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Definition of Term

preoperculo-mandibular canal
(english) That portion of the lateral line system on the head which begins near the center of the lateral canal, courses ventrally on the rear edge of the preopercle, and continues forward along the lower jaw to its tip. (See also: lateral line, lateral canal, preopercle)
canal préoperculo-mandibulaire
(french) Portion du système de la ligne latérale céphalique qui commence près du centre du canal latéral, suit le bord postérieur du préopercule ventralement, et continue vers l'avant jusqu'à la pointe de la mâchoire inférieure. (See also: lateral line, lateral canal, preopercle)
canal preopérculomandibular
(portuguese) Porção do sistema da linha lateral da cabeça que se inicia perto do centro do canal lateral, percorre ventralmente a margem posterior do pré-opérculo e continua para a frente ao longo da mandíbula inferior até ao se fim. (See also: lateral line, lateral canal, preopercle)

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