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Definition of Term

(english) Calcareous concretions in the ear capsules of bony fishes used for perception of acceleration including gravity. Also called 'ear bones', 'ear stones' or statoliths. These bones frequently show daily, seasonal or annual checks, rings or layers which can be used to determine ages. The lapillus lies in the utricle, the sagitta in the saccule, and the asteriscus in the lagena. See also otoconium and marginaria. (See also: age validation, VBGF)
(french) Concrétions calcaires dans les saccules de l'oreille des poissons osseux. Ces os montrent fréquemment des anneaux ou stries de croissance quotidiennes, saisonnières ou annuelles, qui peuvent être utilisées pour déterminer l'âge des poissons. (See also: age validation, VBGF)
(portuguese) Concreções cálcareas das cápsulas do ouvido dos peixes ósseos. Através da leitura dos anéis de crescimento diários, sasonais e anuais permitem determinar a idade do indivíduo. (See also: age validation, VBGF)

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