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Definition of Term

subopercle (View picture)
(english) An elongated and flat dermal bone which is one of the four bones comprising the operculum; lies below the opercle and forms the ventro-posterior margin of the operculum. (See also: operculum, ventral, posterior)
suboperculum (View picture)
(french) Os dermique étirés et plat qui est un des quatre os de l'opercule ; s'allonge en dessous de l'opercule et forme la marge ventro-postérieure de l'opercule. (See also: operculum, ventral, posterior)
subopérculo (View picture)
(portuguese) Osso longo e dérmico, um dos quatro que compõem o opérculo; está por baixo do opérculo e forma a sua margem ventro-posterior. (See also: operculum, ventral, posterior)

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