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Definition of Term

genital papilla
(english) A small, fleshy tube behind the anus in some fishes, from which the sperm or eggs are released; the sex of a fish often can be determined by the shape of its papilla. (See also: reproduction, egg, sperm)
papille génitale
(french) Petit tube charnu en arrière de l'anus chez certains poissons et qui permet la libération du sperme et des oeufs ; le sexe d'un poisson peut souvent être déterminé par la forme de sa papille génitale. (See also: reproduction, egg, sperm)
papila genital
(portuguese) Pequeno tubo carnudo existente atrás do ânus de alguns peixes, por onde são lançados o esperma ou os óvulos; pode-se determinar o sexo dum peixe pela sua forma. (See also: reproduction, egg, sperm)

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