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Definition of Term

adipose eyelid (View picture)
(english) An immovable transparent outer covering or partial covering of the eye of some groups of bony fishes, such as mullets and jacks, which serves protective and streamlining functions. May cover the eye in front and in back, leaving a vertically elongate central opening, or may cover the entire eye except for a small opening in the middle. (See also: adipose)
paupière adipeuse (View picture)
(french) Film externe, transparent fixe, ou partiel qui protège et carène l’oeil de quelques groupes de poissons osseux, tel que les rougets et les valets. Peut couvrir l'oeil devant et en arrière, laissant une ouverture centrale verticalement étendue ; ou peut couvrir l'oeil entier à l'exception d'une petite ouverture dans le milieu. (See also: adipose)
pálpebra adiposa (View picture)
(portuguese) Película fixa e transparente que cobre e protege o olho de alguns peixes. (See also: adipose)

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