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Definition of Term

(english) A line of considerable length, bearing numerous baited hooks, and which is usually set horizontally in the water column; used in snapper, grouper, ling and bluefin tuna fisheries. The line is set for varying periods up to several hours on the seafloor, or in the case of bluefin tuna, in surface waters. Also: a fishing line with baited hooks set at intervals on branch lines; it may be 150 km long and have several thousand hooks and can be on the sea bed or above it supported by floats. It may be anchored or drift free and is marked by floats. Also called line trawl. (See also: fishery, trawl, seine)
palangre ou longue ligne
(french) Ligne de grande longueur, portant de nombreux hameçons, et qui est généralement calée horizontalement dans la colonne de l'eau ; utilisée pour la pêche aux vivaneaux, mérous, lingues et thons rouges. La ligne est pour des durées de plusieurs heures, ou dans le cas de thon rouge, près de la surface d’eau. (See also: fishery, trawl, seine)
(portuguese) Linha de pesca de comprimento considerável com vários anzóis iscados. É colocada no fundo ou na coluna de água, consoante a espécie alvo, durante períodos de tempo variável. (See also: fishery, trawl, seine)

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