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Definition of Term

(english) Seasonal migration undertaken by fish, usually as part of their life history, e.g., spawning run of gemfish; upstream migration of whitebait. Fishers may refer to increased catches as a `run' of fish, a usage often independent of their migratory behavior. Also used for transitional segments of streams, between a riffle and a pool, with moderate current and depth; for the direction in which netting is braided or for the regular movement of vessels between ports. (See also: life cycle, spawning, ripe fish)
(french) Migration saisonnière entreprise par les poissons, faisant partie de leur historique de la vie, par exemple, migration reproductive d'escolier ; migration à l'amont d'amellete. Les pêcheurs peuvent faire référence aux accrue prises comme un cours de poissons, un usage souvent indépendant de leur comportement migrateur. (See also: life cycle, spawning, ripe fish)
(portuguese) Migração sasonal dos peixes, normalmente fazendo parte do seu ciclo de vida. (See also: life cycle, spawning, ripe fish)

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