, 2000, Pegasidae.
p. 603. In J.E. Randall and K.K.P. Lim (eds.) A checklist of the fishes of the South China Sea. Raffles Bull. Zool. (8):569-667. |
48194 | Randall, J.E. and K.K.P. Lim |
48194, 2000, Syngnathidae (pipefishes and seahorses).
p. 603-604. In J.E. Randall and K.K.P. Lim (eds.) A checklist of the fishes of the South China Sea. Raffles Bull. Zool. (8):569-667. |
48200 | Randall, J.E. and K.K.P. Lim |
48200, 2000, Plectrogenidae.
p. 606. In J.E. Randall and K.K.P. Lim (eds.) A checklist of the fishes of the South China Sea. Raffles Bull. Zool. (8):569-667. |
48201 | Randall, J.E. and K.K.P. Lim |
48201, 2000, Bembridae (deepwater flatheads).
p. 606. In J.E. Randall and K.K.P. Lim (eds.) A checklist of the fishes of the South China Sea. Raffles Bull. Zool. (8):569-667. |
48206 | Randall, J.E. and K.K.P. Lim |
48206, 2000, Percichthyidae (temperate basses).
p. 608. In J.E. Randall and K.K.P. Lim (eds.) A checklist of the fishes of the South China Sea. Raffles Bull. Zool. (8):569-667. |
48215 | Randall, J.E. and K.K.P. Lim |
48215, 2000, Banjosidae.
p. 612. In J.E. Randall and K.K.P. Lim (eds.) A checklist of the fishes of the South China Sea. Raffles Bull. Zool. (8):569-667. |
48216 | Randall, J.E. and K.K.P. Lim |
48216, 2000, Kuhliidae (flagtails).
p. 612. In J.E. Randall and K.K.P. Lim (eds.) A checklist of the fishes of the South China Sea. Raffles Bull. Zool. (8):569-667. |
48231 | Randall, J.E. and K.K.P. Lim |
48231, 2000, Elopiformes: Elopidae (tenpounders), Megalopidae (tarpons).
p. 584. In J.E. Randall and K.K.P. Lim (eds.) A checklist of the fishes of the South China Sea. Raffles Bull. Zool. (8):569-667. |
36648 | Randall, J.E. and K.K.P. Lim (eds.) |
36648, 2000, A checklist of the fishes of the South China Sea.
Raffles Bull. Zool. Suppl. (8):569-667. |
89041 | Randall, J.E. and L. Jonsson |
89041, 2008, Clarification of the Western Pacific razorfishes (Labrida: Xyrichtyinae) identified as Iniistius baldwini, I. evides and I. maculosus.
Raffles Bull Zool, Suppl. 19:179-182. |
6180 | Randall, J.E. and L. Taylor |
6180, 1988, Review of the Indo-Pacific fishes of the serranid genus Liopropoma, with descriptions of seven new species.
Indo-Pac. Fish. (16):47 p. |
10628 | Randall, J.E. and L. Wrobel |
10628, 1988, A new species of soldierfish of the genus Ostichthys and records of O. archiepiscopus and O. sandix from Tahiti.
Jap. J. Ichthyol. 35(3):243-246. |
10389 | Randall, J.E. and L.A. Maugé |
10389, 1978, Holacanthus guezei, a new angelfish from Reunion.
Bull. Mus. natn. Hist. nat., Paris 3(514):297-303. |
82288 | Randall, J.E. and L.A. Rocha |
82288, 2009, Halichoeres claudia sp. nov., a new Indo-Pacific wrasse (Perciformes: Labridae), the fourth species of the H. ornatissimus complex.
Zool. Stud. 48(5):709-718. |
82330 | Randall, J.E. and L.A. Rocha |
82330, 2009, Chaetodontoplus poliourus, a new angelfish (Perciformes: Pomacanthidae) from the Tropical Western Pacific.
The Raffles Bull. Zool. 57(2):511-520. |
26890 | Randall, J.E. and L.H. DiSalvo |
26890, 1997, Rhinopias cea, a new species of scorpionfish from Easter Island.
Bull. Mar. Sci. 60(3):1035-1039. |
9944 | Randall, J.E. and L.J. Bell |
9944, 1992, Naso caesius, a new acanthurid fish from the Central Pacific.
Pac. Sci. 46(3):344-352. |
10590 | Randall, J.E. and L.J. McCarthy |
10590, 1988, A new damselfish of the genus Chromis (Perciformes: Pomacentridae) from the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman.
Rev. Fr. Aquariol. 14(4):133-136. |
10654 | Randall, J.E. and L.J. McCarthy |
10654, 1989, Solea stanalandi, a new sole from the Persian Gulf.
Jap. J. Ichthyol. 36(2):196-199. |
11293 | Randall, J.E. and L.J.V. Compagno |
11293, 1995, A review of the guitarfishes of the genus Rhinobatos (Rajiformes: Rhinobatidae) from Oman, with description of a new species.
Raffles Bull. Zool. 43(2):289-298. |
75879 | Randall, J.E. and M. Desoutter-Meniger |
75879, 2007, Review of the soles of the genus Aseraggodes (Pleuronectifornes: Soleidae) from the Indo-Malayan region, with descriptions of nine new species.
Cybium 31(3):301-331. |
10380 | Randall, J.E. and M. Dor |
10380, 1980, Description of a new genus and species of labrid fish from the Red Sea.
Isr. J. Zool. 29:153-162. |
9360 | Randall, J.E. and M. Goren |
9360, 1993, A review of the gobioid fishes of the Maldives.
Ichthyol. Bull. J.L.B. Smith Inst. Ichthyol. (58):1-37, 5 pls. |
10694 | Randall, J.E. and M. Hayashi |
10694, 1990, Apogon selas, a new cardinalfish from the Western Pacific.
Jap. J. Ichthyol. 36(4):399-403. |
8926 | Randall, J.E. and M. Hutomo |
8926, 1988, Redescription of the Indo-Pacific serranid fish Pseudanthias bimaculatus (Smith).
Copeia 1988(3):669-673. |
47566 | Randall, J.E. and M. Khalaf |
47566, 2003, Redescription of the labrid fish Oxycheilinus orientalis (Günther), and the first record from the Red Sea.
Zool. Stud. 42(1):135-139. |
33415 | Randall, J.E. and M. Kulbicki |
33415, 1998, Two new cardinalfishes (Perciformes: Apogonidae) of the Apogon cyanosoma complex from the western Pacific, with notes on the status of A. wassinki Bleeker.
Rev. Fr. Aquariol. 25:31-39. |
55950 | Randall, J.E. and M. Kulbicki |
55950, 2005, Siganus woodlandi, new species of rabbitfish (Siganidae) from New Caledonia.
Cybium 29(2):185-189. |
58005 | Randall, J.E. and M. Kulbicki |
58005, 2006, A review of the goatfishes of the genus Upeneus (Perciformes: Mullidae) from New Caledonia and the Chesterfield Bank, with a new species and four new records.
Zool. Studies 45(3):298-307. |
30545 | Randall, J.E. and M.-L. Bauchot |
30545, 1999, Clarification of the two Indo-Pacific species of bonefishes, Albula glossodonta and A. forsteri.
Cybium 23(1):79-83. |
10676 | Randall, J.E. and M.L. Bauchot |
10676, 1993, Naucrates Rafinesque, 1810 and Xyrichtys Cuvier, 1814 (Osteichthyes, Perciformes): proposed conservation.
Bull. Zool. Nomencl. 50(4):277-281. |
2152 | Randall, J.E. and M.L. Harmelin-Vivien |
2152, 1977, A review of the labrid fishes of the genus Paracheilinus with descriptions of two new species from the western Indian Ocean.
Bull. Mus. Natl. Hist. Nat. (Paris), sér. 3, (436):329-342. |
12230 | Randall, J.E. and M.M. Smith |
12230, 1982, A review of the labrid fishes of the genus Halichoeres of the western Indian Ocean, with descriptions of six new species.
Ichthyol. Bull. J.L.B. Smith Inst. Ichth. 45:1-26. |
26156 | Randall, J.E. and M.P. Francis |
26156, 1993, Parapercis colemani, a new pinguipedid fish from Norfolk Island, south-western Pacfiic Ocean.
N.Z. J. Mar. Freshwat. Res. 27(2):209-214. |
57561 | Randall, J.E. and O. Gon |
57561, 2006, Review of the soles of the genus Aseraggodes of the Western Indian Ocean, with descrtiptions of three new species.
Israel J. Zool. 51:165-190. |
56490 | Randall, J.E. and P. Bartsch |
56490, 2005, Two new soleid fishes of the genus Aseraggodes from Micronesia, with a record of A. smithi from Palau.
Micronesica 38(1):125-139. |
56492 | Randall, J.E. and P. Bartsch |
56492, 2004, The labrid fish Julis blochii Valenciennes, a junior synonym of Thalassoma pavo (Linneaus).
Mitt. Mus. Nat.kd. Berl. Zool. Reihe 80(2004)1:123-127. |
75878 | Randall, J.E. and P. Bartsh |
75878, 2007, Aseraggodes corymbus, a new soleid fish from the Gulf of Carpentaria, Australia.
Mitt. Mus. Nat. kd. Bert. Zool. Reihe 83(2):105-109. |
33414 | Randall, J.E. and P. Fourmanoir |
33414, 1998, Terelabrus rubrovittatus, a new genus and species of labrid fish from New Caledonia and New Guinea.
Bull. Mar. Sci. 62(1):247-252. |
5378 | Randall, J.E. and P. Guéze |
5378, 1981, The holocentrid fishes of the genus Myripristis of the Red Sea, with clarification of the murdjan and hexagonus complexes.
Centr. Sci. Los Angeles (334):1-16. |
10379 | Randall, J.E. and P. Guézé |
10379, 1980, The goatfish Mulloidichthys mimicus n. sp. (Pisces, Mullidae) from Oceania, a mimic of the snapper Lutjanus kasmira (Pisces, Lutjanidae).
Bull. Mus. natn. Hist. nat. Paris 4(2):603-609. |
10665 | Randall, J.E. and P. Guézé |
10665, 1992, Upeneus francisi, a new goatfish (Perciformes: Mullidae) from Norfolk Island and New Zealand.
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41877 | Randall, J.E. and P. Parenti |
41877, 1999, Rejection of nine old labrid fish names in order to conserve well-established taxa.
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4201, 1986, Holocentridae.
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4787 | Randall, J.E. and P.C. Heemstra |
4787, 1991, Revision of Indo-Pacific groupers (Perciformes: Serranidae: Epinephelinae), with descriptions of five new species.
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10386 | Randall, J.E. and P.C. Heemstra |
10386, 1978, Reclassification of the Japanese cirrhitid fishes Serranocirrhitus latus and Isobuna japonica to the Anthiinae.
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10638 | Randall, J.E. and P.C. Heemstra |
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57080 | Randall, J.E. and P.C. Heemstra |
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83531 | Randall, J.E. and P.C. Heemstra |
83531, 2008, Ammodytes xanthops, a new species of sandlance (Perciformes: Ammodytidae) from Mozambique.
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84847 | Randall, J.E. and P.C. Heemstra |
84847, 2008, Meganthias filiferus, a new species of anthine fish (Perciformes: Serranidae), from the Andaman Sea off southwestern Thailand.
Phuket Marine Biological Center Res. Bull., 68: 5-9. |
10640 | Randall, J.E. and P.J.P. Whitehead |
10640, 1985, Epinephelus cyanopodus (Richardson), a senior synonym of E. hoedtii (Bleeker), and comparison with the related E. flavocaerulues (Lacepède).
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81929 | Randall, J.E. and P.L. Colin |
81929, 2009, Elacatinus lobeli, a new cleaning goby from Belize and Honduras.
Zootaxa 2173:31-40. |
74955 | Randall, J.E. and P.L. Munday |
74955, 2008, Vanderhorstia steelei, a new shrimpgoby from the Society Islands.
Aqua Int. J. Ichthyol. 14(1):35-41. |
46844 | Randall, J.E. and P.S. Lobel |
46844, 2003, Halichoeres socialis: a new labrid fish from Belize.
Copeia 2003(1):124-130. |
75958 | Randall, J.E. and P.S. Lobel |
75958, 2003, Xyrichthys halsteadi, a new labrid fish from the Western and Central Pacific.
Bull. Mar. Sci. 72(3):971-977. |
81169 | Randall, J.E. and P.S. Lobel |
81169, 2009, A literature review of the sponge-dwelling gobiid fishes of the genus Elacatinus from the western Atlantic, with description of two new Caribbean species.
Zootaxa 2133:1-19. |
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2139 | Randall, J.E. and R. Lubbock |
2139, 1981, Labrid fishes of the genus Paracheilinus, with descriptions of three new species from the Philippines.
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9060 | Randall, J.E. and R. Lubbock |
9060, 1982, Three new labrid fishes of the genus Cirrhilabrus from the southwestern Pacific.
Occ. Pap. Ber. P. Bishop Mus. 25(2):12 p. |
12401 | Randall, J.E. and R. Lubbock |
12401, 1981, A revision of the serranid fishes of the subgenus Mirolabrichthys (Anthiinae: Anthias), with description of five new species.
Contrib. Sci. Nat. Hist. Mus. Los Angeles County, 333. 27 p. |
3275 | Randall, J.E. and R. Vergara |
3275, 1978, Bothidae.
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3815 | Randall, J.E. and R. Vergara |
3815, 1978, Sparidae.
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3715 | Randall, J.E. and R. Vergara R. |
3715, 1978, Congridae.
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3722 | Randall, J.E. and R. Vergara R. |
3722, 1978, Gerreidae.
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26241 | Randall, J.E. and R.C. Anderson |
26241, 1997, Chlorurus rhakoura, a new species of parrotfish (Perciformes: Labroidei: Scaridae) from Sri Lanka.
J. South Asian Nat. Hist. 2(2):155-164. |
10634 | Randall, J.E. and R.C. Meléndez |
10634, 1987, A new sole of the genus Aseraggodes from Easter Island and Lord Howe Island, with comments on the validity of A. ramsaii.
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10492 | Randall, J.E. and R.C. Wass |
10492, 1974, Two new pomacanthid fishes of the genus Centropyge from Oceania.
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10673 | Randall, J.E. and R.F. Myers |
10673, 1993, Parupeneus moffitti, a new goatfish (Perciformes: Mullidae) from the Mariana Islands.
Micronesia 26(1):69-75. |
11633 | Randall, J.E. and R.F. Myers |
11633, 1993, Ostichthys brachygnathus, a new soldierfish (Beryciformes: Holocentridae) from Guam.
Micronesica 26(1):77-81. |
40928 | Randall, J.E. and R.F. Myers |
40928, 2000, Scarus fuscocaudalis, a new spercies of parrotfish (Perciformes: Labroidei: Scaridae) from the western Pacific.
Micronesica 32(2):221-228. |
45589 | Randall, J.E. and R.F. Myers |
45589, 2002, Parupeneus insularis, a new central pacific species of goatfish (Perciformes:Mullidae) of the P. trifasciatus complex.
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10391 | Randall, J.E. and R.F.G. Ormond |
10391, 1978, On the Red Sea parrotfishes of Forsskål, Scarus psittacus and S. ferrugineus.
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2748 | Randall, J.E. and R.H. Kuiter |
2748, 1982, Three new labrid fishes of the genus Coris from the Western Pacific.
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10621 | Randall, J.E. and R.H. Kuiter |
10621, 1989, Cirrhilabrus punctatus, a new species of labrid fish from the Southwestern Pacific.
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75144 | Randall, J.E. and R.H. Kuiter |
75144, 2007, Wetmorella tanakai, a new wrasse (Perciformes: Labridae) from Indonesia and the Philippines.
Aqua Int. J. Ichthyol. 13(1):1-6. |
93135 | Randall, J.E. and R.J. Arnold |
93135, 2012, Uranoscopus rosette, a new species of stargazer (Uranoscopidae: Trachinoidei) from the Red Sea.
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6354 | Randall, J.E. and R.K. Kanayama |
6354, 1972, Hawaiian fish immigrants.
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41654 | Randall, J.E. and R.L. Pyle |
41654, 2001, Three new species of labrid fishes of the genus Cirrhilabrus from islands of the tropical Pacific.
Aqua J. Ichthyol. Aquat. Biol. 4(3):89-98. |
48242 | Randall, J.E. and R.L. Pyle |
48242, 2001, Four new serranid fishes of the anthiine genus Pseudanthias from the South Pacific.
Raffles Bull. Zool. 49(1):19-34. |
79009 | Randall, J.E. and R.L. Pyle |
79009, 2008, Synodus orientalis, a New Lizardfish (Aulopiformes: Synodontidae) from Taiwan and Japan, with Correction of the Asian Records of S. lobeli.
Zool. Stud. 47(5):657-662. |
9200 | Randall, J.E. and R.M. Pyle |
9200, 1989, Cirrhilabrus scottorum, a new labrid fish from the South Pacific Ocean.
Rev. Fr. Aquariol. 15(1988):113-118. |
40786 | Randall, J.E. and R.R. Holcom |
40786, 2001, Antennatus linearis, a new Indo-Pacific species of frogfish (Lophiiformes: Antennariidae).
Pac. Sci. 55(2):137-144. |
10373 | Randall, J.E. and R.W. Bruce |
10373, 1983, The parrotfishes of the subfamily Scarinae of the Western Indian Ocean with descriptions of three new species.
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82040 | Randall, J.E. and S. Lourie |
82040, 2009, Hippocampus tyro, a new seahorse (Gasterosteiformes: Syngnathidae) from the Seychelles.
Smithiana Bulletin 10:19-21. |
10649 | Randall, J.E. and S. Ralston |
10649, 1984, A new species of serranid fish of the genus Anthias from the Hawaiian Islands and Johnston Island.
Pac. Sci. 38(3):220-227. |
2745 | Randall, J.E. and S. Shen |
2745, 1978, A review of the labrid fishes of the genus Cirrhilabrus from Taiwan, with description of a new species.
Bull. Inst. Zool., Acad. Sinica 17(1):13-24. |
48236 | Randall, J.E. and S.G. Poss |
48236, 2002, Redescription of the Indo-Pacific scorpionfish Scorpaenopsis fowleri and reallocation to the genus Sebastapistes.
Pac. Sci. 56(1):57-64. |
10493 | Randall, J.E. and S.N. Swerdloff |
10493, 1973, A review of the damselfish genus Chromis from the Hawaiian Islands, with descriptions of three new species.
Pac. Sci. 27(4):327-349. |
10670 | Randall, J.E. and T. Shimizu |
10670, 1994, Plectranthias pelicieri, a new anthiine fish (Perciformes: Serranidae) from Mauritius, with notes on P. gardineri.
Jap. J. Ichthyol. 41(2):109-115. |
75638 | Randall, J.E. and T. Suzuki |
75638, 2008, Three new species of dartfishes of the gobioid genus Ptereleotris from the western Pacific.
Aqua Int. J. Ichthyol. 14(2):89-100. |
5277 | Randall, J.E. and T. Yamakawa |
5277, 1988, A new species of the labrid fish of the genus Hologymnosus from the Western Pacific, with notes on H. longipes.
Rev. Fr. Aquariol 15(1):25-30. |
12454 | Randall, J.E. and T. Yamakawa |
12454, 1996, Two new soldierfishes (Beryciformes: Holocentridae: Myripristis) from Japan.
Ichthyol. Res. 43(3):211-222. |
75889 | Randall, J.E. and T. Yamakawa |
75889, 2006, Parapercis phenax from Japan and P. banoni from the Southeast Atlantic, new species of Pinguipedid fishes previously identified as P. roseoviridis.
Zool. Stud. 45(1):1-10. |
2154 | Randall, J.E. and T.A. Adamsom |
2154, 1982, A review of the monotypic Indo-Malayan labrid fish genus Xenojulis.
Pac. Sci. 36(1):119-126. |
79000 | Randall, J.E. and T.A. Munroe |
79000, 2008, Soleichthys dori, a new sole (Pleuronectiformes: Soleidae) from the Red Sea.
Electronic Journal of Ichthyology vol. 2:76-84. |
40889 | Randall, J.E. and T.H. Fraser |
40889, 1999, Clarification of the western Pacific cardinalfish species Apogon trimaculatus and A. rhodopterus, with description of a similar new species.
Raffles Bull. Zool. 47(2):617-633. |
41635 | Randall, J.E. and U. Satapoomin |
41635, 1999, Archamia ataenia, a new species of cardinalfish (Perciformes: Apogonidae) from the Andaman Sea and Mentawai Islands.
Phuket Mar. Biol. Cent. Res. Bull. 62:1-8. |
41648 | Randall, J.E. and U. Satapoomin |
41648, 2000, Cephalopholis polyspila, a new species of grouper (Perciformes: Serranidae:Epinephelinae) from southwestern Thailand and Sumatra.
Phuket Mar. Biol. Cent. Res. Bull. 63:1-8. |
2747 | Randall, J.E. and V.C. Springer |
2747, 1973, The monotypic Indo-Pacific labrid fish genera Labrichthys and Diproctacanthus with description of a new related genus, Larabicus.
Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 86(23):279-298. |
6701 | Randall, J.E. and V.E. Brock |
6701, 1960, Observations on the ecology of Epinephelinae and lutjanid fishes of the Society Islands, with emphasis on food habits.
Trans. Am. Fish. Soc. 89(1):9-16. |
10486 | Randall, J.E. and V.G. Springer |
10486, 1975, Labroides pectoralis, a new species of labrid fish from the tropical western Pacific.
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10395 | Randall, J.E. and W. Klausewitz |
10395, 1977, Centropyge flavipectoralis, a new angelfish from Sri Lanka (Ceylon) (Pisces: Teleostei: Pomacanthidae).
Senckenbergiana biol. 57(4-6):235-240. |
10636 | Randall, J.E. and W. Klausewitz |
10636, 1986, Deep-water and deep-sea fishes from the Red Sea. XIV. New records of the serranid fish Epinephelus radiatus (Day) from the Red Sea and Gulf of Oman.
Senckenbergiana marit. 18(3/6):229-237. |
33530 | Randall, J.E. and W.D. Hartman |
33530, 1968, Sponge-feeding fishes of the West Indies.
Marine Biol. 1:216-225. |
10655 | Randall, J.E. and W.I. Follett |
10655, 1989, Diagnosis of the Hawaiian pomacentrid fish Chromis ovalis and its juveniles stages, with discussion of its challenged specific name.
Copeia 1989(4):847-849. |
6784 | Randall, J.E. and Y.H. Sinoto |
6784, 1978, Rapan fish names.
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81513 | Randall, J.E. and Z. Jaafar |
81513, 2009, Comparison of the Indo-Pacific shrimpgobies Amblyeleotris fasciata (Herre, 1953) and Amblyeleotris wheeleri Polunin & Lubbock, 1977.
Aqua, Int'l J. Ichthyol. 15(1):49-58. |
57581 | Randall, J.E., A. Ceae and R.M. Meléndez |
57581, 2005, Checklist of shore and epipelagic fishes of Easter Island, with twelve new records/.
Bol.del Museo nacional de Historia Natural, Chile 54:41-55. |
103841 | Randall, J.E., A.D. Connell and B.C. Victor |
103841, 2015, Review of the labrid fishes of the Indo-Pacific genus Pseudocris, a a description of two new species.
J. Ocean Sci. Found. 16:1-55. |
98397 | Randall, J.E., B.C. Victor, T.J. Alpermann, S.V. Bogorodsky, A.O. Mal, U. Satapoomin and K.K. Bineesh |
98397, 2014, Rebuttal to Koeda et al. (2014) on the Red Sea of fishes of the perciform genus Pempheris.
Zootaxa 3887(3):377-392. |
49111 | Randall, J.E., C.C. Baldwin and J.T. Williams |
49111, 2002, Pseudogramma xanthum, a new replacement name for a serranid fish from the subtropical South Pacific Ocean with description of the species.
Zootaxa 40:1-8. |
10656 | Randall, J.E., C.L. Smith and M.N. Feinberg |
10656, 1990, Report on fish collections from Rapa, French Polynesia.
Amer. Mus. Novitates (2966):1-44. |
3079 | Randall, J.E., D. Golani and A. Diamant |
3079, 1988, Sargocentron marisrubri, a new squirrelfish (Bericyformes: Holocentridae) from the Red Sea.
Isr. J. Zool. 35:187-197. |
10690 | Randall, J.E., D.F. Hoese and P. Last |
10690, 1993, On the status of the Australian serranid fishes Epinephelus ergastularius Whitley and E. thompsoni Whitley.
Rec. Aust. Mus. 45:25-31. |
526 | Randall, J.E., E.A. Lachner and T.H. Fraser |
526, 1985, Revision of the Indo-Pacific apogonid fish genus Pseudamia, with descriptions of three new species.
Indo-Pac. Fish. 6:1-23. |
10637 | Randall, J.E., E.A. Lachner and T.H. Fraser |
10637, 1986, Siphamia Weber, 1909 and Siphamia permutata Klausewitz, 1966 (Osteichthyes, Perciformes): proposed conservation by the suppression of Beanea Steindachner, 1902 and Beanea trivittata Steindachner, 1902. Z.N.(S.)2517.
Bull. Zool. Nom. 43(2):193-196. |
10619 | Randall, J.E., G.D. Johnson and G.R. Lowe |
10619, 1989, Triso, a new generic name for the serranid fish previously known as Trisotropis dermopterus, with comments on its relationships.
Jap. J. Ichthyol. 35(4):414-420. |
49349 | Randall, J.E., G.R. Allen and D.R. Robertson |
49349, 2003, Myripristis earlei, a new soldierfish (Beryciformes: Holocentridae) from the Marquesas and Phoenix islands.
Zool. Stud. 43(3):405-410. |
2334 | Randall, J.E., G.R. Allen and R.C. Steene |
2334, 1990, Fishes of the Great Barrier Reef and Coral Sea.
University of Hawaii Press, Honolulu, Hawaii. 506 p. |
27362 | Randall, J.E., G.R. Allen and R.C. Steene |
27362, 1997, Fishes of the Great Barrier Reef and Coral Sea. Second Edition. Revised and expanded edition.
Crawford House Publishing Pty Ltd. Bathurst, NSW, Australia. 557 p. |
6177 | Randall, J.E., G.R. Allen and W.D. Anderson Jr. |
6177, 1987, Revision of the Indo-Pacific lutjanid genus Pinjalo, with description of a new species.
Indo-Pac. Fish. (14):17 p. |
1715 | Randall, J.E., G.R. Allen and W.F. Smith-Vaniz |
1715, 1978, Illustrated identification guide to commercial fishes. Regional Fishery Survey and Development Project. Bahrain, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates.
UNDP/FAO F1:DP/RAB/71/278/3. 221 p. FAO, Rome. |
10672 | Randall, J.E., H. Ida and J.L. Earle |
10672, 1994, Ammodytoides pylei, a new species of sand lance (Ammodytidae) from the Hawaiian Islands.
Pac. Sci. 48(1):80-89. |
2693 | Randall, J.E., H. Ida and J.T. Moyer |
2693, 1981, A review of the damselfishes of the genus Chromis from Japan and Taiwan, with description of a new species.
Jap. J. Ichthyol. 28(3):203-242. |
26066 | Randall, J.E., H. Ida, K. Kato, R.L. Pyle and J.L. Earle |
26066, 1997, Annotated checklist of inshore fishes of the Ogasawara Islands.
Nat. Sci. Mus. Monogr. (11):1-74. |
75205 | Randall, J.E., H. Senou and T. Yoshino |
75205, 2008, Three new pinguipedid fishes of the genus Parapercis from Japan.
Bull. Natl. Mus. Nat. Sci. Ser. A. Suppl. 2:69-84. |
39775 | Randall, J.E., J.L. Earle and D.R. Robertson |
39775, 2002, Iniistius auropunctatus, a new razorfish (Perciformes: Labridae) from the Marquesas Islands.
Cybium 26(2):93-98. |
78585 | Randall, J.E., J.L. Earle and L.A. Rocha |
78585, 2008, Xyrichtys pastellus, a new razorfish from the southwest Pacific, with discussion of the related X. sciistius and X. woodi.
Aqua Int. J. Ichthyol. 14(3):149-158. |
7461 | Randall, J.E., J.L. Earle, R.L. Pyle, J.D. Parrish and T. Hayes |
7461, 1993, Annotated checklist of the fishes of Midway Atoll, Northwestern Hawaiian Islands.
Pac. Sci. 47(4):356-400. |
7490 | Randall, J.E., J.L. Earle, T. Hayes, C. Pittman, M. Severns and R.L.F. Smith |
7490, 1993, Eleven new records and validations of shore fishes from the Hawaiian Islands.
Pac. Sci. 47(3):222-239. |
83660 | Randall, J.E., J.T. Williams and L.A. Rocha |
83660, 2008, The Indo-Pacific tetraodontid fish Canthigaster coronata, a complex of three species.
Smithiana, Publ. Aquatic Biodiv. Bull. 9:3-13. |
53797 | Randall, J.E., J.T. Williams, D.G. Smith, M. Kulbicki, G.M. Tham, P. Labrosse, M. Kronen, E. Clua and B.S. Mann |
53797, 2003, Checklist of the shore and epipelagic fishes of Tonga.
Atoll Res. Bull. Nos. 502. |
6936 | Randall, J.E., K. Matsuura and A. Zama |
6936, 1978, A revision of the triggerfish genus Xanthichthys, with a description of a new species.
Bull. Mar. Sci. 28(4):688-706. |
58252 | Randall, J.E., K. Sakamoto and K. Shibukawa |
58252, 2007, Cabillus atripelvicus, a new species of gobiid fish from the Ogasawara Islands, with a key to species of the genus.
Ichthyol. Res. 54(1):38-43. |
50606 | Randall, J.E., K.-T. Shao and J.-P. Chen |
50606, 2003, A review of the Indo-Pacific gobiid fish genus Ctenogobiops, with descriptions of two new species.
Zool. Stud. 42(4):506-515. |
75863 | Randall, J.E., K.-T. Shao and J.-P. Chen |
75863, 2007, Two new shrimp gobies of the genus Ctenogobiops (Perciformes: Gobiidae), from the Western Pacific.
Zool. Stud. 46(1):26-34. |
13553 | Randall, J.E., L.A. Maugé and Y.B. Plessis |
13553, 1979, Two new anthiine fishes of the genus Holanthias from the southern and western Pacific.
Jap. J. Ichthyol. 26(1):15-25. |
26034 | Randall, J.E., L.A. Maugé and Y.B. Plessis |
26034, 1979, Two new anthiine fishes of the genus Holanthias from the southern and western Pacific.
Jap. J. Ichthyol. 26(1):15-25. |
10687 | Randall, J.E., M.L. Bauchot and P. Guézé |
10687, 1993, Upeneus japonicus (Houttuyn), a senior synonym of the Japanese goatfish U. bensasi (Temminck et Schlegel).
Jap. J. Ichthyol. 40(3):301-305. |
10662 | Randall, J.E., M.L. Bauchot, A. Ben-Tuvia and P.C. Heemstra |
10662, 1985, Cephalopholis argus Schneid., 1801 and C. sexmaculata (Rüppell, 1830) (Osteichthyes, Serranidae): proposed conservation by suppression of Bodianus guttatus Bloch, 1790, Anthias argus Bloch, 1792 and Serranus zanana ….
Bull. Zool. Nom. 42(4):374-378. |
56651 | Randall, J.E., M.W. Westneat and M.F. Gomon |
56651, 2003, Two new labrid fishes of the genus Oxycheilinus from the South Pacific.
Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. 54(20):361-370. |
10688 | Randall, J.E., N. Downing, L.J. McCarthy, B.E. Stanaland and A.B. Tarr |
10688, 1994, Fifty-one new records of fishes from the Arabian Gulf.
Fauna of Saudi Arabia 14:220-258. |
57556 | Randall, J.E., P.S. Lobel and C.W. Kennedy |
57556, 2005, Comparative ecology of the gobies Nes longus and Ctenogobius saepepallens both symbiotic with the snapping shrimp Alpheus floridanus.
Environ. Biol. Fish. 74:119-127. |
11013 | Randall, J.E., P.S. Lobel and E.H. Chave |
11013, 1985, Annotated checklist of the fishes of Johnston Island.
Pac. Sci. 39(1):24-80. |
48241 | Randall, J.E., R.F. Myers and R. Winterbottom |
48241, 2002, Melichthys indicus x M. vidua, a hybrid triggerfish (Tetraodontiformes: Balistidae) from Indonesia.
J. Ichthyol. Aquat. Biol. 5(2):77-80. |
57551 | Randall, J.E., R.F. Myers, M.N. Trevor, S.R. Johnson, J.L. Johnson, S. Yoshii and B.D. Greene |
57551, 2005, Ninety-one new records of fishes from the Marshall Islands.
Aqua J. Ichthyol. Aquat. Biol. 9(3):115-132. |
50741 | Randall, J.E., S.M. Head and A.P.L. Sanders |
50741, 1978, Food habits of the giant humphead wrasse, Cheilinus undulatus (Labridae).
Environ. Biol. Fish. 3(2):235-238. |
95111 | Randall, J.E., S.V. Bogorodsky and O. Mal |
95111, 2013, Four new soles (Pleuronectiformes: Soleidae) of the genus Aseraggodes from the western Indian Ocean.
J. Ocean. Sci. Found. 8:1-17. |
93732 | Randall, J.E., S.V. Bogorodsky, F. Krupp, J.M. Rose and R. Fricke |
93732, 2013, Epinephelus geoffroyi (Klunzinger, 1870) (Pisces: Serranidae), a valid species of grouper endemic to the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden.
Zootaxa 3641(5):524-532. |
94773 | Randall, J.E., S.V. Bogorodsky, T.J. Ampermann, U. Satapoomin, R.D. Mooi and A.O. Mal |
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38711 | Ruple, D.L, R.H. McMichael Jr. and J.A. Baker |
38711, 1984, Life history of the gulf darter, Etheostoma swaini (Pisces: Percidae).
Environ. Biol. Fish. 11(2):121-130. |
30374 | Rupp, R.S. |
30374, 1965, Shore-spawning and survival of eggs of the American smelt.
Trans. Am. Fish. Soc. 94(2):160-168. |
30367 | Rupp, R.S. and M.A. Redmond |
30367, 1966, Transfer studies of ecologic and genetic variations in the American smelt.
Ecology 47(2):253-115. |
50702 | Rüppell, E. |
50702, 1829, Beschreibung und Abbildung mehrerer neuer Fische, im Nil entdeckt.
Verlag der Brönner'schen Buchhandlung, Frankfurt am Main. 12 p. |
84051 | Rüppell, E. |
84051, 1832, Fortsetzung der Beschreibung und Abbildung mehrerer neuer Fische, im Nil entdeckt.
Heinrich Ludwig Brönner, Frankfurt am Mainz. 14 p. |
84080 | Rüppell, E. |
84080, 1836, Neuer Nachtrag von Beschreibungen und Abbildungen neuer Fische, im Nil entdeckt.
Mus. Senckenb., Frankfurt am Main. 28 p. |
421 | Rüppell, W.P.E.S. |
421, 1829, Atlas zu der Reise im nördlichen Afrika. Zoologie; Fische des rothen Meeres. (1828-1830).
Heinr. Ludw. Brönner, Frankfurt. 141 p. (Portions of this work were published in 1828 and 1829). |
459 | Rüppell, W.P.E.S. |
459, 1829, Atlas zu der Reise im nördlichen Afrika. Fische des Rothen Meeres, 2.
Frankfurt, Brönner Part II. pp. 27-94. |
580 | Rüppell, W.P.E.S. |
580, 1835, Neue Wirbelthiere zu der Fauna von Abyssinien gehörig. Fische des Rothen Meeres.
Siegmund Schmerber, Frankfurt am Main. 1-148 p., pls. 1-33. [1835:1-28, Pls. 1-7; 1836:29-52, Pls. 8-14; 1837:53-80, Pls. 15-21; 1838:81-148, Pls. 22-33.]. |
666 | Rüppell, W.P.E.S. |
666, 1828, Atlas zu der Reise im nördlichen Afrika. Fische des Rothen Meeres.
Frankfurt am Main. 141 p. (Part I (1828):1-26, Pls. 1-6; Part II (1829):27-94, Pls. 7-24; Part III (1830):95-141, Pls. 25-35). |
13099 | Rüppell, W.P.E.S. |
13099, 1830, Atlas zu der Reise im der nördlichen Afrika, Zoologie.
Fische des Rothen Meeres, 16:95-118. Frankfurt am MaIn Gedruckt und in Commission bei H.L. Brommer. |
40069 | Ruse, M. |
40069, 1995, Fishing for truth.
Environ. Biol. Fish. 43(4):415-416. |
845 | Rush, W. |
845, 1952, Observations of age and growth in the menhaden (Brevoortia tyrannus) as determined by scale determination.
Copeia 1952(3):208-209. |
86085 | Rush, W.H. Sr. |
86085, 1999, The species problem.
Creation Matters, Jan.-Feb., 4(1). |
5988 | Rusmadji and D. Nugroho |
5988, 1987, Maturity, sex ratio and length-weight relationship of Indian halibut (Psettodes erumei) in Tanjung Selatan waters, South Kalimantan.
J. Penelitian Perikanan Laut (38):69-76. (in Bahasa Indonesia). |
43875 | Russ, G.R. |
43875, 1989, Distribution and abundance of coral reef fishes in the Sumilon Island Reserve, central Philippines, after nine years of protection from fishing.
Asian Mar. Biol. 6:59-71. |
52545 | Russ, G.R. |
52545, 2003, Grazer biomass correlates more strongly with production than with biomass of algal turfs on a coral reef.
Coral Reefs 22:63-67. |
43573 | Russ, G.R. and A.C. Alcala |
43573, 1998, Natural fishing experiments in marine reserves 1983-1993: community and trophic responses.
Coral Reefs 17(4):383-397. |
43574 | Russ, G.R. and A.C. Alcala |
43574, 1998, Natural fishing experiments in marine reserves 1983-1993: roles of life history and fishing intensity in family responses.
Coral Reefs 17(4):399-416. |
67384 | Russ, G.R., A.C. Alcala and A.P. Maypa |
67384, 2003, Spillover from marine reserves: the case of Naso vlamingii at Apo Island, the Philippines.
Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 264:15-20. |
51578 | Russ, G.R., A.C. Alcala, A.P. Maypa, H.P. Calumpong and A.T. White |
51578, 2004, Marine Reserve benefits local fisheries.
Ecol. Appl. 14(2):597-606. |
96052 | Russ, G.R., B. Stockwell and A.C. Alcala |
96052, 2005, Inferring versus measuring rates of recovery in no-take marine reserves.
Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 292:1-12. |
56158 | Russ, G.R., D.C. Lou and B.P. Ferreira |
56158, 1995, A long-term study on population structure of the coral trout Plectropomus leopardus on reefs open and closed to fishing in the central Great Barrier Reef, Australia.
CRC reef Research Centre. Technical report No. 3. CRC Reef Research Centre, Townsville, 30 p. |
27878 | Russ, G.R., D.C. Lou, J.B. Higgs and B.P. Ferreira |
27878, 1998, Mortality rate of a cohort of the coral trout, Plectropomus leopardus, in zones of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park closed to fishing.
Mar. Freshwat. Res. 49:507-511. |
114027 | Russell, B., A. Lawrence, R. Myers, K.E. Carpenter and W.F. Smith-Vaniz |
114027, 2016, Pristipomoides multidens.
The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2016: e.T194387A2328825. Downloaded on 24 January 2017. |
112870 | Russell, B., K.E. Carpenter, D. Pollard, B.Q. Mann and C.D. Buxton |
112870, 2014, Lithognathus mormyrus.
The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2014: e.T170160A1284573. Downloaded on 03 November 2016. |
114540 | Russell, B., W.F. Smith-Vaniz, A. Lawrence, K.E. Carpenter and R. Myers |
114540, 2016, Lutjanus bohar.
The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2016: e.T194363A2321975. Downloaded on 21 February 2017. |
114545 | Russell, B., W.F. Smith-Vaniz, A. Lawrence, K.E. Carpenter and R. Myers |
114545, 2016, Lutjanus fulvus.
The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2016: e.T194377A2325959. Downloaded on 22 February 2017. |
114551 | Russell, B., W.F. Smith-Vaniz, A. Lawrence, K.E. Carpenter and R. Myers |
114551, 2016, Lutjanus gibbus.
The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2016: e.T194385A2328128. Downloaded on 22 February 2017. |
114223 | Russell, B., W.F. Smith-Vaniz, A. Lawrence, K.E. Carpenter, R. Myers and R. Thaman |
114223, 2016, Etelis coruscans.
The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2016: e.T194382A2327142. Downloaded on 07 February 2017. |
530 | Russell, B.C. |
530, 1985, Revision of the Indo-Pacific labrid fish genus Suezichthys, with descriptions of four new species.
Indo-Pac. Fish. (2):21 p. |
623 | Russell, B.C. |
623, 1983, Annotated checklist of the coral reef fishes in the Capricorn-Bunker Group, Great Barrier Reef, Australia.
Great Barrier Reef Mar. Pk. Authority, Spec. Pub. Ser. 1:1-184. |
3207 | Russell, B.C. |
3207, 1991, Description of a new species of Nemipterus (Pisces: Perciformes; Nemipteridae) from the Western Pacific, with re-descriptions of Nemipterus marginatus (Valenciennes), N. mesoprion (Bleeker) and N. nematopus (Bleeker).
J. Nat. Hist. 25:1379-1389. |
3810 | Russell, B.C. |
3810, 1990, FAO Species Catalogue. Vol. 12. Nemipterid fishes of the world. (Threadfin breams, whiptail breams, monocle breams, dwarf monocle breams, and coral breams). Family Nemipteridae. An annotated and illustrated catalogue of nemipterid species known to date.
FAO Fish. Synop. 125(12):149p. Rome: FAO. |
4427 | Russell, B.C. |
4427, 1986, Nemipteridae.
p. 600-601. In M.M. Smith and P.C. Heemstra (eds.) Smiths' sea fishes. Springer-Verlag, Berlin. |
4750 | Russell, B.C. |
4750, 1984, Nemipteridae.
In W. Fischer and G. Bianchi (eds.) FAO species identification sheets for fishery purposes. Western Indian Ocean fishing area 51. Vol. 3. |
4847 | Russell, B.C. |
4847, 1991, On the validity of Nemipterus furcosus (Valenciennes) (Nemipteridae).
Cybium 15(1):35-41. |
4853 | Russell, B.C. |
4853, 1990, A new species of Nemipterus (Pisces: Nemipteridae) from the south-western Pacific.
Beagle, Rec. North. Territ. Mus. Arts Sci. 7(2):35-38. |
9113 | Russell, B.C. |
9113, 1984, Chlorophthalmidae.
In W. Fischer and G. Bianchi (eds.) FAO species identification sheet for fishery purposes. Western Indian Ocean fishing area 51. Vol. 1. |
9785 | Russell, B.C. |
9785, 1997, Nemipteridae. Threadfin breams, whiptail breams, monocle breams, dwarf monocle breams and coral breams.
In K.E. Carpenter and V. Niem (eds.) FAO Identification Guide for Fishery Purposes. The Western Central Pacific. (in preparation). |
9809 | Russell, B.C. |
9809, 1993, A review of the threadfin breams of the genus Nemipterus (Nemipteridae) from Japan and Taiwan, with description of a new species.
Jap. J. Ichthyol. 39(4):295-310. |
9816 | Russell, B.C. |
9816, 1987, New Australian fishes. Part 20. A new species of Aplodactylus (Aplodactylidae).
Mem. Mus. Vic. 48(1):85-87. |
9817 | Russell, B.C. |
9817, 1987, Clarification of the use of the family name Synodontidae in the Myctophiformes and Siluriformes.
Copeia 1987(2):513-515. |
9923 | Russell, B.C. |
9923, 1986, Two new species of Parascolopsis (Piseces: Nemipteridae) from North-western Australia, Indonesia and the Philippines.
Beagle, Occas. Pap. North. Territ. Mus. Arts Sci. 3(1):137-142. |
26203 | Russell, B.C. |
26203, 1988, Revision of the labrid fish genus Pseudolabrus and allied genera.
Rec. Aust. Mus. (Suppl. 9):1-72. |
26270 | Russell, B.C. |
26270, 1996, Parascolopsis capitinis, a new species of nemipterid fish from Sri Lanka.
J. South Asian Nat. Hist. 2(1):63-66. |
26272 | Russell, B.C. |
26272, 1996, Type specimens of New Zealand fishes described by Captain F.W. Hutton, F.R.S. (1836-1905).
J. Royal Soc. N.Z. 26(2):215-236. |
26966 | Russell, B.C. |
26966, 1983, The food and feeding habits of rocky reef fish of north-eastern New Zealand.
N.Z. J. Mar. Freshwat. Res. 17(2):121-145. |
27212 | Russell, B.C. |
27212, 1971, Ecological relationships of rocky reef fishes of northeastern New Zealand.
M.Sc. thesis, Univ. Auckland. 220 p. |
38189 | Russell, B.C. |
38189, 1999, Synodontidae: lizardfishes (also bombay ducks, sauries).
p. 1928-1945. In K.E. Carpenter and V.H. Niem (eds.) FAO species identification guide for fishery purposes. The living marine resources of the Western Central Pacific. Vol. 3. Batoid fishes, chimaeras and bony fishes. Part 1 (Elopidae to Linophrynidae). FAO, Rome. pp. 1397-2068. |
39812 | Russell, B.C. |
39812, 1999, Bathysauridae: deepsea lizardfishes.
p. 1946-1947. In K.E. Carpenter and V.H. Niem (eds.) FAO species identification guide for fishery purposes. The living marine resources of the Western Central Pacific. Vol. 3. Batoid fishes, chimaeras and bony fishes. Part 1 (Elopidae to Linophrynidae). FAO, Rome. |
40768 | Russell, B.C. |
40768, 1971, Underwater observations on the reproductive activity of the demoiselle Chromis dispilus (Pisces: Pomacentridae).
Mar. Biol. 10:22-24. |
41514 | Russell, B.C. |
41514, 2000, Synodontidae (lizardfishes and bobay ducks).
p. 592. In J.E. Randall and K.K.P. Lim (eds.) A checklist of the fishes of the South China Sea. Raffles Bull. Zool. (8):569-667. |
48139 | Russell, B.C. |
48139, 2000, Synodontidae (lizardfishes and bobay ducks).
p. 592. In J.E. Randall and K.K.P. Lim (eds.) A checklist of the fishes of the South China Sea. Raffles Bull. Zool. (8):569-667. |
48034 | Russell, B.C. |
48034, 2000, Nemipteridae (threadfin breams and spinycheeks).
p. 620-621. In J.E. Randall and K.K.P. Lim (eds.) A checklist of the fishes of the South China Sea. Raffles Bull. Zool. (8):569-667. |
50779 | Russell, B.C. |
50779, 2003, Synodontidae. Lizardfishes.
p. 923-930. In K.E. Carpenter (ed.) FAO species identification guide for fishery purposes. The living marine resources of the Western Central Atlantic. Vol. 2: Bony fishes part 1 (Acipenseridae to Grammatidae). |
52967 | Russell, B.C. |
52967, 2003, Sphyraenidae. Barracudas.
p. 1807-1811. In K.E. Carpenter (ed.) FAO species identification guide for fishery purposes. The living marine resources of the Western Central Atlantic. Vol. 3: Bony fishes part 2 (Opistognathidae to Molidae), sea turtles and marine mammals. |
84154 | Russell, B.C. |
84154, 1971, A preliminary annotated checklist of fishes of the Poor Knights Islands.
Tane 17:81-90. |
84155 | Russell, B.C. |
84155, 2009, Early explorer-naturalist collectors in the Top End of the Northern Territory.
pp 83-94 In Reid B. (ed). Collectors & Museums. Two centuries of collecting in the Northern Territory. Historical Society of the Northern Territory, Darwin. |
84161 | Russell, B.C. |
84161, 1977, Sabre-teeth and poison-fanged blennies.
Oceans 1(2):66-69. |
84162 | Russell, B.C. |
84162, 1976, Disguise, defense and aggression.
Australian Nat. Hist. 18(9):324-329. |
84165 | Russell, B.C. |
84165, 1986, Review of the western Indian Ocean species of Nemipterus Swainson 1839, with description of a new species.
Senckenbergiana biol. 67(1/3):19-35. |
86913 | Russell, B.C. |
86913, 2000, Review of the southern temperate fish family Aplodactylidae (Pisces: Perciformes).
J. Nat. Hist. 34(1):2157-2171. |
88146 | Russell, B.C. |
88146, 2011, Saurida golanii, a new deep water lizardfish (Pisces: Synodontidae) from the Gulf of Aqaba, northern Red Sea.
Zootaxa 3098:21-25. |
101339 | Russell, B.C. |
101339, 2015, A new species of Saurida (Pisces: Synodontidae) from the Mascarene Plateau, Western Indian Ocean.
Zootaxa 3947(3):440-446. |
91628 | Russell, B.C. and A.C. Gill |
91628, 2012, The status of Pseudolabrus psittaculus (Richardson) and use of the name Pseudolabrus rubicundus (Macleay) for this species.
Cybium 36(2):353-356. |
9820 | Russell, B.C. and D. Golani |
9820, 1993, A review of the fish genus Parascolopsis (Nemipteridae) of the Western Indian Ocean, with description of a new species from the northern Red Sea.
Isr. J. Zool. 39:337-347. |
11302 | Russell, B.C. and J.E. Randall |
11302, 1980, The labrid fish genus Pseudolabrus from the islands of the southeastern Pacific, with description of a new species from Rapa.
Pac. Sci. 34(4):433-440. |
94255 | Russell, B.C. and M.T. Craig |
94255, 2013, Anampses viridis Valenciennes 1840 (Pisces: Labridae) - a case of taxonomic confusion and mistaken extinction.
Zootaxa 3722(1):083-091. |
93340 | Russell, B.C. and M.W. Westneat |
93340, 2013, A new species of Suezichthys (Teleostei: Perciformes: Labridae) from the southeastern Pacific, with a redefinition of the genus and a key to species.
Zootaxa 3640(1):088-094. |
26271 | Russell, B.C. and P.K. Chin |
26271, 1996, Parascolopsis melanophrys, a new species of dwarf monocle bream (Teleostei: Nemipteridae) from the Indo-Malayan Archipelago.
Raffles Bull. Zool. 44(2):415-418. |
9818 | Russell, B.C. and R.F. Cressey |
9818, 1979, Three new species of Indo-west Pacific lizardfish (Synodontidae).
Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 92(1):166-175. |
4852 | Russell, B.C. and T. Gloerfelt-Tarp |
4852, 1984, A new species of Parascolopsis (Pisces: Nemipteridae) from Indonesia.
Beagle 1(12):111-114. |
9819 | Russell, B.C. and W. Houston |
9819, 1989, Offshore fishes of the Arafura Sea.
Beagle 6(1):69-84. |
101631 | Russell, B.C., D. Golani and Y. Tikochinski |
101631, 2015, Saurida lessepsianus a new species of lizardfish (Pisces: Synodontidae) from the Red Sea and Mediterranean Sea, with a key to Saurida species in the Red Sea.
Zootaxa 3956(4):559-568. |
84156 | Russell, B.C., H.K. Larson, J.B. Hutchins and G.R. Allen |
84156, 2005, Reef fishes of Sahul Shelf.
The Beagle. Records of the Museums and Art Galleriesof the Northern Territory, Sippl. 1:83-105. |
84166 | Russell, B.C., K. Neil and R. Hilliard. |
84166, 2004, Ashmore Reef National Nature Reserve and Cartier Island Marine Reserve Marine and Terrestrial Introduced Species Prevention and Management Strategy.
Report to Environment Australia, Canberra. 136 pp. |
84167 | Russell, B.C., T.H. Fraser and H.K. Larson |
84167, 2010, Castelnau’s collection of Singapore fishes described by Pieter Bleeker.
Raffles Bull. Zool. 58(1):93-102. |
93175 | Russell, B.R. and D. Tweddle |
93175, 2013, A new species of Nemipterus (Pisces: Nemipteridae) from the Western Indian Ocean.
Zootaxa 3630(1):191-197. |
1679 | Russell, D. |
1679, 1803, Descriptions and figures of two hundred fishes collected at Vizagapatum on the coast of Coromandel. Volume 2.
East Indies Co., London. 85 p. |
4957 | Russell, D. |
4957, 1803, Descriptions and figures of two hundred fishes collected at Vizagapatum on the coast of Coromandel. Volume 1.
East Indies Co., London. |
27247 | Russell, D.J. |
27247, 1988, An assessment of the east Queensland inshore gill net fishery.
Queensland Department of Primary Industries, Information Series QI88024. 57 p. |
28131 | Russell, D.J. and R.N. Garrett |
28131, 1985, Early life history of barramundi, Lates calcarifer (Bloch), in north-eastern Queensland.
Aust. J. Mar. Freshwat. Res. 36(2):191-201. |
28743 | Russell, D.J. and R.N. Garrett |
28743, 1983, Use by juvenile barramundi, Lates calcarifer (Bloch), and other fishes of temporary supralittoral habitats in a tropical estuary in northern Australia.
Aust. J. Mar. Freshwat. Res. 34(5):805-811. |
42399 | Russell, D.J. and R.N. Garrett |
42399, 1988, Movements of juvenile barramundi, Lates calcarifer (Bloch), in north-eastern Queensland.
Aust. J. Mar. Freshwat. Res. 39:117-123. |
58698 | Russell, D.J., J.J. O'Brien and C. Longhurst |
58698, 1987, Barramundi egg and larval culture.
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37 | Russell, F.S. |
37, 1976, The eggs and planktonic stages of British marine fishes.
Academic Press, London, UK. 524 p. |
40659 | Russell, F.S. |
40659, 1935, The seasonal abundance and distribution of the pelagic young teleostean fishes caught in the ring-trawl in offshore waters in the Plymouth area. Part. II.
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31847 | Russell, I.A. |
31847, 1994, Mass mortality of marine and estuarine fish in Swartvlei and Wilderness Lake Systems, Southern Cape.
Sth. Afr. J. Aquat. Sci. 20(1/2):93-96. |
57466 | Russell, I.A. |
57466, 1999, Freshwater fish of the Addo Elephant National Park.
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41770 | Russell, N.R. and R.J. Wootton |
41770, 1992, Appetite and growth compensation in the European minnow, Phoxinus phoxinus (Cyprinidae), following short periods of food restriction.
Environ. Biol. Fish. 34(3):277-285. |
32912 | Russell, N.R., J.D. Fish and R.J. Wootton |
32912, 1996, Feeding and growth of juvenile sea bass: the effect of ration and temperature on growth rate and efficiency.
J. Fish Biol. 49(2):206-220. |
50610 | Russian Academy of Sciences |
50610, 2000, Catalog of vertebrates of Kamchatka and adjacent waters.
166 p. |
92762 | Russino, G.A., L.A. Chessa, G.F. Russo and L. Mazzella |
92762, 1991, New record of Epinephelus spp. (Osteichthyes, Serranidae), on the coast of Alghero (N.W. Sardinia - Italy).
In “Les espèces Marines à Protéger en Méditerranée”. Boudouresque C.F., Avon M., Gravez V. (ed), GIS Posidonie publ., Fr., 291-298. |
52374 | Russom, C.L. |
52374, 2002, Mining environmental toxicology information: web resources.
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53907 | Rustadbakken, A., J.H. L'Abee-Lund, J.V. Arnekleiv and M. Kraabol |
53907, 2004, Reproductive migration of brown trout in a small Norwegian river studies by telemetry.
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53878 | Rutaisire, J. and A.J. Booth |
53878, 2004, Induced ovulation, spawning, egg incubation, and hatching of the cyprinid fish Labeo victorianus in captivity.
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13462 | Rutherford, D.T. and C.C. Wood |
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13117 | Rutherford, D.T. et al. |
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49387 | Rutherford, E.S. and E.D. Houde |
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930 | Rutkowicz, S. |
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84168 | Rutkowicz, S. |
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4037 | Rutledge, W.P. and J.C. Barron |
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43608 | Rutledge, W.P. and M.A. Rimmer |
43608, 1991, Culture of larval sea bass, Lates calcarifer (Bloch), in saltwater rearing ponds in Queensland, Australia.
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40923 | Rutledge, W.R. and B.W. Lyons |
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95125 | Ruttan, L.M., F.C. Gayanilo Jr., U.R. Sumaila and D. Pauly |
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43335 | Ruttenberg, B.I. |
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55710 | Ruttenberg, B.I., A.J. Haupt, A.I. Chiriboga and R.R. Warner |
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1619 | Rutter, C.M. |
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43941 | Ruud, J.T. |
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