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Definition of Term

body depth (View picture)
(english) The vertical distance from the dorsal margin of the body to the ventral margin of the body measured at the base of the pectoral fin where it attaches to the body; fins or fin bases are not included in the measurement. In FishBase as in other works it is the greatest dimension, often reached in front of the dorsal fin. In some works this depth is measured at the origin of pectoral fins, pelvic fins and first anal fin. (See also: body length, morphometric, fins)
hauteur maximale du corps (View picture)
(french) Distance verticale de la marge dorsale à la marge ventrale du corps mesurée à partir de la base de la nageoire pectorale où elle s'attache au corps ; les nageoires ou les bases des nageoires ne sont pas incluses dans la mesure. (See also: body length, morphometric, fins)

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