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Definition of Term

(english) Capable of being thrust out; describes the capacity of the upper jaw to project forward from the snout in fishes with jaws which are not bound to the snout by a frenum;, e.g. Emmelichthyidae and Gerreidae are capable of extensive forward protrusion of the jaws. (See also: snout, frenum, protrusile)
(french) Capacité de se projeter vers l'extérieur ; décrit la capacité de la mâchoire supérieure à être projetée, chez les poissons dont les mâchoires ne sont pas soudées au museau, par exemple chez les poissons des familles des Emmelichthyidae et Gerreidae. (See also: snout, frenum, protrusile)
(portuguese) Capaz de projecção; descreve a capacidade de projectar a mandíbula superior para a frente, nos peixes que não possuem frenum (estrutura que impede este movimento). Os Emmelichthyidae e os Gerreidae por exemplo efectuam este movimento extensamente. (See also: snout, frenum, protrusile)

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