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Definition of Term

(english) 1) to add eggs, young or adults of a species to a body of water to increase the population of that species or growth rate of that or another species, 2) Group of individuals of a species which can be regarded as an entity for management or assessment purposes; a separate breeding population of a species; term used to identify a management unit of fishery species. A distinct genetic population, a population defined by movement pattern, part of a population potentially harvestable, or a quantity of fish from a given area. May be a total or a spawning stock. (See also: fishery, population, standing stock)
(portuguese) Grupo de indivíduos duma espécie que podem ser olhados como uma entidade para fins de gestão ou avaliação. (See also: fishery, population, standing stock)

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EPA Terms Glossary of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
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