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Definition of Term

(english) The major bone of the pectoral girdle, extending upward from the pectoral fin base and forming the rear margin of the gill cavity, also: the principal bow-shaped bone of the prectoral girlde, dermal in origin, forming the rear margin of the gill cavity. It articulates dorsally with the supracleithrum and ventrally with the scapula and coracoid. (See also: pectoral girdle, gill, pectoral fins)
(french) L'os majeur de la ceinture pectorale, étendue de la base de la nageoire pectorale de bas en haut et forme la marge arrière de la cavité de la branchie. (See also: pectoral girdle, gill, pectoral fins)
(portuguese) O osso maior da cintura escapular. (See also: pectoral girdle, gill, pectoral fins)

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