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Definition of Term

(english) Literally 'head-foot'; animals such as squid and octopus whose tentacles converge at the head; a group of mollusks which have a tubular siphon under the head and a group of muscular suckered arms around the mouth. (See also: molluscs, squids, octopus)
(french) Littéralement 'tête-pied'; animaux tel que calmar et pieuvre dont les tentacules convergent à la tête; un groupe de mollusques qui ont un siphon tubulaire sous la tête et un groupe des bras drageonnés musclés autour de la bouche. (See also: molluscs, squids, octopus)
(portuguese) Literalmente 'cabeça nos pés'; moluscos como o polvo ou as lulas. (See also: molluscs, squids, octopus)

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