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Definition of Term

catch per unit of effort
(english) Older term for the catch taken for a given amount of fishing effort expressed as a ratio; the more recent form is catch/effort (C/f), also: an older term for the catch in numbers or weight taken for a given amount of fishing effort over time using specific gear, expressed as a ratio. Often considered an index of fish biomass or abundance. May be used as a measure of economic efficiency of fishing. Also called fishing success, availability, catch per effort. Abbreviated as CPUE. (See also: fishing effort, VBGF)
capture par unité d'effort
(french) Plus vieux terme pour la prise pour un montant donné d'effort de la pêche exprimé comme une proportion; la forme plus récente est prise/effort (P/e). (See also: fishing effort, VBGF)
captura por unidade de esforço
(portuguese) Termo antigo para designar a captura por unidade de esforço, espressa numa taxa; a forma mais recente é captura/esforço (C/f). (See also: fishing effort, VBGF)

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