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Definition of Term

palatine (View picture)
(english) A paired lateral bone on the roof of the mouth lying between the vomer and the upper jaw; the presence or absence of teeth on this bone is important in the classification of fishes; the elongate bone on each side of the palate. Properly called the autopalatine since it has a double nature, being covered ventrally by the dermal dermopalatine, which is often dentigerous. The palatine is cartilaginous in Lepisosteus and in Amia the dermopalatine is independent, not fused to the autopalatine. (See also: palate, mouth, vomer)
palatin (View picture)
(french) Os latéraux pairs sur le toit de la cavité buccale, situés entre le vomer et la mâchoire supérieure ; la présence ou l'absence de dents sur ces os sont importantes dans la classification des poissons ; os allongés de chaque côté du palais. (See also: palate, mouth, vomer)
palatino (View picture)
(portuguese) Osso par situado no céu da boca entre o vómer e a mandíbula superior; osso alongado de cada lado do palato. (See also: palate, mouth, vomer)

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