System Glossary
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Definition of Term

threatened species
(english) A U.S. technical classification referring to a species that is likely to become endangered within the foreseeable future, throughout all or a significant portion of its range. These species are defined as vulnerable taxa outside the United States by the IUCN.
espécie ameaçada
(portuguese) Classificação técnica americana que se refere a uma espécie que estará em perigo num futuro próximo, em parte ou numa parte significatica da sua distribuição. Estas espécies são chamadas fora dos EUA de espécies vulneráveis pelo IUCN.

Other Search Engines

European Environment Agency Glossary of the European Environmental Agency
Wikipedia The Free Encyclopedia
Encyclopedia Britannica Highly authoritative source
EPA Terms Glossary of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Google Search The largest Internet Search Engine
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eENVplus Thesaurus Thesaurus gathering glossaries for biodiversity, environment and biogeography
A-Z Biodiversity Terms Glossary providing definitions of terms, areas and acronyms related to biodiversity, commonly used, internationally recognized where possible, well referenced, and derived from legitimate sources
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